scholarly journals Coding and data analysis during qualitative empirical research in Practical Theology

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
Petria M. Theron

I dedicate this article to Prof. George Lotter, who has been instrumental in the formation of more than 90 postgraduate students in practical theological studies at the North-West University (NWU). Under his guidance, a significant amount of empirical research has been conducted. This is in line with a movement among scholars, both national and international, towards a more empirical approach in Practical Theology. It is therefore indispensable that both lecturers and students in Practical Theology should further develop their empirical research capacities. In this article, it is argued for a more systematic approach during the coding and data analysis phase of qualitative research and the article concludes with a proposed model for coding and data analysis in practical theological studies.Kodering en data-analise tydens kwalitatiewe empiriese navorsing in Praktiese Teologie. Hierdie artikel word aan prof. George Lotter opgedra. Deur die jare was hy instrumenteel in die vorming van meer as 90 nagraadse studente in Praktiese Teologie by die Noord-Wes Universiteit (NWU). Baie empiriese navorsing het onder sy leiding plaasgevind. Dit is in ooreenstemming met die nasionale en internasionale tendens van ’n meer empiriese benadering in Praktiese Teologie. Dit is dus van die uiterste belang dat Praktiese Teologie-dosente en -studente se vaardighede in empiriese navorsing verder ontwikkel moet word. In hierdie artikel word aangetoon dat ’n meer sistematiese benadering gevolg moet word tydens die kodering en die data-analisefase van kwalitatiewe navorsing. ’n Model vir die kodering en data-analise vir navorsing in Praktiese Teologie word ook voorgestel.

2006 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
F. W. De Wet

Utilising Rolf Zerfass’s operational scientific model in developing practical-theological theory – a reformed perspective Rolf Zerfass’s operational scientific model for correcting Christian-ecclesiological praxis is frequently utilised in practical- theological research at the North-West University. At face value Zerfass’s model seems to serve as an ideal framework in guiding a practical-theological study through all the relevant methodological phases – emphasising the cycle needed to move from a problematic Christian-ecclesiological praxis to a new praxis and offering a clear vision on hermeneutical interchange between theological tradition and operational praxis; theology and social sciences. A practical-theological researcher operating from a reformed frame of reference should, however, assess to what extent Zerfass’s model could serve his/her own unique vision on points of departure and goals set for developing practical-theological theory. The context in which Zerfass’s model was developed should be taken into account. Utilisation of this model should be evaluated in its own context, by means of asking essentially critical questions like the following: Does the model guide thought development in such a way that a theocentric approach is not undermined by an anthropocentric focus? To what extent are the normative focus and life-changing power of the revelation of God in Scripture addressed in the process of hermeneutical interchange? Does a cyclical approach (continually replacing one praxis by a subsequent one) address the reformational task of Practical Theology sufficiently? Does the model’s expression of the relationship between Practical Theology and social sciences not compromise the theological quality of Practical Theology? The conclusion arrived in this article is that some essential modifications are needed when utilising Zerfass’s model from a reformed context.

Anita L. Cloete

The reflection on film will be situated within the framework of popular culture and livedreligion as recognised themes within the discipline of practical theology. It is argued that theperspective of viewers is of importance within the process of meaning-making. By focusing onthe experience and meaning-making through the act of film-watching the emphasis is not somuch on the message that the producer wishes to convey but rather on the experience that iscreated within the viewer. Experience is not viewed as only emotional, but rather that, at least,both the cognitive and emotional are key in the act of watching a film. It is therefore arguedthat this experience that is seldom reflected on by viewers could serve as a fruitful platform formeaning-making by the viewer. In a context where there seems to be a decline in institutionalisedforms of religion, it is important to investigate emerging forms of religion. Furthermore, theturn to the self also makes people’s experiences and practices in everyday life valuableresources for theological reflection. This reflection could provide a theoretical framework forespecially empirical research on how film as specific form of media serves as a religiousresource and plays a role in the construction of meaning and religious identity.

Ghanima Yasmaniar ◽  
Ratnayu Sitaresmi ◽  
Suryo Prakoso

<em>Permeability is one of the important of reservoir characteristics, but is difficult to predict it. The accurate permeability values can be obtained from core data analysis, but it is not possible to do at all of the well intervals in the field. This study used 191 sandstone core samples from the Upper Cibulakan Formation in the North West Java Basin. The concept of HFU (Hydraulic Flow Unit) developed by Kozeny-Carman is used to generate the relationship between porosity and permeability for each rock type. Afterward, to estimate the permeability value at uncored intervals, the statistical methods of artificial neural network based on log data are used on G-19 Well, G Field which is located in the North West Java Basin. Based on core data analysis from this research, the reservoir consists of eight HFU with different equations to estimate permeability for each HFU. From this reserarch, the results of permeability calculations at uncored intervals are not much different from the core data at the same depth. Therefore the approach of permeability prediction can be used to determine the value of permeability without performing core data analysis so that it can save the company expenses.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-101
Jack Barentsen

ZUSAMMENFASSUNGPete Ward präsentiert seine Vision für praktische Theologie als flüssige Ekklesiologie, die in der flüssigen Art verwurzelt ist, in der die Trinität in der Kirche und der Welt lebt und sich bewegt. Ihre Bewegungen lassen sich nur durch die Kombination von textueller und empirischer Forschung erkennen. In der Introduction bespricht Ward Hauptbereiche der praktischen Theologie in leicht verständlicher Sprache. Seine Liquid Ecclesiology präsentiert eine detaillierte theologische Darstellung sowie eine faszinierende Fallstudie der evangelischen Bewegung.SUMMARYPete Ward offers his vision for practical theology as liquid ecclesiology, rooted in the liquid ways in which the Trinity lives and moves within the Church and the world. Its movements can be discerned only by combing textual and empirical research. Ward’s Introduction reviews major areas of practical theological debate in accessible language; his Liquid Ecclesiology offers an in-depth theological account along with a fascinating case study of the evangelical movement.RÉSUMÉPete Ward présente sa vision de la théologie pratique comme une « ecclésiologie liquide », enracinée dans la manière liquide dont la Trinité vit et se meut au sein de l’Église et du monde. Ses mouvements ne peuvent être discernés qu’en combinant des recherches textuelles et empiriques. L’Introduction considère les principaux débats de théologie pratique dans un langage accessible. Son ouvrage intitulé Liquid Ecclesiology offre un récit théologique approfondi ainsi qu’une étude de cas fascinante du mouvement évangélique.

В. В. Данилов ◽  
Е. А. Романова ◽  
А. М. Салимов ◽  
О. М. Олейников ◽  
М. А. Салимова

Статья посвящена реконструкции древнего рельефа территории Тверского кремля. Использованы данные об отметках поверхности материка, полученные при проведении археологических исследований и геобурения. В результате анализа полученных данных выявлена самая высокая точка кремля, располагавшаяся примерно в центральной части площадки, где в XII-XIII вв. находилась церковь Козьмы и Дамиана, а с 1285 г. - главный храм Твери - Спасо-Преображенский собор. Выявлена подольная часть кремля к северу от холма, значительные понижения площадки кремля к западу и югу. Очевидно, древний рельеф обусловил границы крепости, а также расположение главного храма города. The article presents the results of archaeological together with geological drilling data analysis on ancient relief of Tver kremlin territory. The research shows that a sandy hill was situated in the centre of future kremlin, where the church of Kozma and Damian, then the Cathedral of the Our Saviour Transfiguration were built. The ancient surface of the kremlin territory considerably descended to the north, west and south. Evidently the ancient relief of that ground determined the situation of kremlin's fortification line.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (4/5) ◽  
pp. 289-309
Siviwe Bangani ◽  
Mathew Moyo ◽  
Dina Mokgadi Mashiyane

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine the use of library spaces by postgraduate students at the North-West University in South Africa. Design/methodology/approach A survey research methodology was used in which both online and print questionnaires were used to gather data. Findings The major findings of the study were that postgraduate students frequently visited the libraries to make use of the quite study spaces, which include the research commons and the study carrels. The study further found out that postgraduate students rarely visited the libraries for the purpose of consulting librarians regarding their studies. Challenges expressed by the students include insufficient workstations, poor internet and Wi-Fi connectivity and limited seating capacity. The benefit of the study is that it will help librarians and the university administrators to better understand the postgraduate students space needs, as well as the challenges being encountered. Research limitations/implications This biggest limitation of this study was a lack or low response rate by certain faculties, which mitigated against comparing the use of spaces by faculty. Practical implications The results of this study re-affirm the need for postgraduate spaces. University libraries that seek to build postgraduate spaces in the future need to ensure that an adequate number of computer workstations are supplied and Wi-Fi and bandwidth are improved. University libraries that already have postgraduate spaces should consider adding more workstations and improving bandwidth and Wi-Fi connectivity in those spaces. These results further point to a need for libraries in Africa and elsewhere to consider having more quiet study spaces for postgraduate students while reducing the number of group study spaces. Social implications The results of this study point to a need for libraries and university authorities to periodically review library spaces as a way to ensure their continued optimal usage. They also point to a need for more funds to further enhance the library spaces for postgraduate students’ use. Originality/value South African libraries are faced with challenges including the addition of 15 per cent value added tax to print and online resources. In this environment, libraries are expected by university authorities to demonstrate return on investment. This study, therefore, is located within the realm of determining return on investment for the funds spent by universities to build dedicated postgraduate library spaces. This study will further benefit librarians and the university administrators by helping them to better understand the postgraduate students space needs, as well as the challenges being encountered.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-260 ◽  
Rein Brouwer

This article reports on an explorative, qualitative-empirical research on the meaning of trust between church boards of Dutch protestant congregations and the interim ministers they temporarily employ in-between incumbent ministers. Trust, or the perception of trustworthiness, is analyzed as a social constructed, multi-dimensional phenomenon. Research shows the coherence of several theoretical variables (Risk, Accountability, Encapsulated interest, Autonomy, Reciprocity, Credentials, Performance, and Context) that constitute trust in this particular and specific context. A theological evaluation of the data analysis suggests the emergence of another variable, the ‘givenness’ of trust. In the particular context of the pastoral profession, trust is induced by how the trustee, i.e., the interim minister, in his performance embodies the social identity of the trustor, i.e., the church board, but there is also a dimension grounded in faith in the presence of God.

2016 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
Jan-Albert Van den Berg

An (auto)biographical Twitter-theology. Due to the increasing challenges created by an evolving digital world, traditional expressions of the Christian faith could become irrelevant for a fast-paced world. Through an autobiographical orientation, a search for meaningful personal expressions of the Christian faith on Twitter is traced and mapped down. Facilitated through a practical-theological inquiry and employing a qualitative empirical research methodology, personal aphorisms of the Christian faith on Twitter are traced down and presented as possible examples of a relevant digital autobiographical theology. Through the contribution of these empirical realities, new hermeneutical outcomes and a strategic involvement are facilitated. The creation, development and meaning of new theological formulations and articulations are explored and described through these expressions. In the tracing of and in the mapping down of these new expressions of faith, demarcations of a possible lived spirituality in the digital sphere are sounded out and verbalised. Through the documentation of these new and relevant articulations of the language of faith, a contribution is made to a meaningful digital autobiographical theology.

2002 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
Riet Bons-Storm

The basic questions of Practical Theology concern the development of a community of faith built on, and building the faithful lives of its members in their particular contexts. This article is an exploration of the biographical method – as a means of qualitative empirical research – to obtain data concerning the possibilities of people in their everyday life of coming to an understanding of their particular situation in the light of their understanding of the Christian tradition. This understanding, individual faith develops in conjunction with the particular theological context in which a person lives her/his life. The author chooses to listen to the life and faith histories of people as a feminist. This means that the role gender plays in life and faith, is taken seriously.

Daryl A. Cornish ◽  
George L. Smit

Oreochromis mossambicus is currently receiving much attention as a candidater species for aquaculture programs within Southern Africa. This has stimulated interest in its breeding cycle as well as the morphological characteristics of the gonads. Limited information is available on SEM and TEM observations of the male gonads. It is known that the testis of O. mossambicus is a paired, intra-abdominal structure of the lobular type, although further details of its characteristics are not known. Current investigations have shown that spermatids reach full maturity some two months after the female becomes gravid. Throughout the year, the testes contain spermatids at various stages of development although spermiogenesis appears to be maximal during November when spawning occurs. This paper describes the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of the testes and spermatids.Specimens of this fish were collected at Syferkuil Dam, 8 km north- west of the University of the North over a twelve month period, sacrificed and the testes excised.

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