scholarly journals Gambaran Activity Daily Living Pada Pasien Pasca Stroke Non Hemoragic Setelah Pemberian Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation : Literature Review

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1959-1967
Rizqika Indah Yuli Yanti ◽  
Nurul Aktifah

AbstractStroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain bursts or is blocked by a clot so that the brain does not get the blood it needs. Stroke affects physical limitations and disabilities in carrying out daily living activities. One of the rehabilitation interventions to increase daily living activities among them is propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Thisstudy aimed to describe the activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients after propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation intervention. The selection of articles in the study usesthe PICO mnemonic. Searcharticles through the Indonesian Scientific Respirator Research, PubMed, GARUDA, and Google scholar with predetermined inclusion and exlusion criteria. The results show that propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation was proven in increase activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients. The activity daily living was assessed using Barthel Index checklist. The average of Barthel Index before and after intervention were 42,493 and 75,372 respectively. The propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation has been shown to improve activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients. Propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation can be a modality treatment to increase activity daily living in non-hemorrhagic post-stroke patients.Keywords: Activity Daily Living, Non-Hemorrhagic Post-Stroke, Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation AbstrakStroke terjadi ketika pembuluh darah yang mengangkut oksigen dan nutrisi menuju otak pecah atau terblokir oleh bekuan sehingga otak tidak mendapat darah yang dibutuhkan. Kejadian stroke memunculkan gangguan keterbatasan fisik dan kecacatan dalam melakukan activity daily living. Peran fisioterapi pada penderita stroke yaitu tindakan rehabilitasi yang dapat meningkatkan ADL salah satuya adalah propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran activity daily living pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic dengan pemberian propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Pemilihan artikel pada penelitian ini menggunakan mnemonic PICO. Penelusuran artikel melalui Neliti Respiratori Ilmiah Indonesia, PubMed, Garuda-Garba rujukan digital dan Google scholar dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang telah ditentukan. Hasil literature review kelima artikel menunjukkan bahwa PNF terbukti meningkatkan ADL pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic dengan hasil rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 32.879 dengan menggunakan alat ukur indeks barthel sebelum intervensi 42.493 dan sesudah intervensi 75.372. Hasil literature review kelima artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation terbukti dapat meningkatkan activity daily living pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic. Penetitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan praktisi fisioterapi pada masalah peningkatan activity daily living pada pasien pasca stroke non hemoragic dengan menggunakan latihan propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.Kata Kunci: Activity Daily Living, Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Pasca Stroke

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1536-1541
Infa Dirah Pangestika Oktafiani ◽  
Wahyu Ersila

AbstractStroke is a serious health problem with high incidence and mortality, and causes disability in patients. It causes complex problems, one of which is motor disorders, especially the upper extremities. Impaired motor function causes functional limitations and disabilities in stroke patients. Mirror Therapy is a new technique that is simple and able to improve upper extremity function with the concept of visual illusion. This study aimed to describe of the motoric improvement of the upper extremities after the implementation of Mirror Therapy in post-stroke patients. This study was a literature review by searching for articles from databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The articles were chosen based on several inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as a feasibility test. The number of articles that was appropriate and reviewed was five. The results of review of the five articles showed that Mirror Therapy was proven to be able to improve the motoric skills of post-stroke patients with an average difference of 13.68 using the Fugl Meyer Assessment of Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) measuring instrument. The most common type of stroke was ischemic stroke (64.6%), and it was more common in males (72.3%) with an average age of 52.84 years. Mirror Therapy could improve the upper extremity motor skills in post-stroke patients. This study is expected to be the basis of action in performing physiotherapy management, especially in improving upper extremity motor skills in post-stroke patients with Mirror Therapy interventions.Keywords : Mirror skills; Motor Therapy; Post stroke AbstrakStroke merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting dengan kejadian dan kematian tinggi dan menyebabkan kecacatan pada penderita. Permasalahan yang ditimbulkan kompleks, salah satunya gangguan motorik khususnya ekstremitas atas. Fungsi motorik yang terganggu menyebabkan keterbatasan fungsional dan disabilitas pada pasien stroke sehari-hari. Mirror therapy merupakan teknik baru yang sederhana dan mampu memperbaiki fungsi ekstremitas atas dengan konsep ilusi visual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran peningkatan motorik ekstremitas atas setelah pemberian mirror therapy pada pasien pasca stroke. Penelitian menggunakan literature review dengan pencarian artikel melalui database seperti PubMed, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar. Artikel diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, serta dilakukan uji kelayakan. Jumlah artikel yang sesuai dan dilakukan review (n=5). Hasil literature review lima artikel menunjukkan bahwa pemberian mirror therapy terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pasien pasca stroke dengan rata-rata selisih peningkatan sebesar 13,68 menggunakan alat ukur Fugl Meyer Assessment of Upper Extremity (FMA-UE). Jenis stroke terbanyak yaitu stroke iskemik 64,6% dan jenis kelamin laki-laki lebih banyak 72,3% dengan karakteristik rata-rata usia 52,84 tahun. Mirror Therapy dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pasien pasca stroke. Diharapkan menjadi dasar tindakan dalam melakukan manajemen fisioterapi, mengenai masalah peningkatan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pada pasien pasca stroke dengan intervensi mirror therapy.Kata kunci: Kemampuan motorik; Mirror therapy; Pasca stroke

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2098-2104
Wahyu Ersila ◽  
Lia Dwi Prafitri ◽  
Syavira Nooryana

AbstractStroke is a neurological disease that can cause damage to the brain, the damage has an impact on the decline of the body's functional organs. Physical exercise carried out by post-stroke patients is also able to restore recovery, it is necessary to have a companion when doing these exercises from family members or closest neighbors, one of which can be done by Elderly Cadres. Cadre training can increase the knowledge of cadres which is expected to be able to improve the services provided to post-stroke patients. The purpose of this community service is to determine the effect of training on increasing the knowledge of cadres regarding post-stroke patient care. The method used is a question and answer lecture, discussion, and demonstration. The number of cadres who participated in this activity was 20 cadres. The instrument used to determine the increase in knowledge is a questionnaire. The results of this community service show that before the cadre training was carried out there were 15 cadres (75%), and after the cadre training the knowledge increased to Good as many as 17 cadres (85%). The effect of increasing the knowledge of cadres statistically is training with a value of 0.003 (<0.05), this means that training changes the knowledge of cadres before and after regarding post-stroke patient care. Suggestions for puskesmas in order to increase the knowledge of cadres can be through similar training with other themes.Keywords: Cadre; training; knowledge AbstrakStroke merupakan penyakit neurologi yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada otak, kerusakan tersebut berdampak pada kemunduran organ fungsional tubuh. Latihan fisik yang dilakukan pasien pasca stroke juga mampu mempercepat pemulihan, perlunya ada pendamping ketika lansia melakukan latihan tersebut bisa dari anggota keluarga atau tetangga terdekat salah satunya dapat dilakukan oleh Kader Lansia. Pelatihan kader dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kader yang diharapkan mampu untuk meningkatkan pula pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien pasca stroke. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan kader mengenai perawatan pasien pasca stroke. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah tanya jawab, diskusi, dan demontrasi. Jumlah kader yang mengikuti kegiatan ini adalah 20 kader. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan adalah kuesioner. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini bahwa sebelum dilakukan pelatihan pengetahuan kader ada pada kategori cukup sebanyak 15 kader (75%), dan setelah dilakukan pelatihan pengetahuan kader meningkat menjadi Baik sebanyak 17 kader (85%). Pengaruh pelatihan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kader secara statistic dengan nilai p 0,003 (<0,05) hal ini berarti pelatihan berpengaruh mengubah pengetahuan kader sebelum dan setelah pelatihan mengenai perawatan pasien pasca stroke. Saran bagi puskesmas agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kader dapat melalui pelatihan sejenis dengan tema yang lain. Keywords: Kader;pelatihan;pengetahuan

2007 ◽  
Vol 35 (06) ◽  
pp. 947-954 ◽  
Sang Pil Yun ◽  
Woo Sang Jung ◽  
Sung Uk Park ◽  
Sang Kwan Moon ◽  
Jung Mi Park ◽  

This study was conducted to test the effectiveness of moxibustion therapy for patients with post-stroke urinary symptoms using International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Stroke patients with urinary symptoms were enrolled and assigned into the moxibustion group (MO group) and the control group by stratified randomization. The MO group received moxibustion treatment on Zhong-Ji (CV-3), Guan-Yuan (CV-4) and Qi-Hai (CV-6) for 10 days, and the control group did not receive it. The effectiveness of urinary symptoms and activities of daily living were measured by IPSS and Barthel Index (BI), respectively. These scales were examined by an independent blinded neurologist before treatment, and 10 days after therapy. Thirty nine subjects (20 in the MO group and 19 in the control group) were included in the final analysis. The MO group showed more improvement on urinary symptoms than the control group. In conclusion, we suggest that moxibustion on Zhong-Ji (CV-3), Guan-Yuan (CV-4) and Qi-Hai (CV-6) is effective to post-stroke urinary symptoms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1565-1571
Isy Anisa ◽  
A Abdurrachman

AbstractPost-stroke is a condition where the stroke patient has gone through an emergency so that he is in a stable condition. Post-stroke patients can experience various functional limitations, one of which is balance disorders. Patients experiencing this type of disorder can be given balance exercises based on virtual reality. Virtual reality will provide visual, proprioceptive, and auditory stimulation trough computer hardware and software to engage in artificial environments that appear and feel similar to real world objects and events. This study aimed to describe balance of post-stroke patients after being given virtual reality-based exercises. The method used in this study was a literature review analysis with the PICO method. Five articles were obtained to be reviewed from several data bases such as PubMed (n=2) and Google Scholar (n=3). The results of the analysis of the five articles showed that the average age of the respondents was > 60 years; 51.7% were female and 48.3% were male; and the average value of pre-test as well as post-test were 42.1 and 47.2 with an increase of 5.1. In conclusion, there was an increase in the balance of post-stroke patients after undergoing virtual reality-based exercises with significant results. . Therefore, researchers or practitioners are suggested to develop a Virtual Reality method on balance disorders in post-stroke patients in the form of treatment and subsequent research.Keywords: Balance; Post Stroke; Virtual Reality AbstrakPost stroke merupakan kondisi dimana pasien stroke telah melalui keadaan darurat sehingga pasien dalam keadaan stabil. Pasien post stroke dapat mengalami berbagai keterbatasan fungsional salah satunya gangguan keseimbangan yang dapat diberikan latihan keseimbangan berbasis Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality akan memberikan stimulasi visual, proprioseptif, dan pendengaran melalui perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komputer untuk terlibat dalam lingkungan buatan yang muncul dan terasa mirip dengan objek dan peristiwa dunia nyata. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran keseimbangan pada pasien post stroke setelah pemberian latihan berbasis Virtual Reality. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis literature review dengan metode PICO, didapatkan lima artikel untuk direview dari beberapa data base seperti PubMed (n=2) dan Google Scholar (n=3). Hasil analisis lima artikel didapatkan responden rata-rata usia > 60 tahun dan jenis kelamin perempuan 51,7% dan laki-laki 48,3%, nilai rata-rata pre test dan post test 42,1 dan 47,2 dengan peningkatan sebesar 5,1. Kesimpulannya didapatkan gambaran adanya peningkatan keseimbangan pasien post stroke setelah pemberian latihan berbasis Virtual Reality dengan hasil yang signifikan. Saran untuk peneliti atau praktisi bisa mengembangkan metode Virtual Reality pada gangguan keseimbangan pasien post stroke dalam bentuk treatmen dan penelitian berikutnya.Kata kunci: Keseimbangan; Post Stroke; Virtual Reality

N. Nozdryukhina ◽  
E. Kabayeva ◽  
E. Kirilyuk ◽  
K. Tushova ◽  
A. Karimov

Despite significant advances in the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke, level of post-stroke disability remains at a fairly high level. Recent innovative developments in the rehabilitation of these patients provide good results in terms of functional outcome. One of such developments is method of virtual reality (VR), which affects not only the speed and volume of regaining movement, as well as coordination, but also normalizes the psycho-emotional background, increasing the motivation of patients to improve the recovery process. This article provides a literature review of the use of the VR method in the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients, neurophysiological aspects of recovery of lost functions using this method are considered.

Stroke ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (suppl_1) ◽  
Hetal Mistry ◽  
Madeline Levy ◽  
Meaghan Roy-O'Reilly ◽  
Louise McCullough

Background and Purpose: Orosomucoid-1 (ORM-1) is an abundant protein with important roles in inflammation and immunosuppression. We utilized RNA sequencing to measure mRNA levels in human ischemic stroke patients, with confirmation by serum ORM-1 protein measurements. A mouse model of ischemic stroke was then used to examine post-stroke changes in ORM-1 within the brain itself. Hypothesis: We tested the hypothesis that ORM-1 levels increase following ischemic stroke, with sex differences in protein dynamics over time. Methods: RNA sequencing was performed on whole blood from ischemic stroke patients (n=23) and controls (n=12), with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed on serum from ischemic stroke patients (n=28) and controls (n=8), with analysis by T-test. For brain analysis, mice (n=14) were subjected to a 90-minute middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) surgery and sacrificed 6 or 24 hours after stroke. Control mice underwent parallel “sham” surgery without occlusion. Western blotting was used to detect ORM-1 protein levels in whole brain, with analysis by two-way ANOVA. Results: RNA sequencing showed a 2.8-fold increase in human ORM-1 at 24 hours post-stroke (q=.0029), an increase also seen in serum ORM-1 protein levels (p=.011). Western blot analysis of mouse brain revealed that glycosylated (p=0.0003) and naive (p=0.0333) forms of ORM-1 were higher in female mice compared to males 6 hours post-stroke. Interestingly, ORM-1 levels were higher in the brains of stroke mice at 6 hours (p=.0483), while at 24 hours ORM-1 levels in stroke mice were lower than their sham counterparts (p=.0212). In both human and mouse data, no sex differences were seen in ORM-1 levels in the brain or periphery at 24 hours post-stroke. Conclusion: In conclusion, ORM-1 is a sexually dimorphic protein involved in the early (<24 hour) response to ischemic stroke. This research serves as an initial step in determining the mechanism of ORM-1 in the ischemic stroke response and its potential as a future therapeutic target for both sexes.

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