2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Amrullah Amrullah ◽  
Erniati Erniati ◽  
Muhammad Chaerul

<p>The growth and arrangement of existing buildings are sometimes not balanced with the readiness of building and urban infrastructure. The main danger of fire for humans is poisoning due to inhalation of smoke, about 75% of human deaths in burning buildings are caused by smoke, about 25% of deaths are caused by heat generated by fire. To carry out the functions and uses, the building consists of several systems, the system consists of sub-systems that form integrally in a single unit. Fire prevention is one of the building systems, which aims to save lives. Fire prevention is one aspect of building safety. To find out and assess the level of reliability of a building against fire hazards, a problem formulation is formulated, namely How to design a fire prevention analysis that can be applied to buildings. The conclusion that can be drawn regarding the design of a fire prevention inspection system and its application is, the design of a building reliability inspection system in fire prevention is one of the tools in assessing and inspecting buildings for fire prevention measures in buildings. Inspection of building reliability in fire prevention is carried out at the smallest level or on building components, can provide a more detailed assessment/inspection of the fire prevention system, Assessment of Rescue Means Components, Assessment of Active Protection Components, Passive Protection Assessment Means.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 10
Dodiek Alfianzi ◽  
Ikhwan Syahtaria ◽  
Udisubakti Cipto Mulyono ◽  
I Made Jiwa Astika

Designing a fire prevention inspection system in buildings is very necessary, to determine the level of reliability. The fire prevention management system uses the following criteria: precautionary measures and preventive supervision against fire hazards. The assessment of the system design is carried out by means of a questionnaire for respondents who understand / are experts in fire problems, and the application of the system design uses direct surveys and questionnaires to the building manager. The assessment is carried out at the smallest level. Analysis of the building reliability inspection system in fire prevention using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, the criteria used are: prevention, limitation and extinguishing against fire. The fire prevention management system uses the following criteria: precautionary measures and preventive supervision against fire hazards. The results of the reliability inspection of the Ki Hadjar Dewantara Mako Kodiklatal building in Surabaya with a value of 94.06% indicated that the reliability system was in the "Less Reliable" category for fire hazard prevention.   Keywords: Inspection, fire prevention, reliability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 826-837
Lingga Fitriana Sarida ◽  
Moch. Yunus ◽  
Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari

Abstract: A fire hazard is one of the potential hazards of Occupational Safety and Health or K3 in buildings. In high-rise buildings, escape routes are few and limited, necessitating the implementation of effective, efficient, and integrated fire prevention measures. The purpose of this study is to determine the completeness of safety building facilities, to identify and analyze the feasibility of safety building facility function, and to design efforts to optimize the functional safety building facilities in the C6 FIK UM building. This descriptive qualitative research was conducted in the C6 FIK UM building using the method of observation and document review. Building fire safety inspection observation guidelines (Pd-T-11-2005-C) are used to measure the reliability value of building safety systems (NKSKB), and John Stephenson Associates Fire Training Consultants observation guidelines are used to measure the level of risk and priority of action. The findings of the research and assessment of the NKSKB of the FIK UM building received a score of 89.76 percent and were classified as good. The FIK UM building has a low to moderate risk level, and the priority actions that must be taken are engineering and administrative arrangements. The FIK UM building falls into the good category and can be considered reliable in fire prevention efforts; however, it must be tested, inspected, recorded, and repaired regularly. Abstrak: Potensi risiko bahaya Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja atau K3 pada bangunan gedung salah satunya adalah bahaya kebakaran. Akses menyelamatkan diri pada bangunan gedung bertingkat adalah sedikit dan terbatas, sehingga diperlukan tindakan pencegahan kebakaran yang efektif, efisien, dan terintegritas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kelengkapan fasilitas safety building, mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kelayakan fungsi fasilitas safety building, dan merancang upaya optimalisasi fungsional fasilitas safety building pada gedung C6 FIK UM. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan di gedung C6 FIK UM dengan metode observasi dan telaah dokumen. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu pedoman observasi pemeriksaan keselamatan kebakaran bangunan gedung (Pd-T-11-2005-C) dengan mengukur nilai keandalan sistem keselamatan bangunan (NKSKB) dan pedoman observasi John Stephenson Associates Fire Training Consultants dengan mengukur tingkat risiko dan prioritas tindakan. Hasil penelitian dan penilaian NKSKB bangunan gedung FIK UM memperoleh nilai 89,76% dan termasuk dalam kategori baik. Tingkat risiko pada gedung FIK UM yaitu risiko rendah hingga resiko sedang dan prioritas tindakan yang perlu diambil adalah rekayasa teknik dan pengaturan administratif. Gedung FIK UM termasuk dalam kategori baik dan dapat dikatakan handal dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran, tetapi perlu dilakukan pengujian, pemeriksaan, pencatatan, dan perbaikan secara berkala.

2012 ◽  
Vol 468-471 ◽  
pp. 1753-1757
Yang Wei Shao ◽  
Shih Feng Kao ◽  
Neng Chun Yu ◽  
Yu Shiang Wu ◽  
Chi Jan Huang ◽  

Although meeting the regulations of the time, early buildings are prone to fire hazards, such as damages to the fire zones, changes of floor entrances and exits, locked emergency exit doors, blocking of entrances and exits by vehicles, increased fire sources, dense population in the buildings, due to insufficient professional knowledge and technology in fire prevention. Once a fire occurs, it can result in major casualties, serious loss of social costs, as well as environmental and social issues. This study investigated 17 major fire cases occurring in residential-commercial composite buildings in the last 20 years in Taiwan. The fire hazard factors were determined based on expert review. The findings can serve as a reference for fire agencies in promoting fire prevention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Leszek Chybowski ◽  
Seweryn Strojecki ◽  
Włodzimierz Markiewicz

AbstractThis article presents topics concerning fire hazards during the use of low-speed diesel engines in marine vehicles. The causes and effects of fires in the spaces of scavenge air receivers in marine diesel engines are presented. Methods to prevent and fight these fires are shown, including the operating procedures required from ship engine room operators. The possibility of training personnel to apply the abovementioned procedures during operation using simulations of a Kongsberg MC-90 IVship engine room is presented. Simulations were conducted which included a fire in a scavenge air receiver occurring during the operation of a MAN B&W 5L90MC main engine, with loads corresponding to 50% and 100% of the machine’s recommended setting.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-74
M. Husni Darmawan ◽  
Bambang Setyohadi Kuswarna Putra ◽  
Eko Budi Santoso

One important thing in supporting Reliability Building to meet safety, is building capabilities in tackling a fire hazard, set out the Fire Emergency Action Plan. Reliability Action Plan Emergency Fire is an important part of the safety aspects of a building, and it can beevaluated on the readiness of the hardware and software as well as a means of supporting the Action Plan Emergency Fire which managed the building. This research is motivated curiosity of how far the readiness of Fire Emergency Action Plan in Rusunawa UNNES and how the response, feedback or ratings by students as inhabitants of the performance systems fire prevention at this Rusunawa UNNES. Based on the results of 96 students, students' perceptions of readiness in Fire Emergency Action Plan are as follows.There are 6% found APEF Rusunawa was in the excellent category; 72% found Rusunawa APEF UNNES Semarang was in good categories; 16% found Rusunawa APEF UNNES was in quite-good category and 6% found Rusunawa UNNES APEFwas in not-good category.Suggestions needs for the manager enhance the safety aspects that form the Emergency Action PlanFire, by conducting periodic evaluation of the readiness of the system and the existing equipment. Salah satu hal penting dalam menunjang Keandalan Bangunan Gedung untuk memenuhi aspek keselamatan, adalah kemampuan bangunan dalam menanggulangi bahaya kebakaran dengan tersusunnya Rencana Tindak Darurat Kebakaran. Keandalan Rencana Tindak Darurat Kebakaran merupakan bagian penting dari aspek keselamatan suatu bangunan gedung, dan ini dapat dievaluasi dari kesiapan perangkat keras (Hardware) dan perangkat lunak (Software) serta sarana pendukung Rencana Tindak Darurat Kebakaran (RTDK) yang di dikelola pada bangunan gedung tersebut.Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi keingintahuan seberapa jauh kesiapan Rencana Tindak Darurat Kebakaran (RTDK) Pada Rusunawa UNNES serta bagaimana respon, tanggapan atau penilaian oleh para mahasiswa sebagai penghuninya terhadap kinerja (performance) sistem penanggulangan bahaya kebakaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari 96 mahasiswa, diperoleh keterangan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesiapan Rencana Tindak Darurat Kebakaran adalah sebagai berikut : 6% berpendapat bahwa RTDK Rusunawa ini dalam kategori sangat baik; 72% berpendapat bahwa RTDK Rusunawa UNNES Semarang dalam kategori baik; 16% berpendapat bahwa RTDK Rusunawa UNNES ini dalam kategori Cukup baik dan 6% berpendapat bahwa RTDK Rusunawa UNNES ini dalam kategori tidak baik.Saran perlunya pihak pengelola lebih meningkatkan aspek keselamatan yang berupa Rencana Tindak Darurat Kebakaran, dengan mengadakan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap kesiapan sistem maupun peralatan yang ada.

И.Д. Самсонова ◽  
А.С. Кондратьев

Лесные пожары относятся к главным экологическим факторам негативного влияния на лес и экологическую ситуацию. Увеличение числа лесных пожаров происходит в связи с многочисленными нарушениями правил населением, с глобальными изменениями климата и деградацией природной среды. Леса Новгородской области, территориально располагаясь между двумя агломерациями, являются незаменимым фактором окружающей среды. Обеспечение пожарной безопасности в лесах лесохозяйственных предприятий является одной из важнейших государственных задач. Цель исследований – оценка состояния охраны лесов от пожаров в Новгородской области, с использованием эффективных противопожарных мероприятий. Леса Новгородской области характеризуются средней степенью природной пожарной опасности. Территория области относится к слабогоримым регионам, а динамика лесных пожаров связана с условиями погоды. Лесные массивы на территории области представлены сосновыми и еловыми древостоями, расположенными на северо-востоке и самом юге области, в составе которых доля молодняков составляет 31,6%. Повышают пожарную опасность в лесах повреждения массивов вредными насекомыми и заболеваниями, неблагоприятными погодными условиями, рекреационными нагрузками и выбросами промышленных предприятий. Эффективность использования системы «Лесохранитель» позволило ликвидировать 85,5% пожаров в течение первых суток, при этом численность крупных пожаров за период 2009–2017 гг. снизилась до 4 шт., а средняя площадь пожаров составила 1,7 га. Разработанный картографический материал распределения земель лесного фонда Новгородской области по степени горимости лесничеств и по зонам мониторинга позволяет обеспечить противопожарное устройство объекта и дает реальную информацию для оперативной работы. Комплекс предложенных и используемых противопожарных мероприятий характеризуется как надежный и эффективный прием для уменьшения численности пожаров в лесах. Forest fires are among the main environmental factors of the negative impact on the forest and the ecological situation. An increase in the number of forest fires occurs due to numerous disturbances by the population, global climate change, and environmental degradation. Forests of the Novgorod region, located territorially between two agglomerations, are an indispensable environmental factor. Ensuring fire safety in forests of forestry enterprises is one of the most important state tasks. The purpose of the research is to assess the state of forest protection from fires in the Novgorod region using effective fire prevention measures. Forests of the Novgorod region are characterized by an average degree of natural fire hazard. The territory of the region belongs to low-visibility regions, and the dynamics of forest fires is associated with weather conditions. Forests in the region are represented by pine and spruce stands located in the northeast and the very south of the region, in which the proportion of young frogs is 31.6%. Damage to arrays by harmful insects and diseases, adverse weather conditions, recreational loads and emissions of industrial enterprises increase the fire hazard in forests. The efficiency of using the Forest Guard system allowed eliminating 85.5% of fires during the first day, while the number of large fires for the period 2009–2017 was eliminated. decreased to 4 pcs, and the average area of fires was 1.7 ha. The developed cartographic material for the distribution of forest land in the Novgorod Region according to the degree of forestry burnability and monitoring zones allows for the fire-prevention of the facility and provides real information for operational work. The complex of proposed and used fire prevention measures is characterized as a reliable and effective method for reducing the number of fires in forests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 884 (1) ◽  
pp. 012027
H A Adhandika ◽  

Abstract This study aims: (1) to determine the level of community preparedness in facing fire hazards in the Jetis District of Yogyakarta City and (2) to understand the efforts to increase community preparedness to deal with fire hazards in the Jetis District of Yogyakarta City. This research uses descriptive methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches. In this research, we utilize the environmental approach as a tool. The indicator that we use here is based on the 2006 UNESCO / ISDR LIPI to measure the level of community preparedness. This research was conducted at Jetis District of The City of Yogyakarta. The population of this study was all family heads in Jetis Subdistrict, at least we came to 9282 families. The number of samples was determined using the Slovin formula and obtained 99 respondents. We chose the Proportional Random Sampling in three villages in Jetis Subdistrict as the sampling technic. The data was gained from the process of observations, structured interviews with standardized guidelines, in-depth interviews with three main resource persons, and documentation. The analysis technique that we used is the frequency table and descriptive analysis. The results show that: (1) the level of community preparedness in the Jetis Subdistrict in facing the danger of fire was in the "Less Ready" category (55.56%). The level of community preparedness on the knowledge and attitudes of the majority was in the category of “Ready” with 63.63%. The majority of emergency plan variables are in the unprepared category as much as 56.57%. The majority of disaster warning system variables are in the ready category that is 56.57%. Resource mobilization ability is a variable with respondents who are at the lowest level of preparedness, the majority are in the category of not ready as much as 76.77%. (2) the efforts to increase fire hazard preparedness in the community in Jetis District have been carried out, namely: conducting training and simulation of fire prevention, procurement of supporting facilities for fire prevention, making fire engines, and establishing disaster relief posts in Jetis District. Efforts that must be increased are: educating the public about the risks of fire hazards, increasing synergy between community organizations and local governments, and adding firefighting infrastructure.

Mufida Mkharem ◽  
Nor Mariah Adam ◽  
Eris Elianddy Supeni

Fire accidents are common accidents amongst residential house occupants in Libya. Some of the factors that can mitigate fire accidents in Libyan residential houses include fire safety awareness and knowledge. This study investigated the level of awareness and knowledge of fire safety amongst residential house occupants in Libya. The possibility and consequences of fire hazards and risk existing in residential houses in Libya were also studied. Experimental data obtained for 1.5 m/s and 3.5 m/s as walking and running evacuation time, respectively amongst residential house occupants in Libya were also compared. The sample consist of 90 respondents with instruments of fire safety awareness and knowledge, fire hazard and consequences, and the involvement of residential house occupants in fire emergency. Statistical analysis was performed at p &lt; 0.05 to determine the levels of residential awareness and knowledge regarding fire safety and the hazard and consequences. The findings illustrated that the items were highly reliable (&alpha; &gt; 0.7) and normally distributed. Also, the results illustrated that the majority of residential house occupants in Libya have fair level of fire safety awareness and knowledge with overall percentage of 80% and 90%, respectively. On the other hand, the results further showed that majority of residential house occupants have good level of fire emergency involvement with 90%. This paper proposes a fire safety assessment method which may form the basis of future fire safety practice in Libya.

K. L. Wong ◽  
W. K. Chow ◽  
Y. W. Ng

In Hong Kong, the number of parallel traders has increased quickly within these years. Passengers bring not only handbags as planned for the subway system four decades ago. There are heavy luggage put in trolleys carried by parallel traders. Goods include milk powder, electronic devices, food and drinks. The increase in fire load will enhance the fire risk. Although the subway management limits the maximum allowable luggage to 23 kg, the combustible amount is still large in train cars. Heat release rate (HRR) is the most important parameter in fire hazard assessment. A 1:15 scale modeling test was carried out to find the HRR in a train car under limited ventilation with parallel goods in this paper. The goods were simulated by a propanol pool fire. HRR for six scenarios with all closed door to all opened door were studied. Mass loss rate of fuel, oxygen consumption, air velocity and fire duration were measured. Ventilation was provided by opening different numbers of doors of the train car. The train car fire can then be ventilation-controlled or fuel-controlled. The burning phenomena of fire in the train under limited ventilation including steady burning, oscillating fire and ghosting flame were studied. It was found that the fire size and duration depended mainly on ventilation when oxygen was very limited. When the amount of oxygen supply reached a critical value (the fire at the decay period with continuous supply of oxygen), the fire tended to be fuel-controlled. Burning characteristics of train fire under limited ventilation were also observed. They were different from fires burning in open area. Oscillating flame, ghosting flame and self-extinction were observed. Results are useful to assess fire hazards associated with parallel trading activities. Three repeated experiments on the captioned subject have been done with average results of all experiments presented.

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