Bearing : Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Teknik Sipil
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Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

2623-1409, 2085-6261

Norca Praditya ◽  
Efrilia Rahmadona ◽  
Sudarmadji Sudarmadji ◽  
Ade Surya Pratama

Sustainable Transportation is one of the embodiment of sustainable development, sustainable development puts forward the concept of eco-friendly urban, where the concept aims to balance the increasingly rapid development activities with an eco- friendly transportation system that is integrated with other modes of transportation, particularly the public transportation. Through this research, it is expected that it will become a reference for planning the development of bicycle routes and lanes in the city of Palembang. The research method used was a quantitative descriptive approach, data collection techniques conducted through a questionnaire survey, the total population was 966 cyclists, the sample taken for respondents with the Slovin formula was 478 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling, the results of data processing will be illustrated in tables and diagrams and calculations for the study of bicycle route lane using a matrix of origin and destination. Based on the questionnaire data obtained, from the survey results of 478 respondents, the percentage of cyclist was predominantly male and it was 91%, based on the analysis of activity patterns of folding cyclists, it indicated that the use of bicycle was 77% and it intended to the purpose of sports trips, 8% was for the purpose of recreation, 6% was for the purpose of daily activities, 5% was for the purpose of social travel, and the last 4% was for work purposes. 20% of folding cyclists were aimed to the short trips ? 10 km, while the use of bicycles for medium distances, which was around 10 km to 40 km, with the largest percentages was 38% and 32%. 68% of folding cyclist stated that the bicycle mode was the most economical mode of transportation. Dealing with the analysis for the opportunity to develop special bicycle routes and lanes, bicycle users were enthusiastic to obtain supporting facilities in the form of special bicycle lanes, 97% of cyclists agreed that a special bicycle lane must be provided. The selection of roads for bicycle routes was based on the calculation of the origin and destination matrix for the cyclists, the districts of the most potential cyclists were selected as starting and ending points for the bicycle route. Thus, 2 alternatives were selected for the special bicycle route. Key Words: sustainable transportation, characteristics, bicycle route, bicycle lane

RA Sri Martini ◽  
Sudirman Kimi ◽  
Sukma Mulya

Technological advances provide opportunities for construction workers to use heavy equipment as a substitute for manual equipment. Heavy equipment can be a solution to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work implementation, which can be seen in the cost calculation or unit price.It can be seen that alternative 3 uses 2 units of Kobelco PC-200 excavators, 4 units of 5 m3 dump trucks, these alternatives have the smallest time difference to the original conditions in the field. Therefore, it is very time efficient and fast to process and costs slightly increases and results in fast and efficient workmanship. It can be seen for the difference in costs of - 28,905,973 (- 26%) and the difference in total working time of -25 hours (- 40%). Referring to the description of the calculation of the comparison between the original conditions in the field with alternative calculations, if a minus (-) result is obtained then the work is faster. So it can be recommended to use alternative 3 to carry out soil removal work in the Wastewater Treatment Plant project. Palembang, South Sumatra.

Masri A Rivai ◽  
Zainul Bahri ◽  
Aziiz Yudhatama

The use of additional materials as a mixture in the manufacture of concrete is progressive. The materials used are also increasingly varied, depending on the expected results, the added material that will hopefully achieve the expected quality of the concrete is f'c 24.9 MPa This research aims to increase the percentage of concrete increase in the percentage of addition of sugar cane dust and palm shell ash.This research uses cylindrical specimens with a total of 42 specimens consisting of 2.5% and 5% bagasse ash and 0, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% palm shell ash as materials. alternative to the strength of the compressive strength test concrete for 28 days.Based on the results of testing the compressive strength of cylindrical concrete, it is concluded that the increase in compressive strength is the largest. can be obtained 5% bagasse ash and 5% palm shell ash with a characteristic value of f'C 26.31 Mpa for 28 daysKeywords: Concrete, bagasse ash, palm shell ash, compressive strength

Ahmad Junaidi

Beton ini biasanya digunakan untuk pelat lantai basement, pile cap, jalan serta pada jembatan. Karena sangat kuat dan kokoh. Memiliki komposisi dimana agregat kasar lebih banyak dari agregat halus. Berbagai penelitian dan percobaan dibidang beton dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas beton. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas beton dengan penggunaan bahan tambah.Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kuat tekan beton dengan menggunakan bahan campuran kawat bendrat dengan dua jenis bentuk yang berbeda yaitu 45° dan 90° serta membandingkannya dengan beton normal. Setelah umur 7, 14, dan 28 hari dilakukan kuat tekan dengan variasi yaitu Beton Normal Fc’30 dan Beton Normal + kawat bendrat 45° 6%, 8%,10% dan kawat bendrat 90° 6%, 8%,10% dengan 3 sampel pada setiap variasi.Setelah dilakukan uji kuat tekan beton, maka didapat kuat tekan beton normal yang sebesar 29,89 (N/mm2) pada umur 28 hari. Pada penambahan kawat bendrat 45° 8% dihasilkan sebesar 32.88, (N/mm2), dan peningkatan kuat tekan beton umur 28 hari tertinggi terjadi pada campuran variasi beton normal + kawat bendrat 45° 6% dengan presentase 2.44%. Sedangkan pada variasi campuran beton normal + kawat bendrat 45° 10% mengalami penurunan sebesar 1.90%. Terbukti bahwa campuran variasi beton terbaik itu terjadi pada variasi campuran beton normal + kawat bendrat 45° 8% sebesar 7,38%.Kata kunci : Kawat Bendrat berkait (Hooked)

Erny Agusri ◽  
Wahyu Pratama Jaya

Quickcure CX is a chemical for concrete designed using the latest technological innovations, this added material can accelerate and increase the compressive strength of concrete by 5 - 10% and can reduce the moisture content in the concrete mixture by 5 - 10%. The purpose of this study was to increase and accelerate the effect of the compressive strength value of concrete produced by Quickcure CX added material on K-500 concrete.The research sample is a cube-shaped test object with a size of 15cmx15cmx15cm. There are 4 sample variations, namely: Normal Concrete, Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.25%, Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.45%, and Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65%, each variation consisting of 15 samples.After conducting the concrete compressive strength test, this study obtained the highest average compressive strength test results in Normal Concrete (503.2kg / cm2), Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.25% (513.8kg / cm2), Normal Concrete + Quickcure 0.45% (536.4kg / cm2) and Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65% at 551.6kg / cm2 at the age of 28 days. So of the 4 variations in the value of the compressive strength test of concrete, it still increases in Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65%, and accelerating the concrete does not accelerate because the average age is 21 days with a variation of Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65% with a value of 488.8 kg / cm2 so the concrete has not reached the compressive strength that was planned.Keywords: Concrete, Quikcure CX, Compressive Strength, K-500

Zainul Bahri ◽  
Nurnilam Oemiati

Sungai Lematang memiliki panjang 244 km merupakan salah satu sungai terpanjang di Sumatera Selatan. Bantaran Sungai Lematang pun tak luput dari fenomena erosi. Dampak dari erosi ini dapat mengakibatkan gerusan pada lereng sungai. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian penyebab terjadinya gerusan pada sungai tersebut, Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan perhitungan kecepatan aliran sungai dengan metode apung, dan rumus Manning. Untuk stabilitas lereng menggunakan metode Fellenius. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan aliran (Vlapangan) = 0,64 m/detik dan kecepatan aliran perhitunganVperhitungan= 0,61 meter/ detik > Vc dengan syarat batas terendah 0,60 m/detik, menunjukkan bahwa lereng di daerah tersebut mengalami penggerusan. Nilai stabilitas lereng sebesar 0,23 < 1,5 yang berarti lereng tidak stabil. Kata Kunci : Kecepatan aliran, gerusan lereng sungai.

Matsyuri Ayat

The use of bricks in the world of construction, both as structural and non-structural elements, cannot be replaced. This can be seen from the many construction projects that use bricks as walls in building and housing construction, fences, channels, and foundations. Bricks are made from a mixture of soil and water. In this study, the process of making bricks will be tried to mix the soil with the additional material of rice husk ash to determine the effect of changes in the mechanical properties of the bricks in terms of the shrinkage test and compressive strength test. The soil sample used is a type of clay soil originating from Suakarsa Village, Teluk Gelam District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This study used a sample of block-shaped bricks with a length of 19.5 cm, a width of 9.5 cm, and a height of 9 cm. The variations in the composition of rice husk ash added were 0%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6%. The addition of rice husk ash with a composition percentage of 3% to 6% can affect the mechanical properties of the bricks, namely reducing burnt losses and increasing the compressive strength of the bricks. The minimum burn value was achieved in the percentage of rice husk ash with a variation of 6%, namely by 37.55% burn loss. The optimum compressive strength value is achieved in the percentage of rice husk ash with a variation of 3% with 14 days of age, the compressive strength value is 76.88 Kg / cm². Key Words : Bricks, Rice Husk Ash, Compressive Strength.

David Malaiholo ◽  
M. Adib Kurniawan ◽  
Hana Wardani

Untuk menunjang transportasi dalam suatu wilayah sangat diperlukan pembangunan jembatan yang nantinya akan menunjang perekonomian dalam kawasan tersebut. Didalam pembangunan jembatan perlu memperhatikan banyak faktor, salah satunya biaya yang dianggarakan. Kementerian Perhubungan melalui DAOP 7 Madiun menghibahkan kepada Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia (PPI) Madiun berupa bongkaran dari jembatan Kertosono Sembung BH-259 yang diharapkan dapat menunjang aktivitas pembelajaran khusunya kegiatan praktikum lapangan dibidang jembatan. rencana anggaran biaya memegang peranan penting dalam suatu rangkaian kegiatan dimana rencana anggaran biaya menjadi tolak ukur dalam penentuan besaran dana yang akan dikerjakan. Untuk mendapatkan Rencana Anggaran Biaya Perencanaan Pembangunan Struktur Atas Jembatan Kereta Api Pada PPI Madiun dibagi atas perhitungan umum, perhitungan struktur atas jembatan dan perhitungan lainnya. Dibutuhkan biaya untuk menyelesaikan perencanaan pembangunan struktur atas jembatan sebesar Rp. 3.503.773.959 (tiga milyar lima ratus tiga juta tujuh ratus tujuh puluh tiga ribu sembilan ratus lima puluh sembilan rupiah). Kata Kunci: Jembatan, Rencana Anggaran Biaya, Struktur Atas Jembatan

Erny Agusri ◽  
Fajriyansyah Efranda

Pada penelitian ini penulis mengambil fly ash dan serbuk kaca sebagai bahan tambah pada campuran beton. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan fly ash dan serbuk kaca terhadap kuat tekan beton K-300. Penelitian ini menggunakan benda uji berbentuk kubus dengan ukuran 15x15x15. Jumlah keseluruan benda uji pada penelitian ini sebanyak 45 sempel, masingmasing 9 sempel benda uji pada 5 variasi yaitu beton normal, beton normal + fly ash 14% + serbuk kaca 18%, beton normal + fly ash 15% + serbuk kaca 18%, beton normal + fly ash 16% + serbuk kaca 18% dan beton normal + fly ash 17% + serbuk kaca 18%. Setelah dilakukan uji kuat tekan beton, maka kuat tekan beton karakteristik pada penambahan fly ash 14 % dan serbuk kaca 18% didapat nilai kuat tekan beton maksimum sebesar 180, 55 Kg/Cm2 pada umur 3 hari, 252,59 Kg/Cm2 pada umur 14 hari, dan 355,30 Kg/Cm2 pada umur 28 hari. Hasil tersebut melebihi nilai kuat tekan karakteristik beton normal dan menunjukkan bahwa fly ash dan sebuk kaca meningkatkan kuat tekan beton. Terjadi pengaruh yang kuat dari penambahan fly ash dan serbuk kaca dengan variasi penambahn dan umur beton tertentu.

RA Sri Martini ◽  
Mira Setiawati ◽  
Fathur Nauvaliyanto

Multi-storey buildings are vertical buildings that are made to meet human needs as places of education, government, commerce, sports facilities and others. As the development of science and technology, especially in the field of civil engineering, many computer programs have been developed to help in analyzing and designing a building structure. There are several computer programs developed to analyze and design structures, including SAP 2000 (Structural Analysis Program), with this program, it will be easier for writers to plan a building.The research carried out was to plan the structure of a six-story hotel building. This hotel building is the object of research planned by the author and was designed using the help of the SAP2000 program. Building design planning only includes planning beams and columns. In this plan the writer uses references such as regulations, PPPURG 1987, SNI 03-2847-2002, SNI - 1726 - 2002The results of the design of the hotel building structure used three variations that have the results of column K1 used size 45 cm x 45 cm, reinforcement base 12 D16 and stirrup reinforcement ?10-90, column K2 used size 35 cm x 35 cm, base reinforcement 8 D16 and stirrup reinforcement ?10-90, B1 beam used size 20 cm x 40 cm, support reinforcement 7 D14, field reinforcement 7 D14, waistline 2 D12, and support stirrup reinforcement ?10-80 and field stirrup ?10-170, beam B2 used size 15 cm x 20 cm, 75D14 support reinforcement, 5 D14 field reinforcement, 2 D12 waistline, and pedestal stirrup ulangan10-30 and field stirrup ?10-70

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