Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
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Published By Universitas Sebelas Maret


Muhammad Rasyid Hidayat ◽  
Basori Basori ◽  
Dwi Maryono

<p>Kegiatan magang merupakan sarana latihan kerja bagi mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Tehnik Informatika dan Komputer dalam meningkatkan pemahaman, penghayatan, dan keterampilan di bidang keguruan. Program magang dijadikan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk menjembatani antara teori yang diperoleh oleh mahasiswa di bangku perkuliahan dengan kondisi yang sebenarnya di lapangan. Namun terkadang apa yang sudah direncakan tidak berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang terjadi dilapangan. Untuk itu evaluasi magang kependidikan 3 merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja dan secara cermat untuk mengetahui tingkat keterlaksanaan atau keberhasilan suatu program sebagai dasar membuat keputusan dan mengambil kebijakan untuk menyusun program yang akan dibuat selanjutnya. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif , karena dengan kualitatif dapat menyelidiki, menemukan, menggambarkan, dan menjelaskan pengaruh dari sosial yang tidak dapat dijelaskan, diukur atau digambarkan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Evaluasi CIPP dipilih peneliti sebagai model evaluasi karena evaluasi CIPP bertujuan untuk memperbaiki bukan untuk membuktikan. Magang dilakukan selama 2 bulan merupakan kegiatan belajar dengan berniat untuk membentuk keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap. Magang yang lamanya 2 bulan dirasa cukup mengembangkan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan dengan praktek mengajar terbimbing. Dalam angket sebagian responden menyatakan magang sudah sesuai dengan apa yang sudah direncakan pada SOP magang kependidikan 3, tujuan dari magang juga terpenuhi yaitu mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan kompetensi saat magang disekolah. Dari kesaksian guru pamong mahasiswa melakukan magang dengan baik dan mengajar dengan baik. Apa yang sudah didapatkan dikampus dapat tersampaikan pada praktek mengajar disekolahan, dan mahasiswa mempunya pandangan bagaimana kelak bila menjadi guru yang sesungguhnya.</p>

Dwi Nurnaeni ◽  
Agus Effendi ◽  
Endar Suprih Wihidayat

<p>This research aims to improve the results of activeness and learning outcomes Network System Administration through the application of Problem Based Learning Model with Mind Mapping method grade XI student TKJ SMK N 1 Sukoharjo. This research is a class action research (PTK). The study was conducted in two cycles consisting of four phases: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subject in this study is a grade XI student TKJ SMK N 1 Sukoharjo which amounted 35 students. The data collection techniques used are tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. Data validity test techniques use data source triangulation techniques and triangulation methods. Data analysis techniques use quantative descriptive analysis models. Based on the results of the research, it is important to know that the implementation of Problem Based Learning’s model with Mind Mapping method can improve the results of activeness and learning outcomes Network System Administration in XI-grade students of TKJ SMK N 1 Sukoharjo. Such improvement can be proved by increasing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor values at each of its cycles. on average the student’s cognitive test scores were 66.09 with a percentage of 31.43%. The student’s affective value of 68.75 can be categorized less, while the percentage of the affective distance is  61.43%. On average, the student’s psychomotor value is 74.9,  the percentage of student’s psychomotor submission reaches 62.86%. The percentage of the activeness student’s is 65% can be categorized less. On the I cycle, the average cognitivevalue of students reaches 75.57 with a percentage of the  71.43% compensation. The average psychomotor value reaches 80, the percentage of student’s satisfaction is 74.28%, while the affective value reached 75 can be categorized well with a percentage of the compensation of 73.57%, and the percentage of the activeness student’s 77.24%. In cycle II, the cognitive average value increases to 83.42 with a percentage of the 88.57%, while the affective average value increased to 87.5 can be categorized very well with a percentage of the compensation of 82.86% and the average value psychomotor increased to 83.33, student’s submission value was 88.57%. and the percentage of the activeness student’s 82,14%. The conclusion in this study is the application of Problem Based Learning’s model with Mind Mapping method can improve the results of activeness and learning outcomes Network System Administration XI students of TKJ SMK 1 Sukoharjo.</p>

Devi Zetira Fauziah ◽  
Basori Basori ◽  
Dwi Maryono

<p>This study aims to find out how much increased learning motivation and student learning outcomes in using the blended learning model. The study involved class XI TKJ students at SMK Sakti Gemolong as participants, who were selected using cluster random sampling techniques. The treatment given to the experimental class is in the form of a blended learning model, while the control class is with conventional learning. The research method used is quantitative. Data were collected by questionnaire method and learning achievement test. Analysis of the questionnaire is used to get data on student motivation. Then to analyze the test of learning outcomes is get to obtain data on student learning outcomes. The study found 1) there is a significant influence of student learning motivation by .209 which means greater than the level of error (0.05). 2) there is a significant influence of learning outcomes of .698 which means it is greater than the level of error (0.05). 3) there is effectiveness in increasing students' learning motivation by using blended learning models with a total score gain of 0.2028. Compared to using conventional learning with a total score gain of 0.0735. 4) there is an effectiveness in increasing student learning outcomes by using a blended learning model with a total score gain of 0.4810. Compared to using conventional learning with a total score gain of 0.2176.</p>

Setyadi Fajar ◽  
Dwi Maryono ◽  
Basori Basori

<p>This research is aimed to produce a marketing website for SMK's products to manage the production units in SMK within Solo area and introduce SMK's products to public. His research also aimed to determine the properness of this website. This research uses Research and Development (R &amp; D) research method by Sugiyono. This research includes 5 steps, they are potential and problem analysis, data collection, product design, product validation and product revision. The results of this study show that the website is very proper to use. Score for assessment of the experts system is 89.3% and it is categorized very proper. Assessment of both substance experts is 88.4% and it is categorized as very proper. This website has superiorities that are: 1) integrating the existing SMK production unit in Surakarta, 2) there is a messaging feature. For the weaknesses of this website are: 1) the design is less attractive, 2) the absence of transaction features.</p>

Hasna Amiratun Zafirah ◽  
Basori Basori ◽  
Dwi Maryono

<p>The purpose of this research is to find out how the influence of the use of blended learning model face to face driver model on student interest and learning outcomes. And to find out how effective the improvement in learning outcomes and learning interests of students uses blended learning type face to face driver model. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with true experimental design research design. The study involved class X TKJ students at SMK Sakti Gemolong as participants, who were selected using cluster random sampling techniques. The treatment given to the experimental class is in the form of a blended learning model face to face driver model, while the control class is done with conventional learning. The research method used is quantitative. Data were collected by questionnaire method and learning achievement test. Analysis of the questionnaire is used to obtain data on student interest in learning, then to the analysis of the learning outcomes test is used to obtain student learning outcomes data on the blended learning model face to face driver model. The results of this study are 1) there is an influence of the use of blended learning models face to face driver model on student learning outcomes with a significant level .836. 2) there is an influence of the use of blended learning type face to face driver model of learning interest of students with a significant level. 3) there is an effectiveness in increasing student learning outcomes by using blended learning models face to face driver model with a total score gain of 0.5142 compared to 0.4274 (control class). 4) there is effectiveness in increasing students' interest in learning by using a blended learning model face to face driver model with a total score gain of 0.2131 compared to 0.0740 (control class).</p>

Deny Nusyirwan ◽  
Tauriq Fuji Nur Akbar ◽  
Prasetya Perwira Putra Perdana

Penggunaan listrik untuk pendinginan ruangan yang semakin meningkat akan mengakibatkan peningkatan pengeluaran kebutuhan hidup, hal ini disebabkan karena suhu didalam ruangan yang terus meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan semakin berkurangnya pepohonan dan hutan di dalam kota yang sebelumnya di fungsikan sebagai sebagai paru-paru kota. Kipas angin adalah salah satu alat yang sering ditemukan di ruangan kelas, bentuknya yang sederhana dan cukup dengan menekan tombol tertentu maka kipas angin dapat dihidup matikan dan atur kecepatannya. Adapun permasalahan yang ditemukan di sekolah adalah kipas angin masih menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk mendinginkan ruangan apabila suhu ruangan sudah mulai panas dan tidak dimatikan atau masih berputar pada suhu ruangan dingin. Pada ahir nya akan mengakibatkan pada pengeluaran untuk listrik meningkat. Dari latar belakang tersebut diusulkan sebuah solusi berbasis teknologi dengan nama Kipas Angin Otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler arduino dan sensor LM35 sebagai solusi cerdas untuk meningkatkan penghematan listrik di sekolah. Sensor akan mendeteksi suhu didalam ruangan yang selanjutnya akan diteruskan ke mikrokontroler untuk di proses, apabila suhu ruangan sudah mencapai batas tertentu maka mikrokontroler akan memerintahkan kepada kipas untuk berputar. Dari hasil pengujian bersama calon pengguna, didapatkan hasil memuaskan dari segi kemudahan menggunakan teknologi, manfaat inovasi dan fungsi pada purwarupa.

Shinta Adhya Nurpiena ◽  
Endar Suprih Wihidayat ◽  
Aris Budianto

<p>Problems that occur in learning Indonesian sign language, especially for the Solo area, are the scarcity of opening sign language classes for the public and the limited use of instructional media. To overcome this problem, an Android-based sign language learning media application was developed with the ADDIE research method. ADDIE method, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. This research will focus on the feasibility test of the application of learning media by using the indicators on the ISO 25010, standard that is used to test the feasibility of the software. The aspects tested are functional suitability, usability aspects, portability aspects and validation by material experts and media experts. The results of the feasibility test obtained, for the functional suitability test 100%, usability test 83.2%, 100% portability test, 100% material expert test and 93% media expert and it can be concluded that the application of sign language learning media is feasible to use.</p>

Alfin Kausar ◽  
Dwi Maryono ◽  
Yusfia Hafid Aristyagama

This study aims to find out (1) differences in student learning outcomes in the application of blended learning model flipped classroom type with enriched virtual learning model (2) more effective learning model between blended learning model flipped classroom type and enriched virtual learning model. The research method used is a quantitative quasi-experimental design by using pretest-posttest control. The population in this study is all students of grade X majoring in Accounting and Finance of SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta Institution. The sample used in this study was 72 students. Sampling techniques in this research are by total sampling method. Data obtained from pre-test and post-test results based on indicators of student learning outcomes. The results obtained from this study are as follows. First, there are differences in learning outcomes in Digital Simulation subjects in experimental classes by applying flipped classroom type blended learning models and control classes by applying enriched virtual learning models. Evidence from the average study results of experimental classes of 82.94 and control classes of 75.39. Second, flipped classroom blended learning models are more effective than enriched virtual learning models. The effectiveness of applying flipped classroom type blended learning models in experimental classes is in a moderate category, while the effectiveness of implementing enriched virtual learning models in control classes is in a low category.

Dzulfiqar Restu Afghani

<p>Penutupan sementara lembaga pendidikan sebagai upaya menahan penyebaran pendemi covid-19 di seluruh dunia berdampak pada jutaan pelajar, tidak kecuali di Indonesia. Gangguan dalam proses belajar langsung antara siswa dan guru dan pembatalan penilaian belajar berdampak pada psikologis anak didik dan menurunnya kualitas keterampilan murid. seluruh aktivitas umumnya dilakukan di rumah melalui sistem dalam jaringan (daring). Dengan menggunakan sistem daring teknologi mendorong siswa agar bisa lebih inovatif dan kreatif dalam belajar (student centered learning).penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Menganalisis wawasan lebih tentang pendidikan kreatif melalui media pembelajaran daring yang berhadapan langsung di masa pandemic covid-19. 2) Mendeskripsikan seberapa tinggi kekreatifan peserta didik dalam berpikir. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian referensi. Keabsahan data dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan perpanjangan waktu. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparasi konstanta. Hasil penelitian ini ada dua 1) Mengetahui pentingnya kreativitas siswa dalam pembelajaran daring 2) Strategi mengatasi masalah bagi siswa yang memiliki keterbatasan ruang untuk memperoleh kreativitas pendidikan daring di saat pendemi covid-19</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: covid-19, kreativitas , pembelajaran daring</strong></p>

Dzulfiqar Restu Afghani

<p>Penutupan sementara lembaga pendidikan sebagai upaya menahan penyebaran pendemi covid-19 di seluruh dunia berdampak pada jutaan pelajar, tidak kecuali di Indonesia. Gangguan dalam proses belajar langsung antara siswa dan guru dan pembatalan penilaian belajar berdampak pada psikologis anak didik dan menurunnya kualitas keterampilan murid. seluruh aktivitas umumnya dilakukan di rumah melalui sistem dalam jaringan (daring). Dengan menggunakan sistem daring teknologi mendorong siswa agar bisa lebih inovatif dan kreatif dalam belajar (student centered learning).penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Menganalisis wawasan lebih tentang pendidikan kreatif melalui media pembelajaran daring yang berhadapan langsung di masa pandemic covid-19. 2) Mendeskripsikan seberapa tinggi kekreatifan peserta didik dalam berpikir. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian referensi. Keabsahan data dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan perpanjangan waktu. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparasi konstanta. Hasil penelitian ini ada dua 1) Mengetahui pentingnya kreativitas siswa dalam pembelajaran daring 2) Strategi mengatasi masalah bagi siswa yang memiliki keterbatasan ruang untuk memperoleh kreativitas pendidikan daring di saat pendemi covid-19</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: covid-19, kreativitas , pembelajaran daring</strong></p>

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