scholarly journals Information Technology Governance for Higher Education Institutions: A Multi-Country Study

Informatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Isaías Scalabrin Bianchi ◽  
Rui Dinis Sousa ◽  
Ruben Pereira

Information Technology governance (ITG) calls for the definition and implementation of formal practices at the highest level in the organization, involving structures, processes and relational practices for the creation of business value from IT investments. However, determining the right ITG practices remains a complex endeavor. Previous studies identify IT governance practices used in the health and financial sectors. As universities have many unique characteristics, it is highly unlikely that the ITG experiences of the financial and health industry can be directly applied to universities. This study, using Design Science Research (DSR), develops a baseline with advised practices for the university sector. The analysis of thirty-four case studies from the literature review provides a set of practices as a starting point for the development of the baseline model proposal through multiple case studies involving interviews with IT directors, in ten universities in five countries: eight new practices emerge in this study. The model proposed was evaluated by experts. The result is a baseline model with adequate practices for IT governance in universities as well as a set of guidelines for its implementation. Findings revealed that is possible to extend the ITG practices’ baseline when looking at specific contexts.

Wil Ly Teo ◽  
Khong Sin Tan

Past studies and surveys of top management in business and information technology (IT) have shown the importance of strong IT governance in delivering results to the business. This research investigates the extent to which empirical results from past studies is applicable to the electronics manufacturing sector in Malaysia. Empirical evidence from 33 organisations in this sector indicates that having the right decision owners making appropriate decision types lead to better IT governance performance. Organisations with growth as their primary goal demonstrate marginally higher IT governance performance, contrary to expected outcomes. The research also shows that awareness of industry IT governance frameworks is not related to IT governance performance. We conclude that adoption of IT governance is on track, though familiarity with technicalities of the available frameworks should be improved.

2012 ◽  
pp. 887-906 ◽  
Wil Ly Teo ◽  
Khong Sin Tan

Past studies and surveys of top management in business and information technology (IT) have shown the importance of strong IT governance in delivering results to the business. This research investigates the extent to which empirical results from past studies is applicable to the electronics manufacturing sector in Malaysia. Empirical evidence from 33 organisations in this sector indicates that having the right decision owners making appropriate decision types lead to better IT governance performance. Organisations with growth as their primary goal demonstrate marginally higher IT governance performance, contrary to expected outcomes. The research also shows that awareness of industry IT governance frameworks is not related to IT governance performance. We conclude that adoption of IT governance is on track, though familiarity with technicalities of the available frameworks should be improved.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-101 ◽  
Khalifa Al-Farsi ◽  
Ramzi EL Haddadeh

Information technology governance is considered one of the innovative practices that can provide support for decision-makers. Interestingly, it has become increasingly a de facto for organizations in seeking to optimise their performance. In principle, information technology governance has emerged to support organizations in the integration of information technology (IT) infrastructures and the delivery of high-quality services. On the other hand, decision-making processes in public sector organisations can be multi-faceted and complex, and decision makers play an important role in implementing technology in the public sector. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on current opportunities and challenges that IT governance is experiencing in the context of public sector services. In this respect, this paper examines the factors influencing the decision-making process to fully appreciate IT governance. Furthermore, this study focuses on combining institutional and individual perspectives to explain how individuals can take decisions in response to institutional influences.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Sisilia Thya Safitri

Information Technology Governance (IT Governance) merupakan faktor penting bagi organisasi atau perusahaan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Adanya IT Governance akan memberikan jaminan bahwa pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dapat sejalan dengan tujuan organisasi. PT. Pertamina (Persero) sebagai perusahaan minyak berskala nasional yang telah berkomitmen untuk memberikan kontribusi yang terbaik bagi perekonomian Indonesia telah melakukan transformasi perusahaan menjadi dua tema besar, yaitu fundamental dan bisnis. Untuk mendukung komitmen tersebut, maka diperlukan peran IT yang besar. Pada Code of Corporate Governance PT.Pertamina, dicantumkan mengenai pentingnya penerapan IT Governance dalam mendukung proses bisnis yang dilakukan PT. Pertamina.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 57 ◽  
Johanes Fernandes Andry

Established in 2001, XYZ Cargo is a Freight Forwarder Service Company specialized in the logistic transportation located in Jakarta. XYZ Cargo has broad experiences in both ocean freight and air freight service and has more than sixty agents of partnership around the world. XYZ Cargo has implemented Information Technology (IT) that covers all key aspects of business processes of the enterprise. It has an impact on the strategic and competitive advantages of its success. Many organizations have started implementing IT governance in order to achieve the collaboration between business and IT. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of performance measurement of the currently-running IT Governance with several aspects to consider such as effectiveness, efficiency, functional unit of information technology within an organization, data integrity, safeguarding assets, reliability, confidentiality, availability, and security. The analytical tool used in this research is the COBIT 5 standard procedure by ISACA. The result of IT Governance based on COBIT 5 in domain EDM, shows average values at the level of 2.0 until 2.7 (managed process) for EDM01, EDM02, EDM03 and 1.3 until 1.7 (performed process) for EDM04, EDM05.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 1319
Andeka Rocky Tanaamah ◽  
Agustinus Fritz Wijaya ◽  
Sarah Ayu Maylinda

<p class="Abstrak">Tata kelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) dibutuhkan di suatu organisasi pada saat ini menjadi perhatian utama dalam mengembangkan layanan yang telah berbasis TI. Adanya kebutuhan untuk menghasilkan kualitas layanan TI yang kredibel dan transparan telah mendorong setiap organisasi baik sektor swasta maupun sektor publik. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 75% adopsi suatu teknologi sering berujung kegagalan. Persoalan utama yang menyebabkan kegagalan implementasi <em>Information Technology Governance</em> (ITG) terletak pada operasional TI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor kepemimpinan yang menitikberatkan kepada TI berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan maupun kegagalan implementasi tata kelola TI; (2) Sejauh mana mana visi kepemimpinan dapat mendorong implementasi ITG pada Sektor Publik. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut, lokasi penelitian ini berada di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Bengkayang. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan faktor-faktor yang berperan seperti: komitmen kepala daerah, kemampuan dalam menjabarkan visi dan misi, ketersediaan regulasi dan aturan, dukungan untuk mengimplementasikan TI, kemampuan dalam konsolidasi dan pengelolaan, penataan kelembagaan, dukungan dan alokasi anggaran, ketersediaan infrastruktur, sumber daya manusia, dan kemampuan dalam mengembangkan strategi implementasi. Oleh karena faktor tersebut, dukungan visi kepemimpinan dalam mengembangkan tata kelola pemerintahan dapat menjadi basis reformasi birokrasi.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Information Technology (IT) governance is required in an organization is currently a major concern in developing IT-based services. The need to produce quality IT services that are credible and transparent has encouraged every organization, both private and public sectors. Several studies show that 75% of the adoption of technology often leads to failure. The main problem that causes the failure of the implementation of Information Technology Governance (ITG) lies in IT operations. This study aims to: 1) identify leadership factors that focus on IT that influence the success or failure of IT governance implementation; (2) The extent to which the leadership vision can encourage the implementation of ITG in the Public Sector. Qualitative methods are used to solve the problem, the location of this research is in Salatiga City and Bengkayang Regency. This study found factors that play a role such as the commitment of the regional head, the ability to describe the vision and mission, the availability of regulations and rules, support for implementing IT, the ability to consolidate and manage, institutional structuring, support, and budget allocation, availability of infrastructure, resources human resources, and the ability to develop implementation strategies. Because of these factors, the support for the vision of leadership in developing good governance can be the basis for bureaucratic reform.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-31 ◽  
Ruey-Shiang Shaw ◽  
Che-Pin Cheng ◽  
Ta-Yu Fu ◽  
Chia-Wen Tsai ◽  
Dong-Cheng Yen

More and more enterprises regard Information Technology (IT) as their most valuable property and make full use of IT to maximize the performance of their business operations. As a result, enterprises are attaching more importance to coordinating their IT strategy and enterprise strategy in order to get the most from their IT investment. For the sake of better IT performance and long-term development, firms must adopt a complete strategy for IT governance. In Taiwan, most financial enterprises have not considered IT governance to be a necessity, and those which are implementing IT governance have difficulty explaining, systemically, how it affects IT performance. Based on the five dimensions of IT governance, this study uses the balanced scorecard to measure IT performance and discusses the influence of effective governance on IT performance. The results show that the five dimensions of IT governance (strategic alignment, value delivery, risk management, resource management, and performance measurement) are all positively correlated with IT performance. The results of this study can help Taiwan's financial enterprises set the proper course for IT governance and more clearly understand how it serves to improve IT performance.

10.5772/56661 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 19 ◽  
Wil Ly Teo ◽  
Azizah Abd Manaf ◽  
Phyllis Lai Fong Choong

Information Technology (IT) governance has risen in importance in recent years, driven by various trends in IT development. With rapid growth in the country and the globalization of the IT sector, there is growing interest in IT governance in Malaysia. This study aims to explore whether IT practitioners with different job functions, education levels, education areas of specialization, certifications and experience levels have different perceptions of IT governance effectiveness in their organization. The results reveal differences in perceived IT governance effectiveness between different job function groups, but not between groups with different education levels, certification or experience levels. The findings for education area of specialization are not conclusive. The findings of this study will help IT managers to identify areas of focus to maximize effectiveness of IT governance initiatives through their IT staff. The implications of the findings are discussed at the end of the paper.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-151
Caecilia Ika Pramita Ady ◽  
Prihanto Ngesti Basuki ◽  
Augie David Manuputty

Information Technology (IT) governance is used to manage and optimize IT resources in supporting organizational goals. The Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of Salatiga City as part of a government organization has built E-Legal Drafting information system to develop the functions of making regional legal products as well as the realization of e-government development in the legal field. The COBIT framework supports IT governance by providing work support to regulate IT alignment with the organization's business objectives. The results of this study are expected to show an overview of the implementation of IT governance in E-Legal Drafting information system from APO domain within the COBIT 5 framework, show the current system information level of capability and performance that is obtained from the measurement of capability levels, and also providing evaluation and recomendation based on the results of the gap analysis to help obtain the quality of information systems expected by the Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of Salatiga City.

2018 ◽  

Call center ESQ merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang digunakan oleh tim telemarketing, timtelecorporate, finance, dan BM (Branch Manager) untuk menjalankan fungsi bisnis ESQ LC. Data sudah menjadiaset penting dalam perusahaan untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan berkaitan denganpenyalahgunaan data maka harus dilakukan audit. Pentingnya informasi, maka kebijakan tentang keamanan sistemmerupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam sebuah sistem informasi. Audit Sistem Informasi menjadisebuah solusi untuk mengukur sejauh mana selama ini sistem call center melakukan proses DS5 dan DS11 agarESQ LC dapat melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan. IT (Information Technology) Governance merupakan strukturhubungan dan proses untuk mengarahkan dan mengendalikan organisasi untuk mencapai tujuannya denganmenambahkan nilai ketika menyeimbangkan risiko dibandingkan dengan TI dan prosesnya. Kerangka kerja COBIT(Control Objective For Information and Related Technology) versi 4.1, dimana COBIT mempunyai tujuan untukmengendalikan TI terkait dan merupakan suatu standar yang telah diakui cukup baik pada tingkat internasional.Dalam penelitian ini membahas 1 domain yaitu Deliver and Support dari 4 domain yang ada di COBIT denganpembahasan dibatasi pada tingkat control process pengelolaan data (DS11) dan memastikan keamanan sistem(DS5) untuk management awareness dan maturity level. Hasil dari audit sistem informasi adalah tingkat kinerjaproses DS5 (memastikan keamananan sistem) dan DS11 (pengelolaan data) adalah sedang. Maturiy Level DS5 danDS11 saat ini (as is) ada pada level 3 kondisi di mana perusahaan telah memiliki prosedur standar formal dantertulis yang telah disosialisasikan ke segenap jajaran manajemen dan karyawan untuk dipatuhi dan dikerjakandalam aktivitas sehari-hari tapi kurang ada pengawasan untuk menjalankan itu semua. Dan (to be) yangdiharapkan menunjukkan level 4 perusahaan memiliki indikator sebagai sasaran terhadap kinerja proses TI sertaterdapat fasilitas untuk memonitor dan mengukur prosedur yang sudah berjalan. Rekomendasi ke level 4 ITGovernance ini dibuat guna meningkatkan kinerja call center di ESQ LC. Usulan Performance Indicator danOutcome Measure diharapkan dapat diterapkan agar proses TI tercapai sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkandalam DS5 dan DS11.Kata Kunci: Audit, call center, IT Governance, Activities dan IT Goals, COBIT.

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