Non-Destructive X-ray Characterization of a Novel Joining Method Based on Laser-Melting Deposition for AISI 304 Stainless Steel
In this study, an application of the laser-melting deposition additive manufacturing technique as a welding method has been studied for the laser welding (LW) of AISI 304 stainless steel, specifically 0.4 mm and 0.5 mm thick sheets. The welding was carried out without and with filler material. Inconel 718 powder particles were used as filler material in the second case. A series of experiments were designed by changing the process parameters to identify the effect of operating conditions on the weld width, depth, and height. The welds were examined through metallographic experiments performed at various cross-sections to identify the defects and pores. All the deposited welds were passed through a customized mini-focus X-ray system to analyze the weld uniformities. The optimal operating conditions were determined for 0.4 mm and 0.5 mm sheets for the LW with and without filler material. It was found that laser power, laser scanning speed, powder flow rate, and helium to argon gases mixture-control the weld bead dimensions and quality. X-ray analyses showed that the optimal operating conditions gave the least peak value of non-uniformity in the laser welds. This study opens a new window for laser welding via additive manufacturing with X-ray monitoring.