scholarly journals Water of eastern Taiwan mud volcanoes. Part I. H, triple O, triple Sr isotopes, and trace elements of Lo-Shan mud volcano

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (6.3) ◽  
Hung-Chun Chao ◽  
Chen-Feng You ◽  
In-Tian Lin ◽  
Hsueh-Yu Lu ◽  
Hou-Chun Liu ◽  
C. Jatu

Mud volcanoes in Grobogan are referred as the Grobogan Mud Volcanoes Complex in Central Java where there is evidence of oil seepages. This comprehensive research is to determine the characteristics and hydrocarbon potential of the mud volcanoes in the Central Java region as a new opportunity for hydrocarbon exploration. The Grobogan Mud Volcano Complex consists of eight mud volcanoes that have its characteristics based on the study used the geological surface data and seismic literature as supporting data on eight mud volcanoes. The determination of geological surface characteristics is based on geomorphological analysis, laboratory analysis such as petrography, natural gas geochemistry, water analysis, mud geochemical analysis and biostratigraphy. Surface data and subsurface data are correlated, interpreted, and validated to make mud volcano system model. The purpose of making the mud volcanoes system model is to identify the hydrocarbon potential in Grobogan. This research proved that each of the Grobogan Mud Volcanoes has different morphological forms. Grobogan Mud Volcanoes materials are including muds, rock fragments, gas, and water content with different elemental values. Based on this research result, there are four mud volcano systems models in Central Java, they are Bledug Kuwu, Maesan, Cungkrik, and Crewek type. The source of the mud is from Ngimbang and Tawun Formation (Middle Eocene to Early Miocene) from biostratigraphy data and it been correlated with seismic data. Grobogan Mud Volcanoes have potential hydrocarbons with type III kerogen of organic matter (gas) and immature to early mature level based on TOC vs HI cross plot. The main product are thermogenic gas and some oil in relatively small quantities. Water analysis shows that it has mature sodium chloride water. This analysis also shows the location was formed within formations that are deposited in a marine environment with high salinity. Research of mud volcanos is rarely done in general. However, this comprehensive research shows the mud volcano has promising hydrocarbon potential and is a new perspective on hydrocarbon exploration.

The Holocene ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 975-991 ◽  
Lisa Borgatti ◽  
Bosi Giovanna ◽  
Bracci Antonio Edoardo ◽  
Cremonini Stefano ◽  
Falsone Gloria ◽  

Among natural hazards, mud volcanoes can damage property and infrastructures and affect hillslope evolution at different spatial and temporal scales. The results of 10-year-long multidisciplinary investigations performed on a Roman-age archaeological site, La Rovina di Montegibbio, are presented, showing a peculiar example of mutual interplay between human settlement and geological forcing in the mud-volcanic environment. The site (350 m a.s.l.) lies at the termination of the upper Secchia River catchment, near the town of Sassuolo (Modena Province). Here, a 4-km-long mud volcano belt borders the Apennines chain front, comprising one of the most prominent mud volcanoes of Italy ( Salsa di Montegibbio), and the still-active chain hinge tectonics gives origin to gas and oil seeps. Based on geological, geoarchaeological, palaeobotanical, geochemical, geophysical records and analytical data, we unravel the onset, the evolution and the abandonment of the settlement in relation to the existence of a previously unknown mud volcano, belonging to the larger Montegibbio mud volcano system. The damages affecting the Roman-age buildings record the ground deformations in the context of mud volcano tectonics. In particular, the pattern of faults set buried under the archaeological site is shown and compared with that of the main mud volcano conduit. At least two Roman-age eruptive episodes have been recorded, whose ejected muds are geochemically characterized. The first recorded eruption must be regarded as the reason for the initial location and function of the sacred ancient settlement. The final site abandonment was because of subsequent severe ground deformations affecting the hillslope as a consequence of mud volcano activity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-77
L. I. Ryabushko ◽  
A. V. Bondarenko

Mud volcanoes are one of unique natural phenomena widely spread around the world. They can be found in Crimea, including the Bulganak sopochnoe field – the largest cluster of active mud volcanoes on the peninsula (45°25′29.04″N, 36°27′51.64″E). Study of mud volcano microalgae in Crimea, as well as in other regions of Russia, has not been conducted so far. Therefore, scientific interest is caused by need and urgency of the study of these volcanoes. First data on microalgae species composition of active mud volcanoes are presented in this article. Samples collected by O. Yu. Eremin (03.08.2012 and 13.04.2013) in the upper 2–3-cm layer of suspension and in surface water were investigated. The ranges of salinity and water temperature were 27–32 g per L and +28…+31 °C, respectively. Microalgae species composition was determined in water preparations using Axioskop 40 (Carl Zeiss) light microscope at magnification of 10×40 with software AxioVision Rel. 4.6. Totally 16 taxa were found: Cyanobacteria (1), Dinophyta (2), Bacillariophyta (6), and Euglenophyta (7). Of these, cyanobacteria Chamaecalyx swirenkoi (Schirshov) Komárek et Anagnostidis, 1986 was found by us in the mud volcano in August 2012. Pennate species of diatoms were also identified – single living (of genera Cylindrotheca (Ehrenberg) Reimann & J. C. Lewin, Lyrella Karajeva, and Nitzschia Hassall) and colonial species (of genera Berkeleya Greville and Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo). The brackish-water, benthic, boreal-tropical species Nitzschia thermaloides Hustedt was recorded for the algal flora of Crimea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov for the first time. Euglenophytes were also found in the samples – 5 species of the genus Trachelomonas Ehrenberg and 2 species of the genus Strombomonas Deflandre. Of all the species found in the mud volcano ecotope, 7 species are common for the Black Sea, and 9 species, including 3 euglenophytes, are common for the Sea of Azov. It is shown that by characteristics of halobility, species found in the mud volcano belong to freshwater complex (53 %), with a significant share of marine (27 %) and brackish-water (20 %) species. Of the phytogeographic flora elements, boreal species make up 33 %, boreal-tropical – 47 %, and cosmopolites – 20 %. Three species of potentially toxic algae are recorded: diatom Pseudo-nitzschia prolongatoides (Hasle) Hasle, 1993, as well as dinophytes Prorocentrum lima (Ehrenberg) Dodge, 1975 and Alexandrium tamiyavanichii Balech, 1994. The last species is marine, boreal-tropical, and new to the algology of Crimea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov. In the article, own and literary data on morphology, ecology, and phytogeography of species, as well as on their general distribution in different waterbodies of the world, are also presented. Some microalgae species are indicators of saprobity; they are able to participate in purification of water from organic substances. Photos of mud volcanoes and micrographs of some species are presented.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-45
Ojochenemi K. Musa ◽  
Ewa E. Kurowska ◽  
Krzysztof Schoeneich ◽  
Solomon A. Alagbe ◽  
Jeremiah Ayok

Abstract Onshore mud volcanoes are rare geological phenomena, which in Nigeria were reported for the first time few years ago in the Upper Benue Trough. In this study a detail geological mapping of the area of mud volcanoes occurrence was carried out, with the primary aim of defining their relationship, if any, to the structural geology there. The systematic field reconnaissance included field observations of the structural features, as well as analysis of the location and distribution of the onshore mud volcanoes, marking their locations on the topographic and geological maps, analysis of the aerial photographs and satellite images. The study area covered the central part of the Upper Benue Trough where the onshore mud volcanoes were found. The study area is the part of a sedimentary basin comprising Cretaceous clastic rocks that have been deformed intensively by a network of faults often embedded in the underlying Precambrian basement. This network of faults underwent a rejuvenation period from the Aptian to the Palaeocene. The most prominent tectonic structure in the study area is the NE – SW trending Kaltungo Fault Zone, however, there are other minor faults with N – S and NW – SE trends. This study shows that the mud volcanoes found in the study area are usually located near or within fault zones, within the outcropping Upper Cretaceous Yolde Formation and Upper Bima Sandstone, both of which were deformed by the Kaltungo faults, as well as by other minor faults. Worldwide, incidences of onshore mud volcano formation are usually attributed to areas of tectonic activity, rapid sedimentation or hydrocarbon occurrence. In this study, the interpretation of the field observations and mapping results, combined with information on the structural evolution of the study area and seismic pattern (very scarce), have led to the conclusion that the location of onshore mud volcanoes in the Upper Benue Trough, being located along the fault zones, is structurally controlled. The close relationship between mud volcano location and the structural framework of the area may be interpreted as one of several possible subsurface geological responses to present tectonic activity.

Solid Earth ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 741-763 ◽  
Marco Cuffaro ◽  
Andrea Billi ◽  
Sabina Bigi ◽  
Alessandro Bosman ◽  
Cinzia G. Caruso ◽  

Abstract. The Ionian Sea in southern Italy is at the center of active interaction and convergence between the Eurasian and African–Adriatic plates in the Mediterranean. This area is seismically active with instrumentally and/or historically recorded Mw>7.0 earthquakes, and it is affected by recently discovered long strike-slip faults across the active Calabrian accretionary wedge. Many mud volcanoes occur on top of the wedge. A recently discovered one (called the Bortoluzzi Mud Volcano or BMV) was surveyed during the Seismofaults 2017 cruise (May 2017). High-resolution bathymetric backscatter surveys, seismic reflection profiles, geochemical and earthquake data, and a gravity core are used here to geologically, geochemically, and geophysically characterize this structure. The BMV is a circular feature ≃22 m high and ≃1100 m in diameter with steep slopes (up to a dip of 22∘). It sits atop the Calabrian accretionary wedge and a system of flower-like oblique-slip faults that are probably seismically active as demonstrated by earthquake hypocentral and focal data. Geochemistry of water samples from the seawater column on top of the BMV shows a significant contamination of the bottom waters from saline (evaporite-type) CH4-dominated crustal-derived fluids similar to the fluids collected from a mud volcano located on the Calabria mainland over the same accretionary wedge. These results attest to the occurrence of open crustal pathways for fluids through the BMV down to at least the Messinian evaporites at about −3000 m. This evidence is also substantiated by helium isotope ratios and by comparison and contrast with different geochemical data from three seawater columns located over other active faults in the Ionian Sea area. One conclusion is that the BMV may be useful for tracking the seismic cycle of active faults through geochemical monitoring. Due to the widespread diffusion of mud volcanoes in seismically active settings, this study contributes to indicating a future path for the use of mud volcanoes in the monitoring and mitigation of natural hazards.

2018 ◽  
Marco Cuffaro ◽  
Andrea Billi ◽  
Sabina Bigi ◽  
Alessandro Bosman ◽  
Cinzia G. Caruso ◽  

Abstract. The Ionian Sea in southern Italy is at the center of active interaction and convergence between the Eurasian and African-Adriatic plates in the Mediterranean. This area is seismically active with instrumentally/historically-recorded Mw > 7.0 earthquakes and it is affected by recently-discovered long strike-slip faults across the active Calabrian accretionary wedge. Many mud volcanoes occur on top of the wedge. A recently-discovered one (here named Bortoluzzi Mud Volcano, BMV) was surveyed during the Seismofaults 2017 cruise (May 2017). Bathymetric-backscatter surveys, seismic reflection profiles, geochemical and earthquake data as well as a gravity core are here used to geologically, geochemically, and geophysically characterize this structure. The BMV is a circular feature ≃22 m high and ≃1100 m in diameter with steep slopes (up to a dip of 22°). It sits atop the Calabrian accretionary wedge and a system of flower-like oblique-slip faults that are probably seismically active as demonstrated by earthquake hypocentral and focal data. Geochemistry of water samples from the seawater column on top of the BMV shows a significant contamination of the bottom waters from saline (evaporite-type) CH4-dominated crustal-derived fluids similar to the fluids collected from a mud volcano located in the Calabria main land over the same accretionary wedge. These results attest for the occurrence of an open crustal conduit through the BMV down to at least the Messinian evaporites at about −3000 m. This evidence is also substantiated by Helium isotope ratios and by different geochemical data from three sea water columns located elsewhere in the Ionian Sea. Conclusions are drawn on the origin of the BMV and on the potential of this type of structures for tracking the seismic cycle of active faults. Due to the widespread diffusion of mud volcanoes in seismically active settings, this study may contribute to indicate a potential and feasible future path for the use of these ubiquitous structures in favor of the mitigation of natural hazards.

Geophysics ◽  
1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (9) ◽  
pp. 1518-1524 ◽  
L. L. Nettleton ◽  
A. T. Herring

A gravity survey made some 30 years ago on the Island of Trinidad shows a negative anomaly of about 8 mgal over the Maruga Bouff mud volcano. An analysis of this anomaly is made, using an iterative three‐dimensional (3-D) modeling technique. The resulting model shows low‐density material superimposed on an underlying diapiric uplift. By comparison with other mud volcanoes which have been drilled, the model is considered reasonable.

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