scholarly journals Impact of Socio Economic Factors on Women Work force Participation in Informal Sector of Assam

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2S11) ◽  
pp. 4015-4020

Informal sector has played a very important role in the labour market of most of the development countries like India. Informal employment has been widespread and continues to be an emerging phenomenon. An overwhelmingly large percentage of workers (about 92 per cent) are engaged in informal informal sector of India and a large majority of them have low earnings with limited or no social protection. Assam is one of the relatively backward states in India. In Assam, the labour force participation rate (LFPR) and work force participation rate (WFPR) shows a dark picture of the labour market of the state. As similar to National level, in this state also, more than 90% of total workforce is engaged in informal sector. Informal sector provides a better scope for women to engage in various activities like small tea shop, street vendor, beauty parlour, rag picker etc. Generally, women in the informal sector in India are disadvantaged in the field of labour market. Their low productivity, low income, insecure jobs, as well as low share in overall employment in the unorganised and informal sectors shows a gloomy picture The inequalities and disparities that exist in access to employment across regions and social groups remain a huge competition in India. In this study an attempt is made to analyze the issues and challenges faced by the women informal workers in different sectors in Assam

Tchakounté Njoda Mathurin ◽  
MBAM Ulrich Gaetan

In this paper, we analyze the Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of informal workers in Cameroon. We also estimate the effects of some determining factors on LFP decisions. We use data from the Cameroon National Institute of Statistics (CNIS), a three-wave panel obtained respectively in 2001, 2005 and 2010 for a sample of individuals in the labour market. The sample data of the national population is representative. All information’s on demographic, socioeconomic and employment characteristics used in this study are provided by the CNIS database. It is particularly remarkable that the LFPR in informal sector increased substantially during latest years, particularly those of young workers. This rise in the LFPR is principally explained by the significant increase in the labour-market activity of the urban younger generation which has been improved by migration. Estimating a simple model of LFP with logistic methodology, we find that poverty, age and urbanization are significantly related with LFPR of informal labour market in Cameroon.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-364 ◽  
Elisa Birch ◽  
Alison Preston

1 This article provides an overview of the key features of the labour market in 2019, with historical data providing insight into recent trends. In 2019, the female labour force participation rate reached an all-time high of 61.3%, 10 percentage points lower than the male rate. Disaggregated analysis shows this growth stems from rising participation amongst older women. This, in turn, is underpinned by a growth in feminised sectors of the labour market, notably the Health Care and Social Assistance sector. Since 2000 this sector has contributed 22.6% to total employment growth and at 2019 accounted for 13.5% of the Australian workforce. There has also been a growth in part-time and casual employment over recent years, with the latter now accounting for 25% of all employees. These are concerning developments, with estimates showing that 58.6% of casuals are not guaranteed a minimum number of hours of work in their job. The article notes that wages growth remains below that required to stimulate employment growth, and that a continued focus on conventional labour market indicators has the potential to lead to misguided policy formulation.

Shweta Tewari ◽  
Rajshree Chouhan ◽  

Women account for nearly half of the human resources of a nation and play an important role in the socio-economic development of a country. In India, in spite of focus on women empowerment, condition of women at the work place is not very encouraging. Women often face greater barriers than men in terms of securing a decent jobs, wages and conducive working conditions. Provisions relating to women’s work were introduced in 1891, with amendment of the Factories Act, 1881. After independence, number of provisions has been made in the constitutions to protect the welfare of women workers. Number of protective legislations have also been made and implemented by the government for the interest of women workers. The basic objective behind implementation of these legislation are to provide equal and a decent level of remuneration, proper child care center , maternity relief and decent working conditions to women workers. Despite these constitutional and legislative arrangements to reduce gender gap, women in India are facing discrimination at work place and suffer from harassment. The present paper critically reviewed the effectiveness of government policies and legislations framed and enacted for the welfare of women workers. It also examines the gender dimensions of the trends in various aspects of labour market viz. labour force participation rate, workforce participation rate, unemployment rate and wage rate. An attempt has been made to capture the discrimination at work by computing Gender Gap Index using major indicators of labour market. For computing the index, data for the last four decades has been used. The analysis shows that there are gaps in effective enforcement of relevant laws and implementation of women responsive policies. The gender gap index for employment opportunities and the analysis of major employment indicators showed that gender gap is increasing in many aspects. Major indicators of employment such as Labour Force participation rate, Worker population ratio, Unemployment rate and wages now have larger gender gaps than before.

2021 ◽  
Hakan Toksoy

This dissertation studies the role of informal producers in determining the pattern of production and the trade structure of developing countries, and provides an understanding of the channels through which informal producers influence the outcome of trade. The second chapter examines the characteristics of informal workers in the Turkish export-oriented manufacturing industries using descriptive statistics and econometric analysis. We find that informality is highest among female workers with lower education levels who mainly operate from home, and report that the textile and clothing industries, which Turkey has a comparative advantage in the world market, have a share of informality. This finding inspires the third and fourth chapters. In the third chapter, informal producers directly export their products in the global market. We build a Ricardian model of trade with labour market frictions that justify the presence of informal producers. We find that the size of the informal sector is affected by not only a country's own labour market structure, but also by its trading partners' labour market frictions. We show that a decrease in trade costs results in an increase in the size of the informal sector in countries with relatively higher labour market rigidities, and a reduction of informality in their trading partners. The fourth chapter, which is joint work with professor Claustre Bajona, develops a theoretical framework with stages of production to investigate the role of informal producers in the supply chain. To quantify the changes in labour and trade policies on the trade structure of countries, we calibrate the model to the Turkish and German economies in 2003. In the model, informal producers may influence the comparative advantage of countries by supplying lower cost inputs to formal producers that compete in the global arena. In our calibrated model, second stage formal production is higher under a protectionist economy in a country with higher labour market frictions. This results in a larger informal sector due to the interlinkage between formal and informal producers in the production chain.

David Paterson

This paper will review recent developments in the New Zealand labour market and trace the passage of these indicators through the global financial crisis to the outlook for the coming 3 years. The paper is based on the Ministry’s Quarterly Labour Market report and Short-term Employment Forecasts. The paper describes a strong labour market.  Indicators of labour demand growth have moderated from the elevated levels recorded earlier in 2014, but remain solid. Construction is a significant source of employment demand across the entire country, and not just Canterbury. Migration-led population growth and near-record labour force participation rates are expanding labour supply. Women in general are showing increased involvement in the labour market: the female labour force participation rate returned to its record high of 63.7 per cent (equal to that recorded in March 2014), and the female employment rate (59.7 per cent) is at its highest rate since December 2008. Single mothers in particular have seen a sharp increase in their employment rate, which has reached its highest level since the series began in 1986. High participation is likely slowing the fall in the unemployment rate, which nevertheless hit its lowest level since March 2009. Wage growth remains subdued over the September quarter, but this comes against the backdrop of low inflation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 729-760
Emilio Congregado ◽  
Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak ◽  
Antonio A. Golpe ◽  
Robert Pater

Research background: We analyse the added worker effect (AWE) and the discouraged worker effect (DWE) from an aggregate perspective. The first effect refers to an increase in labour force participation in response to a decrease in the wage rate. The second effect refers to the decision by workers who have been unsuccessful in their job search to leave the labour market or to decrease their labour force participation. For our analysis, we use the case of Poland, a country with a persistently low labour force participation rate. Purpose of the article: While previous studies focused on the net of the two effects, we aim to analyse the two effects both separately and simultaneously. We propose a new approach for analysing the two effects. We generalise and model them as resulting from different shocks: (i) the AWE as the result of a negative wage income shock, and (ii) the DWE as the result of a positive job search time shock. The underlying assumption is that both shocks have at least a transitory effect on the labour force participation rate. However, we also track the potential long-lasting effects of these shocks, and we analyse the reactions of gender and age groups to them. While this approach demonstrates the robustness of our results, it also provides the range of the sensitivity, as it shows that there are large differences in the magnitude of the AWE and the DWE for different labour market cohorts. Methods: We use the multivariate unobserved component model to extract the AWE and the DWE, and we then use VAR models, applying sign and exclusion restrictions to model the underlying shocks. We use quarterly data for Poland in 1995?2019. Most of these data come from the Labour Force Survey, while the rest come from Statistics Poland. Findings & value added: In contrast to previous literature, which analysed only the net effect of the two effects, we model the AWE and the DWE separately. Contrary to the findings of previous research, our approach seems to confirm that both effects are simultaneously present in the labour market, and both effects influence the labour force participation rate. Thus, we find that both effects are significant. Specifically, we show that the AWE is stronger, but transitory; while the DWE is weaker, but long-lasting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 433-447
Leone Troncoso

Between 2004 and 2013, Brazilian economy experienced economic growth with improvement in income distribution. In this context, the reduction of the participation of young people continued and it was accompanied by lower participation of adult men and deceleration in increase of adult women?s participation. The good performance of the labour market increased the income of households in which women participated in economic activity. Despite the improvement, in 2013, the number of households with low socioeconomic status in which adult women faced difficulties to participate in economic activity remained significant. Thus, the deceleration in the increase in adult women participation rate occurred in the presence of a significant number of women from low income and low participation rates, while in households with higher income levels the participation rate of adult women reached a very high level.

1995 ◽  
Vol 34 (4II) ◽  
pp. 753-765
Shahnaz Kazi ◽  
Bilquees Raza

Although still ‘invisible’ to policy-makers, women’s involvement in agricultural and livestock production is empirically established through national surveys and intensive studies. The labour force participation rates for rural women in 1990-91 varied ranged between 57 percent (Agricultural Census) and 43 percent (Pakistan Integrated Household Survey). Evidence from micro studies also shows that women are active participants in the farm and livestock sectors [Freedman and Wai (1988); Masood (1988); Ali et al. (1976); Haque (1986); Khan and Bilquees (1976)]. While rural women’s contribution to agricultural and livestock production is well-documented, they have little or no access to productive inputs to enhance their economic participation in these sectors. Evidence based on national level data indicates that women’s participation in agricultural activities is constrained by the lack of land and other assets [Sathar and Desai (1994)]. Contrary to the general view, women belonging to households that own land or other assets have a higher labour force participation rate than landless women. While landless women are more likely to work as agricultural labourers, however, the demand for wage employment is seasonal, limited to a few activities and certain regions, and their lack of assets to work with excludes any possibility of self-employment. Findings of village level research indicate a wide gap between the technology used by rural women and the more efficient practices in livestock production, which is attributed to their lack of contact with extension services and to their lack of resources to adopt more efficient methods of livestock care [Haque (1986)].

Davuthan Günaydın

Social protection can be recognized as one of the most significant social achievements of the last century. In this study one of the most important issues of labour market in Turkey - employment-social protection relationship - will be evaluated. It can hardly be argued that Turkey has a comprehensive social protection system. An important part of people who are at the age of working are not covered by the social security system with reasons such as: low labour force participation rate, prevalence of informal employment, child labour, high share of employment in the agricultural sector, the weakness of the social security system and problems of labour market regulation. This situation increases the need of social protection systems. On the other hand, weakness in coordination between the institutions those operate in the field of social assistance and lack of appropriate criteria in determining the real people in need cause inefficient and inadequate supplying of services and inefficiency in using sources.

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