yogyakarta city
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Nurcahyani Dewi Retnowati ◽  
Dwi Nugraheny

Government to Citizen (G2C) is a form of relationship between the Government and the Citizen within the Government area based on Information Technology. Citizen to Government (G2C) is a form of relationship between the Government, Citizen, and changes in Information Technology. Jogja Smart Service (JSS) is a digital-based service for the Yogyakarta City Government that is integrated and integrated through an information system application, available web (jss.jogjakota.go.id) and mobile (Android and iOS) platforms that can be accessed directly by the people of the municipality area. by prioritizing self-service (self-service). This research uses data from SWOT analysis and KAFI vs KAFE analysis. This research aims to determine how far the Yogyakarta city government application, namely the Jogja Smart Service (JSS) is utilized by the people of the city of Yogyakarta and is actively accessed as an effective and efficient communication bridge between G2C and C2G through digital interaction. The results of the analysis carried out show that there is a digital interaction that is quite effective and efficient in G2C and C2G in the use of JSS applications. As many as 61.9% of users are very enthusiastic about using the application and 75% of potential users are interested in using the application.

Fitri Noviyanti ◽  
Achmad Djunaedi

Perkembangan Smart City di berbagai belahan dunia saat ini harus beradaptasi dengan kondisi yang baru akibat terjadinya pandemi COVID-19. Kota Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu kota yang proses perkembangan smart city nya harus beradaptasi pada kondisi tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi tipologi pelaksanaan Smart City dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tipologi pelaksanaan Smart City di Kota Yogyakarta di masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. triangulasi sumber data dengan menggali kebenaran informasi tertentu melalui berbagai metode dan sumber perolehan data.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi data-data sekunder. Sedangkan pengolahan data dilakukan melalui reduksi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang proses implementasinya lebih cepat di dominasi oleh kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara daring, sedangkan kegiatan yang proses implementasinya terhambat didominasi oleh kegiatan yang menimbulkan kerumunan. Selain itu kegiatan-kegiatan hasil inovasi baru didominasi oleh kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mengendalikan kasus COVID-19 beserta pemulihan ekonomi. Faktor yang  mempengaruhi kondisi pelaksanaan kegiatan Smart City di Kota Yogyakarta terbagi kedalam enam kategori yakni kategori masyarakat, kondisi pemerintah, kondisi kegiatan, kondisi infrastruktur serta faktor kolaborasi.  AbstractThe current development of Smart City must adapt to new conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yogyakarta is one of the cities whose smart city development process must adapt to these conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the typology of Smart City implementation and identify the factors that influence the typology of Smart City implementation in Yogyakarta City during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method. triangulation of data sources by exploring the truth of certain information through various methods and sources of data acquisition. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and observation of secondary data. Data processing is done through data reduction. The results show that activities whose implementation process is faster are dominated by activities carried out online, while activities whose implementation process is hampered are dominated by activities that cause crowds. In addition, activities resulting from new innovations are dominated by activities aimed at controlling COVID-19 cases and economic recovery. The factors that influence the conditions of implementing Smart City activities in the city of Yogyakarta are divided into six categories, namely the community category, government conditions, activity conditions, infrastructure conditions and collaboration factors.

2021 ◽  
Mami Hajaroh ◽  
Riana Nurhayati ◽  
Fajar Sidiq ◽  
Amrih Setyo Raharjo ◽  
Ebni Sholikhah

This study aimed to evaluate the impact of school zoning policies on equal access to education for underprivileged students in Yogyakarta City. This research was motivated by the low quality and inadequate access to education for underprivileged students in Indonesia. Starting in 2018, the Central Government implemented a school zoning policy to improve the quality and equitable access to education for underprivileged families in every region. This research was carried out in 16 State Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta City. This was the research location because it was one of the national pilot areas chosen by the Central Government. A quantitative approach was used to evaluate secondary school data before and after the implementation of the zoning policy. The results showed that: (1) there was an increase in access to education for underprivileged students; and (2) the imbalance in the quality of favorite and non-favorite schools did not change and this was influenced by the economic conditions of each region. It can be concluded that the school zoning policy increased equal access to education for underprivileged students, but the next challenge for the Yogyakarta City Government is ensuring equal quality of education across junior high schools. Keywords: school zoning policy, equal access, junior high school, underprivileged student

2021 ◽  
Riana Nurhayati ◽  
Mami Hajaroh ◽  
Arif Rohman ◽  
Ebni Sholikhah

The Reinforcement of Character Education (PPK) program was started in 2019 and has been implemented in various schools including the Yogyakarta City elementary schools. This study aimed to describe the readiness of schools in implementing and evaluating this program in Yogyakarta City. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach. The sample was determined using simple random sampling techniques and consisted of 119 schools. The results showed that only 5% of the schools were ready to implement the program; schools had not yet implemented the PPK program, and had not yet optimized the associated triple education function, namely concerning family, schools and communities. PPK implementation was through the curriculum and habituation in schools because all teachers understood it. Only 4% of schools were ready to evaluate the program, because schools did not have well organized program evaluation teams. This showed that schools need to get assistance in implementing and evaluating PPK, to ensure that it is successful in helping to build character. Keywords: school readiness, program implementation, reinforcement of character education program

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Umi Masruroh

Artikel ini merupakan sebuah penelitian partisipatoris yang dilakukan oleh penulis sebagai salah satu peserta pelatihan penulisan media sosial moderat bagi kader Fatayat NU DIY melalui program Pena Tasamuh kerja sama PW Fatayat NU DI Yogyakarta dengan AFSC. Media sosial dan media literasi online sebagai salah satu alat strategis dalam penyebaran paham radikalisme juga harus dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin untuk mencegah penyebaran paham ini dengan mengcounter penggunakan konten moderat yang berisi narasi perdamaian dan penghormatan terhadap perbedaan. Di sisi lain, kader perempuan organisasi Islam moderat seperti Fatayat NU selama ini belum memaksimalkan media sosial dan literasi online untuk melawan gerakan kelompok radikal tersebut. Mengingat pentingnya gerakan Islam Moderat melalui media sosial dan literasi online ini, Fatayat NU DIY merancang program Pena Tasamuh yang fokus terhadap peningkatan kapasitas kader perempuannya dalam bidang literasi terutama untuk mengkampanyekan Islam yang ramah sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran paham radikal dalam masyarakat. Program Pena Tasamuh memberikan pelatihan bagi kader Fatayat NU di 5 Kabupaten Kota (Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, dan Kota Yogyakarta) untuk membuat konten media sosial dan literasi online yang bertujuan untuk mengimbangi maraknya konten media sosial dan literasi online Islam yang didominasi oleh kelompok radikal. Perempuan muda menjadi aktor penting dalam program ini karena peran perempuan dalam sebuah keluarga maupun Vol. 6 Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021 164 komunitas sangat besar termasuk dalam konteks penyebaran konten Islam Moderat. Tulisan ini berupaya memaparkan keberhasilan upaya pencegahan radikalisme melalui program Pena Tasamuh berdasarkan pada pengalaman pribadi penulis sebagai peserta dalam program.[This article is a participatory research conducted by the author as one of the participants in training on moderate social media writing for Fatayat NU DIY cadres through the Pena Tasamuh program in collaboration with PW Fatayat NU DI Yogyakarta and AFSC. Social media and online literacy media as one of the strategic tools in the spread of radicalism must also be utilized as well as possible to prevent the spread of this understanding by countering the use of moderate content containing narratives of peace and respect for differences. On the other hand, female cadres of moderate Islamic organizations such as Fatayat NU have so far not maximized social media and online literacy to fight the movement of these radical groups. Given the importance of the Moderate Islamic movement through social media and online literacy, Fatayat NU DIY designed the Pena Tasamuh program that focuses on increasing the capacity of itsfemale cadresin the literacy field, especially to campaign for friendly Islam as an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism in society. The Pena Tasamuh program providestraining for Fatayat NU cadres in 5 City Districts (Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, and Yogyakarta City) to create social media content and online literacy that aims to balance the rise of social media content and Islamic online literacy which is dominated by by radical groups. Young women are important actors in this program because the role of women in a family or community is very large, including in the context of spreading moderate Islamic content. This paper seeks to describe the success of effortsto prevent radicalism through the Pena Tasamuh program based on the author’s personal experience as a participant in the program.]

Educoretax ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 284-290
Muhammad Nasrulloh Huda ◽  
Galih Wicaksono

The Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax (PBB-P2) is one type of local tax that can increase Local Original Income (PAD), as well as in the City of Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness and contribution of PBB-P2 to PAD. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, namely by measuring the effectiveness and contribution of PBB-P2 to PAD in Yogyakarta City during 2018-2020. The data collection method is in the form of primary data through the opendata.jogjakota.go.id page belonging to the Yogyakarta City Government. The results showed that PBB-P2 revenue grew every year, even though the revenue target was always the same every year. For effectiveness, the findings show that the annual PBB-P2 revenue is in the very effective category, this is because the realized value is always greater than the set target. As for the contribution to PAD, it resulted in the finding that PBB-P2 revenue was in the category of less contribution, so that in the future it is necessary to increase the amount of the target and its realization, so as to produce an optimal contribution.   Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan (PBB-P2) merupakan salah satu jenis pajak daerah yang dapat mendongkrak Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), begitupula yang ada di Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas dan kontribusi PBB-P2 terhadap PAD. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu dengan mengukur efektivitas dan kontribusi PBB-P2 terhadap PAD Kota Yogyakarta selama tahun 2018-2020. Metode pengumpulan data berupa data primer melalui laman opendata.jogjakota.go.id milik Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan PBB-P2 mengalami pertumbuhan di setiap tahunnya, walaupun target penerimaan di setiap tahunnya selalu sama. Untuk efektivitas, menghasilkan temuan bahwa penerimaan PBB-P2 setiap tahunnya berada pada kategori sangat efektif, hal ini dikarenakan nilai realisasi selalu lebih besar dibandingkan dengan target yang ditetapkan. Untuk kontribusi terhadap PAD, menghasilkan temuan bahwa penerimaan PBB-P2 berada pada kategori kurang kontribusinya, sehingga untuk ke depannya perlu ditingkatkan lagi besaran target dan realisasinya, sehingga menghasilkan kontribusi yang optimal.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Anis Febri Nilansari

Skin diseases often occur in tropical countries, including Indonesia. Data from the Yogyakarta City Health Office showed that skin diseases were included in the top 10 diseases at the Yogyakarta City Health Center in 2020. Various types of drugs for the treatment of skin diseases, ranging from tablets, ointments, creams, pulvis and shampoos. One of the accuracy in drug selection is to avoid drug interactions. Drug-drug interaction (DDI) occurs when two or more drugs can interact in a way that affects the effectiveness of the drug. The purpose of this study is to determine the number and categories of drug interactions. This research was carried out retrospectively by taking medical data on skin diseases at one of the skin and genital clinics in the city of Yogyakarta. The data collection period is for 2 months, namely September and October 2020. The data taken are in the form of demographic data and drug use. The results showed that there were 33 cases of minor interactions. There were 21 cases of loratadine and steroids, 2 cases of ketoconazole and steroid interactions, and 10 cases of cefadroxil and acyclovir interactions. The conclusion is that offering drug combinations that allow drug interactions to occur can avoid drug combinations taken simultaneously and use only in special circumstances. It is recommended that pharmacists provide information on the rules for taking medication to maximize the effectiveness of the drug in curing the patient's illness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Danar Wiyoso ◽  
Diananta Pramitasari

This paper identifies the urban tourism space in a complex way as chosen by the bike-sharing tourists in Yogyakarta. The space is defined as not only the tourist attraction object which has become a common attraction but also the elements of urban architecture such as landmarks, districts, paths, edges, and nodes that becoming lanes, stop points, and the destination for the tourist when cycling around using bike-sharing. The data collecting used in this research is person-cantered mapping by following the bike-sharing tourists’ movement and giving questionnaires to find out the tourists’ motivation in using bike-sharing for tourism. The hypothesis shows that the tourists would prefer to choose the common attraction as an urban tourism space in Yogyakarta. But by cycling, the tourists will be able to seek a new experience because they can be more flexible in exploring the space with uniqueness which has the shape of urban architecture elements. The research results showed that landmarks and paths were the two urban architecture elements that gave strong characteristics toward urban tourism space, as preferred by the bike-sharing tourists in Yogyakarta. The tourist attraction with both characteristics was located around the city centre. It indicated that the distribution of visits is still centrally located close to the bike shelters. So that the tourists could go to the other unique destinations in Yogyakarta, thus the researcher recommends that the bike shelters need to be evenly spread approaching the tourism attractions and amenities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 74
Ilham Ilham ◽  
Urip Nurwijayanto Prabowo ◽  
Sismanto Sismanto

Tanto Lailam ◽  
M. Ulul Albab Asas ◽  
Nita Andrianti

The literacy movement by arousing the spirit of ta'awun in ecology is a community service that aims to build a good understanding of ecology, ecological culture, and ecological awareness in Gampingan village. The community service method is carried out by conducting ecological literacy training, counseling, mentoring, and facilitation. Several activities were carried out together (all partners), starting from strengthening the understanding of ecological literacy theory through literacy training and book references. Also, counseling is to increase legal awareness and environmental awareness in the community (ecological awareness). Increasing the understanding of ecological literacy is also carried out by building the "Padepokan Literasi Iqro" as a place to read, write, discuss, and a space to solve ecological problems in Kampung Gampingan.

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