scholarly journals Grades, Student Satisfaction and Retention in Online and Face-to-Face Introductory Psychology Units: A Test of Equivalency Theory

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
David Garratt-Reed ◽  
Lynne D. Roberts ◽  
Brody Heritage
2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Philip Ice ◽  
Angela M. Gibson ◽  
Wally Boston ◽  
Dave Becher

Though online enrollments continue to accelerate at a rapid pace, there is significant concern over student retention. With drop rates significantly higher than in face-to-face classes it is imperative that online providers develop an understanding of factors that lead students to disenroll. This study examines course-level disenrollment through the lens of student satisfaction with the projection of Teaching, Social and Cognitive Presence. In comparing the highest and lowest disenrollment quartiles of all courses at American Public University the value of effective Instructional Design and Organization, and initiation of the Triggering Event phase of Cognitive Presence were found to be significant predictors of student satisfaction in the lowest disenrollment quartile. For the highest disenrollment quartile, the lack of follow-through vis-à-vis Facilitation of Discourse and Cognitive Integration were found to be negative predictors of student satisfaction.

Curationis ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
Tennyson Mgutshini

Educational discourse has long portrayed online, or e-based, learning and all non-campus-based learning options as second best to traditional face-to-face options. Critically much of the research and debate in this area of study has focused on evidence relating to student performance, attrition and retention with little consideration of the total learning experience, which values both the traditional learning outcome measures side-by-side with student-centered factors, such as students’ satisfaction with their learning experience. The objective of this study was to present a synchronous head-to-head comparison between online and campus-based students’ experiences of an undergraduate course. This paper reports on a qualitative comparative cross-sectional study, which used multiple data collection approaches to assess student learning and student satisfaction of 61 students who completed a semester of an undergraduate course. Of the 61 students, 34 were enrolled purely as online students, whilst the remaining 27 students studied the same material entirely through the traditional face-to-face medium. Methods included a standardised student satisfaction survey and an ‘achievement of learning outcomes’ measurement tool. Students on the online cohort performed better in areas where ‘self-direction’ in learning was indicated, for example self-directed problem-based tasks within the course. Online students gave less positive self-assessments of their perceived content mastery than their campus-based counterparts, despite performing just as well in both summative and formative assignments. A multi-factorial comparison shows online students to have comparable educational success and that, in terms of student satisfaction, online learners reported more satisfaction with their learning experience than their campus-based counterparts.

Sadia Jabeen ◽  
Aisha Muhammd Din ◽  
Muhammad Farhan Sadiq

This chapter explores the satisfaction level of students from Virtual University of Pakistan mode of e-learning. The research aimed at explaining the various factors of adopting the e-learning mode as well as inquiring about the determinant of satisfaction from virtual educational systems. The quantitative study was conducted through survey method; 240 respondents were selected from all the Virtual University campuses through simple random sampling. Questionnaires based on 25 items were constructed to measure the satisfaction. One sample t-test and regression analysis were applied for data analysis. Results revealed that a majority of the students prefer this institute due to high teaching standards. Interactivity pattern was explained as the main predictor of students' satisfaction from the system. Findings of the study lead to the practical implications and identify the need of face-to-face communication and betterment in interactivity patterns between instructors and students to enhance students' satisfaction from the system.

Michael Marmon

Online education has become a ubiquitous and convenient method by which to complete courses at institutions of higher education across the globe. To achieve this level of parity between course delivery methods (online or face-to-face), the instructor or course designer must understand the complex relationship between the technology and instructional design theories being leveraged in these contexts. Within the context of this chapter, these barriers manifest themselves within Moore's Theory of Transactional Distance, a theory which states that the transactional distance between stakeholders (whether it is instructor-learner or learner-learner communication) has the potential to obstruct the path for comprehending the information being presented as well as influencing the level of rapport between students. This chapter examines the obstacles that are present because of Moore's Theory of Transactional Distance and the influence that social presence has on learners in online courses from the perspective of student satisfaction and positive learning outcomes.

Qidong Cao ◽  
Xue Bai ◽  
Thomas E. Griffin

Course Websites have been considered an increasingly important part of online as well as face-to-face education delivery formats. While a vast body of literature has been devoted to comparison of the online and traditional face-to-face courses, little research of student satisfaction with respect to course Websites differentiated between the online and face-to-face students. In order to improve quality of course Websites, the effort was aimed at identifying important predictors of the satisfaction of online students and face-to-face students. This study conducted Fisher’s z transformation and test to compare correlation coefficients of each of Website features and the student satisfaction between two groups of student. Williams’ T-test was performed to compare correlation coefficients, with the student satisfaction, of different Website features within one group, online or face-to-face students. The results showed that online students and face-to-face students had different focuses on Website features. Educational administrators, instructors and system developers might accordingly apply limited resources on improvement of most important features to efficiently increase student satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-153
Dmitri Stanchevici ◽  
Megan Siczek

Before arriving in a host country, international students may be motivated to complete some institutional requirements online. Many studies address computer-assisted instruction for second-language students, but few focus on fully online English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing courses. This comparative case study, grounded in action research, examined the extent to which a fully online version of a graduate-level EAP course offered to international students at a North American university achieved comparable outcomes to a face-to-face version. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of study participants’ performance and course evaluations indicated that the outcomes and student satisfaction of both cohorts were comparable. However, an examination of the participants’ final research papers and online interactions revealed differences and challenges. Based on these findings, it is recommended that future online courses provide more instruction on source integration, library research, and building an interactive learning community. Overall, the findings suggest that when carefully designed, assessed, and refined, fully online courses hold strong promise in EAP academic writing contexts. Les étudiantes et étudiants internationaux tiennent parfois à remplir certaines exigences institutionnelles en ligne avant de se rendre dans leur pays d’accueil. L’enseignement assisté par ordinateur pour les apprenantes et apprenants d’anglais langue seconde fait l’objet de nombreuses études, mais peu d’entre elles portent sur des cours d’écriture d’anglais académique (EAP) complètement dispensés en ligne. Entièrement basée sur la recherche-action, la présente étude de cas comparative fait état du degré de comparabilité des résultats d’un cours d’anglais académique de deuxième cycle complètement présenté en ligne à des étudiantes et étudiants internationaux inscrits à une université nord-américaine et des résultats obtenus lorsque le même cours était dispensé en personne. Une analyse quantitative et qualitative des rendements des participantes et participants et du cours lui-même a indiqué que les résultats et le degré de satisfaction des étudiantes et étudiants des deux cohortes se valaient. L’examen des rapports de recherche finaux des participantes et participants et celui des interactions en ligne ont toutefois révélé des écarts et des défis. Sur la base de ces constatations, il est recommandé que les futurs cours en ligne fournissent davantage d’instructions sur l’intégration des sources, sur les recherches en bibliothèque et sur la construction d’une communauté d’apprentissage interactif. Dans l’ensemble, les constatations de l’étude suggèrent que, s’ils sont soigneusement conçus, évalués et peaufinés, les cours complètement dispensés en ligne sont très prometteurs dans des contextes d’écriture en anglais académique.

1986 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 599-609 ◽  
Warner Wilson ◽  
Wilma Henzlik

48 male and female students in introductory psychology engaged in a get acquainted conversation with a confederate of the opposite sex. After the conversation, the experimenter asked each person to rate the other and indicated that they would then see each other's ratings as a part of the acquaintance process. Immediately after the first ratings were exchanged, however, the experimenter asked both subjects for a second confidential rating. According to prior instructions, the confederate gave either positive (7 to 9) or negative (3 to 6) preliminary ratings. The second rating, which was of liking, showed a strong tendency for the subjects to reciprocate the favorability of the first ratings made of them by the confederate. Attractive more than unattractive confederates were better liked. In contrast to previous research, however, data showed no tendency for subjects to respond more strongly to positive or negative feedback from an attractive rather than from an unattractive other.

1986 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-211 ◽  
D. O. Maxcy ◽  
S. J. Maxcy

In this study two approaches to the teaching of a social foundations of education course are compared. The first approach incorporates a computer-telephone linkage between two remote sites. The second consists of discussion and lectures in a traditional face-to-face classroom setting. The question the study seeks to answer is: Can the teleconferencing approach compare favorably with more traditional single-site teaching in terms of student satisfaction? The methods used to determine the level of satisfaction were primarily anthropological in nature: questionnaire and field notes. Findings indicate that students preferred the telelearning approach over the traditional face-to-face format. It is concluded that student satisfaction indicators auger well for the future of telelearning technology in continuing education programs.

10.28945/2299 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 217-235
Christina M Smith

The use of blended learning is well suited for classes that involve a high level of experiential inquiry such as internship courses. These courses allow students to combine applied, face-to-face fieldwork activities with a reflective academic component delivered online. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to describe the pedagogical design and implementation of a pilot blended learning format internship course. After implementation, the pilot class was assessed. Results of the survey and focus group revealed high levels of student satisfaction in the areas of course structure, faculty-student interaction, and application of theory to the “real-world” experience undertaken by students during the internship. Lower levels of satisfaction with the course’s academic rigor and a sense of community were also reported. Notably, students with experience in blended learning expressed lower levels of overall satisfaction, but reported higher levels of satisfaction with the course’s rigor and sense of community. The paper concludes by offering implications for instructors seeking to implement blended learning approaches.

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