scholarly journals Vitaly Ilyich Kandyba is the first art critic of Primorye: materials for biography

А.А. Даценко

Виталий Ильич Кандыба (1943–2016) — первый и на протяжении десятилетий единственный искусствовед в Приморском крае, преподаватель истории искусств в Дальневосточном институте искусств, арт-критик, разносторонне и глубоко погруженный в художественный процесс современного ему регионального искусства. Он не только представлял художников Дальнего Востока на всероссийском и всесоюзном уровне в советскую эпоху, но и в какой-то мере указывал направление развития дальневосточного искусства. Виталий Кандыба — автор книг об истории возникновения и путях развития изобразительного искусства Приморья, Хабаровского края, Амурской области с 1860-х до 1930-х годов, об образовании и деятельности Приморской организации Союза художников России, до сих пор являющихся обязательным источником для искусствоведов, посвятивших себя изучению творчества художников региона. Тем не менее его жизнь и творчество до настоящего времени недостаточно изучены. В статье делается попытка представить очерк творческой биографии В.И. Кандыбы, дать оценку роли и значения его деятельности. Vitaly I. Kandyba (1943–2016) is the first and for decades the only art critic in Primorye, a teacher of art history at the Far Eastern Institute of Arts, versatile and deeply immersed in the artistic process of contemporary regional art. He not only represented artists of the Far East at the All-Russian and All-Union level during the Soviet period, but also to some extent indicated the direction of development of Far Eastern art. Vitaly Kandyba is the author of books about the history of the emergence and development of fine art of Primorye, Khabarovsk Krai, Amur Region from the 1860s to the 1930s, about the formation and activities of the Primorye Organization of the Union of Artists of Russia, which are still a mandatory source for art historians who have devoted themselves to studying the creativity of artists of the region. Nevertheless, his life and work have not been sufficiently studied to date. The article attempts to present an outline of the creative biography of V.I. Kandyba, to assess the role and significance of his activities.

Н.А. Левданская

Редкое исследование, посвященное современному художественному процессу, его участникам, обходится без употребления термина «школа». При этом его содержание трактуется очень широко: от сложившейся и действующей на протяжении большого отрезка времени системы полного цикла профессионального художественного образования до принадлежности художников одной территории или следования за лидером в выборе стилевых предпочтений. В статье дается краткий очерк истории появления и бытования термина «школа», предлагается уточнение его содержания в современных условиях и на этой основе предпринимается попытка оценить ситуацию с формированием региональных школ в России на примере Дальнего Востока. A rare study devoted to the contemporary art process, its participants, dispenses with the use of the term "school". At the same time, its content is interpreted very broadly: from the system of a full cycle of professional art education that has been established and has been operating for a long period of time to artists belonging to the same territory or following the leader in choosing style preferences. The article gives a brief outline of the history of the emergence and existence of the term "school", suggests clarifying its content in modern conditions and on this basis attempts to assess the situation with the formation of regional schools in Russia, using the example of the Far East.

О.И. Зотова

Заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР Кирилл Шебеко и его внучка Мария Холмогорова являются представителями одной из интереснейших дальневосточных художественных династий. Кирилл Шебеко родился в Амурской области, окончил Институт живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры им. И.Е. Репина в 1950 году, вернулся на Дальний Восток, преподавал во Владивостокском художественном училище и Дальневосточном государственном институте искусств, который в 1990-м закончила Мария Холмогорова. Сегодня она преподает во Владивостокском художественном колледже. Полувековым периодом разделено вступление в самостоятельную творческую жизнь двух художников, ставших мастерами живописи, соединенных не только родственными, но и духовными и профессиональными узами. Их творчество вписано в историю развития регионального дальневосточного искусства и в большой мере определяет его облик. The honored worker of arts of Russia Kirill Shebeko and his granddaughter Maria Kholmogorova are representatives of the Far East one of the most interesting artistic dynasties. Kirill Shebeko was born in the Amur region, graduated from the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture of I. E. Repin in 1950-th years, has returned to the Far East, taught at the Vladivostok art college and Far Eastern state Institute of Arts. Maria Kholmogorova graduated from it in 1990.  Today he teaches at the Vladivostok art College. A half-century period of the divided entry into independent creative lives of two artists who have become masters of painting. They united not only related, but also spiritual, and professional ties. Their work is inscribed in the history of the development of regional Far Eastern art and in large measure determines its identity.

S. N. Mishchuk

The article analyzes regional features of migration processes dynamics of in the Far East of Russia in the post-Soviet period (19922016). Indicators of migration intensity for migrant arrivals and departures, migration effectiveness and impact of migration flows on the whole Far Eastern region and its subjects were considered. It is shown that until 1997 in the Far Easts migration turnover the largest share of migrants moved within Russia (excluding Far Eastern federal subjects), however, since 2000 to the present time, the intraregional flow of migrants exceeds the total share of interregional and international migrants. As part of the assessment of internal labor migration, federal subjects of the Far East with maximum and minimum sizes of population engaged in labor activity outside the region of residence were identified. The study of the dynamics and territorial structure of international labor migration for the period 20102015 reflects the loss of the Far East leading positions in the number of attracted labor immigrants among the federal districts of the Russian Federation. It is established that in most federal subjects the number of migrants working based on patents prevails. Formation of various approaches at the federal and regional levels to the practice of attracting migrants to the labor market in the Far East is shown based on the analysis of the implemented measures of migration policy from 2013 to 2017.

F. А. Popov

The article analyzes the confrontation between the Khabarovsk city government of the "Kolchak convocation" and the regional government of Primorye formed as a result of the anti-Kolchak coup on January 31, 1920. The parallel existence of several state formations in the Far East created the ground for political instability. The conflict between the Khabarovsk Duma and the Vladivostok government was complicated by an ideological factor: most Duma members belonged to the right, anti-communist camp, while the regional government consisted mainly of socialists. The refusal of both sides to compromise resulted in the unilateral declaration of "independence" of Khabarovsk in August 1920. The evacuation of Japanese troops and the lack of support for the actions of the Duma among the townspeople led to the "separatists" to failure. The conflict was seized by the rivals of Primorye in the unification of the Far East – the Far Eastern Republic and the Soviet Amur Region – the latter's troops, contrary to the protest of the Vladivostok government, occupied Khabarovsk in October 1920.

2003 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-435 ◽  
Elena Perehvalskaya

It would be unjust to say that languages of ethnic minorities of Siberia and the Far East of Russia have not received the attention of linguists and anthropologists, yet until now there has been no book that has gathered, classified, and compared data on the sociolinguistic situation of these minorities over the whole Soviet period. This is the topic of Vakhtin's new book. It deals almost exclusively with the exterior aspect of the history of the languages; it does not analyze structural changes in the languages themselves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 181-186
E.A. Levkova ◽  
I.P. Loginov ◽  
S.Z. Savin ◽  
S.G. Gevorkyan ◽  

The article analyzes the risks of the influence of depressive disorders on the psychological resources of the growing population of the Amur region of the Khabarovsk krai. It was revealed that depressive disorders can act in isolation or in combination with other somatic and psychopathological manifestations. Various genetic, constitutional, psychogenic and social mechanisms are involved in the formation of these states, and the forecast of the risk of impact on psychological resources depends on the microsocial speed within which they are realized

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-91
L. A. Mandrinina ◽  
V. V. Rykova

The article provides a brief overview of library local lore activity with an emphasis on the local lore direction in book studies and bibliography of the Siberian- Far Eastern region; names organizations providing information support for local lore activities of libraries; lists local lore resources on the websites of regional libraries in Siberia and the Far East. Special attention is paid to the resources generated by the State Public Scientific Technological Library of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is the center for information support of local history research in Asian Russia, and obtains unique techniques to create regional databases, as well as highly qualified specialists. It presents a list of databases providing information support of theoretical and practical aspects of local history activity in the regional libraries. Authors give a detailed description of DB “Scientific Sibirika”, which includes regional material on a wide range of local history: history, ethnography, economy, nature and natural resources of certain territories of Siberia and the Far East, Arctic. It is shown that theoretical and methodological research in the field of library local history, individual persons, are presented in the “professional” DB “Librarianship and bibliography in Siberia and the Far East”, which has a special heading “Local lore activities of libraries in Siberia and the Far East”; the bibliologic direction of local lore is implemented in the bibliographic DB “History of books and book business in Siberia and the Far East”. The paper concludes about the importance of library local history in the library activities, and the need to attract information resources of large libraries for more complete implementation of local history research.

Н.А. Панкратьева

Ювелирные украшения народов Амура — это важный элемент традиционной культуры, сформировавшийся под влиянием эстетических идеалов и являющийся отражением общности тунгусо-маньчжурского мира. Несмотря на обширность территорий и появление в XIX веке новых политических границ, семантика ювелирных украшений традиционного костюма была понятна и аборигенному населению Уссурийского края, и урбанизированному слою маньчжуров, освоивших города цинского Китая. Исследование базируется на предметах из фондовых коллекций Музея истории Дальнего Востока имени В.К. Арсеньева, часть которых ранее не представлялась широкому зрителю. Сегодня именно музейные собрания, сформированные в XIX – первой половине XX века, стали базой для изучения технологии и семантики ювелирных украшений народов Дальнего Востока. При производстве ювелирных изделий, бытовавших среди коренных малочисленных народов Дальнего Востока, использовались самые разнообразные технологии, и от их сложности зависело место производства. Это были или профессиональные ювелирные мануфактуры маньчжурского Китая, или нанайские и удэгейские мастера, работавшие в стойбищах. И в данном контексте можно говорить о широких торговых связях, существовавших благодаря обороту ювелирных изделий. Долговечность материалов, использовавшихся при создании произведений ювелирного искусства, стала важным фактором преемственности культурных парадигм при смене поколений. Комплекс украшений, сложившийся на Дальнем Востоке в Средние века, просуществовал несколько столетий, пережил череду государственных образований и сохранился до XX века, пока цивилизационный слом не вытеснил традиционный уклад жизни охотников и рыболовов вместе с костюмом из повседневного использования. Jewelry of the Amur peoples is an important element of traditional culture, formed under the influence of aesthetic ideals and reflecting the commonality of the Tungus-Manchurian world. Despite the vastness of the territories and the appearance of new political borders in the 19th century, the semantics of jewelry of traditional costume was understandable both to the aboriginal population of the Ussuri Region and to the urbanized stratum of the Manchus who mastered the cities of Qing China. The research is based on items from the stock collections of the Arsenyev Museum of the History of the Far East, some of which were not previously presented to the wide public. Today, it is the museum collections formed in the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries that have become the basis for studying the technology and semantics of jewelry of the peoples of the Far East. In the production of jewelry that existed among the indigenous peoples of the Far East, a wide variety of technologies were used, and the place of production depended on their complexity. Either they were professional jewelry manufactories of Manchurian China, or Nanai and Udege craftsmen who worked in the camps. And in this context, we can talk about broad trade relations that existed due to the turnover of jewelry. The durability of the materials used in the creation of works of jewelry art has become an important factor in the continuity of cultural paradigms with the change of generations. The jewelry complex that developed in the Far East in the Middle Ages lasted for several centuries, survived a series of state formations and survived until the 20th century, until the civilizational scrapping replaced the traditional way of life of hunters and fishermen, along with the costume, from everyday use.

Oksana Petrovna Fedirko ◽  
Svetlana Mikhailovna Dudarenok

The paper, using archival sources and media materi-als, examines the participation of the Far Eastern eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the socio-cultural life of the Far East in the 1990s. The main forms of education of representatives of diocesan structures and indi-vidual clergy among the population of the region are noted. The effectiveness of different approaches to the organization of cultural and scientific events organized by the secular authorities together repre-sentatives of Orthodoxy is analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that the peculiarity of the revitalization of religion in the Far East in the 1990s was the demand of the population in gaining new knowledge about the history of the region, the his-tory of Christianity and the ROC MP. Moreover, it was as the desire of Far Eastern eparchies to organ-ize educational activities, expand their sphere of influence, using a variety of forms of work.

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