scholarly journals Independent work of applicants for higher education and methods of activation

Ірина Семенишина
2021 ◽  
Al'fiya Akmalova

The actual problems of municipal law in Russia are considered taking into account the peculiarities of master's degree training at the university, which provides for both the presence of a system of students with certain knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, including the main institutions of municipal law, and their significant focus on research work. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the main amendments and additions to the current legislation on local self-government, discussions that accompany the improvement of legislation and law enforcement practice. The electronic educational and methodological appendix to the textbook includes an approximate work program and educational and methodological materials for independent work on the study of the discipline, as well as lectures and presentations. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students of educational institutions of higher education studying in the field of training 40.04.01 "Jurisprudence", as well as for graduate students, students of the system of additional professional education and teachers, all those who are interested in the problems of the development of municipal law, the theory of local self-government and the practice of state and municipal management.

V. Oliyarnik ◽  
V. Svitlyk ◽  
A. Bulatov ◽  
Yu. Borovik

The article substantiates the organization of the educational process of physical education of students of higher education institutions in the conditions of quarantine restrictions. The need for urgent adaptation of the process of physical education to the new challenges that accompany the "quarantine" training, requires solving the problems of pedagogical, methodological and organizational content of the educational process of higher education. The purpose of the study is to identify the main aspects of the organization of the educational process of physical education of students by means of remote technologies. The research is based on the use of a set of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization. The views of researchers on this issue, set out in the latest scientific literature. The didactic potential of distance learning technologies in the formation of information educational environment of physical education of students is determined. It is established that the transition from traditionally used to multidimensional distance learning expands the use of vector information technology, opens new prospects for the development of physical education of students in higher education. The factors of organization of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning are singled out and ranked. The influence of the latter is multi-vector, which necessitates timely detection and prompt response to them to avoid them if possible. Among the advantages of organizing the educational process of physical education of students by means of distance technologies: the possibility of using leading educational technologies; increasing the efficiency of the educational process by intensifying the process of cognition and interpersonal interactive communication; development of a conscious and motivated approach to classes; the possibility of diversifying the educational process; increasing the efficiency of students' independent work; realization of the educational function of physical culture; development of the need for self-education through the mobility of knowledge and ideas; expanding and updating the role of the teacher, who must coordinate the process of physical development and improvement of students. It is proved that the introduction of new pedagogical technologies of distance learning will change the paradigm of physical education and creates the conditions for the most effective implementation of the opportunities inherent in such forms of physical education.

2020 ◽  
Yuriy Kochinov ◽  
Tat'yana Kochinova

The tutorial discusses the current state of the transport system of Russia, types and marking of goods, terms of delivery of goods characteristics of modes of transport; describes the types of cargo and performance evaluation of transport; the data for the practical solution of situational tasks and test questions for independent work and test knowledge. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation. For undergraduate students enrolled in field of study "trading business" and other economic areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (37) ◽  
pp. 137
N. Dotsenko

The article presents the organizational support for the professional training of bachelors in agricultural engineering in the conditions of information and educational environment: regulatory support for filling the information and education environment and preventing plagiarism, regulatory support for conducting online and offline classes, and regulatory support for independent work, self-control, and monitoring. Regulatory provision for filling the educational environment and preventing plagiarism includes provisions for the Cloud 365 information and education environment and provisions for the prevention of academic plagiarism while learning in the educational environment. Regulatory support for online and offline training includes online training and interactive computer training to provide a competent approach to the training of higher education applicants. Regulatory support for independent work, self-control and monitoring includes provisions on monitoring the quality of the educational process, provisions on the quality of the educational and provisions on the organization of independent work of higher education students in the context of information and education. educational environment.Key words: organizational support, vocational training, bachelors in agricultural engineering, information and educational environment.

2020 ◽  
pp. 135-141
Miziuk V.M.

У статті розкрито авторський підхід до підготовки й проведення лекційних занять у закладах вищої освіти в умовах змішаного навчання. Визначено, що розвиток цифрових технологій, впровадження інфор-маційно-комунікаційних технологій в освітній процес, поширення електронних освітніх ресурсів відкри-того доступу, а також необхідність дотримання парадигми компетентнісного підходу в процесі підготовки фахівців зумовлюють пошук нових форм взаємодії викладачів і студентів. На основі аналізу наукових досліджень виявлено, що лекція як форма заняття посідає важливе місце в системі підготовки фахівців протягом багатьох століть. Беручи до уваги, що у сучасному цифровому суспільстві лекція перестає бути єдиним джерелом отримання знань, акцентована цінність її з боку ознайомлення студентів з основними науковими й теоретичними положеннями предметної галузі. Зауважено, що зменшення кількості годин на лекційні заняття і збільшення їх на самостійну роботу не вирішує проблему пасивності студентів під час слухання лекцій, адже самостійну роботу важко контролювати, а за відсутності у студентів мотивації до навчання і навичок самостійно вчитися якість їх підготовки значно страждає. Обґрунтовано, що застосу-вання інтерактивних лекцій ефективне за умов попереднього ознайомлення студентів з матеріалом теми, за наявності у них навичок критичного мислення й вироблення комунікаційних умінь. Автором наголошено, що змішане навчання сприяє підвищенню ефективності самостійної роботи, організації різних форм і методів активного пізнання й творчої роботи студентів, у тому числі й під час лекційних занять. Наведено результати експериментальної роботи з провадження технологій змішано-го навчання у підготовці й проведенні лекцій з курсу «Методика навчання інформатики». Запропоно-вано авторську структуру підготовки до проведення лекцій за допомогою електронного середовища LMS Moodle, приклади різнорівневих завдань, які варто пропонувати перед лекцією, під час її читання і після неї. Результати дослідження дали змогу автору зробити висновки, що змішане навчання компен-сує невеликі часові обсяги лекційних занять за допомогою інформаційної підтримки у вигляді елек-тронного освітнього ресурсу, забезпечить налаштування інтерактивної взаємодії студентів і викладача у процесі навчання, а використання системи Moodle допоможе педагогу наповнити курс різноманітни-ми завданнями та налаштувати комунікацію зі студентами з метою збільшення продуктивної взаємодії лектора з аудиторією та перевірки рівня засвоєння матеріалу. The article reveals the author’s approach to the preparation and conduct of lectures in institutions of higher education in a mixed learning environment. It is determined that the development of digital technologies, the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process, the spread of electronic educational resources of open access, as well as the need to comply with the paradigm of competence-based approach in the process of training specialists determine the search for new forms of interaction between teachers and students. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is revealed that the lecture as a form of occupation holds an important place in the system of training specialists for many centuries. Taking into account that in the modern digital society, a lecture is no longer the only source of knowledge, its value from the side of familiarizing students with the main scientific and theoretical provisions of the subject area is emphasized. It is noted that reducing the number of hours for lectures and increasing them for independent work does not solve the problem of students’ passivity while listening to lectures, because independent work is difficult to control, and in the absence of students’ motivation to learn and skills to learn independently, the quality of their training significantly suffers. It is proved that the use of interactive lectures is effective if students are first acquainted with the material of the topic, if they have critical thinking skills and develop communication skills. The author notes that mixed learning contributes to the effectiveness of independent work, the organization of various forms and methods of active learning and creative work of students, including during lectures. The results of experimental work on the implementation of mixed learning technologies in the preparation and conduct of lectures on the course “Methods of teaching computer science” are presented. It is offered to implement author’s structure of preparation for lectures using the electronic environment LMS Moodle, examples of multi-level tasks that should be offered before the lecture, during the reading and after it. The results of the study allowed the author to conclude that mixed learning will make up a small temporary amounts of lectures through information support in the form of e-learning resources, ensure the setup of interactive communication between students and the lecturer in the learning process, and the use of Moodle helps educator to fill a variety of course tasks and to configure the communication with students to increase productive interaction of the lecturer with the audience and test the level of mastering the material.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 228-232
Natalia Borisovna Strekalova

The following paper deals with the independent work of students as an important factor of modern higher education. The author describes specifics and features of students independent work accomplishment in the conditions of electronic training, distant education forms expansion and educational process transfer to the Internet. The essence of students independent work and influence of educational risks of different nature on it is determined. Taking into account the international standards ISO determining the main task of quality assurance as management of risks arising during its achievement, students independent work quality can be provided with pedagogical controls. Search of pedagogical controls quality of students independent work was performed in Tolyatti Academy of Management where they have been applying the open information and education environment for more than 10 years. The research results showed that effective management of students independent work quality in new conditions of its accomplishment requires implementation of three different types of management - mediated pedagogical, self-government and co-managing, as well as different pedagogical means. The received materials can form a basis for quality improvement of students independent work as well as of the higher education in general.

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