Meelopen met de regievoerders

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Laura Cleton

‘Going along’ with caseworkers? About negotiating boundaries between participating in and observing undocumented migrants’ return trajectories in the Netherlands This paper deals with reflections on conducting participant observation among a group of migration officials in the Netherlands who are in charge of ensuring the voluntary and forced departure of undocumented migrants. In particular, I discuss the many difficulties associated with the ethnographer’s dual role of becoming both an insider, while still remaining a critical outsider. The essay first of all touches upon issues of how to (if at all) gain a value-free outlook of the lifeworld of highly politicized officials, especially if they seem to hold ideologies contradictory to your own. At the same time, the paper discusses the dangers of becoming an insider, particularly if this means losing sight of one’s critical viewpoint. I discuss some contentious moments during my fieldwork and analysis of data, which almost led me to going native. The paper argues for the importance of detachment from your informants and ends with some suggestions on how to deal with the aforementioned issues

2012 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 33-66
Beata Grebliauskienė ◽  
Jurgita Gižaitė-Tulabienė

Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas žiniasklaidos vaidmuo šiandienėje kultūrinių konfliktų komunikacijoje. Dabartiniu metu vis dažniau lokalūs konfliktai nušviečiami globaliu mastu, o žiniasklaida, aptardama tuos konfliktus iš nešališkos stebėtojos tampa tų konfliktų dalyve. Taip įsitraukdama į konfliktus žiniasklaida gali atlikti arba konflikto eskaluotojos, arba aktyvios konflikto sprendėjos vaidmenį.Remiantis M. El-Nawawy ir S. Powerso išskirtais taikinamosios žiniasklaidos bruožais analizuojamas G. Wilderso filmo „Fitna“ nušvietimo Vakarų ir Rytų šalių žiniasklaidoje atvejis, siekiant įvertinti konflikto sprendimo vaidmens raišką.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: konflikto komunikacija, žiniasklaidos vaidmuo konflikte, taikos žurnalistika, žiniasklaida – konflikto eskaluotoja.Emergence of Peace Journalism in Confict Communication: G. Wilders film Fitna CaseBeata Grebliauskienė, Jurgita Gižaitė-Tulabienė SummaryThe article explores the role of the media in the conptemporary conflict communication. At present, more and more local conflicts get the global media coverage. The media no more remain a passive observer and neutral reporter, but get involved into conflits. The dual role of the media in cultural conflicts can be pointed out: that of a diplomatic mediator (peace journalism) and a conflict escalator.Analysis of articles in six major newspapers of the Netherlands, Turkey and Indonesia, covering the conflict concerning G. Wilders film “Fitna”, based on the features of peace journalism, indicated by M. el-Nawawy and S. Powers is presented. The research findings confirm the prevailing role of the media as a conflict escalator.

Ousmane Alpha ◽  
Saddo Ag Almouloud

ResumoEste artigo de cunho teórico-documental tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a proporcionalidade, embasada nas abordagens ecológica e praxeológica, realizada em livros didáticos e currículos da república do Mali. Especificamente, por meio das várias mudanças ocorridas no período de 1960 a 2020, evidenciamos como alguns aspectos da proporcionalidade podem ter nascido, outros desaparecido, e como alguns outros puderam resistir à mudança. De forma mais específica ainda, analisamos qual era o papel da regra de três durante o período analisado, baseando-nos na abordagem ecológica, na teoria antropológica do didático e na tese de doutorado do primeiro autor. Por meio da análise de currículos e livros didáticos, constatamos que a regra de três continua sendo o modelo dominante no tratamento da proporcionalidade. De fato, de 1960 a 2020, a regra de três teve papel importante no tratamento de problemas de proporção e proporcionalidade. Aparece como a ferramenta essencial para resolver esses problemas (também nomeados em textos oficiais e manuais de "problemas de regra de três"). Apropria-se, assim, do ambiente que permite que as noções de proporção e proporcionalidade vivam e se autoalimentem. Isso reduziu o escopo de outras técnicas para testar a proporcionalidade de uma situação, apesar das muitas ferramentas disponíveis como técnicas, sem a necessidade do apelo à regra de três. A conceituação da proporcionalidade está intimamente ligada à compreensão da seguinte tecnologia: “Duas grandezas relacionadas são consideradas proporcionais se a multiplicação de um valor por um número em uma das duas grandezas leva à multiplicação do valor ligado pelo mesmo número na outra”. Uma vez dominada essa definição, por meio de resolução de problemas de proporcionalidade e de não proporcionalidade, podemos nos concentrar em tabelas, coeficientes, aditividade e aspectos lineares. Essas tabelas são artefatos que foram introduzidos com o advento da matemática moderna para permitir que os alunos vejam o aspecto linear da relação de proporcionalidade.Palavras-chave: Proporcionalidade, Ecologia didática, Praxeologias matemáticas, Praxeologias didáticas, Regra de três.AbstractThis theoretical-documentary article aims to present the results of a research on proportionality, based on ecological and praxeological approaches, carried out on textbooks and curricula of the Republic of Mali. Specifically, through the various changes that took place from 1960 to 2020, we show how some aspects of proportionality may have been born, others disappeared, and how some others could have resisted changes. More specifically, we analysed the role of the rule of three during that period, based on the ecological approach, the anthropological theory of the didactic and the doctoral dissertation of the first author. Through the analysis of curricula and textbooks, we found that the rule of three remains the dominant model in the treatment of proportionality. In fact, from 1960 to 2020, the rule of three played an important role in addressing problems of proportion and proportionality. It appears as the essential tool to solve these problems (also named in official texts and manuals of "rule of three problems"). Thus, it appropriates the environment that allows the notions of proportion and proportionality to live and self-feed. This reduced the scope of other techniques to test the proportionality of a situation, despite the many tools available as techniques without the need to appeal to the rule of three. The concept of proportionality is intricately linked to the understanding of the following technology: “Two related quantities are considered proportional if the multiplication of a value by a number in one of the two quantities leads to the multiplication of the value connected to the other by the same number.” Once this definition has been mastered, by solving problems of proportionality and non-proportionality, we can focus on tables, coefficients, additivity and linear aspects. These tables are artifacts that were introduced with the advent of modern mathematics to allow students to see the linear aspect of the proportionality relationship.Keywords: Proportionality, Didactic ecology, Mathematical praxeologies, Didactic praxeologies, Rule of three.ResumenEste artículo teórico-documental tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de una investigación sobre proporcionalidad, basada en enfoques ecológicos y praxeológicos, realizada en libros didácticos y planes de estudio de la República de Mali. En concreto, a través de los diversos cambios que se produjeron entre 1960 y 2020, mostramos cómo algunos aspectos de la proporcionalidad pudieron haber nacido, otros desaparecieron y cómo algunos otros pudieron haber resistido los cambios. Más concretamente aún, analizamos el papel de la regla de tres durante ese período, a partir del enfoque ecológico, la teoría antropológica de la didáctica y la tesis doctoral del primer autor. A través del análisis de planes de estudio y libros didácticos, encontramos que la regla de tres sigue siendo el modelo dominante en el tratamiento de la proporcionalidad. De hecho, de 1960 a 2020, la regla de tres jugó un papel importante al abordar los problemas de proporción y proporcionalidad. Aparece como la herramienta imprescindible para solucionar estos problemas (también nombrada en los textos oficiales y manuales de "regla de los tres problemas"). Así, se apropia del entorno que permite que las nociones de proporción y proporcionalidad vivan y se autoalimenten. Esto redujo el alcance de otras técnicas para probar la proporcionalidad de una situación, a pesar de las muchas herramientas disponibles como técnicas sin la necesidad de apelar a la regla de tres. El concepto de proporcionalidad está estrechamente relacionado con la comprensión de la siguiente tecnología: “Dos cantidades relacionadas se consideran proporcionales si la multiplicación de un valor por un número en una de las dos cantidades conduce a la multiplicación del valor conectado por el mismo número en el otro”. Una vez dominada esta definición, resolviendo problemas de proporcionalidad y no proporcionalidad, podemos centrarnos en tablas, coeficientes, aditividad y aspectos lineales. Estas tablas son artefactos que se introdujeron con la llegada de las matemáticas modernas para permitir a los estudiantes ver el aspecto lineal de la relación de proporcionalidad.Palabras clave: Proporcionalidad, Ecología didáctica, Praxeologías matemáticas, Praxeologías didácticas, Regla de tres

Benjamin F. Trump ◽  
Irene K. Berezesky ◽  
Raymond T. Jones

The role of electron microscopy and associated techniques is assured in diagnostic pathology. At the present time, most of the progress has been made on tissues examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and correlated with light microscopy (LM) and by cytochemistry using both plastic and paraffin-embedded materials. As mentioned elsewhere in this symposium, this has revolutionized many fields of pathology including diagnostic, anatomic and clinical pathology. It began with the kidney; however, it has now been extended to most other organ systems and to tumor diagnosis in general. The results of the past few years tend to indicate the future directions and needs of this expanding field. Now, in addition to routine EM, pathologists have access to the many newly developed methods and instruments mentioned below which should aid considerably not only in diagnostic pathology but in investigative pathology as well.

2014 ◽  
Vol 122 (03) ◽  
A Chatzigeorgiou ◽  
R Garcia-Martin ◽  
KJ Chung ◽  
I Alexaki ◽  
A Klotzsche-von Ameln ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 35-42
M. Hermans

SummaryThe author presents his personal opinion inviting to discussion on the possible future role of psychiatrists. His view is based upon the many contacts with psychiatrists all over Europe, academicians and everyday professionals, as well as the familiarity with the literature. The list of papers referred to is based upon (1) the general interest concerning the subject when representing ideas also worded elsewhere, (2) the accessibility to psychiatrists and mental health professionals in Germany, (3) being costless downloadable for non-subscribers and (4) for some geographic aspects (e.g. Belgium, Spain, Sweden) and the latest scientific issues, addressing some authors directly.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (S 1) ◽  
U Bernhardt ◽  
HG Joost ◽  
H Al-Hasani


How can a supreme audit institution (SAI) use design thinking in auditing? SAIs audit the way taxpayers’ money is collected and spent. Adding design thinking to their activities is not to be taken lightly. SAIs independently check whether public organizations have done the right things in the right way, but the organizations might not be willing to act upon a SAI’s recommendations. Can you imagine the role of design in audits? In this paper we share our experiences of some design approaches in the work of one SAI: the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA). Design thinking needs to be adapted (Dorst, 2015a) before it can be used by SAIs such as the NCA in order to reflect their independent, autonomous status. To dive deeper into design thinking, Buchanan’s design framework (2015) and different ways of reasoning (Dorst, 2015b) are used to explore how design thinking can be adapted for audits.

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