scholarly journals Reviewing YouTube as a Compelling Tool for the Promotion of Tourism

YouTube has been recognized as one of the influential platforms as a social medium, allowing people across the world to express their thoughts and ideas through sharing videos. The travel-related videos have produced the second-highest searched results from its users of this giant social media in recent years. This study is basically based on an exploratory approach to discover the beneficial uses of YouTube as a promotional platform for travel businesses. To gain insight into the projection, information from secondary sources is investigated. A good quality video with logical contents containing the real scenario of travel products can be placed on YouTube to attract attention from a mass population in a very short time. The presentation of the information in this study, collected from established sources will construct an understanding of the online promotional tool and YouTube as one of them in influencing potential travelers. It will also provide an idea about the effectiveness of YouTube as a promotional tool for business through the revenue generation it has been earning from advertising. Bangladesh tourism and its stakeholders can take advantage of this online stage to make people aware of their products and services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-199
Agnes Kovacs ◽  
Tamas Doczi ◽  
Dunja Antunovic

The Olympic Games are among the most followed events in the world, so athletes who participate there are exceptionally interesting for the media. This research investigated Olympians’ social media use, sport journalists’ attitudes about Olympians’ social media use, and the role of social media in the relationship between Olympians and sport journalists in Hungary. The findings suggest that most Hungarian Olympians do not think that being on social media is an exceptionally key issue in their life, and a significant portion of them do not have public social media pages. However, sport journalists would like to see more information about athletes on social media platforms. The Hungarian case offers not only a general understanding of the athlete–journalist relationship, and the role of social media in it, but also insight into the specific features of the phenomenon in a state-supported, hybrid sport economy.

Md. Sajjad Hosain ◽  
Abu Hena Mohammad Manzurul Arefin ◽  
Md. Altab Hossin

Electronic recruitment (E-recruitment) has become a common phenomenon due to the increasing utilization of information technology by the human resource departments in many organizations around the world. However, recently, we can also observe the integration of social media as a part of e-recruitment although the practice is limited. This review paper aims at discussing the role of social media on e-recruitment process based on existing literature. Most of the previous studies indicate that social media is not being used as the main source of e-recruitment, rather as one of the secondary sources. Further, it has been revealed that such utilization of social media as complementary source is getting popular due to the inexpensive availability of information. The paper is expected to be beneficial for the scholars as a substantial literature evidence for reference as well as for human resource professionals for some practical guidelines (based on recommendations provided) regarding the utilization of social media information for e-recruitment.

Leticia Bode ◽  
Emily K. Vraga ◽  
Kjerstin Thorson

Chapter 7 tackles the challenges posed by misinformation campaigns and fake news, an issue of growing concern in America and around the world. Following the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, academics and pundits alike struggled to make sense of what happened, and many pointed to the role of fake news and misinformation more broadly in leading voters astray in their assessments of the two major candidates for president. This chapter draws on survey data to investigate how media use in general, and use of social media and partisan media more specifically, affected belief in six fake news stories directly following the 2016 election. The analysis assesses whether use of different types of media affected belief in misinformation—including messages congruent and incongruent with their own candidate preferences—providing insight into what was to blame for belief in fake news in the 2016 elections.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Juminem Juminem

Perkembangan teknologi, khususnya teknologi komunikasi dan informatika, sedang mengalami masa keemasan, satu diantaranya media sosial. Media sosial seakan-akan sudah menjadi kebutuhan hidup manusia, setiap saat orang mengakses internet demi terhubung dengan perkembangan berita yang ada di media sosial, seperti kabar dari orang tua, saudara, teman, rekan bisnis, atau kabar dari suatu grup tertentu. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana adab bermedia sosial dalam pandangan Islam. Metode penulisan menggunakan kajian pustaka dengan merujuk beberapa sumber referensi baik sumber primer maupun sumber sekunder yang berasal dari beberapa buku, al-Qur’an, al-Hadits, maupun jurnal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, disimpulkan bahwa seorang muslim dalam bersosialisasi dengan menggunakan media sosial hendaknya senantiasa menjunjung tinggi adab dalam bersosialisasi, dengan saling menghormati sesama mahluk ciptaan Allah, karena setiap perbuatan yang dikerjakan di dunia akan dipertanggungjawabkan di akhirat. Manfaat media sosial cukup banyak untuk mencari ridho Allah SWT, tergantung penggunaannya, apakah digunakan untuk hal-hal yang baik atau buruk. Kata kunci: Adab, Islam, media sosial Abstract. The development of technology, especially communication and informatics technology, is being developed golden, one that is approved by social media. Social media seems to be a necessity for human life, every time people access the internet to connect with the development of news on social media, such as news from parents, siblings, friends, business associates, or news from any particular group. The purpose of the discussion of this article is to analyze how social media is in the view of Islam. The comparison method uses literature studies with several reference sources both primary sources and secondary sources derived from several books, the Koran, the Hadith, and journals. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that a Muslim in socializing using social media asked to always uphold adab in socializing, with mutual respect for fellow creatures created by Allah, by conducting research done in the world will be accounted for in the hereafter. The benefits of social media are enough to seek Allah's blessing, depending on its use, it can be used for good or bad things. Keywords: Adab, Islam, social media

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 223
Muhammad Maga Sule

<p>The paper has examines what is considered dual contributions of the internet based medium of communication in Da’wah. These platforms for social interaction and communication have become medium of spreading Islamic messages by Islamic scholars. The objective of the paper is to analyze how internet related mane of communications and interaction have aided Da’wah. The researchers adopted an explanatory type of research whose aim is to explain a phenomenon of choice.  The researchers sourced data from the secondary sources and analyzed them. It is on the basis of such that, the findings of this research have portrayed that social media as medium of social interaction have been adopted as tools for Da’wah which learned Islamic scholars are using to propagate Islam and its teachings. However, the outcomes confirmed that social media have provided a fruitful ground for the germination of cyber space Islamic scholars, people who are not learned but share texts, video and audio containing distorted and misleading information. This has challenged the age long Islamic practice in Islam where any issues regarding Islamic Da’wah and Fatwa are exclusively for the learned Islamic Scholars. The study in addition reveal that what is obtainable on the social media now is, cyber scholars and quick to post or comment on issues that are exclusive the purview of Islamic scholars.</p>

Itinerario ◽  
1984 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-152

As is well-known, between 1639 and 1853 the only officially allowed communication between Japan and the rest of the world flowed through the single Dutch trading post on Deshima island in the bay of Nagasaki. Even before this, and indeed for a short time thereafter, the Dutch trading establishment there provided a spyhole through which Europeans could observe some of what went on in the Land of the Rising Sun and through which Japanese could gain some insight into the rest of the world. It is therefore not surprising that since the 1880s the archives of the Dutch factory have been seen as an important source for the history of Japan. In particular the daily Daghregister (or Journal) which is unbroken between 1633 and 1860, forms the basic key to the records of the Deshima factory, especially during the annual journey to the court in Edo (Tokyo).

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-200 ◽  
Julia Ying-Chao Lin ◽  
Angelina Nhat Hanh Le ◽  
Shadab Khalil ◽  
Julian Ming-Sung Cheng

Social media, especially social networking, are rapidly becoming very popular online activities among people all over the world. The use of online media is causing several workplace-related problems. Therefore, in this study we investigated the associations between social media usage behavior, personal background, and work values. Using office workers for the research sample and Facebook as the social medium for investigation, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to dimensionalize the constructs of social media usage behavior and work values. The results of bivariate correlation suggest that personal background and social media usage behavior are correlated and social media usage behavior and work values are partially correlated.

Emil Joseph ◽  
Dhanabhakyam M. M.

SMEs are the backbone of India's economy; due to the serious effect of the pandemic COVID-19, almost all the sectors are in a serious threat. This also reflects the SME sector more than any of the sectors. In this chapter, the researcher will analyze the problems faced by SMEs due to the pandemic. For the purpose of analysis, the researcher uses various statistical tools. Most of the data are collected from secondary sources and some of the data are collected using primary sources by issuing questionnaires through social media. SMEs are key players in the global landscape, especially in emerging economies. According to the World Bank, SMEs account for 90% of businesses and more than 50% of jobs. SMEs around the world focus on services, which are characterized by low access costs and low resource requirements. However, there is also a large diversity of SMEs due to different market conditions. According to the country's Ministry of Economy, SMEs represent more than 98% of the total number of companies operating in the country.

Rameez Ahmad Lone

Islam is not merely the set of religious rituals or beliefs but a complete way of life. There is not even a single matter, no matter how peculiar, awkward or dull it may seem, about which Islam does not deals or directs. In all behind every act, including tourism, there is sole purpose seeking the pleasure of God-Almighty Allah, by following His commandments. Islam encourages travel or tourism and hospitable behavior, and unlike west connects it with the most sublime and honorable values and morals. It is in this backdrop, the focus of the present study is ‘Tablighi Jamaat’- an Islamic revival movement, founded by Maulana Ilyas in Mewat region near Delhi-India, around 1920’s. This movement has come to establish its presence surprisingly in and over one hundred and fifty countries throughout the world with a large number of adherents in between 100 to 150 million. This is principally, because of its unique ‘travel and tourism’ approach, which it has adopted as a daw’ah (invitation towards Islam) methodology. Consequently and interestingly, because of this fact ‘the travel and tourism approach,’ the movement has also been named as ‘travelers in faith’. This paper is primarily based on secondary sources and the main objective of the paper is to provide an insight into the religious tourism of Tablighi Jama’at.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 338-351
Alice Hills

Technology-based surveillance practices have changed the modes of policing found in the global North but have yet to influence police–citizen engagement in Southern cities such as Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Based on the role played by monitoring in Mogadishu’s formal security plan and in an informal neighbourhood watch scheme in Waberi district, this article uses a policy-oriented approach to generate insight into surveillance and policing in a fragile and seemingly dysfunctional environment. It shows that while watching is an integral aspect of everyday life, sophisticated technologies capable of digitally capturing real-time events play no part in crime reporting or in the monitoring of terrorist threats, and information is delivered by using basic and inclusive methods such as word of mouth, rather than by mobile telephones or social media. Indeed, the availability of technologies such as CCTV has actually resulted in the reproduction and reinforcement of older models of policing; even when the need to monitor security threats encourages residents to engage with the task of policing, their responses reflect local preferences and legacy issues dating from the 1970s and 2000s. In other words, policing practice has not been reconfigured. In Mogadishu, as in most of the world, the policing task is shaped as much by residents’ expectations as by the technologies available.

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