2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Ririn Marliani ◽  
Kuwat Santoso

The need for accurate and fast data processing on Koperasi inventory information system in Brimob Polda Jabar Jatinangor is needed in supporting business processes and reporting. Inventory management is still done manually and has not been done computerized. System design method that is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) with the system design model used to help facilitate the development of the system, where each stage must be completed first before continuing the next phases. System design tools using Flow Map, Data Flow Diagram, Structure Chart, Data Dictionary and Entity Relationship Diagram.Koperasi inventory information system in Brimob Polda Jabar Jatinangor implemented with programming languages Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Access 2010 database.Therefore, information on the supply of cooperative goods in Brimob Polda Jabar Jatinangor expected to assist the Koperasi in processing the data and the process of selling, purchasing, and credit payments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Daryono Daryono

ABSTRAKSI Pengembangan Sistem Informasi  Nilai Raport pada SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta. merupakan suatu sistem yang memberikan  informasi tentang Nilai Raport yang cepat dan akurat berbasis web lokal, sehingga membantu kecepatan  dan kualitas  dalam penyampaian  informasi. menu hanya  dapat  diakses  oleh  user  tertentu yaitu, Guru atau walikelas dan administrator.Pada hasil penelitian ini telah dikembangkan sebuah Sistem Informasi Nilai Raport pada SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari Wawancara , Pengamatan (observasi), Studi pustaka, Pengumpulan data, Tahap analisa, Rancangan sistem, Pembuatan program, Uji coba, Tahap Uji Implementasi. Dimana  dalam  membangun sistem  ini  digunakan alat bantu pengembangan sistem yaitu Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)dan  Flowchart  serta  dengan  menggunakan  bahasa  pemrograman  PHP  dan HTML  dan  MySQL  sebagai databasenya Sistem informasi sekolah berbasis web lokal ini dirancang sebagai solusi bagi pihak SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta, untuk Pengelolaan nilai raport, mulai dari mengentri, menyimpan, mengolah, dan mencetak nilai rapor.     Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, PHP, HTML.    ABSTRACT Development of Report Card Value Information Systems at Surakarta State Middle School 12. is a system that provides information about report cards that are fast and accurate based on local web, thus helping speed and quality in delivering information. the menu can only be accessed by certain users, namely, teacher and administrator.The results of this study have developed a Report Card Value Information System at Surakarta State Middle School 12. The research method used by the author in this study consisted of interviews, observations (observations), literature studies, data collection, analysis phase, system design, making programs, trials, implementation test stages. Where in building this system used system development tools namely Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) and Flowcharts and by using the PHP and HTML programming languages and MySQL as the database This web-based local school information system is designed as a solution for parties SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta, for managing report card grades, ranging from entry, storing, processing, and printing report cards.   Keywords : Information System, PHP, HTML. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Reza Sangga Rasefta ◽  
Shinta Esabella

This study aims to design and build a Web-Based Academic Information System of SMK Negeri 3 Sumbawa in order to (1) Assist Curriculum section work in managing school academic information which was previously still manual by printing and pasting on the bulletin board, so that the information system built makes curriculum part work is more effective and efficient. (2) Facilitate students and teachers in obtaining schoolrelated academic information such as student data, teacher data, lesson schedules, value data whenever needed. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. The use of descriptive type is intended as a problem-solving procedure that is investigated by describing the state of the subject and object under study at present based on facts that are visible and as they are. Development of information systems with PHP programming languages and MySQL databases. In this study using the method of software development extreme programming, data collection methods with observation, interviews, and literature studies, system modeling using a structured model namely ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) and DFD (Data Flow Diagram), while testing the system with the black box method testing is testing the system in terms of functionality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Toufiq Agung Pratomo Sugito Putra ◽  
Muhamad Ardi Nupi Hasyim

The development of accounting information technology has actually been going on for a long time. This is because the use of technology in accounting can save time and costs and the use of technology in accounting is considered very efficient. In order to provide accounting information, an information system known as the Accounting Information System (SIA) was created. A good accounting information system requires a good system design too. At  Cooperative, data processing is still done manually using Microsoft Excel, which makes this cooperative vulnerable to recording errors. Apart from errors in recording, delays in delivering information can also occur due to ineffective recording. Therefore, this cooperative needs to use a cooperative accounting information system. Which this system will later be able to assist the cooperative in carrying out the existing transaction process in the cooperative effectively and efficiently and well computerized. Based on this, this study aims to determine the financial reporting accounting information system that has been implemented by the Cooperative and to design an application-based savings and loan cooperative financial reporting accounting information system in accordance with the needs of Cooperative. This study used qualitative and experimental methods, while the application design method used was a waterfall. The system development method used in this research is Netbeans IDE with Java programming language and Mysql as database storage and iReport to design financial statements.The results obtained from the analysis and design carried out is an accounting information system design that is able to support the operational needs of Cooperative. The superiority of the resulting system is that there is a treasurer who specifically manages the finances of the Cooperative so that the process of recording financial reporting runs effectively and efficiently which has been designed according to the needs of Cooperative

Rizki Hardian Sakti ◽  
Elfi Tasrif

In this modern era today, information technology had become a thing where the society have to be cultivated. The development of information technology was currently running very fast and played an important role in various ways. Computers were one of the important parts in improving information technology. This research aimed to design a tool to be able to assist students in obtaining information in an accurate and effective manner. The design of this information system used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method which was a common methodology in system development and design. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) had six phases, are namely: identification, initiation and project design, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. The design carried out were the design and normalization of the database, Entity Relations Diagram (ERD), and system design. The system design had Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Class Diagram.Keywords: Information System, System Development Life Cycle, Electonic

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ardiawan Rivaldi ◽  
Bambang Hadi Kartiko ◽  
Gerson Feoh

ABSTRACT<br />Recording and processing data of mother and child in health book (KIA) at Sumbersari Public<br />Health Center is still done manually by handwriting. Manual KIA book recording has an impact<br />on the quality of information contained in KIA books that are not presented optimally. This<br />resulted in inhibition of health services and complete immunization to mothers and children, as<br />well as delays in the process of reporting by health personnel. In connection with this, the current<br />study was conducted to design and implement the application of maternal and child health<br />recording data based on android system. This application design method uses system development<br />life cycle which consists of planning, analysis, design, implementation and usage. The design of<br />this application using logic modeling by creating context diagrams, data flow diagrams, and entity<br />relationship diagrams. The application is made with android operating system version 6.0.1, and<br />uses java based eclipse, with Angular JS as a web-based framework. This application has the<br />ability or features to record patient demographic data, maternal and child health development<br />checks, medications and vaccines, and periodically display charts and tables of maternal and child<br />health. This android based application can be used by midwives and integrated health service<br />cadres with online system.<br />Keywords: Maternal and Child Development, Android.<br />ABSTRAK<br />Kegiatan pencatatan dan pengolahan data buku kesehatan ibu dan anak (KIA) di puskesmas<br />Sumbersari dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan tulisan tangan. Pencatatan buku KIA<br />secara manual berdampak terhadap kualitas informasi yang dimuat dalam buku KIA yang tidak<br />tersaji secara optimal. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan terhambatnya pelayanan kesehatan dan<br />imunisasi lengkap kepada ibu maupun anak, serta tertundanya proses pembuatan laporan oleh<br />tenaga kesehatan. Sehubungan dengan hal ini, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang dan<br />mengimplementasikan aplikasi pencatatan perkembangan kesehatan ibu dan anak berbasis<br />android. Metode perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem yang<br />terdiri atas tahap perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi dan penggunaan. Perancangan<br />aplikasi ini menggunakan pemodelan lojik dengan membuat diagram konteks, data flow diagram,<br />dan entity relationship diagram. Aplikasi dibuat dengan sistem operasi android versi 6.0.1, dan<br />menggunakan eclipse berbasis java, dengan Angular JS sebagai framework berbasis web. Aplikasi<br />ini memiliki kemampuan atau fitur untuk mencatat data demografi pasien, hasil pemeriksaan<br />perkembangan kesehatan ibu dan anak, obat dan vaksin, serta menampilkan grafik dan tabel<br />perkembangan kesehatan ibu dan anak secara berkala. Aplikasi ini berbasis android, yang dapat<br />digunakan oleh bidan dan kader posyandu secara online.<br />Kata Kunci : Perekembangan Ibu dan Anak, Android.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Epson Thrismono

SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Rancaekek is a high school private school located in West Java Province, Bandung. This school uses Islamic Religion as the main hand of religious education. Which is located at Jl. Raya Rancaekek Majalaya No. 85 Rancaekek, Established in 1976 by the Primary and Secondary Education Section of the Branch of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.The research method used in this research is descriptive descriptive method and system development method used to support the preparation of this Final Project report in describing the data flow that is by using Waterfall method or System Development Life Cyle (system development life cycle). The tools used in system design are DFD, data flow level diagram, flow chart (Flow Map), and ER diagram (Entity Relationship).The design of this information system using tools such as Flow Map, Data Flow Diagram, Structure Chart and Diagran ER. The design results are applied in Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9.0 Programming. In this designed system is expected to Minimize the occurrence of duplication of student data and To facilitate the officer to make report selection, pendaftarn and payment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Hui Qian

This paper provides an indepth analysis and research on the intelligent management and monitoring system of sports training hall through the Internet of Things. Firstly, it introduces the project background of the sports training base stadium service system, analyses the significance of the system development, and describes the related technology and the method of development. The paper then analyses the requirements of the management business of the system and describes the main business processes of the system with activity diagrams; the paper then analyses the functional requirements and data requirements of the system and describes the system with use case diagrams and thumbnail class diagrams, respectively. Based on this, the thesis designs the overall aspect of the system, giving the corresponding total package diagram, and designs all functions one by one, giving the corresponding class diagram, the corresponding sequence diagram, and the corresponding processing flow diagram. The thesis gives the design of database tables by designing entity property diagrams and entity-to-entity relationship diagrams according to the data requirements and system functions. Finally, the research of the thesis is summarized accordingly, stating what has been done, what results have been achieved, what problems still exist, and what further work needs to be done to make the outlook of the work.

Arfan Sansprayada ◽  
Kartika Mariskhana

Abstract—The need for information system development in a company is a basic requirement that must be met by each company in order to run its business processes properly. This is the basic key in a company in order to provide maximum results to find as many profits or profits. Application development or requirements in the application also provide speed for employees to carry out their activities to work properly and optimally. The development of the era requires that companies must be productive and have innovations so that the business wheel of the company can run well. This is based on the development of technology that is so fast that it requires special expertise in its application. This research is expected to be able to help some problems that exist in a company. Where its application can make it easier for employees to carry out their respective duties and roles in order to maximize their potential. For companies, the application of this application can accommodate the company's business wheels so that they can be properly and correctly documented .   Keywords : Systems, Information, Applications

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-19
Yohannes Kurniawan ◽  
Janastasha Christie Parapaga

The research goal is to identify and analyze the need of accounting information system related to the revenue cycle at PT XYZ. This paper designing the useful of accounting information systems to support the current business processes, especially on the revenue cycle process. The design method is an Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) which refers to the modeling and design requirements discipline. And the result achieved by analysis and design of accounting information systems can support current activities of the revenue cycle, especially for the documentation and store of transaction data, and generate reports in accordance with company requirements. Conclusions derived from the analysis and design is the implementation of a webbased application that can help PT XYZ to do the work in different places, such as marketing office, head office and especially at the exhibition. Index Terms - Accounting Information System, revenue cycle, OOAD 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Mohamad Siraji ◽  
Heri Kuswara

Medical record is a file that contains records and documents about patient identity, examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been provided to patients in health care facilities. Problems that occur in the Clinic PT. Nippon Paint Jakarta is an ineffective and efficient management of medical data. This information system aims to manage medical data quickly and accurately. This system development method uses SDLC by making UML diagrams such as use case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams, entity relationship diagrams as stages of system design. This information system is based on WEB using the PHP programming language supported by SQL database. The results of the design of this system are expected to be one of the solutions to the problems that have occurred so far.   Keywords: Clinic, Medical Records, Informations Systems     Abstrak   Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisi catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan dan pelayanan lain yang telah diberikan kepada pasien pada sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Klinik PT. Nippon Paint Jakarta yaitu pengelolaan data medis yang kurang efektif dan efisien. Sistem informasi ini bertujuan supaya pengelolaan data medis dapat berjalan dengan cepat dan tepat. Metode pengembangan sistem ini menggunakan SDLC dengan membuat diagram-diagram UML seperti use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, entity relationship diagram sebagai tahapan perancangan sistem. Sistem informasi ini dibuat dengan berbasis WEB menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP yang didukung basis data SQL. Hasil rancang bangun sistem ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi selama ini.   Kata kunci: Klinik, Rekam Medis, Sistem Informasi

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