scholarly journals Repercusión social del embarazo en adolescentes

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 4188-4202
Solange Karina Quijije Segovia

RESUMEN La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la realidad de la educación familiar y el embarazo a temprana edad en el país, el cual se considera como problema social y de salud pública siendo el grupo de mayor vulnerabilidad las adolescentes con deficiencia de conocimientos en educación sexual, el diagnóstico demostró que la mayoría de los casos  tienen afectaciones en la salud de la madre y del hijo por nacer, ocasionando alteraciones en la calidad de vida de ellas, familia y sociedad,  los padres a su vez no brindan la suficiente confianza para dialogar sobre estos temas transcendentes, buscando en personas ajenas al hogar información que puede ser errada. Se utilizó los siguientes métodos teóricos: inductivo-deductivo y descriptivo, y como métodos empíricos encuestas a padres, adolescentes y entrevistas a especialistas en la temática de investigación. La investigación se realizó en el centro de salud Jipijapa, con las adolescentes embarazadas controladas, edades que oscila entre  17 a 19 años representando el grupo de mayor frecuencia de atención y con 3 embarazadas entre 10 a 13 años de edad. Un dato importante de destacar es un elevado porcentaje de padres de familia que no mantienen un dialogo fluido con sus hijos. El aporte teórico del trabajo lo constituyó la fundamentación de un club de madres adolescentes y una escuela para padres surgiendo participación activa de ambos grupos como alternativa para dar solución al problema planteado.   ABSTRACT The research had as objective analize the reality of the familiar education and pregnancy to early age in the country, which consider as social problem and public health being the vulnerability main group the teenagers with deficiency of knowledges in sexual education, the diagnostic showed that mayority of the cases have affections in the health of the mother and son to born, causing changes in the quality of life of their family and society, the parents not give the sufficient confidence to dialogue about these trascendents topics, searching in people to home information that can wrong. Used the following theorical methods descriptive inductive deductive and as empirical method as surveys to parents and teenagers and interviews with specialists in the topic of researchs field. The research was conducted at health center Jipijapa, with pregnants teenagers controled, ages that ranging from 17 and 19 representing the mayor group of more frequent attention and 3 pregnants from 10 to 13 years old. An important point to note is a high percent of parents of famiy that not care a dialogue fluid with their sons. The theorical contribution from job constituted the foundametation of a club of pregnants mothers and a parents schcool  emerging active participation of both groups as an alternative to give solution to established  problem.

Thaís Mello de Souza ◽  
Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia

Desde os anos sessenta do século passado, a expressão qualidade de vida tem sido referência de inúmeros discursos acadêmicos, políticos, ideológicos. A preocupação com a saúde do idoso vem promovendo a implantação de políticas públicas de saúde, visando cada vez mais melhoria da qualidade de vida. O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno que diz respeito a todos, não ficando circunscrito apenas aos cidadãos maiores de 60 anos. Portanto esta pesquisa através de uma revisão literária objetivou levar ao conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde a cerca da saúde do idoso e as políticas públicas de saúde para este segmento etário. Os resultados mostrou que os profissionais de saúde têm uma grande importância para a melhoria, implementação e execução das políticas públicas de saúde.Descritores: Qualidade de Vida, Saúde do Idoso, Envelhecimento. Health of the aged one, the aging and the public politics of healthAbstractSince the sixties of last century, the term quality of life has been a benchmark for many academic discourses, political, ideological. The concern with the health of the aged one comes promoting the implantation of public politics of health, aiming at each time more improvement of the quality of life. The population aging is a phenomenon that says respect to all, not being circumscribed only to the citizens biggest of 60 years. Therefore this research through a literature review aimed to inform health professionals about the health of the elderly and public health policies for this age group. The results showed that health professionals are of great importance for the improvement, implementation and enforcement of public health policies.OuvirDescriptors:Quality of Life, Health of the Aged one, Aging. Salud Del anciano, el envejecimiento y las politicas publica de saludResumenDesde los años sesenta del siglo pasado, el término calidad de vida ha sido un referente para muchos discursos académicos, políticos, ideológicos. La preocupación por la salud de las personas de edad ha estado promoviendo el despliegue de políticas de salud pública, en busca de mayor calidad y mejores de vida mejor. El envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno que concierne a todos, no limitándose sólo a los ciudadanos mayores de 60 años. Por tanto, esta investigación a través de una revisión de la literatura destinada a informar a los profesionales de salud acerca de la salud de las personas mayores y las politicas publicas de salud para este grupo de edad. Los resultados mostraron que los profesionales de la salud son de gran importancia para el mejoramiento, aplicación y ejecución de políticas de salud pública.Descriptores: Calidad de Vida, Salud del Adulto Mayor, Envejecimiento.

Nur Maziyya ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Herdina Mariyanti

Introduction: Leprosy was a chronic infectious disease that affects the quality of life of patients. Many factors could affect the quality of life of people with leprosy, but there was no specific research that analyzed factors related to quality of life of people with leprosy based on Health Belief Models theory (HBM). This study aimed to analyze factors that related to quality of life of people with leprosy based on Health Belief Model theory (HBM) in Public Health Center in North Surabaya. Methode: This study used descriptive analytic correlational with cross-sectional approach. Sample in this study were 30 patients with leprosy at public health center in North Surabaya. The independent variabels were individual perceived depend on HBM theory and dependent variabel was Quality of Life of Leprosy patients. Data were collected by interviews and using questionnaire. The instrument for collecting Quality of life using WHOQOL BREF and for collecting individual perception using a questionnaire derived from HBM theory. Data were analyzed used statistical Logistic Regression test (p<0,05). Result and Analysis: People with leprosy in public health care in region of North Surabaya 83.3% had good quality of life. There was correlation between quality of life with perceived susceptibility (p = 0.013) and perceived of seriousness (p = 0.004). There is was no correlation that found between quality of life with perceived benefit (p = 0.638) and perceived barriers (p = 0.334). Perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness could be factors that affect quality of life of people with leprosy. Discussion: It needs to do a research about quality of life of patients with leprosy based on HBM theory using questionnaire that has been tested for validation to determine factors that affect quality of life of patient with leprosy.Keywords: Leprosy, quality of life, HBM, individual perceptions

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Pinasti Utami

Hypertension is one of ten degenerative diseases that decline the patient’s quality of life. Controlling hypertension through the role of pharmacists as a care giver in home pharmacy care activities can reduce the morbidity of the disease. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of home pharmacy care education on the quality of life of hypertensive patients hospitalized at the Gamping II Public Health Center. This research design was quasi-experimental with a pre post control group. Respondents of this study were 28 hypertensive patients of the Gamping II Public Health Center. They were taken by simple random sampling and then divided into 2 groups, control and intervention. In the intervention group, respondents were given a pre-test and then educated with Home Pharmacy Care as many as 4 times. Data on blood pressure changes were measured using tensimeter, while quality of life assessment was SF-36 questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using student t-test. The results of this study showed that hypertensive patients are home pharmacy care services at Gamping II Public Health Center had significantly decreased blood pressures both systolic and diastolic (p <0.05), while the quality of life showed a significant increase (p <0.05). It was concluded that the application of home pharmacy care education to hypertensive patients in GampingPublic Health Center could reduce blood pressure and can statistically improve quality of life.

Gleise Gonçalves Passos Silva ◽  
Tatiana Santana Oliveira ◽  
Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia

O aumento demasiado da população idosa tornou-se uma política de saúde pública, estima-se que até 2020 a perspectiva de vida alcance em torno de 75,5 anos, ou seja, a população será composta por 16,2 milhões de idosos. O objetivo é destacar a importância da atuação do enfermeiro na assistência aliada à segurança do paciente idoso. Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura de forma integrativa, nas bases de dados da SCIELO, LATINDEX, LILACS, REDALYC e sites governamentais (COFEN e COREN-SP). O aumento da população idosa é de ocorrência mundial e requer importância, todavia considera-se que a qualidade de vida pode ser alterada pelo déficit de autossuficiência, o enfermeiro assume papel importantíssimo na gerontologia atuando na promoção da qualidade de vida e possibilita um olhar diferenciado a esse grupo de pessoas. Concluímos que a atuação do enfermeiro se destaca na prevenção e assistência com qualidade, visando garantir a segurança do paciente idoso.Descritores: Segurança do Paciente, Enfermeiro, Idoso.Elderly health: approach of literature on patient safetyAbstract: The excessive increase of the elderly population has become a public health policy, it is estimated that up to 2020 the prospect of life reach around 75.5 years, ie the population will be composed by 16.2 million of the elderly. The objective is to highlight the importance of the nurse's performance in the assistance allied to the safety of the elderly patient. It is a revision of the literature in an integrative form, in the databases of SCIELO, LATINDEX, LILACS, REDALYC and government sites (COFEN and COREN-SP). The increase of the elderly population is world-wide and requires importance, but it is considered that the quality of life can be altered by the deficit of self, the nurse assumes important role in the gerontology acting in the promotion of the quality of life and It allows a different look to this group of people. We conclude that the nurse's performance stands out in the prevention and assistance with quality, aiming at ensuring the safety of the elderly patient.Descriptors: Patient Safety, Nurse, Elderly.Salud de los ancianos: enfoque de la literatura sobre la seguridad del pacienteResumen: El aumento excesivo de la población anciana se ha convertido en una política de salud pública, se estima que hasta 2020 la expectativa de vida alcanza alrededor de 75,5 años, es decir, la población estará compuesta por 16,2 millones de los ancianos. El objetivo es destacar la importancia del desempeño del enfermero en la asistencia aliada a la seguridad del paciente anciano. Se trata de una revisión de la bibliografía en forma integradora, en las bases de datos de SciELO, Latindex, LILACS, Redalyc y sitios gubernamentales (COFEN y COREN-SP). El aumento de la población de edad avanzada es mundial y requiere importancia, pero se considera que la calidad de vida puede ser alterada por el déficit de sí mismo, la enfermera asume un papel importante en la Gerontología actuando en la promoción de la calidad de vida y permite una mirada diferente a este grupo de personas. Concluimos que el desempeño de la enfermera se destaca en la prevención y asistencia con calidad, con el objetivo de garantizar la seguridad del paciente anciano.Descriptores: Seguridad del Paciente, Enfermero, Anciano.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Jesús Martí Esquitino ◽  
José Luis Carballo Crespo ◽  
Inmaculada Cárceles Arnau ◽  
Ana María García Ruíz ◽  
Rosa María Gómez Sánchez

El Modelo Matrix (MM) está recomendado por el Instituto Nacional de Drogas y Abuso de EEUU (NIDA) como uno de los tratamientos efectivos para la adicción a cocaína, sin embargo, todavía no hay estudios en la sanidad pública española. El objetivo fue medir la efectividad del tratamiento basado en el Modelo Matrix adaptado a la sanidad pública murciana sobre la calidad de vida percibida, deseo de consumo, consumo real y autoinformado, retención y criterios de dependencia. Se trata de un estudio prospectivo pre experimental pre-post sin grupo control, llevado a cabo en el Centro de Atención a Drogodependencias (CAD) de Murcia, entre Octubre de 2011 y Mayo de 2012 con 9 pacientes consumidores de cocaína. Todos los cuestionarios mejoraron la puntuación, siendo estadísticamente significativos los cambios en criterios de dependencia y nivel de calidad de vida percibido. La retención fue muy alta y el consumo descendió, se concluye que aumenta la retención para los sujetos estudiados respecto de otros estudios, mejora el nivel de calidad percibida, se mantiene la abstinencia y disminuye el craving; así, el tratamiento mejora la gravedad del consumo y la retención en este estudio.  Abstract National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) of USA recomends Matrix Model among other effective treatments on addiction to cocaine, however, there is no studies on the spanish public health system yet. The objective was to measure effectiveness of a psychosocial treatment based on Matrix Model, adapted to the murcian public health system on: quality of life, craving, reported and actual use, retention and dependence criteria. Prospective pre-experimental pre-post study with no control group was used, not linked to drug, conducted October, 2011 to May, 2012 at the Center of Attention to Drug Dependency (CAD) in Murcia, among 9 cocaine users. All questionaires improved their score, changes in dependence criteria and perceibed quality of life reached statistical significancy. Retention was high, with only one participant lost and general cocaine use decreased or ceased. Retention and quality of life have been improved, abstinence mantained and craving decreased; thus, this treatment reduces addiction severity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Tomoko Nishida ◽  
Eriko Ando ◽  
Hisataka Sakakibara

The aim of the present study was to investigate what kinds of social supports contribute to the higher quality of life (QOL) of home care patients with intractable neurological disease. We investigated the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) and social supports to 74 patients with intractable neurological disease in a city of the Aichi prefecture, Japan. Association between WHOQOL and social supports was examined using multiple logistic regression analyses adjusting activities of daily living (ADL). High WHOQOL scores were associated with “attending patient gatherings held by the public health center,” “having someone who will listen empathically to anxieties or troubles,” and ADL. Physical health was associated with ADL, while psychological well-being was related to “having a hobby,” “having someone who will listen,” and “having a hospital for admission in emergencies.” Patients not having someone who will listen were more likely to participate in the gatherings. The present findings suggest that having someone who will provide emotional support is important for home care patients with neurological diseases. Patient gatherings held by the public health center were expected to provide patients with emotional support.

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