semantic description
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2023 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Shuren Qi ◽  
Yushu Zhang ◽  
Chao Wang ◽  
Jiantao Zhou ◽  
Xiaochun Cao

Image representation is an important topic in computer vision and pattern recognition. It plays a fundamental role in a range of applications toward understanding visual contents. Moment-based image representation has been reported to be effective in satisfying the core conditions of semantic description due to its beneficial mathematical properties, especially geometric invariance and independence. This article presents a comprehensive survey of the orthogonal moments for image representation, covering recent advances in fast/accurate calculation, robustness/invariance optimization, definition extension, and application. We also create a software package for a variety of widely used orthogonal moments and evaluate such methods in a same base. The presented theory analysis, software implementation, and evaluation results can support the community, particularly in developing novel techniques and promoting real-world applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Наталия [Nataliia] Вячеславовна [Viacheslavovna] Пятаева [Piataeva]

The Etymological Nest *ber- in the Proto-Slavic Language: Reconstruction, Word-Formation, SemanticsThe article presents a multidimensional (phonetic, etymological, derivational, morphological and semantic) description of the etymological nest (EN) *ber- ‘take’, reconstructed for the Proto-Slavic period in the history of the Russian and other Slavic languages. The root *ber-, around which the EN was formed, belongs to ancient Slavic roots and has Indo-European origin, which led to the natural phonetic variants reflecting the Proto-Slavic and Indo-European alternations: *ber- // *bor- // *bьr- // *bir-.At the Proto-Slavic level, 137 units with the root *ber- are reconstructed, organized in the EN in accordance with the relations of word-formation pro­ductivity and semantic motivation of lexemes as part of word-formation pairs, chains and paradigms: (1) the nucleus of the nest is the etymon *bherəmņ // *bherəmen ‘carry, burden’, reconstructed for the Proto-Indo-European lan­guage, which served as the basis for three Proto-Slavic innovations *bermę ‘burden; armful, bundle; fetus; *berdja ‘pregnant; foal (about animals)’; *bьrati *berǫ ‘take, take away, grab, pluck; receive, borrow, accept; enter into a mar­riage union’; (2) in accordance with a general practice adopted in etymological dictionaries, reconstructed lexemes are marked with an asterisk (*) and are represented in the Roman alphabet for the Proto-Indo-European and Proto- Slavic preliterate periods, and in Cyrillic for the period between the eleventh and the seventeenth centuries; (3) at the first stage of derivation, derivatives are arranged in the following order: verbs, verbal names, participles, prefixed verbs, composites; within these groups, words are arranged alphabetically; (4) the phonetic variants of a lexeme are separated with a double slash (//); (5) meanings are given in single quotation marks. The reconstruction of the EN *ber- and the semantic development of its main lexemes are given in two diagrams at the end of the article.A review of the material indicates that (1) the old Indo-European mean­ing ‘carry, load’ moved to the periphery of the EN *ber-, continuing to exist exclusively in the formations associated with the stem *bermę, and partly with *berdja; (2) a new meaning ‘take’ (*bьrati) became the most relevant for the semantic development of the EN *ber- in Late Slavic; its connection with the original ‘carry’ is seen in the fact that they correlate with adjacent sequen­tial actions aimed at the attached object: ‘take’ what? – ‘object to be attached’ → ‘carry’ what? – ‘attached object’; (3) the new Proto-Slavic meaning ‘take’ (*bьrati), inherent in EN *ber-, determined the synonymy of this root group with the EN *em- (*jęti, *jьmati ‘take’). Gniazdo etymologiczne *ber- w języku prasłowiańskim. Rekonstrukcja, słowotwórstwo, semantyka W artykule przedstawiono wielowymiarowy opis gniazda etymologicz­nego *ber- ‘brać’ (w aspekcie fonetycznym, etymologicznym, derywacyjnym, morfologicznym i semantycznym), zrekonstruowanego dla okresu prasłowiań­skiego w historii języka rosyjskiego i innych języków słowiańskich. Rdzeń *ber-, wokół którego powstało gniazdo etymologiczne, należy do pierwotnych rdzeni słowiańskich i ma pochodzenie indoeuropejskie, co oznaczało rozwój naturalnych wariantów fonetycznych, odzwierciedlających oboczności pra­słowiańskie i indoeuropejskie: *ber- // *bor- // *bьr- // *bir-.Na poziomie prasłowiańskim zrekonstruowano 137 jednostek z rdzeniem *ber-, które zorganizowano w ramach gniazda zgodnie z relacjami produktywno­ści słowotwórczej i motywacji semantycznej leksemów w ramach par, łańcuchów i paradygmatów słowotwórczych: 1) jądrem gniazda jest zrekonstruowany dla języka praindoeuropejskiego etymon *bherəmņ // *bherəmen ‘nieść, brzemię’, który posłużył za podstawę dla trzech prasłowiańskich innowacji *bermę ‘brzemię; naręcze, tobołek; płód’; *berdja ‘brzemienna (o zwierzętach); źrebię’; *bьrati *berǫ ‘brać, zabrać, chwycić, wyrwać; otrzymać, pożyczyć, przyjąć; zawrzeć małżeństwo’; 2) zgodnie z powszechną praktyką przyjętą w słowni­kach etymologicznych zrekonstruowane leksemy są oznaczone gwiazdką (*) i zapisane w alfabecie łacińskim dla praindoeuropejskich i prasłowiańskich okresów przedpiśmiennych oraz cyrylicą dla okresu od XI do XVII wieku; 3) na pierwszym etapie derywacji derywaty są ułożone w następującej kolejności: czasowniki, rzeczowniki odczasownikowe, imiesłowy, czasowniki przedrost­kowe, złożenia; w tych grupach słowa są ułożone alfabetycznie; 4) warianty fonetyczne leksemu są oddzielone podwójnym ukośnikiem (//); 5) znaczenia podano w pojedynczych cudzysłowach. Rekonstrukcję gniazda etymologicz­nego *ber- i rozwój semantyczny jego głównych leksemów przedstawiono na dwóch wykresach na końcu artykułu.Przegląd materiału wskazuje, że 1) dawne indoeuropejskie znaczenie ‘nieść, brzemię’ przeszło na obrzeża gniazda etymologicznego *ber- i utrzymało się nadal wyłącznie w formacjach związanych z rdzeniem *bermę i częściowo *berdja; 2) nowe znaczenie: ‘brać’ (*bьrati) stało się najbardziej istotne dla semantycznego rozwoju gniazda *ber- w okresie późnosłowiańskim; związek tego znaczenia z pierwotnym ‘nieść’ przejawia się w fakcie korelacji pomiędzy nimi w sekwencji działań na umocowany obiekt: ‘brać’ co? – ‘obiekt do umo­cowania’ → ‘nieść’ co? – ‘umocowany obiekt’; 3) nowe prasłowiańskie znaczenie ‘brać’ (*bьrati), nieodłącznie związane z gniazdem *ber-, określiło synonimię tej grupy rdzeniowej z gniazdem *em- (*jęti, *jьmati ‘brać’).

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXVII (77) ◽  
pp. 85-99

Autorka artykułu stawia tezę, że po pierwsze, czynności związane z oceną kogoś lub czegoś są prymarnie lingwistyczne. Po drugie, ocena w ściśle aksjologicznym sensie tego słowa powinna być odróżniona od wartościowań i innych oszacowań. Po trzecie, oceny zawartej w znaczeniu jednostki leksykalnej nie należy zrównywać z rozmaitymi cechami, które ta jednostka konotuje pragmatycznie. Po czwarte, błędem jest identyfikowanie komponentów oceniających z efektami emotywnymi lub ekspresywnymi. Cechy semantyczne związane z ocenami mogą być zlokalizowane w różnych miejscach struktury semantycznej: zarówno w jej tematycznej, jak i rematycznej części. W słownikach wygodnie jest opisywać oceny dane rematycznie przy użyciu stosownych kwalifikatorów, np. pejor ‘pejoratywne’ i amelior ‘amelioratywne’. Evaluations in the semantic description of lexical units: selected problems Summary: The present author puts forward the thesis that (1) activities related to the evaluation of someone or something are primarily linguistic, (2) an evaluation in the strictly axiological sense of the word should be distinguished from other estimates, (3) an evaluation embedded in the meaning of a lexical unit should not be equated with the various features that this unit connotes pragmatically and (4) it is wrong to identify evaluation components with emotive or expressive effects. The semantic features related to evaluations can be located in various places within the semantic structure of an expression, i.e. in both its thematic and rhematic parts. In dictionaries, it is convenient to employ rhematic evaluations which make use of appropriate qualifiers, e.g. pejor ‘pejorative’ and amelior ‘ameliorative’.

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-60

Closely related Ukrainian and Russian languages show similarities and differences that permeate different language levels. This problem, despite its long existence, is still relevant. Among the differences that relate to the compared languages, there are inconspicuous and contrasting. The object of the proposed study was the facts of contrastive asymmetry at the level of structures with a locative type of determination. Using the methods of synchronous descriptive, comparative-historical, comparative methods, as well as the method of complex analysis of semantic- syntactic structures, we stated the facts of contrastive asymmetry between Ukrainian and Russian syntactic structures with spatial meaning in four levels: 1) formal-grammatical, 2) semantic, 3) syntactic and 4) synonymous. The proposed division is somewhat conditional because semantics organically interacts with syntagmatics it is closely related to synonymy. The formal-grammatical contrastive asymmetry includes the same values of the construction V + PO + Nloc (Ukrainian language) and V + PO + Ndat (Russian language). Their functional possibilities, the lexical-semantic spectrum of verb, and adverbial placeholders are clarified. It is emphasized that the constructions V + PO + Nloc (Russian Ndat) enter into intra-singular synonymy in the Ukrainian language and inter-singular synonymy in the Russian language. It is proved that at the level of distributive possibilities contrastive asymmetry covers first of all the instrumental prepositional case as a representative of locativity. The differences also apply to the main carriers of valence (a specific feature of the Ukrainian language is that this function, along with verbs of purposeful, sometimes unfocused movement perform verbatives of specific semantics of physical and sound action), lexical and semantic composition of adverbial nouns (in Ukrainian, it is much wider), which is extrapolated to such semantic types as proper and common names of land routes, names of types of cover, areas covered with low vegetation, continents, states, geographical and administrative areas, devices and mechanisms that serve to transport something. It is established that the semantic asymmetry is manifested by the constructions V + Z-POZA + Ngen, V + Z-POPID + Ngen, V + Z-PONAD + Ngen, V + Z_POSERD + Ngen, V + Z_POMIZH + Ngen, V + POPID + Nасс, V + POPID + Ninst, V + POPERED + Ninst, V + POMIZH + Ninst, which actualize the shade of distributivity with the participation of the preposition component. Constructions with a specific semantic description are also recorded, which function in the Ukrainian language and are absent in the Russian language (V + POVZ + Nass, V + PERED + Nass, V + NAD + Nass, V + MIZH + Nass).

2021 ◽  
pp. 90-98

Целью статьи является рассмотрение вербальных средств выражения страха / испуга, описание особенностей употребления междометных единиц в зависимости от речевой ситуации. В статье мы обратились к истории возникновения междометия Æллæх!, этимологически восходящего к вокативу Аллах, к исследованию контекстов его современного употребления, что позволяет предложить комплексное описание данной единицы. Методом контекстного анализа были исследованы и расклассифицированы осетиноязычные тексты (более 100 примеров употребления). Семантическое описание междометия строилось с привлечением материала толковых и аспектных словарей осетинского языка. В результате проведенного исследования проиллюстрирован процесс образования междометия Æллæх! из этимологически родственного вокатива Аллах; предложена классификация контекстов употребления междометия; выявлены вербальные и невербальные характеристики эмоционального поведения человека в состоянии испуга. Особое внимание обращено на исследование синонимических отношений представленного междометия. Изложенные в статье результаты исследования помогут создать модель описания междометных выражений разных типов, характеризующих эмоциональное состояние говорящего. Работа может быть полезна в практике преподавания осетинского языка, а также в теории и практике перевода. The purpose of the article is to consider the verbal means of expressing fear / fright, to describe the features of the use of interjective units depending on the speech situation. In the article, we account for the history of the interjection Ællæh!, etymologically dating back to the vocative Allah, to the study of the contexts of its modern use, which allows us to offer a comprehensive description of this unit. By the method of contextual analysis, the Ossetian-language texts were studied and classified (more than 100 examples of usage). The semantic description of the interjection was built using the material of explanatory and aspect dictionaries of the Ossetian language. As a result of the conducted research, the process of formation of the interjection Ællæh was illustrated from the etymologically related vocative Allah; a classification of interjection use contexts is proposed; verbal and non-verbal characteristics of a person's emotional behavior in a state of fright are revealed. Special attention is paid to the study of synonymous relations of the presented interjection. The research results presented in the article will help to create a model for describing interjective expressions of different types that characterize the emotional state of the speaker. The work can be useful in the practice of teaching the Ossetian language, as well as in the theory and practice of translation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-146
Hajnalka Dimény

Abstract The paper presents a cognitive-functional analysis of two Hungarian verbs, eszik ‘eat’ and táplál ‘feed’, with the aim of providing a sample for an exhaustive semantic description of verbal polysemy and of relations between verbal meanings. The hypothesis of the study was that a radial category description of the internal semantic structure of both verbs is possible. The assumption, however, was not confirmed by the analysis; not all meanings of the verb eszik ‘eat’ can be described as deriving from the prototypical eating situation. Some show cases of conceptual blending, while others have a source domain other than the prototypical eating situation. Nonetheless, many figurative meanings seem to be the result of metaphorical meaning shift trigged by common components we experience in the prototypical eating situation and other perceptions. These common components show resemblance on a schematic base.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Anis Haron ◽  
Wong Chee Onn ◽  
Hew Soon Hin

Timbre are commonly described using semantic descriptors such as ’dark’, ’bright’ and ’warm’. The use of such descriptors are useful and largely practiced by trained individuals in music related industries. Such descriptors are subjective as it could be interpreted differently by different individuals determined by factors such as training and exposure. Semantic descriptors also lacks granularity, in a sense that the descriptor does not indicate the amount or intensity of the description. A numerical representation for timbral description addressees these issues. Computational approach for numerical measure of timbre are at present under study by music technology researchers. Such studies requires a benchmarking process in order for viability tests. To provide a set of data that can be used for benchmarking, a survey on auditory perception and semantic descriptors of musical timbres were conducted. The conducted survey looks to find out if a general consensus can be observed for semantic description of musical timbres using a normative survey methodology. This article reviews the conducted survey, presenting the survey’s approach, results and findings

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 442-456
Fahad Khan ◽  
Javier E. Díaz-Vera ◽  
Francisco Javier Minaya Gómez ◽  
Rafael Cruz González ◽  
Monica Monachini

Abstract The topic of figurative language in Old English (OE) has recently become the focus of substantial research. In this article, the authors will describe work on the semantic description of the lexicon of shame words in OE and in particular the taxonomical organisation of this lexicon on the basis of different kinds of semantic mappings (metonymic, metaphorical). Next, they will explore the use of the Evoke platform as a means of visualising and navigating this lexicon and show how it can be used to enrich A Thesaurus of Old English (TOE). The authors also describe ongoing work on the modelling and publication of this data as a linked data resource consisting of a lexicon and a taxonomy in SKOS of different kinds of metaphoric/metonymic sense shifts.

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