scholarly journals Novos ambientes de aprendizagem para uma educação empreendedora: um estudo de analogias e metáforas utilizadas na implantação de núcleo de extensão acadêmica para uma instituição de ensino superior / New Learning Spaces for an Entrepreneurial Education: a Study of Analogies and Metaphors Used During an Academic Extension Center for a Collage Institution

Eduardo Bomfim Machado ◽  
Ronaldo Luis Nagem ◽  
Suryam Guimarães Lima

ABSTRACTThe challenges of Entrepreneur Education had been taken to another level due the internet advances and virtual business. By the budget decreasing, small places and scheduling and meeting difficulties at the big cities, the use of cyberspace to join together users around proposals and projects rises as a possible alternative for new learning places also. This way, using a distant education platform systems a college of Belo Horizonte in Brazil will take a high step enhancing the Entrepreneur Education for its business school. This article aims to describe how the analogies and metaphors affect the perception of prospect users to a new extension and learning center designed to new business plans receiving, named Projects Hotel. Through a survey, the target was exposed to analogies and metaphors found between those objects, one was the different hotels offers, and another was the project hotels capable to help new business ideas. The results were helpful to make decisions to manage this new center, drove the marketing efforts of it among students and teachers and make a good improvement support. Those academic data were too helpful to spread this particular case of extension and learning activity as powerful leverage to entrepreneur education and spreading of science and technology.RESUMOOs desafios da Educação Empreendedora ganharam novos contornos com o enorme desenvolvimento da internet e dos negócios virtuais. Com restrições de orçamentos, espaço físico e dificuldades de encontros presenciais em grandes centros urbanos, a utilização de ambientes virtuais de interação e acomodação de usuários em torno de projetos tem-se mostrado uma alternativa viável para concepção de novos espaços de aprendizagem. Com o uso de plataformas EAD de interação, uma IES de Belo Horizonte no Brasil dará um importante passo para o reforço da educação empreendedora junto ao seu curso de Administração. Com isso, este artigo pretende descrever como as analogias e metáforas interferem na percepção de potenciais usuários de um novo centro de ensino e extensão universitária, voltado para recepção e desenvol-vimento de projetos de novos negócios, conhecido atualmente por Hotel de Projetos. Por meio de uma pesquisa “survey”, o público alvo foi exposto a possíveis analogias e metáforas encontradas entre os dois objetos de estudo, que são os padrões de oferta relativos ao setor hoteleiro e os hotéis de projetos de novos negócios. Os resultados foram utilizados diretamente para decisões operacionais e ajustes nas formas de comunicação e divulgação, bem como nas melhorias a serem implemen-tadas nesse novo centro de extensão. Além de contribuir com o meio acadêmico, disseminando dessa prática educacional de criação e manutenção de núcleos extensionistas como mecanismos alavancadores do aprendizado da educação empreende-dora e de disseminação de ciências e tecnologia. Contato principal: [email protected]

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Szabolcs Berezvai ◽  
Tibor Oláh ◽  
Zsófia Pálya ◽  
Bence Sipos ◽  
Brigitta Szilágyi

A műszaki- és gazdasági felsőoktatásban folyó kalkulusoktatás komoly kihívás elé állítja a tanárokat: viszonylag rövid idő alatt, nagy mennyiségű anyagot kell megtanítaniuk úgy, hogy a hallgató a matematika kurzusokon elsajátított ismereteket a szaktárgyakban, akár több félév csúszással is hasznosítani tudja. Olyan módszert kell kidolgozni, ami egy tudásában és képességeiben eltérő, nagy létszámú hallgatói közösségben is jól alkalmazható. A teszthatás, bár megfelel ezen követelményeknek, mégsem tartozik a gyakran alkalmazott metódusok közé. A módszer, amely a tanulás középpontjába az előhívást helyezi, sem a pedagógusok, sem a diákok között nem örvend nagy népszerűségnek. A teszthatás a többi tanulási-, tanítási metódushoz képest sokkal inkább gátat tud szabni a felejtésnek, de a hallgatónak ki kell mozdulnia a passzív befogadó szerepből, ami többeknek lehet kevésbé komfortos. Ezt a módszert találtuk alkalmasnak arra is, hogy a számonkérés előtti rövid időszakra koncentrálódó, úgynevezett kampányszerű tanulás helyett hallgatóinkat a folytonos tanulásra bírjuk. Ez azért volt fontos számunkra, mert bár rövid távon a megmérettetés előtti intenzív tanulás is eredményes, ennél a felejtés rendkívül gyors.A BME Gépészmérnöki Karának elsőéves mechatronikus és energetikus hallgatói számára az EduBase Online Oktatási Platform segítségével olyan könnyen kivitelezhető kalkulusoktatást valósítottunk meg, ami a teszthatás szempontjait szem előtt tartotta, kihasználta annak előnyös tulajdonságait. Jelen cikkben bemutatjuk a 2018/2019. tanév tavaszi szemeszterében, a Matematika G2 kurzuson végzett kutatásunk eredményeit. Hétről hétre, napi bontásban követjük a hallgatók tanulási aktivitását, vizsgáljuk a kampányszerű és a folytonos tanulással elért eredményeiket. Calculus education in engineering and economic higher education programmes poses a severe challenge for teachers: in a relatively short period of time, they have to teach a large amount of material so that the students can build on the acquired knowledge in further subjects even after several semesters. A method needs to be developed that can be applied well among large, heterogeneous students with different knowledge and skills. Test effect meets these requirements, although is not one of the most commonly used methods, since this approach that puts development at the centre of learning is not very popular among educators or students. The test effect can be a much more effective tool to reduce forgetting than other learning and teaching methods, but the student must move out of their passive, receptive role, which may be less comfortable for many. We also found this method to be suitable for continuous learning instead of so-called campaign-like learning, which focuses only on a short period before the examination. This was important to us since intensive learning before the exams is often effective in short term, but forgetting is also extremely rapid afterwards.For the first-year mechatronics and energy engineering students at BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, with the help of the EduBase Online Education Platform, we completed an easy-to-implement calculus course that took into account the aspects of the test effect and took advantage of its benefits. In this article, we present the results of our research in the spring semester of the academic year 2018/2019 in the Mathematics G2 course. From week to week, we followed the learning activity of the students on a daily basis, examining their results achieved through campaign-like and continuous learning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-50 ◽  
Jay Mitra

This article explores the development of a comprehensive and systemic approach to entrepreneurship education at a research-intensive university in the United Kingdom. The exploration is based on two key conceptual challenges: (a) taking entrepreneurship to mean something more than new business creation and (b) differentiating between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship training. The author draws on human capital, capabilities and planned behaviour theories together with those of competency-based and experiential learning to make six propositions. The idea is to develop a replicative framework for obtaining insights into the setting of multiple objectives, varied content and a range of pedagogies with which to achieve critical learning outcomes for a set of postgraduate programmes on entrepreneurship in a university context. We distinguish between entrepreneurship education and training but recognize the importance of incorporating both in a curriculum designed to offer a higher education platform for mindset change, critical thinking, problem-solving and individual development capabilities and entrepreneurial value creation in different environments.

Anna Escofet ◽  
Begoña Gros ◽  
Marta López ◽  
Marta Marimon-Martí

La definición de las características de un espacio de aprendizaje nos sitúa frente a la existencia de tres dimensiones de análisis clave para su diseño conceptual: la dimensión ambiental, la dimensión pedagógica y la dimensión digital (Bautista y Borges, 2013). El artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación que tiene por objetivo analizar los conocimientos, preferencias, percepciones y necesidades del profesorado respecto a la configuración del aula como espacio de aprendizaje, concretamente en relación a la dimensión digital. Para ello se realizó un estudio cuantitativo mediante el método de encuesta a una muestra de 847 docentes de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los docentes perciben que la dimensión digital debería ser uno de los elementos clave para plantear nuevos espacios de aprendizaje en las escuelas. The definition of the characteristics of a learning space places us before the existence of three dimensions of key analysis for its conceptual design, the environmental dimension, the pedagogical dimension and the digital dimension (Bautista and Borges, 2013). The article shows the results of a research that aims to know the knowledge, preferences, perceptions and needs of teachers regarding the configuration of the classroom as a learning space, specifically in relation to the digital dimension. To do this, a quantitative study was carried out using the survey method of a sample of 847 preschool, primary and secondary education teachers. The results obtained show that teachers identify the digital dimension and consider that this should be one of the key elements to propose new learning spaces in schools.

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