scholarly journals Influencia de la edad, la maternidad y el empleo en las barreras para la práctica de actividad física y deporte de las mujeres adultas en España (Influence of age, maternity and employment in barriers to practicing physical activity and sport for Spanish

Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 667-675
María Martín Rodríguez ◽  
María Isabel Barriopedro Moro ◽  
María Espada Mateos

  Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron analizar la influencia de la edad y tipo de ocupación relacionada con el empleo y la crianza, en las barreras para la práctica de las mujeres adultas en España. La metodología de carácter cuantitativa, se ha apoyado en el uso de la encuesta mediante el empleo de un cuestionario basado en la teoría bio-ecológica de Bronfenbrenner, con ítems individuales, ocupación crianza-hogar, ocupación empleo-tiempo y oferta de actividad física y deporte, a una muestra representativa de 1.731 mujeres adultas españolas (entre 30 y 64 años). Los resultados evidenciaron efecto multivariado de la ocupación en las barreras ocupación-empleo y tiempo (“No soy capaz de generar tiempo para mí”, “empleo” y “horarios incompatibles”). Las mujeres adultas que concilian maternidad y empleo perciben en mayor grado estas tres barreras mencionadas. Además, se evidenció efecto multivariado de la edad y la ocupación, y de la interacción, en las barreras ocupación maternidad-hogar (“Tengo que cuidar de mi/s hijo/as” y “Tengo que ocuparme de las tareas del hogar”). Las madres adultas, empleadas o no, percibieron la maternidad en mayor grado como barrera. En las empleadas que no son madres, las tareas del hogar como barrera tuvieron mayor prevalencia en las mayores de cincuenta años. Estas evidencias deberían considerarse para diseñar innovaciones y adaptar intervenciones, en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, para estos grupos específicos, de mujeres adultas.  Abstract. The objectives of the present paper were to analyze the age and occupation type related to employment and maternity influencing Spanish adult women’s barriers to practice. A quantitative methodology based on the use of the survey was applied to a representative sample of 1,731 Spanish adult women (between 30 and 64 years old) who filled out a questionnaire based on the Bronfenbrenner´s bioecological theory with individual items, occupation maternity-household, occupation employment-time and physical activity and sport provision through a personal interview. The results showed a multivariate effect of the occupation on the occupation-employment and time barriers (“I can´t generate time for myself”, “employment” and “incompatible timetables”). The adult women who combine maternity and employment perceived the three barriers mentioned to a greater extent. Also, there was found a multivariate effect of age and occupation, and of the interaction, on the occupation maternity-household barriers (“I have to take care of my children” and “I have to do the housework”). The adult mothers, employed or unemployed, perceived maternity as a barrier to a greater degree. In employed women who are not mothers, household chores as a barrier showed a higher prevalence in those over fifty years old. These findings should be considered for designing innovations and tailoring interventions in the field of physical activity and sport to fit these targeted groups of adult women.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-95 ◽  
Merly Mathew ◽  
James R. Morrow ◽  
Georita M. Frierson ◽  
Tyson M. Bain

Purpose. Investigate relations between demographic characteristics and submission method, Internet or paper, when physical activity behaviors are reported. Design. Observational. Setting. Metropolitan. Subjects. Adult women (N = 918) observed weekly for 2 years (total number of weekly reports, 44,963). Measures. Independent variables included age, race, education, income, employment status, and Internet skills. Dependent variables were method of submission (Internet or paper) and adherence. Analysis. Logistic regression to analyze weekly odds of submitting data online and meeting study adherence criteria. Model 1 investigated method of submission, model 2 analyzed meeting study's Internet adherence, and model 3 analyzed meeting total adherence regardless of submission method. Results. Whites, those with good Internet skills, and those reporting higher incomes were more likely to log online. Those who were white, older, and reported good Internet skills were more likely to be at least 75% adherent online. Older women were more likely to be adherent regardless of method. Employed women were less likely to log online or be adherent. Conclusion. Providing participants with multiple submission methods may reduce potential bias and provide more generalizable results relevant for future Internet-based research.

Yisel Pinillos Pati ◽  
Yaneth Herazo Beltr ◽  
Jose Armando Vidarte Claros ◽  
Estela Crissien Quiroz ◽  
Damaris Suarez Palacio

Introducción: Un factor personal relacionado con la actividad física es el género. Es relevante comprender al respecto los factores que influyen en los niveles de actividad física en un grupo de mujeres. Objetivo: Identificar los factores que determinan los niveles de actividad física en mujeres adultas de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 1067 mujeres entre 18 y 65 años de edad, mediante un muestreo probabilístico y multietápico. La actividad física se evaluó a través del Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ), formato corto. Con el paquete estadístico SPSS, se definieron las frecuencias de las variables estudiadas y su relación a través de la prueba chi2 y el OR como indicador de riesgo. Resultados: el 61,7% de las mujeres declaró ser activa físicamente. Se encontró un mayor riesgo de no realización de actividad física en el grupo de mujeres casadas o en unión libre [OR 1,4 IC 95% (1,1-1,9)], en las que presentan un nivel de escolaridad ninguno o primaria incompleta, primaria completa o secundaria completa o incompleta [OR 1,6 IC 95% (1,2-2,1)], las que se ubican en las etapas de precontemplación, contemplación, preparación y recaída [OR 2,6 IC 95% (1,9-3,5)], y en aquellas que perciben su salud como mala y regular [OR 1,5 IC 95% (1,1-2)]. Conclusiones: La actividad física en las mujeres de Barranquilla está relacionada con el rango de edad, el estado civil, el nivel educativo y la localidad donde residen. Asimismo, la falta de voluntad para realizar actividad física, las etapas de cambio y la autopercepción de salud están relacionadas con el hecho de ser activas e inactivas físicamente.ABSTRACTIntroduction: The genre is a personal factor related to physical activity. It To understand the factors that influence the levels of physical activity in a group of women would be relevant. Objective: To identify factors that determine the levels of physical activity in adult women from Barranquilla. Materials and Methods: 1067 women between 18 and 65 years of age were sampled in a transversal and descriptive. Physical activity was assessed through the International Questionnaire on Physical activity (IPAQ), short form. By means of the statistical bundle SPSS there were defined the frequencies of the studied variables and its relation using the test chi2 and the OR as risk indicators. Results: 61,7% is physical active. A risk of not doing physical activity in group of married women or in a living together type relationship was found [OR 1,4 IC 95% (1,1-1,9)], in those that are in school , or contemplating enrolling in or returning to some sort of educational institution [OR 2,6 IC 95% (1,9-3,5)], and in those that have a certain level of schooling, none or incomplete primary or completed, or completed secondary or incompleted [OR 1,6 IC 95% (1,2-2,1)], [OR 2,6 IC 95% (1,9-3,5)], and in those that perceive his health as bad and regular [OR 1,5 IC 95% (1,1-2). Conclusions: Physical activity in women of Barranquilla is related to the age status, marital status, educational level and locality. Likewise, the barrier the lack of will power to cattery out a physical activity as well as a stage of change and their perception of good health are factors in determining whether to be active or inactive.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 544-554
María Hilda García-Pérez ◽  
Francisco Lara-Valencia

   Although an extensive literature in developed countries suggests that elements of the urban built environment stimulate physical activity with beneficial health effects, information about this link in developing countries is still scarce. This study examines whether women's leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) is associated with neighborhood socioeconomic status, presence of public parks, and sociodemographic and health characteristics of women living in a mid-size Mexican city. A multilevel logistic regression analysis was performed to test the association among a sample of adult women (N=1,285) in Hermosillo, Mexico. The analysis links two measures of LTPA to several metrics on park accessibility and neighborhood socioeconomic status. Twenty-two percent of women engaged in neighborhood-based physical activity (NPA), while 29% engaged in overall physical activity (OPA). After adjusting by neighborhood socioeconomic status and individual-level variables, parks density, park-to-people ratio, combined parks' service areas, or distance to the nearest park were not related with NPA and OPA. Neighborhood socioeconomic status was the only contextual variable with a significant influence on women's NPA (AOR 1.05; 95% CI 0.99-1.10) and OPA (AOR=1.06; 95% CI 1.01, 1.12). After controlling for neighborhood-level variables, women's age and education were also statistically associated with physical activity. Based on the indicators used in this study, findings do not support a connection between the presence of parks and women's physical activity in Hermosillo's neighborhoods. Resumen. Aunque numerosos estudios en países desarrollados sugieren que algunos elementos del ambiente urbano construido estimulan la actividad física, con efectos benéficos sobre la salud, el estudio de esta relación sigue siendo escasa en países en desarrollo. Este estudio examina la asociación entre la actividad física recreativa (AFR), y el estatus socioeconómico del barrio, la presencia de parques públicos, y las características sociodemográficas y de salud de mujeres residentes de una ciudad mexicana de tamaño medio. El análisis usa una regresión logística multinivel para probar esta relación en una muestra de mujeres adultas (n=1,285) en Hermosillo, México. El análisis relaciona dos medidas de AFR con indicadores de accesibilidad a parques y el estatus socioeconómico del barrio. Veintidós por ciento de las mujeres realizaron actividad física en su barrio (NPA), mientras que 29% realizó actividad física general (OPA). Después de controlar el estatus socioeconómico del barrio y variables individuales, la densidad de parques, la razón parque-individuo, la suma de las áreas de servicio de los parques, y la distancia al parque más cercano, no estuvieron asociados con NPA y OPA. El estatus socioeconómico del barrio fue la única variable a nivel contextual asociada con NPA (AOR 1.05; 95% CI 0.99-1.10) y OPA (AOR=1.06; 95% CI 1.01, 1.12). Luego de controlar las variables de contexto, la edad y la educación de las mujeres estuvieron asociadas con la AFR. Conforme a los indicadores utilizados, los resultados no confirman una asociación entre la presencia de parques de barrio y AFR entre mujeres residentes de Hermosillo.

Kuengmi Choi ◽  
Jungil Jun ◽  
Youngshil Ryoo ◽  
Sunmi Park

A bra use can reduce physiological and physical functions because of clothing pressure, which can be a problem for new senior women starting to lose physical function. The present study presents a bra top design development method for promoting new senior women’s physical activity by identifying problems related to bras’ effects on women’s health and minimizing clothing pressure. The analysis utilized the 3D scan data of 42 adult women (age range: 50s) from the 5th Size Korea Project. Bra top design elements were extracted based on new senior consumers’ needs. We developed an average wireframe reflecting the new senior’s physical characteristics, and a standard body form was developed through surface modeling. To produce a consumer-oriented bra with a body shaping effect and reduced clothing pressure that would not affect physical activities, a three-dimensional pattern was developed applying an optimal reduction rate of 80%. To verify the bra’s adequacy for the body form of new senior women, two market-available bras were selected and fit-compared to the developed product. The developed bra received higher expert appearance evaluation and 3D virtual clothing evaluation scores. This study is significant because by using virtual fitting technology, it provides foundational data to quantify the quality of fashion products.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 674-683
Liliana Aracely Enriquez-Del Castillo ◽  
Natanael Cervantes Hernández ◽  
Ramón Candia Luján ◽  
Luis Alberto Flores Olivares

La práctica regular de actividad física sugiere un aumento de la condición física y una mejora de la composición corporal; sin embargo, a pesar de que las personas cumplen con las directrices propuestas no logran obtener buenos indicadores de condición física los cuales brindan más información acerca de la salud. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre las capacidades físicas de fuerza prensil, potencia en piernas, consumo máximo de oxígeno, actividad física con la composición corporal en adultos. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal, se evaluaron 100 adultos, se valoró fuerza prensil con dinamometría, potencia en piernas con tres tipos de saltos, VO2máx, la actividad física por cuestionario IPAQ y la composición corporal con bioimpedancia eléctrica. Resultados: Los varones poseen valores mayores de capacidades físicas, masa magra y actividad física realizada con mayor intensidad en comparación con las mujeres; los resultados muestran una estrecha relación entre la práctica de actividad física realizada con intensidades moderadas y altas en relación a las capacidades físicas de fuerza prensil y potencia en piernas en aquellas personas sin peso bajo u obesidad; Además, en todas éstas, mediante el análisis Post Hoc, se encontró que las diferencias se presentan entre la actividad baja en comparación con la vigorosa y en la moderada con respecto a la vigorosa. Conclusiones: Personas con normo y sobrepeso muestran mejores capacidades físicas, así como valores elevados de actividad física, mientras que altos índices de grasa corporal total y un IMC elevado son un factor determinante para el desarrollo de las mismas.  Abstract: The regular practice of physical activity suggests an increase in physical condition and an improvement in body composition, despite the fact that people comply with the proposed guidelines, they are unable to obtain good indicators of physical fitness, which provide more information about the Health. Objective: To analyze the relationship between physical capacities of grip strength, leg power, maximum oxygen consumption, physical activity and body composition in adults. Methodology: Cross-sectional correlational descriptive study, 100 adults were evaluated, grip strength was assessed with dynamometry, leg power with three types of jumps, VO2max, physical activity by IPAQ questionnaire and body composition with electrical bioimpedance. Results: Men have higher values ​​of physical capacities, lean mass and physical activity carried out with greater intensity compared to women; The results show a close relationship between the practice of physical activity carried out with moderate and high intensities in relation to the physical capacities of grip strength and power in the legs in those without underweight or obesity; In addition, in all of these, by means of Post Hoc analysis, it was found that the differences are presented between low activity compared to vigorous activity and moderate activity compared to vigorous activity. Conclusions: Normal and overweight people show better physical capacities as well as high levels of physical activity, while high levels of total body fat and a high BMI are a determining factor for their development.

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