Jurnal Teologi Cultivation
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Published By Jurnal Christian Humaniora, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

2581-0510, 2581-0499

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-203
Irvan Hutasoit

Abstrak:Pandemi Convid-19 telah mengubah peradaban manusia. Pandemi ini bukan lagi hanya sebatas penyakit yang melanda umat manusia. Pandemi ini menjadi momentum bagi manusia untuk mengupayakan perspektif baru tentang kehidupan. Hal itu juga yang terjadi bagi gereja. Pandemi Covid-19 telah menggoncang kemapanan bergereja seperti ini, seperti fenomena ibadah rumah yang menggantingkan ibadah di ruang gereja. Tidak hanya itu saja, pertemuan ragawi digantikan oleh pertempuan virtual. Karena itulah, gereja perlu menampilkan wajah baru akibat pandemi Covid-19. Wajah baru gereja itu diupayakan terhadap pemaknaan Perjamuan Kudus, sebab Perjamuan Kudus tidak hanya ritus dalam gereja. Perjamuan Kudus menjadi rujukan nilai dalam mengupayakan pola bergereja yang aktual dan otentik di dunia ini.Kata Kunci:Perjamuan Kudus, Pandemi Covid-19, Gereja Abstract:The Convid-19 pandemic has changed human civilization. This pandemic is no longer just a disease that afflicts humanity. This pandemic has become a momentum for humans to seek new perspectives on life. That is also the case for the church. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the establishment of churches like this, such as the phenomenon of house worship which has replaced worship in church spaces. Not only that, physical encounters were replaced by virtual clashes. For this reason, the church needs to put on a new face due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The new face of the church is sought for the meaning of Holy Communion, because Holy Communion is not only a ritual in the church. Holy Communion becomes a reference value in pursuing an actual and authentic church pattern in this world.Key words:Holy Communion, The Covid-19 Pandemic, Church

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-69
Yohanes Krismantyo Susanta

The practice of religious education (including Christian religious education) carried out by religious institutions is considered to have contributed to national disunity. This is indicated by the attitude of feeling the most correct self, seeing other people who are different (in the context of religion) as a party that is more inferior so as to bring up the hierarchy (domination-subordination relations) that causes alienation (exclusion) of others. This paper aims to find a friendly form of Christian education in the context of religious heterogeneity. By utilizing the concept of friendship promoted by Jürgen Moltmann, this paper shows that friendship is not just relationships formed in the private sphere but is always conceived and practiced in the public sphere. In Christian Education that promotes friendship, Christians need to transcend borders, transcend church walls and work together with other religious communities for peace and justice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-83
Deswita Sissyaningsy Jihole ◽  

Artikel ini adalah sebuah ulasan tentang Kemuliaan Seorang Imam Dalam Mengembalakan Domba-Domba Kristus Menurut John Chrisostom dalam bukunya yang berjudul Priesthood/keimamatan. Kemuliaan diartikan sebagai hal atau keadaan yang mulia, penuh keluhuran, keagungan, kehormatan, keistimewaan, yang dianugerahkan Allah sesuai kehendak-Nya, salah satunya jabatan kemuliaan kepada seorang Imam yang menjadi wakil Kristus dalam mengembalakan domba-domba-Nya. Sebagai seorang Imam Ia harus mempertanggungjawabkan apa yang Allah percayakan. Ia sangat dituntut dalam pengalaman pelayanannya yang mencakup (karakter, kecerdasan, sikap hati), Pertumbuhan spiritualitasnya, melibatkan Roh Kudus dalam hidupnya, karena itu sangat menentukan keberhasilan pelayanannya secara maksimal. Seorang Imam harus memiliki pengaruh terhadap domba-domba Kristus yang Ia gembalakan, Ia harus mencerminkan Karakter Kristus bukan atas kemauannya sendiri serta mental yang kuat dalam menghadapi berbagai macam kesulitan dalam pelayanan, memberikan terobosan atau perubahan yang menarik dan kekinian untuk memperluas kerajaan Allah dibumi. Sehingga domba-domba yang Ia gembalakan dapat menjadi saksi-saksi Kristus yang multiplikasikan banyak murid menjadi pengikut-pengikut Kristus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-35
Robinson Simanungkalit

AbstrakPernikahan beda agama adalah sebuah fenomena dan realita yang tidak bisa dihindari. Fenomena ini telah menimbulkan berbagai reaksi bahkan kontroversi dari berbagai kalangan. Apologetika Teologipun berkembang untuk merespons fenomena ini. Terlepas dari kontroversi dan apologetika yang berkembang, isu ini telah menjadi sebuah konteks berteologi khususnya dalam perspektif Teologi pastoral yang kontekstual dan kontemporer. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi literatur. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana pendampingan pastoral dengan paradigma spiritual care yang menekankan prinsip person centered dihubungkan dengan fungsi-fungsi pendampingan pastoral.AbstractDifferent religion marriage is quite a phenomenon and an unavoidable a reality. This phenomenon has provoked various reactions and even controversies from various circles. Theological apology has also evolved to respond to this phenomenon. Despite the growing controversy and apologetics, this issue has become a theological context especially in the contextual and contemporary perspective of pastoral theology. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method through literature studies. The purpose of writing this article is to see how pastoral ministry with a spiritual care paradigm that emphasizes the principle of person centered is associated with pastoral care functions.Kata kunci: Pendampingan pastoral, paradigma spiritual care, pernikahan beda agama

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-179
Okto Vianus Polulu

 Philocalia is a collection of texts written in the fourth and fifteenth centuries by the fathers and fathers of the Church in the Orthodox Christian tradition. Fearing God is keeping God's commandments, having God's love and souls purified and united with God in salvation This article is a review, there are 7 main points of discussion. First Repentance is leaving the old man (Eph 4:22, Col 3: 9) . The second is to control oneself is to be “watchful” (1Th 5: 6, 1Th 5:10 Rev. 16:15) so as not to get lost. Third, safeguarding knowledge is to know about God. Four, doing God's commandments is that we give hope to Him with full obedience and hope of being saved by God (Psalm 78: 7, Proverbs 19:16). The five fear with all your heart is a heart that is in Divine light. The six Souls free from sin are those who have run to heavenly calls (Phil. 3:14) to attain a goal or perfection. The goal, to purify the soul is, the soul is already in Divine light.Keywords: The soul is purified; Allah's love; Control;  Keep the commandments of Allah. Philokalia adalah kumpulan teks di tulis pada abad keempat dan abad ke lima belas oleh para rahip dan para Bapa Gereja dalam tradisi Kristen Ortodoks. Takut akan Allah adalah melakukan perintah-perintah Allah, memiliki Kasih Allah dan Jiwa di murnikan serta disatukan dengan Allah dalam keselamatan Artikel ini adalah sebuah ulasan,  ada 7 pokok pembahasan Pertama Pertobatan ialah meninggalkan manusia lama (Ef 4:22, Kol 3:9). Kedua Mengontrol diri ialah “berjaga-jagalah” (1Tes 5:6, 1Tes 5:10 Why 16:15) supaya tidak tersesat. Ketiga, Menjaga Pengetahuan ialah, untuk tahu tentang Allah. Empat, melakukan perintah Allah ialah kita menaru harapan kepada-Nya dengan penuh ketaatan serta harapan akan diselamatkan oleh Allah (Mzm 78:7, Ams 19:16). Kelima takut dengan sepenuh hati ialah hati yang berada dalam cahaya Ilahi. Enam Jiwa terbebas dari dosa ialah, Jiwa yang telah berlari pada pangilan sorgawi (Flp 3:14) untuk mencapai tujuan atau kesempurnaan. Tuju, Memurnikan jiwa ialah, jiwa telah berada dalam cahaya Ilahi.Kata Kunci: Jiwa di murnikan; Kasih Allah; Mengontrol; Melakukan perintah-perintah Allah. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-151
Pdt Paulina Herlina Norayanti Sirait

Till Death do us part?(Interpretation of Matthew 19:3-12 Faced with the Partisanship of the Church Against the Wife of the Victim of domestic violence)ABSTRACT Actually, the happy marriage of the coveted all pairs when beginning a commitment to bind themselves in marriage, accompanied by a promise to be loyal to live together in all situations: hard – fun,  sick – healthy, poor – rich,  until the end of life. But in fact, problems in the marriage are increasingly complex. The problems of the household that is increasingly complicated solved, contribute to the cause of the high divorce rate.HKBP as a protestant church in Southeast Asia uphold the integrity of the marriage of the citizens of his congregation, and impose strict regulations against the case of divorce, founded on the Word of God in the Bible: What God has joined together, let not man put asunder, except for sexual immorality (Matthew 19:6, 9). The problem is, there are certain cases in marriage not because of adultery, but has led to the loss of the existence of the marriage, such as acts of domestic violence that occur repeatedly and chronically, but not applicable as an excuse to allow the occurrence of divorce.This Paper assesses the return of Matthew 19:3-12 for the divorce, which faced up to the alignments of the church against victims of domestic VIOLENCE. With the interpretation of the more comprehensive, the church will bring news of liberation for women oppressed in a marital situation which is difficult.TAGS: Marriage, Divorce, domestic Violence, HKBP

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-110
Fiktor Jekson Banoet

AbstractIn this century, we repeat religion-based violence and mixed with politics from the past. Beyond that, the basis of this form of violence is because it emphasizes the aspects of exclusion in diversity. All of these forms have an impact on the lowest universal value, namely human dignity (also the nature). We would indeed talk about the dignity of creation including the universe. But at this time, the purpose of this paper will only discuss how dignity has reflected only on the limits of human dignity from a theological-philosophical perspective. Especially for building a culture of peace. The dignity of the 'Liyan' must be seen as 'text'. There are many approaches and disciplines for that. However, I try to construct it at the most basic level of efforts to build a culture of peace, namely the interpersonal level. Therefore, the ethics of relations is using to re-read human dignity in diversity to reach the point of encounter, and the values of dignified relation rather than exclusion, and all violence forms as a final consequence.Keywords: the culture of peace, violence, theological-philosophical, ethical relations, diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Rencan Carisma Marbun

Abstract.This research raises the title "Services to Correctional Institutions (LP) as an effort to minimize crime". The purpose of this study is to describe how services to correctional institutions are an effort to minimize crime.The service meant is an activity that occurs in direct interaction between one person and another. In other words, service is described as an effort to serve the needs of others that lead to change. In this case the service can be carried out by the family / family, the church, the government and the existence of community acceptance to the correctional institutions in an effort to minimize crime and the practical goal is to bring them into change (repentance).Key words: service, correctional institutions, effort, crime 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-55
Tiffany Tamba

AbstractThe meeting of certain cultures and religions with outside cultures and religions results in complex cultural contacts that even overlap. Add more, the high heterogeneity which will affect the process of acculturation, assimilation, inculturation and even enculturation which may increase diversity immunity, but on the contrary triggers sosial irregularities experienced by the Corinthian Christians in 1 Cor. 10: 1-13. The purpose of this study is to see the sosial dynamics of 1 Cor. 10: 1-13 and find the theological message in it by using the interpretation of Sosial-Scientific Criticism (SSC). The use of this method is successful in tracing the sosial aspects that accompany Paul's warnings, advice and message to the diverse Corinthian Christian church. As a result, Paul did a recalling to warning (vv. 1-5) regarding the parallel experiences between his ancestors and them to become learning (vv. 6-10) to then turn to turn (vv. 11-13) towards optimal and total balance. starting with religious regularity, namely loyalty to Allah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
Grecetinovitria Merliana Butar-butar

AbstractPurpose of this study was to describe the meaning of ezer kenegdo and to know position and role of women in the family. The research method used is qualitative research methods (library research). The term of “ ezer kenegdo” refer to a helper but her position withoutsuperiority and inferiority. “The patner model” between men and women is uderstood in relation to one another as the same function, where differences are complementary and mutually beneficial in all walks of life and human endeavors.Keywords: Ezer Kenegdo; Women; Family.AbstrakTujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengertian ezer kenegdo dan mengetahui kedudukan dan peran perempuan dalam keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif library research. Ungkapan “ezer kenegdo” menunjuk pada seorang penolong namun kedudukannya adalah setara tanpa ada superioritas dan inferioritas. “Model kepatneran” antara laki-laki dan perempuan dipahami dengan hubungan satu dengan yang lain sebagai fungsi yang sama, yang mana perbedaan adalah saling melengkapi dan saling menguntungkan dalam semua lapisan kehidupan dan usaha manusia.Kata Kunci: Ezer Kenegdo, Prerempuan, Keluarga.

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