2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Hari Yeni

AbstrakSektor pariwisata dan kebudayaan, pasar UMKN, pertanian dan perkebunan, perikanan dan kelautan merupakan salah satu sektor pemerintahan yang membutuhkan sarana promosi yang efektif. Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, yang diberikan mandat melayani, merencanakan, mengembangkan, mengawasi dan mengendalikan serta mempromosikan potensi dan peluang investasi sebanyak mungkin untuk menarik minat investor yang pada gilirannya dapat meningkatkan investasi di Sulawesi Barat. Untuk memudahkan calon investor mengakses informasi, maka dirancang aplikasi yang mengimplementasikan web service dengan memanfaatkan gmaps berbasis android. Aplikasi ini berjalan pada platform android dan berintegrasi dengan aplikasi yang berada di server. Server dibangun berbasis web yang memanfaatkan web service. Aplikasi ini juga  memanfaatkan gmaps sehingga memudahkan user menemukan lokasi potensi investasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam merancang aplikasi adalah PHP Native, sedangkan untuk bahasa pemrogramannya menggunakan PHP dan Notepad­­++ sebagai aplikasi editor. Implementasi dari aplikasi ini disertai dengan pengujian blackbox.Kata kunci: Promosi, Web Service, Gmaps, AndroidAbstractThe tourism and culture sector, the UMKN market, agriculture and plantations, fisheries and marine are one of the government sectors that need effective promotional tools. One Door Investment and Integrated Services Office of West Sulawesi Province, which is mandated to serve, plan, develop, supervise and control and promote investment potential and opportunities as much as possible to attract investor interest which in turn can increase investment in West Sulawesi. To make it easier for potential investors to access information, an application is designed that implements web service by utilizing Android-based gmaps. This application runs on the Android platform and integrates with applications that are on the server. The server is built based on the web that utilizes web services. This application also utilizes gmaps, making it easier for users to find potential investment locations.The study was conducted using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The software used in designing applications is PHP Native, while for programming languages using PHP and Notepad++ as the editor application. The implementation of this application is accompanied by blackbox testing.Keywords: Promotion, Web Service, Gmaps, Android

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
Sawsan Ali Hamid ◽  
Rana Alauldeen Abdalrahman ◽  
Inam Abdullah Lafta ◽  
Israa Al Barazanchi

Recently, web services have presented a new and evolving model for constructing the distributed system. The meteoric growth of the Web over the last few years proves the efficacy of using simple protocols over the Internet as the basis for a large number of web services and applications. Web service is a modern technology of web, which can be defined as software applications with a programmatic interface based on Internet protocol. Web services became common in the applications of the web by the help of Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration; Web Service Description Language and Simple Object Access Protocol. The architecture of web services refers to a collection of conceptual components in which common sets of standard can be defined among interoperating components. Nevertheless, the existing Web service's architecture is not impervious to some challenges, such as security problems, and the quality of services. Against this backdrop, the present study will provide an overview of these issues. Therefore, it aims to propose web services architecture model to support distributed system in terms of application and issues.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-200 ◽  
Sanjay Garg ◽  
Kirit Modi ◽  
Sanjay Chaudhary

Purpose Web services play vital role in the development of emerging technologies such as Cloud computing and Internet of Things. Although, there is a close relationship among the discovery, selection and composition tasks of Web services, research community has treated these challenges at individual level rather to focus on them collectively for developing efficient solution, which is the purpose of this work. This paper aims to propose an approach to integrate the service discovery, selection and composition of Semantic Web services on runtime basis. Design/methodology/approach The proposed approach defined as a quality of service (QoS)-aware approach is based on QoS model to perform discovery, selection and composition tasks at runtime to enhance the user satisfaction and quality guarantee by incorporating non-functional parameters such as response time and throughput with the Web services and user request. In this paper, the proposed approach is based on ontology for semantic description of Web services, which provides interoperability and automation in the Web services tasks. Findings This work proposed an integrated framework of Web service discovery, selection and composition which supports end user to search, select and compose the Web services at runtime using semantic description and non-functional requirements. The proposed approach is evaluated by various data sets from the Web Service Challenge 2009 (WSC-2009) to show the efficiency of this work. A use case scenario of Healthcare Information System is implemented using proposed work to demonstrate the usability and requirement the proposed approach. Originality/value The main contribution of this paper is to develop an integrated approach of Semantic Web services discovery, selection and composition by using the non-functional requirements.

2021 ◽  
Kian Farsandaj

In the last decade, selecting suitable web services based on users’ requirements has become one of the major subjects in the web service domain. Any research works have been done - either based on functional requirements, or focusing more on Quality of Service (QoS) - based selection. We believe that searching is not the only way to implement the selection. Selection could also be done by browsing, or by a combination of searching and browsing. In this thesis, we propose a browsing method based on the Scatter/Gather model, which helps users gain a better understanding of the QoS value distribution of the web services and locate their desired services. Because the Scatter/Gather model uses cluster analysis techniques and web service QoS data is best represented as a vector of intervals, or more generically a vector of symbolic data, we apply for symbolic clustering algorithm and implement different variations of the Scatter/Gather model. Through our experiments on both synthetic and real datasets, we identify the most efficient ( based on the processing time) and effective implementations.

W. L. Yeung

Business collaboration is increasingly conducted over the Internet. Trading parties require business-level protocols for enabling their collaborative processes and a number of standardised languages, and approaches have been proposed for specifying business-level protocols. To illustrate the specification of web services based collaborative processes, three inter-related specification languages, namely, the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS), the Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL), and the Web Services Conversations Language (WSCL) are discussed in this chapter. A contract negotiation protocol is used as an example to illustrate the concepts involved in the specification. The chapter also discusses different strategies for deploying these specification languages.

2011 ◽  
pp. 972-985
Ákos Hajnal ◽  
Tamás Kifor ◽  
Gergely Lukácsy ◽  
László Z. Varga

More and more systems provide data through web service interfaces and these data have to be integrated with the legacy relational databases of the enterprise. The integration is usually done with enterprise information integration systems which provide a uniform query language to all information sources, therefore the XML data sources of Web services having a procedural access interface have to be matched with relational data sources having a database interface. In this chapter the authors provide a solution to this problem by describing the Web service wrapper component of the SINTAGMA Enterprise Information Integration system. They demonstrate Web services as XML data sources in enterprise information integration by showing how the web service wrapper component integrates XML data of Web services in the application domain of digital libraries.

Mahmoud Brahimi ◽  
Lionel Seinturier ◽  
Mahmoud Boufaida

At the present time and with the economic orientation towards maturity, enterprises unlike the traditional competitive business strategies are wanted out of necessity to cooperate with other enterprises and to add new activities to their existing profiles. The rapid growth of technologies motivates enterprises to invest more and more in this domain with the adoption of the cooperative e-business applications. Consequently, we propose in this paper an approach that permits enterprises to enhance their cooperative activities. This approach is based on the agent and Web services paradigms. It is organized in the form of cooperative application groups representing the different parts of a company. Agent coordinators orchestrate the cooperative work of these groups. The most requested functionalities inside the enterprise and those offered to the external world can be exported as Web Services. We describe the Web Services with DAML-based Web Service ontology (OWL-S). The search, invocation and exploration of these Web services can be offered by an intermediate agent called Web Service Finder Agent. The proposed approach provides a new vision of the cooperation context where the companies and their partners share knowledge and offer functionalities as agents and Web Services.

2011 ◽  
pp. 641-658
Vladimir Tosic ◽  
Wei Ma ◽  
Babak Pagurek ◽  
Bernard Pagurek ◽  
Hanan Lutfiyya

The Web Service Offerings Infrastructure (WSOI) is a monitoring and management infrastructure for the Web Service Offerings Language (WSOL). It extends Apache Axis, an open-source tool for hosting Web services. We present technical details of several WSOI solutions for monitoring Web Services. To pass management information among management parties, we built WSOI serializer and WSOI deserializer modules converting data between formats of Axis’ MessageContext properties and SOAP headers. To perform different monitoring activities for different WSOL service offerings, we implemented Web Service Offering Descriptor (WSOD) as a complement to Axis’ Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD) component. To represent run-time values of WSOL-related management information, we developed WSOI management information model. All these solutions were verified with a prototype implementation of WSOI 2.0 and validated on case studies.

Vladimir Tosic ◽  
Wei Ma ◽  
Babak Esfandiari ◽  
Bernard Pagurek ◽  
Hanan Lutfiyya

The Web Service Offerings Infrastructure (WSOI) is a monitoring and management infrastructure for the Web Service Offerings Language (WSOL). It extends Apache Axis, an open-source tool for hosting Web services. We present technical details of several WSOI solutions for monitoring Web Services. To pass management information among management parties, we built WSOI serializer and WSOI deserializer modules converting data between formats of Axis’ MessageContext properties and SOAP headers. To perform different monitoring activities for different WSOL service offerings, we implemented Web Service Offering Descriptor (WSOD) as a complement to Axis’ Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD) component. To represent run-time values of WSOL-related management information, we developed WSOI management information model. All these solutions were verified with a prototype implementation of WSOI 2.0 and validated on case studies.

Yildiray Kabak ◽  
Mehmet Olduz ◽  
Gokce B. Laleci ◽  
Tuncay Namli ◽  
Veli Bicer ◽  

Currently in the travel domain, most of the travel products are sold through global distribution aystems (GDSs). Since only major airline companies or hotel chains can afford to join GDSs, it is difficult for small and medium enterprises to market their travel products. In this chapter, we describe a middleware, called SATINE, to address this problem. In the SATINE middleware, existing travel applications are wrapped as Web services. Web services, as such, is of limited use because the service consumer must know all the details of the Web service like the functionality of the Web service (what it does) and the content and the structure of input and output messages. Therefore, we annotate both the service functionality and the service messages with Web ontology language (OWL) ontologies. Service functionality ontology is obtained from the “Open Travel Alliance (OTA)” specifications. Service message ontologies are automatically generated from the XML schema definitions of the messages. These local message ontologies are mapped into one or more global message ontologies through an ontology mapping tool developed, called OWLmt. The mapping definitions thus obtained are used to automatically map heterogeneous message instances used by the Web service provider and the consumer using a global ontology as a common denominator. This architecture is complemented by a peer-to-peer network which uses the introduced semantics for the discovery of Web services. Through the SATINE middleware, the travel parties can expose their existing applications as semantic Web services either to their Web site or to Web service registries they maintain. SATINE middleware facilitates the discovery and execution of these services seamlessly to the user.

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