scholarly journals Primary multi-drug resistant tuberculosis presented as lymphadenitis in a patient without HIV infection

2004 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
S.M. Mirsaeidi ◽  
P. Tabarsi ◽  
M.O. Edrissian ◽  
M. Amiri ◽  
P. Farnia ◽  

Primary multi-drug resistant extrapulmonary tuberculosis is an uncommon form of the disease, but it seems that by increasing the number drug resistant tuberculosis around the world, the number of cases of primary multidrug resistant tuberculosis with extrapulmonary presentation also is going to rise. In this report, we describe a 19- year old, HIV negative man with primary multi-drug resistant TB lymphadenitis, presented with cervical lymphadenopathy and sinus discharge at the site of involved lymph nodes. The Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) smear of sputum was negative but the AFB smear of discharged fluid as well as the excisional biopsy of the lymph nodes confirmed the M. tuberculosis infection. The patient underwent the treatment with a combination of isoniazide, clofazimine, pyrazinamide, ofloxacin and amikacin with promising results. By increasing the number of drug resistant tuberculosis patients around the world, appropriate diagnosis and treatment of different presentations of the disease need a special attention.

2019 ◽  
Kidane Zereabruk ◽  
Tensay Kahsay ◽  
Hiyab Teklemichael ◽  
Woldu Aberhe ◽  
Abrha Hailay ◽  

Abstract Background Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a type of tuberculosis that is resistant to at least the first line anti-tuberculosis drugs namely, Rifampicin and Isoniazid. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis has continued to be a challenge for tuberculosis control globally. Globally 600,000 people were newly eligible for Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment with an estimated 240,000 deaths annually. There are few numbers of multi drug resistant tuberculosis studies in different regions of Ethiopia. However, most of these studies were restricted only to a single hospital and there is no published information regarding multi drug resistant tuberculosis in Tigray region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the determinants of multidrug resistant tuberculosis among adults undergoing treatment for tuberculosis in Tigray region, Ethiopia.Methods A hospital based unmatched case control study was conducted from April to June, 2019. Simple random sampling method was used to select 85 cases and 169 controls. Primary data was collected by face-to-face interview and secondary data by reviewing patients’ charts using pretested structured questionnaires. The data were entered and cleaned using Epi data manager then exported to SPSS for analysis. Binary Logistic regression model was used to test the association between independent and dependent variables. Model fitness was checked using Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit and Variance inflation factor was used to assess multi collinearity between the independent variables. Variables at p-value less than 0.25 in bivariate analysis was entered into a multivariable analysis to identify the determinant factors of multi drug resistant tuberculosis. Finally, level of significance was declared at p-value <0.05.Results A total of 254 participants with 85 cases and 169 controls were included in this study. Of the respondents, 62 (36.7%) among the controls and 48 (56.5%) among the cases were living in rural residence. Rural residence [AOR=2.54;95%CI=1.34,4.83], HIV[AOR=4.5;95%CI=1.4,14.2], relapse [AOR=3.86;95%CI;1.98,7.5], return after lost follow up [AOR=6.29;95% 1.64,24.2], treatment failure [AOR=5.87; CI=1.39,24.8] were among the determinants of Multi drug resistance tuberculosis.Conclusion Rural residence, HIV, relapse, return after lost follow up and treatment failure were the identified determinant factors of Multi drug resistance tuberculosis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. e230993 ◽  
Enrica Intini ◽  
Girija Kishore ◽  
Luca Richeldi ◽  
Zarir F Udwadia

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis continues to be a public health crisis. Urgent action is required to improve the coverage and quality of diagnosis, treatment and care for people affected by drug-resistant tuberculosis. To implement tuberculosis control, in 2018, WHO recommended cycloserine as one of the Group B drugs. Following this recommendation, cycloserine should be generally included in the starting line-up in the longer regimen for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. However, neurological toxicity associated with this drug concerns clinicians and limits its use. In this paper, we present a case of a 48-year-old woman with a diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treated with cycloserine, who developed psychiatric adverse events after 3 months of administration. This case shows the need for close psychiatric follow-up to promptly detect adverse events in patients receiving regimens for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
M. Maliyoni ◽  
P. M. M. Mwamtobe ◽  
S. D. Hove-Musekwa ◽  
J. M. Tchuenche

Tuberculosis, an airborne disease affecting almost a third of the world’s population remains one of the major public health burdens globally, and the resurgence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa calls for concern. To gain insight into its qualitative dynamics at the population level, mathematical modeling which require as inputs key demographic and epidemiological information can fill in gaps where field and lab data are not readily available. A deterministic model for the transmission dynamics of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis to assess the impact of diagnosis, treatment, and health education is formulated. The model assumes that exposed individuals develop active tuberculosis due to endogenous activation and exogenous re-infection. Treatment is offered to all infected individuals except those latently infected with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Qualitative analysis using the theory of dynamical systems shows that, in addition to the disease-free equilibrium, there exists a unique dominant locally asymptotically stable equilibrium corresponding to each strain. Numerical simulations suggest that, at the current level of control strategies (with Malawi as a case study), the drug-sensitive tuberculosis can be completely eliminated from the population, thereby reducing multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Denise Utami Putri

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of communicable disease caused by Mycobacterium genus. It is widely spread throughout the world, with at least one third of people is estimated to possess latent TB, a state where infection occurs, but does not develop disease symptoms.1 Indonesia, world’s 4th most populous country, has the highest incidence of TB cases in South East Asia, and 2nd highest globally. It affects more than 1 million people, and has caused more than 100,000 deaths during 2014

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-29
Satrio Adi Wicaksono ◽  
Yusmein Uyun ◽  
Ratih Kumala Fajar Apsari

Latar belakang: Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) adalah adanya resistensi terhadap obat TB minimal 2 (dua) obat anti TB yang paling poten yaitu INH dan rifampisin secara bersama-sama atau disertai resistensi terhadap obat anti TB lini pertama lainnya seperti etambutol, streptomisin dan pirazinamid. Pemilihan anestesi spinal pada pasien ini merupakan bahan diskusi yang menarik.Kasus: Seorang wanita G2P1A0 dirujuk ke RSUP Dr Kariadi dengan diagnosa TB MDR. Pasien memiliki riwayat flek paru sejak usia 15 tahun. Pasien memiliki keluhan batuk lama saat kehamilan yang pertama dan sempat mengalami putus obat. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan keadaan umum pasien tampak sesak dengan kesadaran composmentis, BB 43kg, TB 160cm. Tekanan darah 130/80 mmHg, frekuensi nadi 112x/menit, laju napas 28 x/menit, dengan temperatur 37oC. Pada pemeriksaan mata didapatkan konjungtiva palpebra anemis. Pemeriksaan jantung normal dan paru terdengar suara ronki basah kasar di kedua lapang paru. Pada pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan anemia dan trombositopenia. Pasien menjalani operasi seksio sesaria dengan anestesi spinal dengan bupivakain 0,5% 10 mg dengan tekanan darah awal 130/80 mmHg. Selama operasi dan pascaoperasi seksio sesaria, hemodinamik pasien stabil, tidak ditemukan hipotensi yang berat maupun kenaikan tekanan darah. Pasien kemudian dirawat di ruangan dengan perawatan pascaoperasi.Pembahasan: Pada penderita TB MDR, hampir seluruh lapang paru diisi oleh infiltrat. Anestesi regional sering disukai pada pasien dengan penyakit paru-paru kronis seperti tuberkulosis daripada anestesi umum untuk menghindari risiko hipersensitivitas pada otot polos bronkhial dan penyempitan saluran udara akibat proses inflamasi, yang dapat berdampak pada morbiditas dan mortalitas selama persalinan operatif. Ketersediaan tes fungsi paru akan sangat membantu ahli anestesi.Kesimpulan: Keadaan paru yang kurang baik dapat menjadi kontra indikasi untuk dilakukan anestesi umum.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (3 (71)) ◽  
L. D. Todoriko ◽  
I. V. Yeremenchuk ◽  
V. P. Shapovalov ◽  
T. I. Ilchyshyn

As of October 2012 84 countries had reported at least 1 case of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (EDR TB). In November 2012, the WHO epidemiological surveillance stated: all new TB cases in the world are 3,7 % of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB); 60,0 % of MDR TB among the new cases of TB are documented in Brazil, China, India, and South Africa.

2008 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 11-12 ◽  
Collective Editorial team

On 26 February 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its fourth report on the global situation regarding drug resistance in tuberculosis (TB). The report, based on information collected between 2002 and 2006 on 90,000 TB patients in 81 countries, found that 5.3% of the nine million new cases of TB each year are multidrug-resistant (MDR). This is the highest rate yet recorded.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0258295
Getu Diriba ◽  
Habteyes Hailu Tola ◽  
Ayinalem Alemu ◽  
Bazezew Yenew ◽  
Dinka Fikadu Gamtesa ◽  

Background Drug-resistant tuberculosis and extrapulmonary tuberculosis are the world major public health issues. Although some primary studies have been reported on the burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis in extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients in Ethiopia, there is no systematic review and meta-analysis that attempt to summarize the available literature. Thus, we aimed to estimates the prevalence of drug-resistance in extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients and summarize the risk factors associated with the occurrence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Methods We conducted a systematic review of the published primary studies on extrapulmonary drug-resistant tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Results Eight observational studies were included in this review from different regions of Ethiopia. The overall pooled prevalence of rifampicin resistance was 6% (95% CI 0.03–0.10), while isoniazid resistance was 7% (95% CI 0.03–0.12). The pooled prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis was 4% (95% CI 0.01–0.07). Previous tuberculosis treatment history and male gender are frequently reported risk factors for developing drug-resistant tuberculosis in extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients. Conclusion The current review has identified a high proportion of resistance to rifampicin, isoniazid, and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Clinicians should request drug susceptibility testing for all patients with presumptive extrapulmonary tuberculosis to detect drug-resistance.

2019 ◽  
Kidane Zereabruk ◽  
Tensay Kahsay ◽  
Hiyab Teklemichael ◽  
Woldu Aberhe ◽  
Abrha Hailay ◽  

Abstract Background Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a type of tuberculosis that is resistant to at least the first line anti-tuberculosis drugs namely, Rifampicin and Isoniazid. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis has continued to be a challenge for tuberculosis control globally. Globally 600,000 people were newly eligible for Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment with an estimated 240,000 deaths annually. There are few numbers of multi drug resistant tuberculosis studies in different regions of Ethiopia. However, most of these studies were restricted only to a single hospital and there is no published information regarding multi drug resistant tuberculosis in Tigray region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the determinants of multidrug resistant tuberculosis among adults undergoing treatment for tuberculosis in Tigray region, Ethiopia.Methods A hospital based unmatched case control study was conducted from April to June, 2019. Simple random sampling method was used to select 85 cases and 169 controls. Primary data was collected by face-to-face interview and secondary data by reviewing patients’ charts using pretested structured questionnaires. The data were entered and cleaned using Epi data manager then exported to SPSS for analysis. Binary Logistic regression model was used to test the association between independent and dependent variables. Model fitness was checked using Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit and Variance inflation factor was used to assess multi collinearity between the independent variables. Variables at p-value less than 0.25 in bivariate analysis was entered into a multivariable analysis to identify the determinant factors of multi drug resistant tuberculosis. Finally, level of significance was declared at p-value <0.05.Results A total of 254 participants with 85 cases and 169 controls were included in this study. Of the respondents, 62 (36.7%) among the controls and 48 (56.5%) among the cases were living in rural residence. Rural residence [AOR=2.54;95%CI=1.34,4.83], HIV[AOR=4.5;95%CI=1.4,14.2], relapse [AOR=3.86;95%CI;1.98,7.5], return after lost follow up [AOR=6.29;95% 1.64,24.2], treatment failure [AOR=5.87; CI=1.39,24.8] were among the determinants of Multi drug resistance tuberculosis.Conclusion Rural residence, HIV, relapse, return after lost follow up and treatment failure were the identified determinant factors of Multi drug resistance tuberculosis.

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