Social Movements and Critical Education in Brazil: From the Origins of Popular Education to the Struggle for Democratisation

Roberto Leher
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Ramofly Bicalho ◽  
Sebastiana Ferreira Bezerra

O presente artigo é fruto das pesquisas realizadas em educação do campo na sua estreita articulação com os movimentos sociais. Ele é parte da dissertação de mestrado no PPGEA – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Agrícola, na UFRRJ – da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, cujo objetivo principal foi investigar as políticas públicas de educação do campo, na interface com as lutas históricas dos camponeses por terra, educação popular e formação dos educadores, enquanto seres históricos e culturais. Utilizamos, predominantemente, a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Ela permitiu explorar a diversidade de materiais bibliográficos vinculados aos movimentos sociais camponeses, além de legislações, decretos e portarias que tratam das políticas públicas de educação do campo no Brasil, formação docente, projetos político-pedagógicos emancipadores, agricultura familiar, orgânica e agroecológica. Concluímos que as políticas públicas em educação do campo, como práxis libertadora, são utilizadas no processo de compreensão das lutas e demandas educacionais defendidas pelos movimentos sociais do campo, num estreito diálogo com os gestos, desejos, valores e luta pela terra.Palavras-chave: Políticas Públicas; Educação do Campo; Movimentos Sociais. ABSTRACT: This article is the result of the research carried out in peasant education in its close articulation with social movements. He is part of the master's dissertation at the PPGEA – Graduate Program in Agricultural Education, UFRRJ – Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, whose main objective was to investigate the public policies of peasant education, in the interface with the historical struggles of peasants by land, popular education and training of educators, as historical and cultural beings. We use predominantly bibliographical and documentary research. It allowed exploring the diversity of bibliographic materials linked to peasant social movements, as well as legislations, decrees and ordinances dealing with public policies of peasant education in Brazil, teacher training, emancipatory political-pedagogical projects, family, organic and agroecological agriculture. We conclude that public policies on peasant education, as a liberating praxis, are used in the process of understanding the struggles and educational demands defended by peasant social movements, in a close dialogue with gestures, desires, values and struggle for land.Keywords: Public Policies; Peasant education; Social movements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Adelino José de Carvalho Dias

O artigo se ocupa da discussão sobre os desafios postos à educação essencialmente popular no Brasil em face dos processos de formação humana definidos pela mundialização do capital no mundo atual. Interessa refletir acerca das dificuldades para a construção de uma educação coletiva e emancipadora diante de projetos educacionais que se amparam na narrativa que responsabilizam o sujeito por seu processo de formação, anunciando ainda que a sua busca por qualificação e preparação para o ingresso e permanência no mundo do trabalho define o aumento de sua “empregabilidade”, constituindo-se como caminho único para alçá-lo a melhores condições de existência.Palavras-chave: Formação humana; Educação popular; Contradição.Abstract: The article deals with the discussion on the challenges posed to essentially popular education in Brazil in the face of the human formation processes defined by the globalization of capital in the current world. It is interesting to reflect on the difficulties for the construction of a collective and emancipatory education in the face of educational projects that are supported by the narrative that hold the subject responsible for their training process, also announcing that their search for qualification and preparation for entering and remaining in the world of work defines the increase of its “employability”, constituting itself as a unique way to raise it to better conditions of existence.Keywords: Human education; Popular education; Contradiction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-98
M. Misbah

Abstract: In the course of the history of Islamic education,Islamic schools as institutions of Islamic education was not as expected. One side, in terms of religion, alumni are not able to compete with graduates of boarding schools and on the other hand, in terms of general science, can not compete with public schools. So too, madrasas in education and learning are not in line with communitlr interests, and can not solve the problems faced by society. There has been a "dehumanization" in the practice of education in madrasas. Therefore, to liberate the madrasa education from the process of "dehumanization", as well as for education in accordance with the interests of society, the madrasa education should be society-based (popular) to instilt a spirit critical of social phenomena. Therefore, the critical educational needs in the learning process, cooperation between the madrasas with the community and always do the renewal of the retigious doctrines which have been shallowed. Keywords: Modrasah, Islamic Popular Education, Critical Education.

2018 ◽  
pp. 163-188
Noelia Rodrigues Pereira Rego

Falar de Educação Popular é tentar entender suas várias atuações e seus vários braços que historicamente atuam na reconstrução e no resgate de saberes que foram historicamente silenciados e marginalizados. É, sobretudo, a partir da América Latina que a Educação Popular toma forma, consolida-se e se firma. Fruto de experiências de luta, sobretudo no bojo dos movimentos sociais, ela carrega em sua base uma conjunção entre teoria e prática que é sua própria construção metodológica. É na perspectiva autopoietica e mambembe em que se ancora, portanto, para tentar explicitar os muitos caminhos e as bifurcações pelas quais até hoje a Educação Popular vem se consolidando como uma outra pedagogia. Na régua que mede quem pode mais e quem pode menos no cenário de uma sociedade desigual, a Educação Popular surge como uma alavanca de insurgência radical em conjunto com pedagogias outras (a libertária é uma delas), que tratam de quebrar paradigmas e enxergar saberes de povos tradicionais e populares como categorias científicas e legítimas de epistemologias, até então estigmatizadas e inferiorizadas. O insurgir-se e o resistir se ancoram nessas perspectivas como uma questão de sobrevivência. Palavras-chave: Educação Popular. Educação libertária. Movimentos sociais. Re-sistência. Insurgência. Popular Education, libertarian education and social movementsas means of insurgency and resistance in our lands AbstractTo speak of Popular Education is to try to understand its various activities and its various arms that historically act in the reconstruction and the rescue of knowledge that has been historically silenced and marginalized. It is, above all, from Latin America that Popular Education takes shape, is consolidated and is signed. As a result of experiences of struggle, especially in the bosom of social movements, it carries at its base a conjunction of theory and practice, which is its own methodological construction. It is in the autopoietic and mambembe perspective that we anchor ourselves, therefore, to try to make explicit the many paths and bifurcations by which the Popular Education has been consolidating itself as another pedagogy. In the rule that measures who can more, who can less in the scenario of an unequal society the Popular Education emerges as a lever of radical insurgency in conjunction with other pedagogies, the Liberation is one of them, that try to break paradigms and to see the knowledge of traditional and popular as scientific and legitimate categories of epistemologies, hitherto stigmatized and inferiorized. Insurgence and resistance are anchored in these perspectives as a matter of survival. Keywords: Popular Education. Libertarian education. Social movements. Resis-tance. Insurgency. Educación Popular, educación libertaria y los movimientossociales como medios de insurgencia y resistencia en nuestrastierras ResumenHablar de Educación Popular es intentar entender sus varias actuaciones y sus varios brazos que históricamente actúan en la reconstrucción y en el rescate de saber que fueron históricamente silenciados y marginados. Es, sobre todo, a partir de América Latina que la Educación Popular toma forma, se consolida y se firma. Fruto de experiencias de lucha, sobre todo en el seno de los movimientos sociales, lleva en su base una conjunción entre teoría y práctica que son su propia construcción metodológica. Es en la perspectiva autopoiética y mambembe que nos anclamos, por lo tanto, para intentar explicitar los muchos caminos y bifurcaciones por las que hasta hoy la Educación Popular se viene consolidando como una pedagogía otra. En la regla que mide quién puede más, quien puede menos en el escenario de una sociedad desigual, la Educación Popular surge como una palanca de insurgencia radical en conjunto con pedagogías otras, la Libertad es una de ellas, que tratan de romper paradigmas y ver saber de pueblos tradicionales y populares como categorías científicas y legítimas de epistemologías, hasta entonces estigmatizadas e inferiorizadas. El insurgir y el resistir se anclan en esas perspectivas como una cuestión de supervivencia. Palabras clave: Educación popular. Educación libertaria. movimientos sociales.Resistencia. Insurgencia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 270-292
Carlos Alberto Torres

Abstract This article discusses the origins and structure of what for the lack of a better term I will call the ‘Paulo Freire System’. Focusing on the historical experience of Angicos which catapulted Freire to world fame as an adult educator, a major claim of this article is that Freire’s work was a much more ambitious and revolutionary project than transforming adult education and literacy training becoming another landmark in the history of popular education in the region. The Angicos experience connecting public education with popular culture, the system that Freire and associates imagined in the sixties aimed for a profound and revolutionary transformation of public education in Brazil. With his exile in 1964, popular education becomes a model that could deeply affect public education worldwide. Represented theoretically in the pages of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a pedagogical classic of the twenty first century, education is for Freire critical hermeneutics, addressing the dilemmas of citizenship building with a postcolonial ethics.

Maria Rita de Assis Cesar ◽  
Josafá Moreira da Cunha

This chapter presents a discussion of schooling of transsexual persons in Brazil. Considering the high levels of violence affecting LGBT populations in Brazil, federal and state governments, along with LGBT social movements, have conducted conferences to develop policy guidelines for serving LGBT populations, emphasizing education for diversity. From these guidelines, strategies for promoting the schooling of trans persons were adopted in some of the Brazilian states, and the adoption of regulations regarding the use of chosen names in schools is discussed in detail. Policy strategies toward the inclusion of trans persons in Brazilian schools are analyzed, with emphasis on the potential challenges faced by society when opening the school doors to difference.

2007 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 827-855

AbstractInspired by recent critical pedagogic and social movement theory, this article explores the cultural production of social movements in Chile at the beginning of the twentieth century. Questioning the belief that the Estado docente was the sole mechanism of social democratisation, it explores the pedagogic proposals developed by workers and their associations during what is referred to as the period of the ‘Social Question’. The article concludes by analyzing the factors which led to the demise of these alternative pedagogic experiments.

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