scholarly journals Incorporation of advanced aerosol activation treatments into CESM/CAM5: model evaluation and impacts on aerosol indirect effects

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 32291-32325
B. Gantt ◽  
J. He ◽  
X. Zhang ◽  
Y. Zhang ◽  
A. Nenes

Abstract. One of the greatest sources of uncertainty in the science of anthropogenic climate change is from aerosol-cloud interactions. The activation of aerosols into cloud droplets is a direct microphysical link between aerosols and clouds; parameterizations of this process realistically link aerosol with cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and the resulting indirect effects. Small differences between parameterizations can have a large impact on the spatiotemporal distributions of activated aerosols and the resulting cloud properties. In this work, we incorporate a series of aerosol activation schemes into the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.1.1 within the Community Earth System Model version 1.0.5 (CESM/CAM5), which include factors such as insoluble aerosol adsorption, giant cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation kinetics, and entrainment to understand their individual impacts on global scale cloud droplet number concentrations (CDNCs). Compared to the existing simple activation scheme in CESM/CAM5, this series of schemes predict CDNCs that are typically in better agreement with satellite-derived and observed values. The largest changes in predicted CDNCs occur over desert and oceanic regions, owing to the enhanced activation of dust from insoluble aerosol adsorption and reductions in cloud supersaturation from the intense absorption of water vapor in regions of strong giant CCN emissions (e.g., sea-salt). Comparison of CESM/CAM5 against satellite-derived cloud optical thickness and liquid water path shows that the updated activation schemes improve the low biases in their predictions. Globally, the incorporation of all updated schemes leads to an average increase in column CDNCs of 155%, an increase in shortwave cloud forcing of 13%, and a decrease in surface shortwave radiation of 4%. In terms of meteorological impacts, these updated aerosol activation schemes result in a slight decrease in near-surface temperature of 0.9 °C and precipitation of 0.04 mm day−1, respectively. With the improvement of model-predicted CDNCs and better agreement with most satellite-derived cloud properties, the inclusion of these aerosol activation processes should result in better predictions of the aerosol indirect effects.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 7485-7497 ◽  
B. Gantt ◽  
J. He ◽  
X. Zhang ◽  
Y. Zhang ◽  
A. Nenes

Abstract. One of the greatest sources of uncertainty in the science of anthropogenic climate change is from aerosol–cloud interactions. The activation of aerosols into cloud droplets is a direct microphysical linkage between aerosols and clouds; parameterizations of this process link aerosol with cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and the resulting indirect effects. Small differences between parameterizations can have a large impact on the spatiotemporal distributions of activated aerosols and the resulting cloud properties. In this work, we incorporate a series of aerosol activation schemes into the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.1.1 within the Community Earth System Model version 1.0.5 (CESM/CAM5) which include factors such as insoluble aerosol adsorption and giant cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation kinetics to understand their individual impacts on global-scale cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC). Compared to the existing activation scheme in CESM/CAM5, this series of activation schemes increase the computation time by ~10% but leads to predicted CDNC in better agreement with satellite-derived/in situ values in many regions with high CDNC but in worse agreement for some regions with low CDNC. Large percentage changes in predicted CDNC occur over desert and oceanic regions, owing to the enhanced activation of dust from insoluble aerosol adsorption and reduced activation of sea spray aerosol after accounting for giant CCN activation kinetics. Comparison of CESM/CAM5 predictions against satellite-derived cloud optical thickness and liquid water path shows that the updated activation schemes generally improve the low biases. Globally, the incorporation of all updated schemes leads to an average increase in column CDNC of 150% and an increase (more negative) in shortwave cloud forcing of 12%. With the improvement of model-predicted CDNCs and better agreement with most satellite-derived cloud properties in many regions, the inclusion of these aerosol activation processes should result in better predictions of radiative forcing from aerosol–cloud interactions.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 26741-26789 ◽  
A. McComiskey ◽  
G. Feingold

Abstract. A wide range of estimates exists for the radiative forcing of the aerosol effect on cloud albedo. We argue that a component of this uncertainty derives from the use of a wide range of observational scales and platforms. Aerosol affects cloud properties at the microphysical scale, or the "process scale" but observations are most often made of bulk properties over a wide range of resolutions, or "analysis scales". We show that differences between process and analysis scales incur biases in quantification of the albedo effect through the impact that data aggregation has on statistical properties of the aerosol or cloud variable, and their covariance. Measures made within this range of scales are erroneously treated as equivalent, leading to a large uncertainty in associated radiative forcing estimates. Issues associated with the coarsening of observational resolution particular to quantifying the albedo effect are discussed. Specifically, the omission of the constraint on cloud liquid water path and the separation in space of cloud and aerosol properties from passive, space-based remote sensors dampen the measured strength of the albedo effect. Based on our understanding of these biases we propose a new approach for an observationally-based, robust method for estimating aerosol indirect effects that can be used for radiative forcing estimates as well as a better characterization of the uncertainties associated with those estimates.

Atmosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 392 ◽  
Jung-Yoon Kang ◽  
Soo Ya Bae ◽  
Rae-Seol Park ◽  
Ji-Young Han

Aerosol indirect effects on precipitation were investigated in this study using a Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs) linked with a chemistry package devised for reducing the heavy computational burden occurring in common atmosphere–chemistry coupling models. The chemistry package was based on the Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport scheme of Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem), and five tracers that are relatively important for cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) formation were treated as prognostic variables. For coupling with the cloud physics processes in the GRIMs, the CCN number concentrations derived from the simplified chemistry package were utilized in the cumulus parameterization scheme (CPS) and the microphysics scheme (MPS). The simulated CCN number concentrations were higher than those used in original cloud physics schemes and, overall, the amount of incoming shortwave radiation reaching the ground was indirectly reduced by an increase in clouds owing to a high CCN. The amount of heavier precipitation increased over the tropics owing to the inclusion of enhanced riming effects under deep precipitating convection. The trend regarding the changes in non-convective precipitation was mixed depending on the atmospheric conditions. The increase in small-size cloud water owing to a suppressed autoconversion led to a reduction in precipitation. More precipitation can occur when ice particles fall under high CCN conditions owing to the accretion of cloud water by snow and graupel, along with their melting.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (21) ◽  
pp. 8493-8501 ◽  
J. Quaas ◽  
O. Boucher ◽  
A. Jones ◽  
G. P. Weedon ◽  
J. Kieser ◽  

Abstract. A weekly cycle in aerosol pollution and some meteorological quantities is observed over Europe. In the present study we exploit this effect to analyse aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions. A weekly cycle is imposed on anthropogenic emissions in two general circulation models that include parameterizations of aerosol processes and cloud microphysics. It is found that the simulated weekly cycles in sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and aerosol optical depth in both models agree reasonably well with those observed indicating model skill in simulating the aerosol cycle. A distinct weekly cycle in cloud droplet number concentration is demonstrated in both observations and models. For other variables, such as cloud liquid water path, cloud cover, top-of-the-atmosphere radiation fluxes, precipitation, and surface temperature, large variability and contradictory results between observations, model simulations, and model control simulations without a weekly cycle in emissions prevent us from reaching any firm conclusions about the potential aerosol impact on meteorology or the realism of the modelled second aerosol indirect effects.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (23) ◽  
pp. 8836-8857 ◽  
Daniel T. McCoy ◽  
Dennis L. Hartmann ◽  
Daniel P. Grosvenor

Abstract The sensitivity of the reflection of shortwave radiation over the Southern Ocean to the cloud properties there is estimated using observations from a suite of passive and active satellite instruments in combination with radiative transfer modeling. A composite cloud property observational data description is constructed that consistently incorporates mean cloud liquid water content, ice water content, liquid and ice particle radius information, vertical structure, vertical overlap, and spatial aggregation of cloud water as measured by optical depth versus cloud-top pressure histograms. The observational datasets used are Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) effective radius filtered to mitigate solar zenith angle bias, the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) cloud-top height–optical depth (CTH–OD) histogram, the liquid water path from the University of Wisconsin dataset, and ice cloud properties from CloudSat. This cloud database is used to compute reflected shortwave radiation as a function of month and location over the ocean from 40° to 60°S, which compares well with observations of reflected shortwave radiation. This calculation is then used to test the sensitivity of the seasonal variation of shortwave reflection to the observed seasonal variation of cloud properties. Effective radius decreases during the summer season, which results in an increase in reflected solar radiation of 4–8 W m−2 during summer compared to what would be reflected if the effective radius remained constant at its annual-mean value. Summertime increases in low cloud fraction similarly increase the summertime reflection of solar radiation by 9–11 W m−2. In-cloud liquid water path is less in summertime, causing the reflected solar radiation to be 1–4 W m−2 less.

2020 ◽  
Patricia Quinn ◽  
Tim Bates ◽  
Eric Saltzman ◽  
Tom Bell ◽  
Mike Behrenfeld

<p>The emission of sea spray aerosol (SSA) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) from the ocean results in marine boundary layer aerosol particles that can impact Earth’s radiation balance by directly scattering solar radiation and by acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), thereby altering cloud properties. The surface ocean is projected to warm by 1.3 to 2.8°C globally over the 21<sup>st</sup> century. Impacts of this warming on plankton blooms, ocean ecosystems, and ocean-to-atmosphere fluxes of aerosols and their precursor gases are highly uncertain. A fundamental understanding of linkages between surface ocean ecosystems and ocean-derived aerosols is required to address this uncertainty. One approach for improved understandings of these linkages is simultaneous measurements of relevant surface ocean and aerosol properties in an ocean region with seasonally varying plankton blooms and a minimally polluted overlying atmosphere. The western North Atlantic hosts the largest annual phytoplankton bloom in the global ocean with a large spatial and seasonal variability in plankton biomass and composition. Periods of low aerosol number concentrations associated with unpolluted air masses allow for the detection of linkages between ocean ecosystems and ocean-derived aerosol.</p><p> </p><p>Five experiments were conducted in the western North Atlantic between 2014 and 2018 with the objective of finding links between the bloom and marine aerosols. These experiments include the second Western Atlantic Climate Study (WACS-2) and four North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study (NAAMES) cruises. This series of cruises was the first time the western North Atlantic bloom was systematically sampled during every season with extensive ocean and atmosphere measurements able to assess how changes in the state of the bloom might impact ocean-derived aerosol properties. Measurements of unheated and heated number size distributions, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations, and aerosol composition were used to identify primary and secondary aerosol components that could be related to the state of the bloom. Only periods of clean marine air, as defined by radon, particle number concentration, aerosol light absorption coefficient, and back trajectories, were included in the analysis.</p><p> </p><p>CCN concentrations at 0.1% supersaturation were best correlated (r<sup>2</sup> = 0.73) with accumulation mode nss SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup>. Sea spray aerosol (SSA) was only correlated with CCN during November when bloom accumulation had not yet occurred and dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations were at a minimum. The fraction of CCN attributable to SSA was less than 20% during March, May/June, and September, indicating the limited contribution of SSA to the CCN population of the western North Atlantic atmosphere. The strongest link between the plankton bloom and aerosol and cloud properties appears to be due to biogenic non-seasalt SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup>.</p><p> </p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 1374-1391 ◽  
Guang J. Zhang ◽  
Andrew M. Vogelmann ◽  
Michael P. Jensen ◽  
William D. Collins ◽  
Edward P. Luke

Abstract This study examines 6 yr of cloud properties observed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the NASA Terra satellite in five prominent marine boundary layer (MBL) cloud regions (California, Peru, Canary, Angola, and Australia) and investigates their relationships with near-surface meteorological parameters obtained from NCEP reanalyses. About 62 000 independent scenes are used to examine the instantaneous relationships between cloud properties and meteorological parameters that may be used for global climate model (GCM) diagnostics and parameterization. Cloud liquid water path (LWP) generally increases with lower-tropospheric stability (LTS) and lifting condensation level (LCL), whereas cloud drizzle frequency is favored by weak LTS and negligible cold air advection. Cloud fraction (CF) depends strongly on variations in LTS, and to a lesser extent on surface air temperature advection and LCL, although the relationships vary from region to region. The authors propose capturing the effects of these three parameters on CF via their linear combination in terms of a single parameter, the effective lower-tropospheric stability (eLTS). Results indicate that eLTS offers a marked improvement over LTS alone in explaining the median CF variations within the different study regions. A parameterization of CF in terms of eLTS is provided, which produces results that are improved over those of Klein and Hartmann’s LTS-only parameterization. However, the new parameterization may not predict the observed variability correctly, and the authors propose a method that might address this shortcoming via a statistical approach.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 885-916 ◽  
H. Wang ◽  
P. J. Rasch ◽  
G. Feingold

Abstract. We use a cloud-system-resolving model to study marine-cloud brightening. We examine how injected aerosol particles that act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) are transported within the marine boundary layer and how the additional particles in clouds impact cloud microphysical processes, and feedback on dynamics. Results show that the effectiveness of cloud brightening depends strongly on meteorological and background aerosol conditions. Cloud albedo enhancement is very effective in a weakly precipitating boundary layer and in CCN-limited conditions preceded by heavy and/or persistent precipitation. The additional CCN help sustain cloud water by weakening the precipitation substantially in the former case and preventing the boundary layer from collapse in the latter. For a given amount of injected CCN, the injection method (i.e., number and distribution of sprayers) is critical to the spatial distribution of these CCN. Both the areal coverage and the number concentration of injected particles are key players but neither one always emerges as more important than the other. The same amount of injected material is much less effective in either strongly precipitating clouds or polluted clouds, and it is ineffective in a relatively dry boundary layer that supports clouds of low liquid water path. In the polluted case and "dry" case, the CCN injection increases drop number concentration but lowers supersaturation and liquid water path. As a result, the cloud experiences very weak albedo enhancement, regardless of the injection method.

2007 ◽  
Vol 64 (7) ◽  
pp. 2657-2669 ◽  
Robert Wood

Abstract Applying perturbation theory within a mixed layer framework, the response of the marine boundary layer (MBL) cloud thickness h to imposed increases of the cloud droplet concentration Nd as a surrogate for increases in cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations is examined. An analytical formulation is used to quantify the response and demonstrate theoretically that for the range of environmental conditions found over the subtropical eastern oceans, on time scales of less than a day, the cloud thickness feedback response is largely determined by a balance between the moistening/cooling of the MBL resulting from the suppression of surface precipitation, and the drying/warming resulting from enhanced entrainment resulting from increased turbulent kinetic energy. Quantifying the transient cloud response as a ratio of the second to the first indirect effects demonstrates that the nature of the feedback is critically dependent upon the nature of the unperturbed state, with the cloud-base height zcb being the single most important determinant. For zcb < 400 m, increasing Nd leads to cloud thickening in accordance with the Albrecht hypothesis. However, for zcb > 400 m, cloud thinning occurs, which results in a feedback effect that increasingly cancels the Twomey effect as zcb increases. The environmental conditions favoring an elevated cloud base are relatively weak lower-tropospheric stability and a dry free troposphere, although the former is probably more important over the subtropical eastern oceans. On longer time scales an invariable thickening response is found, and thus accurate quantification of the aerosol indirect effects will require a good understanding of the processes that control the time scale over which aerosol perturbations are modified.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 366 ◽  
Greg P. Ayers ◽  
Jill M. Cainey

Environmental context. Understanding the role of clouds in the warming and the cooling of the planet and how that role alters in a warming world is one of the biggest uncertainties climate change researchers face. Important in this regard is the influence on cloud properties of cloud condensation nuclei, the tiny atmospheric particles necessary for the nucleation of every single cloud droplet. The anthropogenic contribution to cloud condensation nuclei is known to be large in some regions through knowledge of pollutant emissions; however, the natural processes that regulate cloud condensation nuclei over large parts of the globe are less well understood. The CLAW hypothesis provides a mechanism by which plankton may modify climate through the atmospheric sulfur cycle via the provision of sulfate cloud condensation nuclei. The CLAW hypothesis was published over 20 years ago and has stimulated a great deal of research. Abstract. The CLAW hypothesis has for 20 years provided the intriguing prospect of oceanic and atmospheric systems exhibiting in an intimately coupled way a capacity to react to changing climate in a manner that opposes the change. A great number of quality scientific papers has resulted, many confirming details of specific links between oceanic phytoplankton and dimethylsulfide (DMS) emission to the atmosphere, the importance of DMS oxidation products in regulation of marine atmospheric cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) populations, and a concomitant influence on marine stratocumulus cloud properties. However, despite various links in the proposed phytoplankton–DMS–CCN–cloud albedo climate feedback loop being affirmed, there has been no overall scientific synthesis capable of adequately testing the hypothesis at a global scale. Moreover, significant gaps and contradictions remain, such as a lack of quantitative understanding of new particle formation processes in the marine atmospheric boundary layer, and of the extent to which dynamical, rather than microphysical, cloud feedbacks exist. Nevertheless, considerable progress has been made in understanding ‘Earth System Science’ involving the integration of ocean and atmospheric systems inherent in the CLAW hypothesis. We present here a short review of this progress since the publication of the CLAW hypothesis.

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