2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-251
Esap Veri

In this satudy the author discusses  the concept of the Son of God which is applied to the person of Jesus Christ in the study of Apologetics. This topic is controversial because it often distors theological understanding as if the Christian faith teaches that God has biological children  and this creates a theological misunderstanding. This sometimes understood by non-Christian.Therefore, the author will use the study of literature in research in order to explain the phenomenon under study.This study shows that the concept of the Son of God is not a concept that means the biological son of God. But the concept of the son of God is a concept that has meaning: first, Jesus is equal to God the Father. Second, Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God as well as having a personal relationship with the Father, so that it is the Son who reveals the entire existence of the Father. who has uniquely revealed the exixtence of the Father.

Linguaculture ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Joel D. Heck

Abstract C. S. Lewis once stated that the decline of classical learning was a contributory cause of atheism. This article explores why he made this very unusual statement, describing how Lewis saw the Classics as a literature full of gods and goddesses, providing hints of truth, giving us things to write about, and preparing for the Christian faith. Using some remarkable quotations from Virgil and Plato, Lewis demonstrated how those writers anticipated both the birth and the death of Christ. Lewis’s concept of myth, powerfully present in the Classics, shows how the Gospel story itself is a “true myth,” one with a pattern that is similar to many of the pagan myths. The personal story of Lewis himself demonstrates how the Classics, and, more broadly, the liberal arts were a testimony to the truth of God and how the Greek plays of Euripides, the philosophy of Samuel Alexander, the imagination of writer William Morris, the poetry of George Herbert, and the historical sensibility of G. K. Chesterton combined (with many other similar influences) to convince Lewis that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were especially a “true myth,” one that happened in history, demonstrating him to be the Son of God.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-172
Guntur Hari Mukti

The calling of faith as a believer has a lot of emphasis on being a witness for many people, so that through life's testimony many people become attracted to and believe in the Savior of the Lord Jesus Christ. The calling of apologetics in the life of faith is forgotten and as if it is only a part of those who get the title "Servant of God". The calling of Believers in Apologetics is a general calling as well as a call to be witnesses for Christ, because many around us are people who hold us accountable for the Christian faith, therefore through this writing all believers can be made aware that apologetics is a calling that is glorious in the life of the believer. This research is structured using descriptive qualitative methods through literature study and conclusions are generally drawn based on deductive methods to generate understanding as a believer in his calling to defend the faith.Panggilan hidup beriman sebagai orang percaya banyak bertitik tumpu pada menjadi saksi bagi banyak orang, sehingga melalui kesaksian hidup banyak orang menjadi tertarik dan percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus Juru Selamat. Panggilan berapologetika dalam hidup beriman terlupakan dan seolah itu hanya menjadi bagian dari mereka yang mendapat gelar “Hamba Tuhan”. Panggilan Orang Percaya dalam Berapologetika adalah panggilan yang umum sebagaimana panggilan untuk menjadi saksi bagi Kristus, sebab banyak disekitar kita orang yang meminta pertanggunganjawaban iman Kristen yang kita percaya, oleh sebab itu melalui tulisan ini semua orang percaya kiranya bisa disadarkan bahwa berapologetika itu adalah suatu panggilan yang mulia dalam hidup orang percaya. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi Literatur dan kesimpulan secara umum diambil berdasarkan metode deduktif untuk melahirkan pemahaman sebagai orang percaya dalam panggilannya untuk membela iman.

1992 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-291 ◽  
Clinton E. Arnold

The author responds to Underwager and Wakefield (1992) with a critique of what he regards as their cavalier and counterproductive approach to the nature and extent of Satanic influence on either persons or society today. With Underwager and Wakefield, the author doubts the existence of a widespread satanic conspiracy and urges guarding against a “devil behind every bush” syndrome. He appeals instead to a New Testament-rooted theological understanding which locates the source of evil in the reality of three interrelated forces, i.e., “the world, the flesh, and the devil.” His solution for the reality of the existence and hostile activity of satanic forces is that of a dynamic personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 13-34
Kazimierz Ożóg ◽  

The subject of the analysis performed by the author were the names of God in the songs recorded in the “Church Songbook”, by Rev. Jan Siedlecki. It is a relatively large collection of nominations the centre of which contains a collection of the names related to God the Father, successively to the Son of God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. There are also frequent references to “Lord, Creator, Lamb of God”. The use of a given name depends on Christian dogmas and the prayer purposes of the speech acts.

Traditio ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 87-125

The “Defense of Medicine” prefaces the Codex Bambergensis Medicinalis 1, a Carolingian collection of medical texts. Some scholars have dismissed the Defense as an incoherent patchwork of quotations. Yet, missing from the literature is an adequate assessment of the Defense's arguments. This present study includes the first English translation accompanied by a complete source commentary, a prerequisite for valid content analysis. When read systematically and with attention to the author's use of sources, the Defense is limpid and cogent. Its first purpose is to defend the compatibility of Christian faith and secular medicine. Key propositions include the following: God made nature good, so the natural sciences are reconcilable with divine learning; scripture respects medicine; God expects the sick to avail of physicians and deserves honor for healings done through physicians. Counter-arguments used by the Defense's opponents, who rejected medicine on principle, can also be reconstructed from the text. Two further purposes of the Defense have hitherto been explored insufficiently. After justifying medicine, the Defense addresses sick patients. It encourages them that illness can be spiritually healthful, an instrument for curing their souls. The Defense then addresses caregivers. It tells them why they should succor the sick, even the poor: not for gain or fame, but in imitation of Christ and as if treating Christ himself, whose image the sick bear. The Defense thus contributes to the history of ideas on medicine, health, sickness, and the ethics of altruistic care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Yesri E. Talan

Syncretism is not just phenomenology in the church but is a real and serious problem. Syncretism is a mixture of Christian faith and culture that results in the congregation losing its identity as a believer, blurred beliefs and do not have absolute truth. Syncretism in the church is a real and serious problem in the life of the church because it negatively impacts spiritual growth.The church cannot grow in true knowledge about Jesus Christ because of the dualism of belief, so Jesus Christ is not the only way of truth and life. The method used in this paper is theological qualitative research. Qualitative is a research method that emphasizes an in-depth understanding of a problem with the process of observation and interview. Conducting literature review and exposition of verses related to the discussion material. This research is descriptive. The results obtained are found the danger of syncretism to the church, namely: the absence of absolute truth in Christ because of the dualism that affects the spiritual growth of the church. Abstrak Sinkretisme bukan hanya fenomenologi di gereja tetapi menjadi masalah nyata dan serius. Sinkretisme adalah percampuran antara iman Kristen dengan budaya yang mengakibatkan jemaat kehilangan identitasnya sebagai orang percaya, kepercayaannya kabur dan tidak memiliki kebenaran absolut. Sinkretisme adalah masalah serius dalam kehidupan gereja karena memiliki dampak negatif pada pertumbuhan rohani. Gereja tidak dapat bertumbuh dalam pengenalan yang benar akan Yesus Kristus karena dualisme kepercayaan, sehingga Yesus Kristus bukanlah satu-satunya jalan kebenaran dan kehidupan. Metode yang dipakai dalam peulisan ini adalah kualitatif teologi. Kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang menekankan pada suatu pemahaman secara mendalam terhadap suatu masalah dengan proses observasi dan wawancara. Melakukan kajian pustaka dan eksposisi ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan materi pembahasan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah ditemukan adanya bahaya sinkretisme terhadap jemaat, yaitu: tidak adanya kebenaran mutlak di dalam Kritus karena adanya dualisme yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-175
Warseto Freddy Sihombing

AbstractNo one can be justified before God for doing good deeds. No matter how good a man is, if he does not believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, he will not be saved from the wrath of God to come. There is no human being who is right before God, and no sinful man can save himself in any way. The only way out is in the way that God has given to the problem of all sinners, by sending Jesus Christ to the world to die for sinners. "And for this he came, so that every man believed in him, who was sent by God" (John 6:29). The Bible teaches that salvation is only obtained because of faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the object of that faith. This salvation is known as the statement "Justified by faith. Paul explained this teaching in each of his writings. This teaching of justification by faith has been repeatedly denied by some people who disagree with Paul's opinion. The history of the church from the early centuries to the present has proven the variety of understandings that have emerged from this teaching, but one important thing is that sinful humans are justified by their faith in Jesus Christ before God.Keywords: Paul;history; justified by faith.AbstrakTidak ada seorang pun yang dapat dibenarkan di hadapan Allah karena telah melakukan perbuatan baik. Sebaik apa pun manusia, jika dia tidak percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah maka ia tidak akan selamat dari murka Allah yang akan datang. Tidak ada seorang pun manusia yang benar di hadapan Allah, dan tidak ada seorang manusia berdosa yang dapat menyelematkan dirinya sendiri dengan cara apa pun. Satu-satunya jalan keluar adalah dengan cara yang Allah telah berikan untuk masalah semua orang berdosa, yaitu dengan mengutus Yesus Kristus ke dunia untuk mati bagi orang berdosa. “Dan untuk itulah Dia datang, yaitu supaya setiap orang percaya kepada Dia, yang telah diutus oleh Allah” (Yohanes 6:29). Alkitab mengajarkan bahwa keselamatan hanya diperoleh karena iman kepada Yesus Kristus. Yesus Kristus adalah obyek iman tersebut. Keselamatan ini dikenal dengan pernyataan “Dibenarkan karena iman. Paulus menjelaskan ajaran ini dalam setiap tulisannya. Ajaran pembenaran oleh iman ini telah berulang kali disangkal oleh beberap orang yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat Paulus. Sejarah gereja mulai dari abad permulaan sampai pada masa sekarang ini telah membuktikan beragamnya pemahaman yang muncul terhadap ajaran ini, namun satu hal yang terpenting adalah bahwa manusia berdosa dibenarkan oleh iman mereka kepada Yesus Kristus di hadapan Allah.Kata Kunci: Paulus; sejarah; iman; dibenarkan oleh iman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-94
Joko Umbara

An experience of the cross of Jesus Christ in Christian theology brings the sense of paradox. Christ’s death on the cross reflects the fate of humanity within the context of Christian faith. The cross is also seen as a mystery that tells the tragic story of humans who accept their punishment. However, the cross of Jesus Christ also reveals meanings that challenge Christians to find answers in their contemplation of the cross. The cross becomes a stage for human tragic drama, which might also reveal the beauty of death and life. It is the phatos of humanity, for every human being will die, but it is also seen as the tree of life hoped for by every faithful. On the cross is visible God’s self-giving through the love shown by the crucified Christ. God speaks God’s love not only through words, that is, in the teachings of Jesus Christ, but also through Christ’s loving gesture on the cross. The cross of Christ is the culmination of God’s glory and through it, God’s glory is shown in the beauty of divine love.

1987 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-52
Elizabeth A. Johnson

“Invocation of the saints is a practice which arises as a secondary ramification of certain foundational truths of the Christian faith. To get at the theological intelligibility of how it ‘works’ even today and has the positive effect of evoking reliance on the saving mercy of God, without the negative effect of overshadowing the sole mediatorship of Jesus Christ, two primary insights rooted in the biblical witness need to be considered. One deals with the relation between Jesus Christ and Christian believers, the other with the interrelationship among Christians themselves.”

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