Gambaran Keseimbangan Pada Pasien Post Stroke Setelah Pemberian Latihan Berbasis Virtual Reality: Literature Review

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1565-1571
Isy Anisa ◽  
A Abdurrachman

AbstractPost-stroke is a condition where the stroke patient has gone through an emergency so that he is in a stable condition. Post-stroke patients can experience various functional limitations, one of which is balance disorders. Patients experiencing this type of disorder can be given balance exercises based on virtual reality. Virtual reality will provide visual, proprioceptive, and auditory stimulation trough computer hardware and software to engage in artificial environments that appear and feel similar to real world objects and events. This study aimed to describe balance of post-stroke patients after being given virtual reality-based exercises. The method used in this study was a literature review analysis with the PICO method. Five articles were obtained to be reviewed from several data bases such as PubMed (n=2) and Google Scholar (n=3). The results of the analysis of the five articles showed that the average age of the respondents was > 60 years; 51.7% were female and 48.3% were male; and the average value of pre-test as well as post-test were 42.1 and 47.2 with an increase of 5.1. In conclusion, there was an increase in the balance of post-stroke patients after undergoing virtual reality-based exercises with significant results. . Therefore, researchers or practitioners are suggested to develop a Virtual Reality method on balance disorders in post-stroke patients in the form of treatment and subsequent research.Keywords: Balance; Post Stroke; Virtual Reality AbstrakPost stroke merupakan kondisi dimana pasien stroke telah melalui keadaan darurat sehingga pasien dalam keadaan stabil. Pasien post stroke dapat mengalami berbagai keterbatasan fungsional salah satunya gangguan keseimbangan yang dapat diberikan latihan keseimbangan berbasis Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality akan memberikan stimulasi visual, proprioseptif, dan pendengaran melalui perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komputer untuk terlibat dalam lingkungan buatan yang muncul dan terasa mirip dengan objek dan peristiwa dunia nyata. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran keseimbangan pada pasien post stroke setelah pemberian latihan berbasis Virtual Reality. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis literature review dengan metode PICO, didapatkan lima artikel untuk direview dari beberapa data base seperti PubMed (n=2) dan Google Scholar (n=3). Hasil analisis lima artikel didapatkan responden rata-rata usia > 60 tahun dan jenis kelamin perempuan 51,7% dan laki-laki 48,3%, nilai rata-rata pre test dan post test 42,1 dan 47,2 dengan peningkatan sebesar 5,1. Kesimpulannya didapatkan gambaran adanya peningkatan keseimbangan pasien post stroke setelah pemberian latihan berbasis Virtual Reality dengan hasil yang signifikan. Saran untuk peneliti atau praktisi bisa mengembangkan metode Virtual Reality pada gangguan keseimbangan pasien post stroke dalam bentuk treatmen dan penelitian berikutnya.Kata kunci: Keseimbangan; Post Stroke; Virtual Reality

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1536-1541
Infa Dirah Pangestika Oktafiani ◽  
Wahyu Ersila

AbstractStroke is a serious health problem with high incidence and mortality, and causes disability in patients. It causes complex problems, one of which is motor disorders, especially the upper extremities. Impaired motor function causes functional limitations and disabilities in stroke patients. Mirror Therapy is a new technique that is simple and able to improve upper extremity function with the concept of visual illusion. This study aimed to describe of the motoric improvement of the upper extremities after the implementation of Mirror Therapy in post-stroke patients. This study was a literature review by searching for articles from databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The articles were chosen based on several inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as a feasibility test. The number of articles that was appropriate and reviewed was five. The results of review of the five articles showed that Mirror Therapy was proven to be able to improve the motoric skills of post-stroke patients with an average difference of 13.68 using the Fugl Meyer Assessment of Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) measuring instrument. The most common type of stroke was ischemic stroke (64.6%), and it was more common in males (72.3%) with an average age of 52.84 years. Mirror Therapy could improve the upper extremity motor skills in post-stroke patients. This study is expected to be the basis of action in performing physiotherapy management, especially in improving upper extremity motor skills in post-stroke patients with Mirror Therapy interventions.Keywords : Mirror skills; Motor Therapy; Post stroke AbstrakStroke merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting dengan kejadian dan kematian tinggi dan menyebabkan kecacatan pada penderita. Permasalahan yang ditimbulkan kompleks, salah satunya gangguan motorik khususnya ekstremitas atas. Fungsi motorik yang terganggu menyebabkan keterbatasan fungsional dan disabilitas pada pasien stroke sehari-hari. Mirror therapy merupakan teknik baru yang sederhana dan mampu memperbaiki fungsi ekstremitas atas dengan konsep ilusi visual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran peningkatan motorik ekstremitas atas setelah pemberian mirror therapy pada pasien pasca stroke. Penelitian menggunakan literature review dengan pencarian artikel melalui database seperti PubMed, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar. Artikel diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, serta dilakukan uji kelayakan. Jumlah artikel yang sesuai dan dilakukan review (n=5). Hasil literature review lima artikel menunjukkan bahwa pemberian mirror therapy terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pasien pasca stroke dengan rata-rata selisih peningkatan sebesar 13,68 menggunakan alat ukur Fugl Meyer Assessment of Upper Extremity (FMA-UE). Jenis stroke terbanyak yaitu stroke iskemik 64,6% dan jenis kelamin laki-laki lebih banyak 72,3% dengan karakteristik rata-rata usia 52,84 tahun. Mirror Therapy dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pasien pasca stroke. Diharapkan menjadi dasar tindakan dalam melakukan manajemen fisioterapi, mengenai masalah peningkatan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pada pasien pasca stroke dengan intervensi mirror therapy.Kata kunci: Kemampuan motorik; Mirror therapy; Pasca stroke

N. Nozdryukhina ◽  
E. Kabayeva ◽  
E. Kirilyuk ◽  
K. Tushova ◽  
A. Karimov

Despite significant advances in the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke, level of post-stroke disability remains at a fairly high level. Recent innovative developments in the rehabilitation of these patients provide good results in terms of functional outcome. One of such developments is method of virtual reality (VR), which affects not only the speed and volume of regaining movement, as well as coordination, but also normalizes the psycho-emotional background, increasing the motivation of patients to improve the recovery process. This article provides a literature review of the use of the VR method in the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients, neurophysiological aspects of recovery of lost functions using this method are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1362-1372
Delia Andini ◽  
Wahyu Ersila

Abstract Stroke sufferers who survive experience gait disorders because of damage to brain blood vessels that occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the brain are blocked, so that brain cells lose their oxygen supply which can lead to complaints of feeling weak in the lower limbs and the legs tend to wither or drop foot. . The Drop Foot Gait Rehabilitation Program is essential for improving muscle strength and muscle contraction. One of the Rehabilitation for Drop Foot Gait Post Stroke is FES. This study aims to analyze the effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation to correct Drop Foot Gait post stroke from various references. Selection of articles on literature review it uses PICO. Article writing using search literature through PubMed, Science Direct and Google Scholar with the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria that have been determined. Literature restricted from 2010 – 2020. From result literature review The five articles show that the results of the characteristics of the respondents based on the gender of male 54.9% and female 45.1%, the results of the characteristics of the respondents based on the age of 100% less than 50 years, and the results of 4 articles of the characteristics of the respondents based on increasing gait using Berg Balance Scale measuring instrument is the average value of pre-test 5.40 and post-test average of 3.57 with a difference of 1.83. The results of a literature review of 1 article using a measuring toolElectroencephalogram that is with the results of the pre-test score of 5.5 and the post-test average of 0.8 with a difference of 4.7. So there is an increase in the patient's gaitDrop Foot Gait Post Stroke using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). Functional Electrical Stimulation has an effect on improving the gait of Drop Foot patients after stroke. As a basis for further research, especially regarding. Functional Electrical Stimulation to improve Drop Foot Gait after stroke.Keywords : strokes; post stroke;berg balance scale; drop foot gaitpost stroke Abstrak Penderita Stroke yang bertahan hidup mengalami gangguan berjalan akibat terjadinya kerusakan pembuluh darah otak yang terjadi ketika arteri yang memasok darah ke otak tersumbat, sehingga sel sel otak kehilangan suplai oksigen yang mengakibatkan keluhan merasa lemah pada anggota gerak bawah dan kaki cenderung layuh atau Drop Foot. rogram Rehabilitasi Drop Foot Gait sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan kontraksi otot. Salah satu Rehabilitasi untuk Drop Foot Gait Pasca Stroke adalah Functional Electrical Stimulation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh Functional Electrical Stimulation untuk memperbaiki Drop Foot Gait pasca stroke dari berbagai referensi. Pemilihan artikel pada literature review ini menggunakan PICO. Penulisan artikel menggunakan penelusuran literature melalui PubMed, Science Direct dan Google Scholar dengan kriteria inklusi dan kriteria eksklusi yang telah ditentukan. Literature diberi batasan dari tahun 2010 – 2020. Dari hasil literature review kelima artikel menunjukan bahwa hasil dari karakteristik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin laki-laki 54,9% dan perempuan 45,1%, hasil dari karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia dari 4 artikel yaitu dengan rentang usia 20-80 tahun dan 1 artikel dengan rata-rata usia 60,7 tahun, hasil 4 artikel dari karakteristik responden berdasarkan peningkatan gaya berjalan menggunakan alat ukur Berg Balance Scale yaitu nilai rata-rata pre test 5,40 dan rata-rata post-test 3,57 dengan selisih 1,83. Hasil literature review 1 artikel menggunakan alat ukur Electroensefalogram mendapatkan hasil nilai pre test 5,5 dan post test 0,8 dengan selisih 4,7. Sehingga ada peningkatan gaya berjalan pada pasien Drop Foot Gait Pasca Stroke menggunakan Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). Functional Electrical Stimulation berpengaruh untuk memperbaiki gaya berajalan pasien Drop Foot pasca stroke. sebagai dasar untuk penelitian-penelitian lebih lanjut khususnya mengenai Functional Electrical Stimulation untuk memperbaiki Drop Foot Gait pasca stroke dan direkomendasikan untuk profesi fisioterapi sebagai bahan literasi untuk pemberian intervensi pada kasus Drop Foot Gait Pasca Stroke menggunakan FES.Kata Kunci : stroke; pasca stroke; berg balance scale; drop foot gait post stroke.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1959-1967
Rizqika Indah Yuli Yanti ◽  
Nurul Aktifah

AbstractStroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain bursts or is blocked by a clot so that the brain does not get the blood it needs. Stroke affects physical limitations and disabilities in carrying out daily living activities. One of the rehabilitation interventions to increase daily living activities among them is propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Thisstudy aimed to describe the activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients after propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation intervention. The selection of articles in the study usesthe PICO mnemonic. Searcharticles through the Indonesian Scientific Respirator Research, PubMed, GARUDA, and Google scholar with predetermined inclusion and exlusion criteria. The results show that propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation was proven in increase activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients. The activity daily living was assessed using Barthel Index checklist. The average of Barthel Index before and after intervention were 42,493 and 75,372 respectively. The propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation has been shown to improve activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients. Propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation can be a modality treatment to increase activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients.Keywords: Activity Daily Living, Non-Hemorrhagic Post-Stroke, Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation AbstrakStroke terjadi ketika pembuluh darah yang mengangkut oksigen dan nutrisi menuju otak pecah atau terblokir oleh bekuan sehingga otak tidak mendapat darah yang dibutuhkan. Kejadian stroke memunculkan gangguan keterbatasan fisik dan kecacatan dalam melakukan activity daily living. Peran fisioterapi pada penderita stroke yaitu tindakan rehabilitasi yang dapat meningkatkan ADL salah satuya adalah propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran activity daily living pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic dengan pemberian propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Pemilihan artikel pada penelitian ini menggunakan mnemonic PICO. Penelusuran artikel melalui Neliti Respiratori Ilmiah Indonesia, PubMed, Garuda-Garba rujukan digital dan Google scholar dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang telah ditentukan. Hasil literature review kelima artikel menunjukkan bahwa PNF terbukti meningkatkan ADL pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic dengan hasil rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 32.879 dengan menggunakan alat ukur indeks barthel sebelum intervensi 42.493 dan sesudah intervensi 75.372. Hasil literature review kelima artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation terbukti dapat meningkatkan activity daily living pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic. Penetitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan praktisi fisioterapi pada masalah peningkatan activity daily living pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic dengan menggunakan latihan propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.Kata Kunci: Activity Daily Living, Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Pasca Stroke

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 357-362 ◽  
Marcela Cavalcanti Moreira ◽  
Anne Michelle de Amorim Lima ◽  
Karla Monica Ferraz ◽  
Marco Aurélio Benedetti Rodrigues

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 86-97
Delia Andini ◽  
Wahyu Ersila

Abstract Stroke sufferers who survive experience gait disorders because of damage to brain blood vessels that occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the brain are blocked, so that brain cells lose their oxygen supply which can lead to complaints of feeling weak in the lower limbs and the legs tend to wither or drop foot. . The Drop Foot Gait Rehabilitation Program is essential for improving muscle strength and muscle contraction. One of the Rehabilitation for Drop Foot Gait Post Stroke is FES. This study aims to analyze the effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation to correct Drop Foot Gait post stroke from various references. Selection of articles on literature review it uses PICO. Article writing using search literature through PubMed, Science Direct and Google Scholar with the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria that have been determined. Literature restricted from 2010 – 2020. From result literature review The five articles show that the results of the characteristics of the respondents based on the gender of male 54.9% and female 45.1%, the results of the characteristics of the respondents based on the age of 100% less than 50 years, and the results of 4 articles of the characteristics of the respondents based on increasing gait using Berg Balance Scale measuring instrument is the average value of pre-test 5.40 and post-test average of 3.57 with a difference of 1.83. The results of a literature review of 1 article using a measuring toolElectroencephalogram that is with the results of the pre-test score of 5.5 and the post-test average of 0.8 with a difference of 4.7. So there is an increase in the patient's gaitDrop Foot Gait Post Stroke using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). Functional Electrical Stimulation has an effect on improving the gait of Drop Foot patients after stroke. as a basis for further research, especially regardingFunctional Electrical Stimulation to improve Drop Foot Gait after stroke.Keywords : berg balance scale; drop foot gait post stroke; pasca stroke; stroke Abstrak Penderita Stroke yang bertahan hidup mengalami gangguan berjalan akibat terjadinya kerusakan pembuluh darah otak yang terjadi ketika arteri yang memasok darah ke otak tersumbat, sehingga sel sel otak kehilangan suplai oksigen yang mengakibatkan keluhan merasa lemah pada anggota gerak bawah dan kaki cenderung layuh atau Drop Foot. rogram Rehabilitasi Drop Foot Gait sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan kontraksi otot. Salah satu Rehabilitasi untuk Drop Foot Gait Pasca Stroke adalah Functional Electrical Stimulation Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh Functional Electrical Stimulation untuk memperbaiki Drop Foot Gait pasca stroke dari berbagai referensi. Pemilihan artikel pada literature review ini menggunakan PICO. Penulisan artikel menggunakan penelusuran literature melalui PubMed, Science Direct dan Google Scholar dengan kriteria inklusi dan kriteria eksklusi yang telah ditentukan. Literature diberi batasan dari tahun 2010 – 2020. Dari hasil literature review kelima artikel menunjukan bahwa hasil dari karakteristik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin laki-laki 54,9% dan perempuan 45,1%, hasil dari karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia dari 4 artikel yaitu dengan rentang usia 20-80 tahun dan 1 artikel dengan rata-rata usia 60,7 tahun, hasil 4 artikel dari karakteristik responden berdasarkan peningkatan gaya berjalan menggunakan alat ukur Berg Balance Scale yaitu nilai rata-rata pre test 5,40 dan rata-rata post-test 3,57 dengan selisih 1,83. Hasil literature review 1 artikel menggunakan alat ukur Electroensefalogram mendapatkan hasil nilai pre test 5,5 dan post test 0,8 dengan selisih 4,7. Sehingga ada peningkatan gaya berjalan pada pasien Drop Foot Gait Pasca Stroke menggunakan Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). Functional Electrical Stimulation berpengaruh untuk memperbaiki gaya berajalan pasien Drop Foot pasca stroke. sebagai dasar untuk penelitian-penelitian lebih lanjut khususnya mengenai Functional Electrical Stimulation untuk memperbaiki Drop Foot Gait pasca stroke dan direkomendasikan untuk profesi fisioterapi sebagai bahan literasi untuk pemberian intervensi pada kasus Drop Foot Gait Pasca Stroke menggunakan FES.Kata Kunci : berg balance scale; drop foot gait post stroke; pasca stroke; stroke.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1510
Charles Morizio ◽  
Maxime Billot ◽  
Jean-Christophe Daviet ◽  
Stéphane Baudry ◽  
Christophe Barbanchon ◽  

People who survive a stroke are often left with long-term neurologic deficits that induce, among other impairments, balance disorders. While virtual reality (VR) is growing in popularity for postural control rehabilitation in post-stroke patients, studies on the effect of challenging virtual environments, simulating common daily situations on postural control in post-stroke patients, are scarce. This study is a first step to document the postural response of stroke patients to different challenging virtual environments. Five subacute stroke patients and fifteen age-matched healthy adults were included. All participants underwent posturographic tests in control conditions (open and closed eyes) and virtual environment without (one static condition) and with avatars (four dynamic conditions) using a head-mounted device for VR. In dynamic environments, we modulated the density of the virtual crowd (dense and light crowd) and the avoidance space with the avatars (near or far). Center of pressure velocity was collected by trial throughout randomized 30-s periods. Results showed that more challenging conditions (dynamic condition) induced greater postural disturbances in stroke patients than in healthy counterparts. Our study suggests that virtual reality environments should be adjusted in light of obtaining more or less challenging conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Contrada Marianna ◽  
Arcuri Francesco ◽  
Tonin Paolo ◽  
Pignolo Loris ◽  
Mazza Tiziana ◽  

Introduction: Telerehabilitation (TR) is defined as a model of home service for motor and cognitive rehabilitation, ensuring continuity of care over time. TR can replace the traditional face-to-face approach as an alternative method of delivering conventional rehabilitation and applies to situations where the patient is unable to reach rehabilitation facilities or for low-income countries where outcomes are particularly poor. For this reason, in this study, we sought to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of a well-known TR intervention on post-stroke patients living in one of the poorest indebted regions of Italy, where the delivery of rehabilitation services is inconsistent and not uniform.Materials and Methods: Nineteen patients (13 male/6 female; mean age: 61.1 ± 8.3 years) with a diagnosis of first-ever ischemic (n = 14) or hemorrhagic stroke (n = 5), who had been admitted to the intensive rehabilitation unit (IRU) of the Institute S. Anna (Crotone, Italy), were consecutively enrolled to participate in this study. After the discharge, they continued the motor treatment remotely by means of a home-rehabilitation system. The entire TR intervention was performed (online and offline) using the Virtual Reality Rehabilitation System (VRRS) (Khymeia, Italy). All patients received intensive TR five times a week for 12 consecutive weeks (60 sessions, each session lasting about 1h).Results: We found a significant motor recovery after TR protocol as measured by the Barthel Index (BI); Fugl-Meyer motor score (FM) and Motricity Index (MI) of the hemiplegic upper limbs.Conclusions: This was the first demonstration that a well-defined virtual reality TR tool promotes motor and functional recovery in post-stroke patients living in a low-income Italian region, such as Calabria, characterized by a paucity of specialist rehabilitation services.

Aphasiology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Rosaria De Luca ◽  
Simona Leonardi ◽  
Giuseppa Maresca ◽  
Foti Cuzzola Marilena ◽  
Desiree Latella ◽  

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