Local tradition or European patterns? The grave of Queen Gertrude in the Pilis Cistercian Abbey

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-82
W. Suprihatin ◽  
H. Hailuddin

The background of the problems in this study is the decreasing quality of Sade hamlet amid rising tourist arrivals. From the environmental aspect, the conditions of the hamlet began to decline, in which the initial pattern of Sade has started a lot of changes towards the deficient and began to leave the local tradition. One effort to improve the condition of Sade hamlet in social, cultural and the environmental aspect is through the formulation of a sustainable structuring, the presence and identity maintaining and making a sustainable Tourism Village. Through analysis of AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) by collecting the perceptions of some experts through interviews and questionnaires, obtained by weighting the priority of the experts, namely the preservation of culture as an element of priority-level goals to be achieved in the development of Sade Hamlet as a tourist village at 0,476. While the determination of the level of the main criteria in the achievement of these objectives is the highest weight while maintaining a typical village environment at 0.319. Priority strategies that get the highest weight of the experts is that Sade Hamlet Revitalization with a priority weighting of 0.583. The second priority is the relocation of Hamlet at 0.235. Lowest weighting or last priority is Replication Sade Hamlet at 0.182.

2020 ◽  
pp. 385-399
Anna A. Plotnikova ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of folk mythology from the region of Pčinja, located on the Serbian-Macedonian border and preserving the archaic features in the local tradition at the turn of the 21th century, when we have an ethnolinguistic expedition in the village of Jablanica (1998). It is shown that the specificity of folk mythological representations is related to the location of the region at the intersection of the main traditions of the Eastern part of South Slavia. However, a number of recorded mythological names connect the region with the Central and Western parts of Southern Slavia. The features of the tradition that have parallels in Eastern, South-Eastern and Southern Serbia (including Serbian Kosovo villages), Macedonia and Western Bulgaria are analyzed in detail. The paper uses an ethnolinguistic research method aimed at studying language phenomena in close relationship with the extralinguistic context, which is especially important for the analysis of folk mythological representations, when the same demonological image may have different names, and vice versa, heterogeneous in genesis and functions mythological characters are designated by one common name for the demon. The study uses еtymological and dialect dictionaries, the ethnolinguistic Kosovo archive, as well as ethnographic works from different regions of South Slavia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 205030322098698
Peter Lambertz

The Japanese “new religions” ( Shin Shūkyō) active in Kinshasa (DR Congo) nearly all perform healing through the channeling of invisible divine light. In the case of Sekai Kyūseikyō (Church of World Messianity), the light of Johrei cannot be visually apprehended, but is worn as an invisible aura on the practitioner’s body. This article discusses the trans-cultural resonances between Japan and Central Africa regarding the ontology of spiritual force, regimes of subjectivity, and the gradual embodiment of Johrei divine light as a protection against (suspicions of) witchcraft. Meanwhile, I argue that religious multiplicity in urban Africa encourages cultural reflexivity about concepts of health and healing, self-responsibility, and Pentecostal suspicion-mongering of occult sciences. Thus, Johrei divine light not only feeds into a longstanding local tradition of spiritual healing; within the religiously multiple city, it is also a discursive space for, and an experience and performance of, emic critique.

2014 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-32 ◽  
Catriona Anna Gray

Montrose was one of Scotland's earliest royal burghs, but historians have largely overlooked its parish kirk. A number of fourteenth and fifteenth-century sources indicate that the church of Montrose was an important ecclesiastical centre from an early date. Dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul, by the later middle ages it was a place of pilgrimage linked in local tradition with the cult of Saint Boniface of Rosemarkie. This connection with Boniface appears to have been of long standing, and it is argued that the church of Montrose is a plausible candidate for the lost Egglespether, the ‘church of Peter’, associated with the priory of Restenneth. External evidence from England and Iceland appears to identify Montrose as the seat of a bishop, raising the possibility that it may also have been an ultimately unsuccessful rival for Brechin as the episcopal centre for Angus and the Mearns.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-119
Tatiana G. Nikitina ◽  

The dictionary is the first experience in presenting lexical and phraseological units related to the “children’s” sphere of traditional culture. The purpose of the dictionary is to describe the childhood of a specific local tradition reflected in the language of its speakers and the characteristics of the peasant worldview. The sources of the dictionary are recordings of live oral speech made during dialectological expeditions of the staff and students of the Faculty of Philology, Tomsk State University. The dictionary is intended for dialectologists, culturologists, ethnographers, historians, ethnographers, and those interested in folk speech culture.

Виктория Георгиевна Григорьева

Одним из основных фольклорных жанров якутов (саха) является тойук - вокально-поэтическая импровизация в обрядовой, общественно значимой ситуации. Каждая локальная общность саха формирует определенный мелодический стиль тойука. Статья посвящена исследованию музыкального стиля обрядовых песнопений в исполнении выдающегося этнофора, виртуозного импровизатора, представителя приленской локальной традиции У. Г. Нохсорова (1907-1951). Предметом рассмотрения стал тойук «День Великой Победы», исполненный Устином Гаврильевичем в 1945 г. Автором выявлены индивидуальные особенности тойука У. Г. Нохсорова, которые заключаются в наличии своеобразной основы формообразования структуры песнопений - не менее трех разделов со вступлением и каденцией, зависящих от особенностей стихосложения, а также в многообразной тембровой орнаментации и распевности слогов. Основное отличие виртуозного исполнительства У. Г. Нохсорова от других тойуксутов состоит в следующих типичных приемах: преобладание трехдольного распева слогонот (что значительно преображает мелодию обрядового песнопения - эту характерную особенность напевов певец перенял от своего учителя Т. В. Захарова-Чээбия) с эпизодическим применением двудольной организации; использование особых тембровых приемов - вибрато, тремоло, нисходящее глиссандо, - значительно дополняющих ладоинтонационную ткань песнопений; мелодическая линия с широким распевом, состоящая из девяти слогонот, образует в каденции новый контур окончания тойука. Актуальность статьи связана с необходимостью изучения локальных разновидностей тойука, что является важным для продолжения практики обрядового пения в Якутии. One of the main folklore genres of the Yakuts (Sakha) is the “toyuk” - a vocal and poetic improvisation performed in a ritual, socially significant situation. Each local Sakha community has its own musical style of toyuk. The purpose of the article is to investigate the style of this ritual chant as performed by the outstanding ethnophore, virtuoso improviser, and representative of the local tradition of Prilena, U. G. Nokhsorov (1907-1951). On the basis of the toyuk “Day of the Great Victory” that Nokhsorov performed in 1945, the author examines the poetic and musical features of the genre. The author identifies individual features of Nokhsorov’s toyuk and elements that structure the singing. In a toyuk there are at least three sections with an introduction and cadence, depending on the type of versification, and there are a variety of timbre ornamentations and ways of pronouncing syllables. One of the main differences between Nokhsorov’s masterly performance and that of other “toyuksuts” is the three-part chanting of the syllable-notes (slogonoty) which predominates, and which significantly alters the melody. The singer adopted this practice from his teacher T. V. Zakharov-Cheebiya. Other differences include the occasional use of bipartite organization; special timbre techniques of tremolo and descending glissando, which complement the mode and intonational texture of the chant; and a melodic line with a protracted chorus consisting of nine syllables that creates a new configuration of the cadence that ends the toyuk. Studying local varieties of toyuk is important so that the practice of ritual singing in Yakutia will continue.

Mohammad Syawaludin

The study attempts to look Islam as a religion which teaches various aspects of normative and humanism has undergone a process of acceptance and rejection in the society. Meanwhile, tradition as an identity of a particular community also has undergone an eclectic process in acquiring adaptation with the Islamic teachings. It proves that Islam is not merely understood as a doctrine but also as a result of the interaction of cultural values, norms, and morals representing in the forms of religious practices which tolerates the local values. The meeting between Islamic value and local tradition value are maintained. Then, they form Islamic narrated activities as a form of internalization of the teachings and community behaviors. Caram Seguguk tradition in South Sumatera is one of the results of the harmonization between Islam and local traditions in daily activities.

2020 ◽  
pp. 45-62
José Antonio Molina Gómez ◽  
Héctor Uroz Rodríguez ◽  
José Ángel Munera Martínez

En el presente artículo los autores estudian las tradiciones hagiográficas sobre los mártires del siglo III Vicente y Leto, quienes murieron en Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete). El estudio se centra en la relación entre tradiciones martirológicas, la evidencia arqueológica y las tradiciones locales. Escritores modernos como Higuera y Requena podrían haber usado fuentes antiguas para (re)escribir la historia de Vicente y Leto. De acuerdo con la tradición local ambos fueron ejecutados en un lugar llamado hoy en día Vallejo de los Santos, en las inmediaciones de Lezuza, donde habría sido levantado un templo para rendirles culto. In the following article, the authors study the hagiographic tradition of the Third Century Christian Martyrs Vicente and Leto, both of which died in Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete). Said study shall focus upon the link between the matyrological tradition, archaeological evidence and local traditions. Modern writers such as Higuera or Requena may well have employed these ancient sources while (re)writing the history of Vicente and Leto. According to local tradition, both were executed in a place now called Vallejo de los Santos, in the outskirts of Lezuza, where a temple would have been built for their worship.

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