e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Elshadday V. Tendean ◽  
Vonny N. Tubagus ◽  
Elvie Loho

Abstract: Emphysema is an uplift condition of air space in lung. This disease is needed to be concerned particularly among patients with smoking history. Emphysematous lung diagnosis can be found in chest x-ray imaging. This study aimed to obtain emphysematous lung in chest x-ray imaging. This was a descriptive retrospective study with a cross sectional design. Population was all medical record data of chest x-ray at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. Samples were medical records of emphysematous lungs according to radiological diagnosis. The results showed that there were 28 patients with radiological diagnosis as emphysematous lung. The most common characteristic feature was hyperaeration. There were also normal and abnormal heart imaging, and flattened diaphragm. Males were more often suffering from emphysematous lung than females, and age over 60 were more susceptible to suffer this emphysematous lung. Keywords: emphysematous, radiology, chest x-ray. Abstrak: Emfisema merupakan kondisi peningkatan ruang udara di dalam paru. Penyakit ini perlu diperhatikan khususnya pada pasien emfisema dengan riwayat merokok. Diagnosis paru emfisematous lung dapat diketahui melalui salah satu pemeriksaan penunjang radiologi yaitu foto toraks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran paru emfisematous pada pemeriksaan foto toraks. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif retrospektif dengan rancangan potong lintang. Populasi yaitu semua data rekam medis pemeriksaan foto toraks di bagian Radiologi RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Sampel yaitu rekam medik yang sudah didiagnosis radiologik paru emfisematous. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari semua pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan foto toraks dan telah didiagnosis radiologik paru emfisematous berjumlah 28 penderita. Temuan yang paling khas pada gambaran foto toraks paru emfisematous yaitu hiperaerasi; juga terdapat gambaran jantung normal maupun abnormal serta diafragma mendatar. Laki-laki lebih sering terkena paru emfisematous dari pada perempuan dan usia ≥60 tahun lebih rentan terkena paru emfisematous.Kata kunci: emfisematous, radiologi, foto toraks.

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Divertt Tamaweol ◽  
Ramli H. Ali ◽  
Martin L. Simanjuntak

Abstract: Chronic cough is defined as cough that lasts 8 weeks or more. Chronic cough itself is not a disease, but a symptom of other diseases. Chronic cough is the most common symptom that occurs among outpatients and is the main cause of morbidity which was reported by 3-40% population. Chronic cough can be caused by some diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung fibrosis. Chronic cough is closely associated with smoking habit which is one of the predisposing factors. Chest x-ray is one of the seed examination for chronic cough because it is very helpful in diagnosing diseases especially pulmonary diseases and others that may cause chronic cough. Objective: To identify the chest x-ray imaging in chronic cough patients. Methods: This study using retrospective description data in November 2015.  Sample is obtained from all the medical records of patients with radiological diagnosis chronic cough who undertook a chest x-ray examination in the Radiology Department of the Medical Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University / Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Central General Hospital Manado during July – September 2015. Data was collected from chest x-ray request form and the results show 178 cases of chronic cough that fit the inclusion criteria. The results showed that there was 178 cases of chronic cough based on the radiological diagnosis. The most frequent cases were chronic cough caused by pulmonary tuberculosis (97 patients; 54.49%). Most patients were male (107 patients; 60.11%), and the most frequent age group was 20-49 years (60 patients; 33.71%). Keywords: chronic cough, chest x-ray  Abstrak: Batuk kronik adalah batuk yang berlangsung selama 8 minggu atau lebih. Batuk kronik sendiri bukanlah penyakit, tetapi merupakan suatu gejala dari penyakit-penyakit lain. Batuk kronik merupakan gejala yang paling umum terdapat pada orang dewasa yang melakukan pengobatan rawat jalan dan penyebab utama morbiditas yang dilaporkan oleh 3-40% populasi. Batuk kronik dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa penyakit seperti pneumonia, tuberculosis, asma, bronchitis kronik, emfisema, dan fibrosis paru. Batuk kronik erat hubungannya dengan kebiasaan merokok dimana merokok merupakan salah satu faktor predisposisi. Foto toraks adalah salah satu pemeriksaan pilihan untuk batuk kronik karena sangat bermanfaat dalam mendiagnosis penyakit terutama penyakit paru dan gangguan lain yang dapat menyebabkan batuk kronik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran foto toraks pada penderita batuk kronik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif retropektif yang dilakukan pada bulan November 2015. Sampel diambil dari semua data catatan medik pasien dengan diagnosis radiologis batuk kronik yang melakukan foto toraks di Bagian/SMF Radiologi FK Unsrat/RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Juli – September 2015. Data diperoleh melalui lembaran permintaan pemeriksaan foto toraks dan didapatkan sebanyak 178 kasus batuk kronik yang masuk dalam kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan 178 kasus batuk kronik berdasarkan diagnosis radiologis. Kasus terbanyak ialah batuk kronik akibat tuberkulosis paru sebanyak 97 orang (54,49%), penderita terbanyak ialah laki-laki yaitu 107 orang (60,11%), dan golongan umur terbanyak ialah 20-49 tahun yaitu 60 penderita (33,71%). Kata kunci: batuk kronik, foto toraks

e-CliniC ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Alfa G. A. Poluan

Abstrak: Tuberkulosis (TB) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia yang utama sampai sekarang. Menurut WHO, Indonesia masih menjadi negara dengan peringkat keempat sebagai penyumbang TB terbesar dengan 400-500 ribu kasus. WHO melaporkan bahwa ada sekitar 327.000 kasus baru TB pada anak dengan usia <15 tahun di seluruh dunia, dan sekitar 65.000 anak meninggal karena TB setiap tahun. Dalam mendiagnosis TB anak perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan uji tuberkulin dan foto toraks. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan gambaran foto toraks dan uji tuberkulin pada anak dengan diagnosis tuberkulosis paru.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Januari 2012 – Desember 2012. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik observasional menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan data retrospektif. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan diolah dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Kendall’s tau-b. Dari hasil analisa data didapatkan nilai r= -0,408 dengan p= 0,046 (p<0,05). Nilai ini berarti bahwa ada hubungan negatif sedang antara gambaran foto toraks dan uji tuberkulin. Dengan demikian, pemeriksaan foto toraks dan uji tuberkulin harus dilakukan dalam membantu menegakkan diagnosis tuberkulosis paru pada anak. Kata kunci: Foto toraks, uji tuberkulin, tuberkulosis paru, anak    Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem until now. According to WHO, Indonesia has ranked as the fourth largest contributor TB with 400-500 cases. WHO reports that there are approximately 327,000 new cases of TB in children aged <15 years old all over the world, and about 65,000 children die from TB every year. In diagnosing TB in children, tuberculin test and chest x-ray are necessary. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between a chest x-ray picture and tuberculin test in children diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. This research was conducted in RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado in the period of January 2012 – December 2012. This was an observational analytic research using cross-sectional design with retrospective data. There were 25 children observed in this research. Analysis shows a negative correlation between radiographic picture and tuberculin test (r= -0.408; p= 0.046). Accordingly, chest x-ray examination and tuberculin test should be performed to help justify the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Key Words: Chest X-ray, Tuberculin test, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Children

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Retno Ariza ◽  
Anse Diana Messah ◽  
Fransisca Sinaga ◽  
Alfi Wahyudi ◽  
Sandhy Arya Pratama ◽  

Novel Coronavirus 2019 or as known as COVID-19 is a new disease that caused of Severe Acute Respiarory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) which found in Wuhan, China at the end of the year, 2019. Beside of the clinical characteristics based on mild until severed of the illness such as fever, cough, loss of smelling until decrease of lungs perfussion, another of physical examination is required such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which can be a gold standard for COVID-19 examination and Chest X-ray examination. The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between of chest x-ray imaging with clinical characteristic of COVID-19 patients in COVID-19 referral hospital of Bandar lampung on periode March 2020 – September 2020. The type of this research is descriptive analytics with cross sectional method. The technical of collecting the sample is purposive sampling. The analytical data that used is univariate to show the distribution of  frequency of the patients and bivariate (used Sprearman) to show the correlate and the strength of the research in COVID-19 patients in COVID-19 referral hospital Bandar lampung on periode March 2020 – September 2020. The result showed the significant correlation between clinical characteristic of COVID-19 patients with chest x-ray imaging with the p-Value 0.00 (p < 0.01) and the correlation strength is 0.948 which mean there was a strongest correlation between of both variables and the score is shown the positive way that mean both of the variables is one way which affect each other. From the result of the research we can conclude that more severed the clinical characteristic from COVID-19 patients, so more worse of chest x-ray imaging can be found.

2012 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 336
Ricki Rajagukguk ◽  
Muhammad Sholeh Kosim ◽  
Arsita Eka Rini ◽  
Mardiana Mardiana

Background Approximately 8-15% of all infants are born withevidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF). Manyof these infants rapidly initiate a good respiratory response andare othenvise vigorous. Other infants present v.ith a variety ofrespiratory distress. Chest x-ray imaging is the main test done toevaluate respiratory distress in order to differentiate pulmonaryand extrapulmonary etiologies.Objective To determine the relationship between viscosity ofMSAF and chest x-ray imaging results.Methods This cross-sectional study was held from January to June2011, as a continuation of a previous study from August 2009 toMay 2010 at Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia. Data wastaken from medical records of babies who were born v.ith MSAF.MSAF viscosity measurements by the investigator and laboratorytechnician were assessed by Kappa test in the previous study witha result of 0.7 4. X-ray findings were determined by the radiologiston duty at that time. Chi square and logistic regressiontests wereused for statistical analysis.Results There were 48 subjects consisting of 26 males and 22females. Chest x-ray imaging results showed normal findings in33.3% of subjects, pneumonia in 58.3% of subjects and meconiumaspiration syndrome in 8.3% of subjects. Thick viscosity MSAFwas significantly correlated to abnormal x-ray imaging (RR= 2.046;P=0.004; 95%CI 1.12 t03.72).Conclusion Thick MSAF viscosity significantly increased therisk of abnormal chest x-ray findings. [Paediatr Indones.2012;52:336-40].

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-36
Çağín Polat ◽  
Onur Karaman ◽  
Ceren Karaman ◽  
Güney Korkmaz ◽  
Mehmet Can Balcı ◽  

BACKGROUND: Chest X-ray imaging has been proved as a powerful diagnostic method to detect and diagnose COVID-19 cases due to its easy accessibility, lower cost and rapid imaging time. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to improve efficacy of screening COVID-19 infected patients using chest X-ray images with the help of a developed deep convolutional neural network model (CNN) entitled nCoV-NET. METHODS: To train and to evaluate the performance of the developed model, three datasets were collected from resources of “ChestX-ray14”, “COVID-19 image data collection”, and “Chest X-ray collection from Indiana University,” respectively. Overall, 299 COVID-19 pneumonia cases and 1,522 non-COVID 19 cases are involved in this study. To overcome the probable bias due to the unbalanced cases in two classes of the datasets, ResNet, DenseNet, and VGG architectures were re-trained in the fine-tuning stage of the process to distinguish COVID-19 classes using a transfer learning method. Lastly, the optimized final nCoV-NET model was applied to the testing dataset to verify the performance of the proposed model. RESULTS: Although the performance parameters of all re-trained architectures were determined close to each other, the final nCOV-NET model optimized by using DenseNet-161 architecture in the transfer learning stage exhibits the highest performance for classification of COVID-19 cases with the accuracy of 97.1 %. The Activation Mapping method was used to create activation maps that highlights the crucial areas of the radiograph to improve causality and intelligibility. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that the proposed CNN model called nCoV-NET can be utilized for reliably detecting COVID-19 cases using chest X-ray images to accelerate the triaging and save critical time for disease control as well as assisting the radiologist to validate their initial diagnosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 411-424 ◽  
José Daniel López-Cabrera ◽  
Rubén Orozco-Morales ◽  
Jorge Armando Portal-Diaz ◽  
Orlando Lovelle-Enríquez ◽  
Marlén Pérez-Díaz

2021 ◽  
Julius Muchui Thambura ◽  
Jeanette G.E du Plessis ◽  
Cheryl M E McCrindle ◽  
Tanita Cronje

Abstract Introduction Anecdotal evidence suggests that medical professionals in trauma units are requesting additional regional images using conventional x-ray systems, even after trauma patients have undergone full-body Lodox scans. Patients are then exposed to additional radiation, additional waiting times and an increased medical bill. This study aimed at investigating the extent to which Lodox systems were used in trauma units (n=28) in South Africa. Method In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the researcher invited one radiographer from the 28 hospitals in South Africa that use Lodox systems. Radiographers who were most experienced in using the Lodox system completed an online questionnaire. Results Twenty (71.43% n=20) out of twenty-eight radiographers responded. Most hospitals (90%, n=18) were referring patients for additional conventional x-ray images. Radiographers indicated that conventional x-rays were requested for the chest (27.80%, 10/36), the abdomen (16.67%, 6/36), the spine (13.89%, 5/36) and the extremities and skull (19.44%, 7/36). Additionally, radiographers reported using Lodox to perform procedures and examinations usually performed on conventional x-ray systems when conventional x-ray systems were not operational. Conclusion Currently, it is not clear if the use of conventional x-ray imaging following Lodox is necessary, but the results suggest that the practice is commonplace, with healthcare workers in most hospitals (90%, n=18) requesting additional x-ray imaging. The researcher thus recommends that an imaging protocol for Lodox imaging systems should be developed to guide the referral of the patients for further imaging.

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