2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Jauhari Arifin ◽  
Leni Natalia Zulita ◽  
Hermawansyah Hermawansyah

The research Scheme of Automatic Murottal Use Microkontroller Arduino Mega 2560 designed to facilitate work of custodian of mosque when seedang not residing in place so that when time of sholat have almost arrive hence appliance of ni can turn around holy sentence bouncing movement Al Qu'An automatically. Research Laboratory of Hardware Study Program Computer Engineering Faculty Computer Science University of Dehasen Bengkulu, In July - September 2015. Data method which used in this research Method Documentation, Observation, and Study Book.Result of from this research obtained Conclusion that is automatic murottal can use Application Ianguage of Program Visual Basic 6.0 can be by 2 the way of that is: Automatically and Manual, Automatically by chosening letter to turning around and lead the time twiddling before adzan fill the air, while manually will be controlled to Application appearance with clicking one of the button exist in application of interface computer.Keyword: Real Time Clock (RTC), Microkontroller Arduino Mega 2560, Ianguage of Visual Basic 6.0 program

Imam Setiawan ◽  
Dwi Maryono ◽  
Basori Basori

<p>Source code readability is a property that influences how easily a given piece of code can be read and understood. Since source code readability can affect software quality, especially maintainability, then programmers must have good sense of writing readable code. For computer science and software engineering student, they have to start learning how to write readable code in order to compete later in the industrial. Unfortunately, computer science and software engineering curriculum promotes understanding the programming paradigms of particular language, compared to write readable code. Based on its importance, we analyzed source code of software written by Education of Informatics and Computer Engineering of Sebelas Maret University students to describe its readability. We determine readability category from source code based on two programming features, variable and function writing. Each programming features involved has its own criteria so that it can be classified in the readable or less readable category. Finally, we discuss the implications of this study on learning process of Education of Informatics and Computer Engineering study program, Sebelas Maret University. For example, our data suggest to use code reviews to teach student about source code readability.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-193
Ayu Azura ◽  
Wildian Wildian

Perancangan sebuah prototipe sistem absensi mahasiswa telah dilakukan menggunakan sensor Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Sistem RFID ini terdiri dari komponen tag dan reader. Tag digunakan sebagai pengganti ID card dan reader digunakan untuk membaca informasi menyangkut kehadiran mahasiswa. Alat yang dirancang terintegrasi dengan database kehadiran mahasiswa pada suatu matakuliah sehingga dapat berperan sebagai pengganti sistem absensi manual. Database kehadiran dibuat dengan MySQL XAMPP. Graphical User Interface (GUI) digunakan untuk interface antara pengguna dan database dengan format yang terdiri dari formportserial, forminputdata dan formdatabase. Sistem yang terintegrasi dengan database memungkinkan data untuk langsung disimpan secara otomatis ke dalam database sehingga memudahkan admin merekap kehadiran mahasiswa. Hasil pengujian terhadap lima kartu RFID menunjukkan bahwa reader memiliki kemampuan jarak baca maksimum 4 cm dengan tegangan keluaran RFID reader ≥ 3,2 V. Interval waktu pembacaan antara satu kartu dengan kartu berikutnya minimal 2 detik. Alat yang dirancang mampu memberikan keterangan hadir dan tidak hadir berdasarkan batas toleransi keterlambatan yang ditentukan. Penggunaan Real Time Clock DS1307 yang dapat bekerja selama maksimum satu jam. Kata kunci: database MySQL XAMPP, Radio Frequency Identification, Visual Basic

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Eko Sulistyo

Heartbeat/pulse is an important factor in the health sector that determines the health condition ofa person's body. The method of measuring the number of the pulses is still using the manual method bycalculating the rate of the heartbeat/pulse per minute. To know one's pulse, it needs to makemeasurements in the hospital, so not everyone can measure their own pulse. The solution of this problemis the manufacture of human pulse detection device that works automatically in real time and can beconnected with the computer. The purpose of this study is to help people or medical personnel incalculating the pulse rate digitally. The stages of this research is the pulse sensor used to detect thehuman pulse can be put on a three-site measurements, on a finger, ear and forehead, then processed bythe arduino mega 2560 as the central system. The measurement data is Beat Per Minute (BPM) will beshown to the LCD and can be also interfaced into a database using Visual Basic 6.0. The result shows thatthe average pulse measurement by using the tool is 77.3 BPM (Beat Per Minute) and manually is 76 BPM(Beat Per Minute) with the accuracy of this tool reaches 98.32% and it takes 10 seconds to display theaverage value of BPM (Beat Per Minute).

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-36
Kasih Purwantini ◽  
Danang Danang ◽  
Siti Nasekah

This study designed a system that is able to assist companies in calculating cash receipts and disbursements. The Accounting Information System for Cash Receipts and Expenditures will be equipped with the use of user log-ins to maintain the level of data security so that not just anyone can misuse the data. The system designed will also be equipped with security of access rights and data storage systems, providing a database using the Visual Basic 6.0 programming language that holds records of cash receipts and disbursements to be a good report, summarizing the process of moving data from ledgers to becoming cash reports flow, and can document each period's report so that it can be grouped properly. The research method used is the Borg and Gall R&D research approach which consists of 10 stages, out of 10 R&D stages the author only conducts the research approach to the 6th stage alone. and monitoring cash flow very well. In addition, it can also produce reports that are precise, accurate and efficient.

Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat ◽  
Mohd. Hezri Fazalul Rahiman

Kaedah pengukuran tomografi ini bertujuan mengkaji pengukuran profil halaju pengaliran dalam paip secara talian terus ataupun masa sebenar bagi pengaliran yang menegak dan melintang. Secara umumnya, pengukuran yang dibuat adalah berdasarkan cas elektrostatik yang dijana oleh hasil pergerakan serbuk pepejal kering di dalam paip. Pengumpulan cas–cas ini akan dikesan oleh dua rangkaian penderia elektrodinamik. Konsep asas yang digunakan oleh penderia–penderia ini adalah penukaran keamatan cas yang dihasilkan kepada magnitud voltan yang setara. Penderia–penderia ini akan ditempatkan di luar ukur lilit permukaan paip dan jarak antara dua rangkaian penderia ini telah ditetapkan. Isyarat–isyarat voltan yang dihasilkan oleh penderia akan disampel, dimanipulasi dan dipaparkan pada skrin komputer dengan program aplikasi yang dibangunkan melalui pengaturcaraan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Keupayaan utama aplikasi ini adalah kebolehannya mengintegrasikan sistem pengukuran ini dalam masa sebenar yang sebelum ini tidak dapat dilakukan. Kata kunci: Tomografi; elektrodinamik; masa sebenar; profil halaju; antara muka This methodology explores the probability in determining the real–time velocity profiles of a vertical and horizontal flow. Generally, the measurement is based on the electrostatic charges produced by dry solid powder during their movement in the flow rig and accumulated at the sensors’ electrode. Two arrays of dedicated electrodynamic sensors are used as static–to–electrical signal converter and they are located at the pipe wall. The sensors generated electrical signal corresponding to the amount of flow it detects and this is based on the fact that the amount of flow contributes to the level of the static charges accumulated at the sensors. The collected data is retrieved and manipulated by an application program, which is developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The application features the ability to obtain velocity in real–time mode, which is previously unrealisable. Key words: Tomography; electrodynamic; real-time; velocity profile; interfacing

CCIT Journal ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-292
Asep Saefullah ◽  
Sudaryono Sudaryono

Akhir-akhir ini sering terjadi bencana kebakaran dengan berbagai sebab, dan yang menjadi kendala adalah terlambatnya kedatangan petugas pemadam kebakaran sehingga dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang besar. Keterlambatan ini disebabkan oleh kurang cepatnya informasi kebakaran sampai kepada instansi pemadam kebakaran dan tidak diketahui dengan tepat di mana lokasi kebakaran tersebut terjadi. Untuk memecahkan permasalahan tersebut maka dirancang suatu sistem yang dapat menampilkan informasi letak lokasi kebakaran pada PC (Personal Computer) sehingga informasi diperoleh secara real time. Mikrokontroler AT89S52 merupakan suatu IC (Integrated Circuit) yang digunakan sebagai interface antara receiver dan transmitter yang dihubungkan pada komputer. Pada rancangan ini receiver dan transmitter yang digunakan menggunakan IC SM6135 dan SM6136. Untuk komunikasi data antara PC dengan Interface maka dibuat suatu program menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0. Hasil dari rancangan ini adalah suatu prototype yang dapat mensimulasikan kebakaran yang terjadi secara real time dan menampilkannya melalui GUI (Graphical User Interface).

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Gunayanti Kemalasari ◽  
Miftah Widayatina

ABSTRAK Pengolahan data manual pada proses transaksi di As Sport Metro mempersulit pencarian data keluar masuk barang, perhitungan stok serta pembuatan laporan. Untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut diperlukan sebuah Sistem Informasi yang dapat membantu mengakses informasi secara lebih cepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat mempermudah transaksi penjualan, mendukung pengolahan data dan mempercepat penyajian laporan. Metode penelitian menggunakan prototype karena secara keseluruhan akan mengacu pada kepuasan pelanggan dan selama proses penelitian berjalan akan terjalin interaksi antara pengembang dan pelanggan. Dengan begitu penerapan lebih mudah karena antara pengembang dan pelanggan saling mengetahui apa yang diharapkan. Segala proses yang terjadi dalam sistem di implementasikandengan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. dan menggunakan basis data Microsoft Access 2007. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah sistem informasi sanggup memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan setelah dilakukan implementasi dan uji coba.

2011 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 583-586
Feng Ling Li ◽  
Jian Hua Rong ◽  
Yu Ping Zhang

Measuring rock stratum displacement in dam grouting process is very important. A new displacement system is designed, comprising a programmable microcontroller Atmega16, a new grating capacitive displacement sensor(GCDS), DS1302 real time clock chip and announciator etc. The system has high sampling rate of 9600 baud rate and can trap the displacement equal to 0.001 millimeter in one second. Equipped with mechanical conveyance system, the system can be applied to the civil engineer. The experiment results show the instrument can measure accurately the displacement value and alarm geologic disaster in time, which can conduct continuous and accurate monitoring and provide operation decisions for dam engineers.

2012 ◽  
Vol 190-191 ◽  
pp. 168-172 ◽  
Shu Leng Dong ◽  
Fang Wang ◽  
Jin Lan Yu

This paper describes the implementation of serial communication between the PLC and the host- computer in the control system of Spatial Carport, gives a detailed introduction to the communication protocols, parameters setting and also gives part of the serial-communication program based on visual basic 6.0. It shows that this control system meets the requirements as expected.

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