scholarly journals Peranan Gereja Mengatasi Kekerasan yang Dialami Remaja dalam Keluarga

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-125
Mangali Harefa

Violence is often experienced by adolescents, both in physical form where adolescents experience abusive treatment or in the form of verbal and psychological violence, where adolescents are often scolded with swear words and insults. Psychological violence experienced by adolescents is often threatened, always regulated and ordered by perpetrators. In addition, adolescents also experience violence in the form of financial violence, where adolescents get restrictions and controls on financial matters that are not appropriate. Crisis counseling is one way to deal with family violence experienced by adolescents. The crisis intervention method is a method to help individuals cope with negative and destructive emotional responses due to events that cause a crisis. One implementation of the crisis intervention method is the ABC method; (A) Achieve contact with the person (achieving a relationship with the person); (B) Boiling down the problem to its essential (focusing the problem on its part); (C) Cope actively with the problem (overcome the problem actively). AbstrakKekerasan sering dialami oleh remaja, baik dalam bentuk fisik di mana remaja mengalami perlakuan kasar, atau dalam bentuk kekerasan verbal dan psikologis, di mana remaja sering dimarahi dengan kata-kata makian dan hinaan. Kekerasan psikologis yang dialami remaja adalah seringnya mendapatkan ancaman, selalu diatur dan diperintah oleh pelaku. Selain itu, remaja juga mengalami kekerasan dalam bentuk kekerasan finansial, di mana remaja mendapatkan pembatasan dan pengontrolan dalam hal keuangan dengan tidak yang semestinya. Konseling krisis merupakan salah satu cara dalam mengatasi kekerasan dalam keluarga yang dialami oleh remaja. Metode Intervensi krisis merupakan sebuah metode untuk menolong individu mengatasi respons emosionalnya yang negatif dan yang merusak karena peristiwa yang menimbulkan krisis. Salah satu implementasi metode intervensi krisis adalah metode ABC; (A) Achieve contact with person (mencapai hubungan dengan pribadi); (B) Boiling down the problem to its essential (memfokuskan masalah pada bagiannya); (C) Cope actively with the problem (menanggulangi masalah secara aktif).

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12 ◽  
Rachel Breman ◽  
Ann MacRae ◽  
Dave Vicary

Kinship care has become the fastest growing form of out-of-home care in Victoria and is the preferred placement option for children who are unable to live with their parents. Little is known about family violence in kinship care that is perpetrated by a close family member of the child in care (usually the child's mother/father) against the carer(s) and children once the placement has started. In this context, family violence means any act of physical violence, emotional/psychological violence, verbal abuse and property damage. In 2017, Baptcare undertook research with 101 kinship carers to gain a better understanding of how family violence was impacting on children and families in kinship care in Victoria. The study used a mixed design that specifically targeted kinship carers who had direct experience of family violence during their placement. This study has demonstrated that significant amounts of violence from family members are being experienced by kinship carers in Victoria and the children in their care. As a response to these findings, Baptcare is proactively addressing family violence in kinship care, across a range of domains, to provide solutions to the issues identified in this research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-129

RESUMO   O presente artigo é um recorte da pesquisa de mestrado acadêmico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Étnicas e Contemporaneidade (PPGREC/UESB), em andamento, sobre a “Atuação da rede de proteção e combate à violência intrafamiliar contra mulheres negras e não-brancas: um estudo descritivo em Vitória da Conquista – BA”. Neste recorte apresentamos uma discussão teórica sobre a evolução das leis no que se refere ao combate à violência familiar contra a mulher, especialmente a mulher negra e a influência patriarcal no modelo de sociedade brasileira, desenhada pela desigualdade, racismo, machismo, autoritarismo, misoginia e discriminação racial, que reforça a prática da violência familiar contra mulheres. Além disso, trata brevemente do percurso das leis direcionadas ao combate à violência contra a mulher e da atualização jurídica que tipificou a violência psicológica sofrida por mulheres como crime previsto no art. 147-B, do Código Penal. Para tanto, recorremos a autores como Saffioti (2011, 2001) que apresenta estudos de violência de gênero, patriarcado e violência contra mulher, Bourdieu (2002; 2001) que apresenta violência simbólica e dominação masculina e o racismo estrutural com Almeida (2019). É possível, portanto, considerar que essa morosidade jurídica é decorrente de um sistema patriarcal pulsante que coloca o direito à vida da mulher em segundo plano. Afinal, o tratamento igualitário quebraria o ciclo de dominação masculina existente, mesmo a Constituição Federal de 1988 garantindo a igualdade entre homem e mulher, sem qualquer distinção.   Palavras-Chave: Sociedade patriarcal. Mulheres negras e não-brancas. Violência contra a mulher. Racismo.   Abstract   This article is the result of an in-depth study of society and especially the evolution of laws regarding the fight against family violence against women, especially black women. This is an excerpt from the academic master's research of the Graduate Program in Ethnic Relations and Contemporary (PPGREC/UESB) in progress, on the “Action of the network to protect and combat intra-family violence against black and non-white women: a descriptive study in Vitória da Conquista – BA”. The study presents a theoretical discussion permeating the patriarchal influence in the model of Brazilian society, designed by inequality and racial discrimination that reinforces the practice of family violence against women. It is up to the study to take a tour of the laws aimed at combating violence against women, in addition to addressing the legal update that typified psychological violence suffered by women as a crime provided for in art. 147-B, of the Criminal Code. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to authors such as Saffioti (2011, 2001) who presents studies on gender violence, patriarchy and violence against women, Bourdieu (2002; 2001) who presents symbolic violence and male domination, and structural racism with Silvio de Almeida (2019). It is possible, therefore, to consider that this legal delay is the result of a pulsating patriarchal system that places the woman's right to life in the background. After all, equal treatment would break the existing cycle of male domination, even the Federal Constitution of 1988 guaranteeing equality between men and women, without any distinction. Keywords: Patriarchal society. Black women. Violence. Racism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 192-197
Rachel Breman ◽  
Ann MacRae ◽  
Dave Vicary

There is growing evidence to support our understanding of adolescent violence in the home, however, there is a paucity of research about child-perpetrated violence that occurs within the context of kinship care. In 2017, Baptcare commenced research with 101 kinship carers in Victoria to gain a better understanding of how family violence was impacting on children and families. This research included a focus on child-perpetrated violence directed towards carers once the kinship placement commenced. In this context, family violence means any act of physical violence, emotional/psychological violence, verbal abuse and property damage caused by the child. This study utilised an online survey and semi-structured interviews that specifically targeted kinship carers who had direct experience of family violence. Findings demonstrated the disturbing types of child-perpetrated violent and aggressive behaviours kinship carers experienced. The data indicates that incidents of violence occurred early in the placement, they occurred frequently, and carers experienced multiple acts of violence from the child. The impact of the violence on the carer's household is significant in terms of the carer's health, wellbeing and placement stability. Further, the findings highlight the transgenerational nature of family violence in the context of kinship care in Victoria. The study described in this paper is the first step in understanding and exposing this complex issue and draws attention to some of the significant issues confronting Victorian kinship families experiencing family violence. This paper will describe the approach that Baptcare is taking to address family violence in its kinship-care programs.

Галина Хомич ◽  
Оксана Войтенко

Мета. Статтю присвячено дослідженню окремих аспектів соціалізації та активізації психологічних ресурсів особистості у період пандемії та карантину; розгляду можливих шляхів психологічного супроводу особистості, зокрема, профілактиці почуття відчуження, тривоги, екзистенційної самотності та психічної депривації. В основу нашого дослідження ми поклали гіпотезу: емоційне благополуччя дорослого залежить від специфіки включення суб’єкта у деприваційну ситуацію, щоденній самореалізації у процесі пошукової активності. Означені впливи опосередковуються ієрархією цінностей індивіда, характерного способу реагувати на життєві обставини та здатністю утримувати внутрішню рівновагу у конкретній ситуації, усвідомивши її сенс та сутність. Методи дослідження. Теоретико-емпіричне дослідження передбачало теоретичний аналіз літератури; побудову гіпотез дослідження та збір емпіричного матеріалу шляхом онлайн консультування; інтерпретацію результатів щодо особливостей переживання дорослих в умовах карантину. Результати дослідження. Згідно концепції нашого дослідження, незадоволення провідних соціальних потреб веде до вивільнення пригнічених внутрішніх суперечностей, актуалізації невротичних переживань, до зростання езистенційної тривоги. У процесі онлайн консультування нам вдалося виокремити внутрішні та зовнішні мотиви, які опосередковують та спонукають до певного способу життєдіяльності. Було помічено, що тривале перебування в несприятливій ситуації зміщує нормативи життя, активізує травматичні спогади. Одне з важливих завдань дослідження – реалізація програми психологічного впливу, яка передбачає міжособистісну комунікацію з емоційною включеністю в умовах малої групи, емпатійний діалог з позитивною модальністю ставлення. Висновки. Суть психологічної допомоги полягає в інтеграції екзистенційного досвіду психотерапевтичних зустрічей в особисте життя клієнта, що передбачає формування навичок подолання стресу та адаптації до ситуації фрустрації, як до частини досвіду людини, сприяє відновленню її життєвих ресурсів. Література Виртц, У., & Цобели, Й. (2014). Жажда смысла: Человек в экстремальных ситуациях: Пределы психотерапии. (Н.А. Серебренникова пер. с нем.) Москва : Когито-Центр. Максименко, С.Д. (2006). Генезис существования личности. Киев : ООО КММ. Титаренко, Т. (2007). Життєві кризи: технології консультування. Київ : Главник. Франкл, В. (1990). Человек в поисках смысла. Москва : Прогресс. Хомич, Г.О., & Войтенко, О.В. (2019). Психологічний ресурс як фактор переживання життєвої кризи особистості. Психологическая безопасность личности в изменяющемся мире. (Монография). И.В. Волженцева (Ред.), (с. 414–431) Брест-Переяслав. Хорни, К. (2004). Невротическая личность нашего времени. Самоанализ. Москва : Айрис – Пресс. Ялом, И. (1999). Экзистенциальная психотерапия. Москва : Класс. Bylakh, I., & Voloshyna, V. (2020). The specifics of the use of psychotechnics in the process of crisis counseling of the client. The psychological health of the personality and society: the challenges of today. (Monograph.) In Małgorzata Turbiarz & Hanna Varina (Eds.). Opole : The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 50–158. ISBN 978-83-66567-09-2 Myer, R. A. (2001). Assessment for crisis intervention: A triage assessment model. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth.

A. Aco Agus ◽  
Nur Qalbi ◽  
Khaer Hanafie ◽  
Muhammadong Muhammadong

Harassment among students are worrying phenomenon in the current digital era. Becausing the news spreads fast but does not create a deterrent effect for students especially at the junior high school level. This study aims to determine the forms of harassment that are common in the school environment, sanctions imposed on perpetrators and finally efforts to overcome harassment by the school. To achieve these objectives the researchers used a descriptive qualitative approach to change, explain the phenomenon of abuse that occurs among students in schools. Types of descriptive research are primary data sources namely informants consisting of school principals, teachers, and students. And the Secondary data is documents. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that there were many forms of violence which were commonly found by students in the school environment, both physical and psychological violence. Physical form includes, a) hitting, b) pinching, c) pressing down on the ear, and d) throwing using shoes. The form of psychological violence is giving harsh words. sanctions given by teachers for violence against students, namely: a) verbal reprimands, and b) written reprimands. The efforts made by teachers to overcome violence against students are: a) preventive measures (holding dialogue between teachers, parents, and students b) repressive actions by calling on school to avoid harassing student.

2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-53 ◽  
M. Miszkurka ◽  
C. Steensma ◽  
S. P. Phillips

Introduction Knowledge about individual and interpersonal correlates of violence in Canadian seniors is limited. This study identifies correlates of current and past violence by intimate partner and family member(s) in community-dwelling Canadian seniors, while accounting for childhood adverse circumstances. Methods We performed logistic regression analysis of baseline data from a longitudinal study of community-dwelling individuals aged 65 to 74 years and living in Kingston (Ontario) and Saint-Hyacinthe (Quebec). Domestic violence was assessed using the Hurt- Insult-Threaten-Scream (HITS) screening tool. Odds ratios (ORs) are reported with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results Current violence of a psychological nature was reported by 18% of the sample. Women were at greater risk of current and lifetime violence perpetrated by a family member (current violence: adjusted OR ¼ 1.83; 95% CI: 1.02–3.30) as well as experiencing violence from their intimate partner in their lifetime than were men (adjusted OR ¼ 2.48; 95% CI: 1.40–4.37). Risk factors have accumulated over the life course that were found to be consistently associated with both current and lifetime violence included having witnessed violence at home in childhood (lifetime violence by family member: adjusted OR ¼ 9.46; 95% CI: 5.11–17.52), as well as poor quality of relationships with intimate partners, family and friends. Conclusion Our research documents the ongoing impact of early adversity on subsequent partner and family violence in Canada. Findings identify some preventable factors associated with current psychological violence and past violence among communitydwelling Canadian seniors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 186-191
Rachel Breman ◽  
Ann MacRae ◽  
Dave Vicary

Family violence is endemic. It has a dramatic and negative impact upon the victims and the family systems in which it occurs. While there is a growing evidence base to support our understanding, prevention and treatment of family violence, little is known about some of its “hidden victims” (e.g., kinship carers). In 2017, Baptcare commenced research with 101 kinship carers in Victoria to gain a better understanding of how family violence, perpetrated by the child's close family member once the placement started, was impacting on children and families. In this context, family violence means any act of physical violence, emotional/psychological violence, verbal abuse and property damage. The study utilised a mixed design methodology that specifically targeted kinship carers who had direct experience of family violence. Findings from this study demonstrated that (1) many kinship carers, and the children in their care, experienced family violence early in the placement, (2) that the violence occurred frequently and (3) the incidents of violence did not occur in isolation. Carers sought support from multiple sources to deal with the family violence, however, the study illustrated that the usefulness of these supports varied. Additionally, findings highlighted reasons why many kinship carers felt reluctant to file a report to end the violence. The study described in this paper is the first step in understanding and exposing this multifaceted issue and delineates some of the major issues confronting Victorian kinship carers experiencing family violence – and the support required to ensure the safety of them and the children they care for. This paper will describe the approach that Baptcare is taking to address family violence in kinship care in western metropolitan Melbourne. This is the second paper in a three-part series relating to family violence in kinship care.

2020 ◽  
pp. 088626051989843
Inmaculada Teva ◽  
Natalia Hidalgo-Ruzzante ◽  
Miguel Pérez-García ◽  
Natalia Bueso-Izquierdo

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) constitutes a major public health problem worldwide. The existing links between childhood family violence experiences and perpetration of IPV during adulthood suggest that violence is transmitted across generations. The aims of this study were to provide new insights into characteristics of the history of childhood family violence in a sample of Spanish convicted male batterers and to examine what typology of batterer (specialist or generalist) is more likely to have had different types of childhood experiences of violence in the family context. Participants were 740 men convicted of IPV whose ages ranged from 18 to 71 years old ( M = 39.74; SD = 10.01). Of them, 305 men were classified as specialist batterers, and 391 men were classified as generalist batterers. Participants completed a questionnaire made ad hoc regarding family of origin violence and sociodemographic aspects. Results showed that, in comparison with generalist batterers, specialist batterers had higher likelihood of having experienced child abuse or maltreatment during their childhood, having experienced physical punishment and child neglect, having their father as the aggressor of such experienced situations of abuse, or maltreatment. Likewise, specialist batterers had higher likelihood of having been witnesses of family violence, having witnessed physical and psychological violence in the family, having witnessed their mother and siblings being the victims and their father being the aggressor when family violence occurred. This study emphasized the need for identifying children exposed to direct and indirect family violence because they could be a vulnerable group for future IPV perpetration. Moreover, variables related to childhood family violence must be considered when developing intervention treatment programs focused on male specialist batterers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Sergei Haidov

The article examines the forms of violence that occur against men in families by women who are legally married to them and in unformed official relations. Approaches to the study of family violence are analyzed. It is shown that not enough attention is paid to the study of men. The concepts of emotional and psychological violence against an adult are revealed. Their forms are determined and ranked by methods of mathematical statistics. The average values of the frequency of their use by women in relation to their men are presented. The intensity of the negative impact on the emotional sphere of men of each form of emotional and psychological violence is established. The most frequently used forms of emotional and psychological violence by women are revealed, as well as differences in their intensity of impact on men. Positive and negative correlations between them are established.

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