scholarly journals Participación, Repercusión y Representación de la Mujer en el cine de Animación / Participation, Impact and Representation of Women in Film Animation

Cristina Manzano

ABSTRACTThe presence of women in animation films implicates three related issues. First, the artistic one, which shows a group of influential female authors within animation, from pioneers to the most relevant modern artists. Though the first decades of the 20th century cast important names such as Lotte Reiniger or Faith Hubley, the presence of women in this artistic environment was a minority circumstance, made worse by the difficulties for financing and market competition. Secondly, and besides of this minority presence, it is most interesting the success and repercussion gained by their works through festivals, prizes and publications. Between the most respected authors nowadays we can mention Joanna Quinn, Joan Gratz, Erika Russell or Caroline Leaf, all of them artists who use commercial work to help them to continue with their more artistic pieces. In spite of all the efforts to keep their presence within animation film, we can point here the main difference with the presence of male authors in this industry. Being the cause the financing chances or the posibility of a shorter process, women take part more easily in short animation films than in full-length films. Lastly, our third approach deals with the election of gender issues for their film plots. Faith Hubley's W.O.W. (Women of the World), Petra Freeman's Jumping Joan or Regina Pessoa's Tragic Story with Happy Ending chose this commitment. The whole perspective is often joined to an institutional effort, as is the case of Women in Animation, a professional organization promoting women's roles in animation and individual expression.RESUMENLa presencia de la mujer en el cine de animación implica tres ámbitos principales relacionados entre sí. En primer lugar, el ámbito artístico, que acoge dentro de la animación a una serie de autoras influyentes, desde las que ejercieron de pioneras hasta las artistas actuales más relevantes. Aunque a partir de la década de los cuarenta ya aparecen nombres importantes como Svetlana Fili-pova, Lotte Reiniger o Faith Hubley, la participación de la mujer en este desarrollo artístico es aún minoritario, situación agravada por las dificultades de financiación y competencia comercial. En segundo lugar, y como contrapunto a la minoritaria presencia femenina en este desarrollo artístico, resulta interesante el éxito y repercusión obtenidos por sus obras, a través de festivales, premios o publicaciones. Entre las artistas más reconocidas actualmente se encuentran Joanna Quinn, Joan Gratz, Erika Russell o Caroline Leaf, que completan su investigación artística con trabajos comerciales que les permiten financiar obras más arriesgadas. A pesar de los esfuerzos por mantener su presencia en el cine de animación es quizá aquí donde se ve una diferencia más acusada con creadores masculinos. Ya que bien sea por inmediatez u oportunidades de financiación, dentro de la animación la mujer sigue unida al cortometraje, siendo realmente escasas las artistas dedicadas al largometraje. Nuestro tercer ámbito de estudio aborda la elección de la temática de género como argumento de las obras. Mujeres del mundo, de Faith Hubley, Jumping Joan, de Petra Freeman o Historia trágica con final feliz, de Regina Pessoa, por mencionar títulos de distintas décadas, afrontan este compromiso. Toda esta perspectiva está a menudo encuadrada en los esfuerzos institucionales por facilitar la labor artística de la mujer, como el caso de la organización Women in Animation, donde el concepto colectivo y la expresión individual operan con una relación recíproca y fructífera.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 869-889 ◽  
Manisha Desai

The World Social Forum (WSF)—a global gathering of social movements and a process of global change—has come to signify the global justice movements. Since its inception in 2001 in Brazil it has traveled across the Global South, with the 2016 WSF in Montreal. As the WSF has traveled across the world, it has reflected the particular geographies and histories of movement politics in each place. Yet everywhere it has demonstrated what I have called the gendered geographies of struggle. By gendered geographies I mean the epistemic, spatial, and praxis divisions along gender lines evident in the marginalizing of feminist insights about the global political economy and global justice; low representation of women activists in public plenaries and private decision-making structures; and outsourcing of gender issues to women’s activists and movements. Without addressing these gendered geographies, I argue, there can be no global justice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-115
Indiwara Pandu Widyaningrum

This study seeks to investigate the women’s voice in the world literature depicted by ethnic female authors from African-American and Korean descent. Gaining international recognition in the world literature, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eyes (1970) and Han Kang’s The Vegetarian (2007) reveal different social-cultural conditions about how women are presented in their respective nation. Morrison presents the life of colored women struggling with racial discrimination in the predominant white society. Meanwhile, Kang employs the symbolic food of meat and vegetarianism to reveal the women’s voice against social conformity. Applying écriture feminine or women’s writing in the analysis, both Toni Morrison and Han Kang scrutinize the stereotypical representation of women as passive, obedient, and lacking. In examining the two works, some steps were done: 1) having close reading towards the text to analyze the representation of women; 2) doing the socio-cultural analysis in connection to the women’s voice; 3) drawing the conclusion about the significance of world literature to the women’s voice. This study finds that the world literature has its significant contribution as the windows for global readers to understand women’s issues portrayed in two different nations. Not only to present women’s voice, ethnic female authors such as Toni Morrison and Han Kang indeed share the local culture through their novels. With this condition, the world literature enables to break the barriers of male Western authors as the center by offering room for female writers from non-Western countries.

2001 ◽  
pp. 29-36
N. Nedzelska

The paradox of the existence of the species Homo sapiens is that we do not even know: Who are we? Why are we? Where did you go from? Why? At all times - from antiquity to our time - the philosophers touched on this topic. It takes an important place in all religions of the world. These eternal questions include gender issues. In the religious systems of the religions of the Abrahamic tradition there is no single answer to the question of which sex was the first person. Recently, British scientists have even tried to prove that Eve is 84 thousand years older Adam

Ben Francis

WithInto the Woodswe enter an enchanted landscape that is beset, however, by lengthening shadows. The show, which starts as an ingenious retelling of some familiar children’s stories, darkens in tone as the characters face up to difficult decisions and sudden death. In this show Sondheim and Lapine do not just retell fairy tales; instead they examine why we tell stories and how they can be used to bring the listener to moral maturity, which means—and this is a recurring theme in Sondheim’s work—accepting the necessity of choice and learning not to rely on the world to provide you with a happy ending.

Luiz Carlos Buchain

OS OBJETIVOS DO DIREITO DA CONCORRÊNCIA EM FACE DA ORDEM ECONÔMICA NACIONAL THE OBJECTIVES OF COMPETITION LAW REGARDING NATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER Luiz Carlos Buchain RESUMO: A Constituição Federal brasileira, ao adotar o princípio da livre iniciativa para a Ordem Econômica, também acatou a liberdade de empresa como fundamento destinado a estabelecer a ampla concorrência de mercado entre agentes econômicos. Entretanto, como demonstra a história econômica, a liberdade econômica traz em si a concentração de poder econômico nas mãos de determinadas empresas (ou grupo). Tal concentração de poder é considerada uma das falhas de mercado porque possibilita ao seu detentor adotar determinados comportamentos prejudiciais à concorrência, os quais não seriam factíveis na ausência desse poder. Por isso mesmo, a concentração e o poder econômico passaram a ser objeto de estudos jurídicos e econômicos baseados na premissa de que a preservação da livre concorrência é um pressuposto ao desenvolvimento da economia e garantia da livre iniciativa. O direito econômico reconhece que a livre iniciativa, isoladamente considerada, não garante a manutenção da liberdade econômica ou o modelo de competição perfeita no mundo fático, ou seja, os modelos econômicos estão sujeitos a falhas estruturais cuja correção justifica a intervenção do Estado na economia. Neste artigo, abordamos as diversas correntes que defendem ou condenam a intervenção do estado na economia e sua regulação, em variados graus. A intervenção do Estado na economia tornou-se objeto de estudo e matéria legislativa em todo o mundo, seja na ordem legislativa interna, seja na esfera do direito público internacional, donde se destaca a Organização Mundial do Comércio – OMC e a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico – OCDE. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Concorrência; Objetivos; Livre iniciativa; Regulação. ABSTRACT: The Brazilian Federal Constitution, once it adopted the principle of free enterprise for its economic order, also accepted the freedom to conduct a business as the basis for the establishment of the broader market competition among economic agents. However, as economic history shows, economic freedom brings with itself concentration of economic power in the hands of certain companies (or group of companies). Such a concentration of power is reputed a market failure derives because it enables such companies to adopt certain behaviors considered harmful to competition, which would not be feasible without such power. Therefore, concentration and economic power have become object of study of law and economics based on the premise that the preservation of free competition is an assumption for the economic development and guarantee of free enterprise. Economic law recognizes as a fact that free enterprise, taken in isolation, does not guarantee the sustenance of economic freedom or the model of perfect competition in the factual world; in other words, economic models are subject to structural failures whose correction justifies state intervention in economy. In this paper we discuss the various currents that advocate or condemn state intervention in the economy and its regulation, in varying degrees. State intervention in the economy has become the object of study and legislative matters in the world, whether in the internal legislative order or in the sphere of public international law, where stands the World Trade Organization – WTO and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD.KEYWORDS: Competition; Objectives; Free enterprise; Regulation. SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1. O direito da concorrência e as políticas públicas. 1.1. Principais objetivos da política de concorrência. 1.2. Objetivos complementares da política de concorrência. 2. Interface entre política de concorrência e outras políticas públicas. 2.1. Possíveis conflitos entre múltiplos objetivos. 2.2. Instrumentos da política de concorrência. Considerações finais. Referências.

Raquel Flores

ABSTRACTThis essay is part of a reflection whose purpose is to discuss and clarify some points and tensions around gender issues from the perspective of embodied consciousness, corporeality and temporality. The texts to be discussed for this purpose are the authors Edgar Morin: Introduction to Complex Thought (1994) and The Mind Sorted Bien (2001); Jacques Luc Nancy, Community DOA (2000) and Merleau-Ponty (1975) Phenomenology of Perception, authors who have allowed a glimpse of new theoretical contributions to gender. The challenge arises from the Philosophical Anthropology is trying to understand the “human phenomenon”, from a metaphysical perspective, according to this conception, the human being is the result of what he does to himself in his relationship with nature. To start this reflection, it is necessary to recognize that it arises from the Phenomenology, which is also considered a philosophy for which the world is always “already there” before reflection as an inalienable presence and allows to account for the space, time and "lived" world. Hurssel the theorist who founded this movement says: I'm not the result or crosslinking of the many coincidences that determine my body or my “psyche” but rather, all I know the world, I know from a prospect or mine experience the world without which the symbols of science would not want to say anything. (Husserl, 1913, p. 369-370)RESUMENEl presente ensayo es parte de una reflexión cuyo propósito es discutir y dilucidar algunos puntos de encuentro y tensiones en torno a la temática de género desde la perspectiva de la conciencia encarnada, la corporalidad y la temporalidad. Los textos que serán abordados para este objetivo son de los autores Edgar Morin: Introducción al Pensamiento Complejo (1994) y La Mente Bien Ordenada (2001); Jacques Luc Nancy, Comunidad Inoperante (2000) y Merlau-Ponty (1975) Fenomenología de la Percepción, autores que han permitido vislumbrar nuevos aportes teóricos al tema de género. El desafío que surge desde la Antropología Filosófica es tratar de entender el “fenómeno humano”, desde una perspectiva metafísica, según esta concepción el ser humano es el resultado de lo que hace consigo mismo en su relación con la naturaleza. Para iniciar esta reflexión, se hace necesario reconocer que ésta surge desde la Fenomenología, la que también es considerada una filosofía, para la cual el mundo está siempre “ya ahí”, antes de la reflexión como una presencia inalienable y que permite dar cuenta del espacio, del tiempo y del mundo “vividos”. Hurssel el teórico que funda este movimiento afirma que: no soy el resultado o entrecruzamiento de las múltiples casualidades que determinan mi cuerpo o mi “psiquismo” sino más bien, todo lo que sé del mundo, lo sé a partir de una perspectiva mía o de una experiencia del mundo sin la cual los símbolos de la ciencia no querrían decir nada. (Husserl, 1913. p. 369-370).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Andri Fernanda ◽  
Ranto Ranto

The goal of this study was to break down gender issues and stereotypes towards women constructed in Bangka Belitung society from the perspective of female authors. In analyzing the data, researchers carried out a qualitative descriptive method with feminist theory. The researchers also conducted critical discourse analysis on writings that have been published by Bangka Belitung’s female authors. The results showed that there were still gender inequality and inferiority of women in society. The identity crisis faced by women when they are not married since marriage is seen as an ideal as well as a complement to their life as real women in society. On the other hand, the picture of how women had no rights over themselves was demonstrated in a situation when matchmaking and marriage were performed one-sidedly and suddenly, women did not have enough power to question these, even refused them. Besides, how strong a patriarchal system and culture was shaped by women, their closest people and the community was proven in the novels of the Bangka Belitung’s female authors.

1997 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 234-235
N. Kh. Amirov ◽  
L. M. Fatkhutdinova

The Congress was organized by the International Commission on Occupational Medicine, the largest international nongovernmental professional organization whose mission is to promote occupational medicine in all its aspects. Today, 2,200 professionals from 93 countries are members of this organization, which was founded in 1906. The Congress was attended by more than 3000 participants from 86 countries of the world. All major areas of modern occupational medicine were represented in the extensive program of the forum.

2018 ◽  
pp. 950-970 ◽  
Frank Makoza

This article analyses how the representation of women legislators may affect the oversight of national ICT policy. The article uses Critical Mass Theory (CMT) to explain the composition of the Media and Communications Committee (MCC) of parliament. The case of Malawi is analysed, which represented a low-income economy in Africa. The article uses electoral reports and legislative documents. The results show that women legislators in the MCC achieved a critical mass despite the decrease in the representation of women in parliament. The women legislators have the opportunity to support gender issues related to ICT legislations and national ICT policy oversight. However, the functions of MCC related to national ICT policy oversight were not aligned with the gender equity strategies. This may affect the priority of gender issues in the policy oversight. The article contributes towards literature on national ICT policy oversight in the context of developing countries.

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