2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-302
Yudhi Arisa Putra

PENGARUH KEMAMPUAN KERJA DAN PROFESIONALISME PEGAWAI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA DINAS PARIWISATA KABUPATEN BALANGAN PROVINSI KALIMANTAN SELATAN   Yudhi Arisa Putra Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pancasetia Banjarmasin Jl. Ahmad Yani Km. 5.5 Banjarmasin [email protected]     Abstrak: Yudhi Arisa Putra, Npm. 1911.32202.5174, Pengaruh Kemampuan Kerja Dan Profesionalisme Pegawai Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Dibawah Bimbingan Dr. Lanny Purnama Kosasi,MM Dan Drs.M.Zaid Abdurakhman, MM, 2021. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan kerja dan profesionalisme pegawai secara simultan terhadap kinerja pegawai, untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan kerja dan profesionalisme pegawai secara parsial terhadap kinerja pegawai dan untuk mengetahui diantara kemampuan kerja dan profesionalisme pegawai yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Balangan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini ditentukan sebanyak 40 respoden. Teknik pengolahan data yang akan dilakukan menggunakan metode  kuantitatif dengan analisis regresi berganda.Hasil penelitiakemampuan kerja dan profesionalisme pegawai  berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap kinerja pegawai, kemampuan kerja dan profesionalisme pegawai  berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap kinerja pegawai dan profesionalisme pegawai berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Balangan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan.   Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Kerja, Profesionalisme, dan Kinerja.   Abstract: Yudhi Arisa Putra, Npm. 1911.32202.5174, Effect Of Employee Ability And Employee Professionalism On The Performance Of Tourism Service Employees In Balangan Regency Province South Kalimantan, Under Guidance Dr.Lanny Purnama Kosasi,MM and Drs.M.Zaid Abdurakhman,MM, 2021. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of work ability and professionalism of employees simultaneously on employee performance, to determine the effect of work ability and professionalism of employees partially on employee performance and to find out between work ability and employee professionalism which had a dominant influence on employee performance at the Tourism Office of Balangan Regency, Kalimantan Province. South. The population and sample in this study were determined as many as 40 respondents. The data processing technique will be carried out using quantitative methods with multiple regression analysis. The results of the research that work ability and employee professionalism have a significant simultaneous effect on employee performance, work ability and employee professionalism have a partially significant effect on employee performance and employee professionalism has a dominant influence on employee performance at the Tourism Office of Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province.   Keywords: Work Ability, Professionalism, and Performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-30
Rachma Yuliana ◽  
Novita Rifatul Khirom

The role of human resources in the organization is very important, because it is  natural if the management give more attention through the policies that has been taken. Currently many problems that arise related to employment, especially employee performance, therefore the problems relating to performance need to be resolved. Motivation is a condition or energy that moves employees directed to  achieve the goals of the company organization. besides motivation, another thing that can affect performance is ability, by having the appropriate ability in the field of work that he does, then he can work better. While employee performance in general is influenced by two main factors, namely the ability and driving force or what is called motivation. The purpose of this study were: 1) describing the motivation, work ability, commitment and performance employers at the Meuble Basuki Lacasa Art Gallery Singosari-Malang. 2) analayzing the influences of motivation, work ability, and commitment  employer performance at the Meuble Basuki Lacasa Art Gallery Singosari-Malang Company. And 3) analyzing the dominant influences of Motivation, Ability and Work Commitment on Employee Performance at Singosari-Malang Meuble Basuki Lacasa Art Gallery. The analysis method used in this research was descriptive analysis. The results of his research were: 1) Motivation, work ability and commitment of employer simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of employer at Meuble Basuki Lacasa Art Gallery Singosari Malang, and 2) Based on the results of the t test shown that motivation, work ability and employee commitment simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance at Meuble Basuki Lacasa Art Gallery Singosari Malang, while the variable that has a dominant influence on employee performance were motivation.  Key Word : Motivation, Work Ability, Komitmen dan Commitment of Employer

2020 ◽  
Silvia Agustin

The purpose of this study are: 1) To clarify whether there is influence organizational culture, leadership and organizational climate on employee performance Bhayangkara Padang Hospital and 2) Measure the influence of organizational culture, leadership and organizational climate on employee performance Bhayangkara Padang Hospital. Based on test validity workplace culture, leadership, work climate and performance in mind all the items declared invalid meet the eligibility criteria are good and reliable instrument. Work Culture regression analysis obtained by value t = 2.091 while t table = 1.988, so t count> t table and the significance value is 0,040 this value is smaller than α = 0.05 not significant effect on employee performance Padang Police Hospitals. Leadership regression analysis obtained by value t = 1.762 while t table = 1.988 so that t

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Rasmansyah Rasmansyah ◽  
M Zainal Aripin

<em>This research was conducted based on the existence of problems in the competence and physical work environment of employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect of competencies and physical work environment simultaneously or partially on the performance of employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor. The sampling technique is the sample random sampling technique. The type of research used is descriptive and verivative research methods, with data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. The results showed that competency, physical work environment, and performance were categorized quite well. Based on the calculation, it can be seen that simultaneously the competence and physical work environment have a positive and significant influence on the performance of the employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor. Partially shows that the physical work environment has the most dominant influence on the performance of employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 488-499
Endang Tirtana Putra ◽  
Abdi Rezki

This study applies multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS Version 16.0 program. To get estimate and good interpretation of this study, the samples studied are set to 32 respondents. Data are collected through a questionnaire to measure quantitative variables with a Likert scale. The results of this study show that there is a relationship between independent variables on dependent variable, and it can be explained that: (1) Remuneration variable does not have significant impact on employee performance, with a regression coefficient of 0.181 and significant rate 0.104 (> 0.05). (2) Motivation variable has significant impactt on employee performance with a regression coefficient of 0.559 and significant rate 0,000 (<0.05). (3) Independent variables simultaneously have significant impact on employee performance with regression coefficient of 1.094 and significant rate 0.000 (<0.05). R² value shows 0.589 or 58.9%. Employee performance variable is affected by Remuneration and Motivation Variables and the remaining 41.1% is affected by other variables.Keywords : Remuneration, Motivation and Performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23
Achmad Sholihin

This study aims to identify and analyze influence of incentives, motivation and leadership to employee performance, and analyze one of the variable incentive, motivation and leadership that has dominant influence on employee performance.This study uses simple method of saturation, where the number of samples used the same amount as the total population. While the number of samples taken as many as 42 employees in the Tax Office Pratama in North Sidoarjo. Further data processing performed by using regression analysis (multiple regression analysis), and test the hypothesis using the F-test and t-test. The results of this study indicate that the incentive variable (X1), work motivation (X2), and leadership (X3) has positive and significant impact on employee performance Tax Office Pratama in North Sidoarjo. Where as the dominant influence work motivation (most influential) and significant to employee performance the Tax Office Pratama in North Sidoarjo, with analysis of the standardized coefficients (Beta) = 0.624. Means each of the independent variables is relationship that can change and improve employee performance with reasonably well in providing services to the community

Tata Kelola ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-18
Kariyamin Kariyamin ◽  
Nasir Hamzah ◽  
Niniek Lantara

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sejauh mana pengaruh motivasi, kompetensi, dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Kota Kendari Sulaweis Tenggara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan dilaksanakan pada 33 pegawai Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Kota Kendari Sulaweis Tenggara. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan program SPSS versi 24. Teknik sampling yang dipakai adalah metode sensus dan teknik pengujian data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi Uji asumsi klasik dan analisis regresi linier berganda, untuk menguji dan membuktikan hipotesis penelitian. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan motivasi, kompetensi, dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai dan secara parsial yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah motivasi. This study aims to examine the extent of the influence of motivation, competence and work environment on the performance of employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Sulaweis City Kendari Management and Retribution Agency. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and was carried out on 33 employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Sulaweis City Regional Tax and Retribution Management Agency. Data analysis in this study used SPSS version 24. The sampling technique used was the census method and data testing techniques used in this study include the classic assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis, to test and prove the research hypothesis. The analysis shows that simultaneous motivation, competence, and work environment influence employee performance and partially the dominant influence on employee performance is motivation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Ulfa Nurul Nissa ◽  
Sholihati Amalia

The purpose of this research is to know the extent of the influence of labor safety and health variables on performance of employees part of the AMT I in PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (Persero) Ujung Berung. For the method used in this research is to use quantitative methods, while for the collection of data is caaried out by means of disseminating a questionnaire to 128 employees part of the AMT I note that median value of median of the descriptive variables – safety and health work is 4,12 while for variable performance of employees is amounted to 4,09. Then from the results of a simple linear regression analysis showed that the work safety and health variables have an influence positively against variable employee performance, can be seen in results from t count i.e of 11,365 and t table of 1,9790. Then the probability values can be found in this study is 0,000 meaning that this regression model can be used to predict the performance.

Mahfuzil Anwar

This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of motivational factors through the financial aspects, Work Environment and employee performance appraisals, the Civil Service Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of South Kalimantan Province. The hypothesis put forward is a hypothesis I, Simultaneously Finance, Working Environment Award and affect the performance of employees in the Civil Service Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of South Kalimantan Province. Hypothesis II partial financial aspect is more dominant influence on the performance of employees in the Civil Service Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of South Kalimantan Province. Through a questionnaire submitted to the respondent on the financial aspects with 20 items of questions, aspects of the work environment with 11 items of questions, and aspects of the awards with 9 items of questions, with three alternative answers a, b and c with a score of 3.2, and 1. The questionnaire performance with 16 items of questions and respondents as many as 102 people. The results showed that the hypothesis I stating together the financial aspects, work environment and rewards affect the performance of employees at the Civil Service Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of South Kalimantan Province, is acceptable. Hypothesis II stating financial has more dominant influence on the performance of employees in the Civil Service Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of South Kalimantan Provinceconvicted.Keywords: Finance, working environment, and Performance Award

Clustering is a data processing technique that is extensively used to find novel patterns in data in the field of data mining and also in classification techniques. The k-means algorithm is extensively used for clustering due to its ease and reliability. A major effect on the accuracy and performance of the k-means algorithm is by the initial choice of the cluster centroids. Minimizing Sum of Squares of the distance from the centroid of the cluster for cluster points within the cluster (SSW) and maximizing Sum of Square distance between the centroids of different clusters (SSB) are two generally used quality parameters of the clustering technique. To improve the accuracy, performance and quality parameters of the k-means algorithm, a new Hypercube Based Cluster Initialization Method, called HYBCIM, is proposed in this work. In the proposed method, collection of k equi-sized partitions of all dimensions is modeled as a hypercube. The motivation behind the proposed method is that the clusters may spread horizontally, vertically, diagonally or in arc shaped. The proposed method empirically evaluated on four popular data sets. The results show that the proposed method is superior to basic k-means. HYBCIM is applicable for clustering both discrete and continuous data. Though, HYBCIM is proposed for k-means but it can also be applied with other clustering algorithms which are based on initial cluster centroids.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-143
Admin_ojs Admin_ojs

Erwin Rizafana Npm.1711.32202.3664, Analysis Of Factors Affecting Performance City Cleanliness Task Force In The Balangan District Environmental Departement, Under The Guidance Of Lanny Purnama Kosasi Dan  Yudi Rahman, 2020. The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors partially on the performance of the Cleanliness Task Force employees, to know and analyze the influence of individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors simultaneously on employee performance and to find out and analyze among individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors that have a dominant influence on the performance of the Cleaning Task Force employees at the Balangan District Environmental Office. The population in this study was the cleanliness task force of the Environmental Agency of Balangan Regency with a total of 145 people and the research sample of 31 respondents or 22% of the total population and the method used in the sampling of this study used the census method. This type of data, is an associative research with quantitative paradigms with the application of SPSS and multiple regression analysis. The results of the first hypothesis are known to individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors partially significant effect on the performance of Cleanliness Task Force employees, the second hypothesis testing is known to individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors have a significant effect simultaneously on the performance of Cleaning Task Force employees and third hypothesis testing is known that the results of the research that partially tested were stated and proved in this study that psychological factors had a dominant influence on the performance of the Cleaning Task Force employees at the Environmental Service Office of Balangan Regency.Keywords: Individual Factors, Psychological Factors, Organizational Factors And Performance

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