production chain
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2022 ◽  
Vol 304 ◽  
pp. 114194
Antonio Alfonzo ◽  
Vito Armando Laudicina ◽  
Sofia Maria Muscarella ◽  
Luigi Badalucco ◽  
Giancarlo Moschetti ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
Ana Carolina Almeida de Oliveira Ferreira ◽  
Erika da Silva Monteiro ◽  
David de Oliveira Sousa ◽  
Calliandra Maria de Souza Silva ◽  
Izabel Cristina Rodrigues Da Silva ◽  

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the most cultivated and consumed freshwater fish in Brazil. The present study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of ice and fresh tilapia samples commercialized in the Federal District. Tilapia samples were tested for counts of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, determination of total and thermotolerant coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus counts and presence of Salmonella. Ice samples were analyzed for determination of total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms and presence of Escherichia coli. Of the 20 samples of fresh tilapia analyzed, ten samples (50%) presented Salmonella (genetically confirmed through the presence of the invA gene) and, therefore, were unfit for consumption. S. aureus was found in 11 samples (55%), and one sample of fillet presented S. aureus counts (3.15 CFU/g) above the limit allowed by Brazilian legislation (3 log CFU/g). S. aureus colonies were confirmed by detection of CoA gene in molecular analysis. Of the 14 ice samples analyzed, 12 samples (85.7%) were unfit for use in fish conservation due to the presence of total coliforms and 9 ice samples (64.3%) were also contaminated with thermotolerant coliforms. E. coli was isolated from 6 ice samples (42.9%) and confirmed in the molecular analysis through the amplification of the MalB gene. In conclusion, the high contamination of tilapia samples with Salmonella and of the ice used for its conservation with coliforms and E. coli indicates the need for better hygienic practices in the tilapia production chain, to increase its quality and microbiological safety.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Giovanna Oleinik ◽  
Priscila Paola Dario ◽  
Katiane de Morais Gasperin ◽  
Dalila Moter Benvegnú ◽  
Fernanda Oliveira Lima ◽  

AbstractThe antioxidants used in the food industry are essential to inhibit the formation of free radicals, preserving the existing properties in the different matrices. However, the insecurity of the synthetic antioxidants regarding human health propels search for natural substrates with potential antioxidant activity as an alternative to synthetic compounds. In this way, the work had as objective obtaining extracts from the seed pomace of the Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree), relating the contents of flavonoids and total phenols in the application as an antioxidant. The methodology consisted of the extraction using four solvents, varying extractive methods, time, and seed concentrations. The antioxidant activity in vitro was evaluated by capturing the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazil) radical. The optimized results demonstrate that the aqueous extracts produced in the Soxhlet in the concentrations of 85 g L−1 and retention time of 4 h reached 37.73 ± 1.69% in the antioxidant tests of the free radical DPPH capture, 1405.15 mg EAC 100 g−1 in the quantification of phenolic compounds and 223.34 mg 100 g−1 of total flavonoids. Thus, this work may contribute to the realization of studies and future research for characterization and identification concerning which phenolic compounds and flavonoids attribute the antioxidant characteristic to the extracts produced, enabling the discovery of products with high added value in the production chain. In addition, because the water used as a solvent showed greater antioxidant potential between the extracts, the non-toxic and environmentally friendly character is highlighted, allowing a wide variety of applications in the food industry.

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
Dagoberto Martins ◽  
Sidnei Roberto de Marchi ◽  
Ricardo Fagundes Marques ◽  

The livestock production model historically practiced in Brazil has a strong extractive bias, wherein the premise is to produce livestock with absolutely no concern for the preservation or renewal of environmental resources. The absence of technical criteria for the use of pastures has generated low productivity rates, making the activity unsustainable from both economic and environmental points of view. This scenario led the several sectors linked to the production chain to develop a package of strategies to solve the problems faced by livestock farmers. This package of strategies is conventionally called postmodern or corporate farming, in which the extractive process gives way to the business logic of avoiding waste and recovering profit margins mainly through pasture perpetuation. However, there is still a technical gap in corporate cattle farming related to problems caused by pasture weeds because all the concepts applied are derived or copied from concepts generated in agriculture. Furthermore, few researchers have studied or scientific articles written on elucidating the real problem of weeds in livestock production. Thus, the goal of the present review was to present some aspects related to weed ecology, their interference, and management alternatives in pasture areas, thereby collaborating with corporate livestock farming in Brazil because solutions to weed problems are crucial to increase commitment in all sectors of the production chain.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 465
Gabriele Di Giacomo ◽  
Pietro Romano

The production of olive oil involves the sustainable management of the waste produced along the entire production chain. This review examines the developments regarding cultivation techniques, production technologies, and waste management, highlighting the goals to be achieved and the most reasonable prospects. The results show that cultivation and production technology have evolved to an almost final solution to meet economic feasibility, keeping the oil’s high quality. Continuous horizontal decanters will coexist with traditional mills in many countries with old olive oil production and consumption traditions. High-quality products have conquered markets, especially in the wealthiest countries. At the same time, the exploitation of dried pomace by solvent extraction is increasingly an obsolete practice. However, waste management is still looking for one or a few reasonable solutions that meet modern society’s constraints. The enhancement of some experienced technologies and the full-scale application of emerging technologies and strategies should solve this problem in the short–medium term. A short discussion is reported on the possibility of unifying the nature and the quality of the waste, whatever the olive oil production method is. Furthermore, modern thermochemical treatment for solid wet organic waste disposal is examined and discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 241-262
Matheus Demambre Bacchi ◽  
Alexandre Nunes Almeida ◽  
Tiago Santos Telles ◽  

The milk production chain has relevance for the Brazilian economy, generating jobs and income. In addition, milk production, because of family-based farms, has an important social function. However, milk production is spatially heterogeneous in Brazil, especially due to the different technological patterns of production. In this context, the objective of this study was to verify the spatio-temporal distribution and dynamics of milk production in Brazil. For this purpose, milk production in Brazil in 2000 and 2016 was analyzed. The Brazilian microregions that specialize in milk production were identified using location quotient (LQ). An exploratory analysis of spatial data and Moran’s I were used to measure spatial autocorrelation among regions. Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to assess the grouping relationships of variables as a function of the regions that specialize in milk production. Between 2000 and 2016, there was a decrease in the number of microregions that specialize in milk production. Thus, in 2016, approximately 20% of the microregions and over 22% of Brazilian municipalities specialized in milk production. The microregions and municipalities that specialize in milk production were concentrated mainly in the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás and in the Southern region of Brazil. There was an increase in milk productivity in all regions of the country, especially in those regions where production was concentrated. The formation of high-high clusters was found in the most productive regions of the country, i.e., in the South and Southeast, where the effects of technological spillover were observed, and the formation of low-low clusters was observed in the less productive regions, i.e., in the North and Northeast. Two main components were formed. The first component aggregated variables related to milk production in volume, and the second component aggregated variables inherent to productivity. It was possible to verify the recent growth in milk production and productivity in the country as well as to demonstrate the heterogeneity in production. Although there was a decrease in the number of microregions and municipalities that specialize in milk production, there was a concentration and increase in milk production and productivity in Brazil.

Polymers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 210
Vitor Vlnieska ◽  
Aline Silva Muniz ◽  
Angelo Roberto dos Santos Oliveira ◽  
Maria Aparecida Ferreira César-Oliveira ◽  
Danays Kunka

Biodiesel production from first-generation feedstock has shown a strong correlation with the increase in deforestation and the necessity of larger areas for land farming. Recent estimation from the European Federation for Transport and Environment evidenced that since the 2000s decade, an area equal to the Netherlands was deforested to supply global biodiesel demand, mainly originating from first-generation feedstock. Nevertheless, biodiesel is renewable, and it can be a greener source of energy than petroleum. A promising approach to make biodiesel independent from large areas of farming is to shift as much as possible the biodiesel production chain to second and third generations of feedstock. The second generation presents three main advantages, where it does not compete with the food industry, its commercial value is negligible, or none, and its usage as feedstock for biodiesel production reduces the overall waste disposal. In this manuscript, we present an oligomeric catalyst designed to be multi-functional for second-generation feedstock transesterification reactions, mainly focusing our efforts to optimize the conversion of tallow fat and sauteing oil to FAME and FAEE, applying our innovative catalyst. Named as Oligocat, our catalyst acts as a Brønsted-Lowry acid catalyst, providing protons to the reaction medium, and at the same time, with the course of the reaction, it sequesters glycerol molecules from the medium and changes its physical phase during the transesterification reaction. With this set of properties, Oligocat presents a pseudo-homogenous behavior, reducing the purification and separation steps of the biodiesel process production. Reaction conditions were optimized applying a 42 factorial planning. The output parameter evaluated was the conversion rate of triacylglycerol to mono alkyl esters, measured through gel permeation chromatography (GPC). After the optimization studies, a conversion yield of 96.7 (±1.9) wt% was achieved, which allows classifying the obtained mono alkyl esters as biodiesel by ASTM D6751 or EN 14214:2003. After applying the catalyst in three reaction cycles, Oligocat still presented a conversion rate above 96.5 wt% and as well an excellent recovery rate.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Tayanna Bernardo Oliveira Nunes Messias ◽  
Emmanuella de Oliveira Moura Araújo ◽  
Amanda Marília da Silva Sant’Ana ◽  
Jorge Eduardo Cavalcante Lucena ◽  
Maria Teresa Bertoldo Pacheco ◽  

ABSTRACT: Known as an animal of multiple functions, the Equus asinus has always been used for various purposes, such as entertainment, horseback riding, means of transport, agricultural traction and dairy farming. Although, donkeys are associated with a vast heritage of social, cultural, economic and ecological importance, they have lost their importance in the activities of rural properties, both in the developed economies of European countries and in the Northeast region of Brazil. Specific studies of production systems aimed rational exploitation of the donkey species in Brazil do not exist. New perspectives for the use of donkey in the Brazilian semiarid region through the dairy industry has aroused scientific interest and the interest of investors. The donkey, allied to the low production costs and rusticity of the species, has the capacity to contribute to the economy with products of high biological value and therapeutic characteristics. Thus, this review provided a broad view of the donkey bred in the Northeast of Brazil, observing its characteristics and relevance for the region. The benefits of donkey milk and the need to promote the production and marketing of this milk in the dairy production chain will also be discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00004
Edoardo Fiorilla ◽  
Alice Cartoni Mancinelli ◽  
Marco Birolo ◽  
Cesare Castellini ◽  
Dominga Soglia ◽  

Poultry biodiversity represents a key factor to improve poultry resilience and promote sustainable and low input farming systems. The EU and member states promote protection of livestock biodiversity and the development of alternative farming through funding projects such as “Local Chicken Breeds in Alternative Production Chain: Welfare, Quality and Sustainability” (funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University). The aim of the present research was to identify among five different poultry genotypes Bionda Piemontese (BP), Robusta Maculata (RM), RM x Sasso (RMxS), BP x Sasso (BPxS) and a commercial hybrid (Ross 308) the best suitable breed in terms of productivity and welfare for alternative housing system. A total of 300 (60 x genotype), 21 days old male birds were randomly allotted in two housing systems: 1) standard intensive farming (controlled environment, 33 kg/m2 and standard diet) and 2) free-range (“natural” environmental conditions, 21 kg/m2, access to outdoor area and low-input diet). Slaughtering was performed at 81 days of age. During the trial, the productive performance and behaviour of the animals were evaluated. The housing system, the genotype and their interaction significantly affected many of the studied variables, showing broiler not the ideal genotype for extensive farming system, which is more suited for low/medium performance strains.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-26
Isa Shu’aibu ◽  
Habiba Abdullahi ◽  
S. Hanna Kadum ◽  
A. Jabir Hamza ◽  
Y. Kabiru Mustapha ◽  

In Africa, the use of poor and unhygienic methods for animal milking and milk processing that leads to spoilage of milk by microbes affects the production of milk and dairy products, especially in the small scale and local processing plants. This study was conducted to analyze the quality and safety of raw milk collected from six different towns in Kwami local government area of Gombe State, Nigeria. The samples were serially diluted using ten-fold dilution and used aliquot 1 ml to inoculate the appropriate media using pour plate technique. The total viable count for bacteria in CFU/ml on plate count agar (PCA) was highest in sample E from U/Anchau with an average of total viable count of 3.8x104 CFU/ml, followed by 3.0x104 CFU/ml in sample B (Dirri), then 2.8x104 CFU/ml in sample D from Burakosuma, 2.5x104 CFU/ml in sample F from Dun urji, 2.3x104 CFU/ml in sample C from Zanbe with least count from sample A at Bele as 1.8x104 CFU/ml. Five (5) bacterial species of public health importance were isolated and identified using biochemical tests namely; Enterobacter sp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp.. Out of the organisms isolated, Enterobacter sp. had the highest occurrence of 93% (n=280), then Yersinia enterocolitica 90% (n=270), E. coli 70% (n=210), S. aureus 57% (n=170), and finally Salmonella sp. 23% (n=70). Based on the microbiological outcomes, preventive measures for milking and processing that focus on training of farmers and dairy employees for the improvement of the hygiene of local milk and dairy production chain should be defined.

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