Folclorul ca act de conservare al conștiinței naționale

2021 ◽  
Mariana Cocieru ◽  

In this approach we will refer to an article-synthesis „Folklore ‒ a factor of preservation of national consciousness” signed by Sergiu Moraru with reference to the awareness of folklorists in Bessarabia of the urgent need to safeguard the elements of traditional culture of Romanians in Moldova , Ukraine (Odessa region, Chernivtsi, Nikolaev, Kirovohrad), Russian Federation (Krasnodar region) in the postwar period. We will also reflect on the development of folklore research by establishing scientific criteria for investigating and publishing field-recorded folklore materials, with the necessary parallels on the emergence of the first collections of cultural memory samples in general Romanian folklore.

Julia N. Shubnikova

On the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnodar region, which is one of the largest regional libraries in the Russian Federation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 01021
Tatyana Borisova ◽  
Elena Vorobey ◽  
Tatyana Gvarliani

The article deals with the mechanisms of the state support of small and medium business, the examples of state support policy implementation subjects of this sector of economy in Krasnodar Region are given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 ◽  
pp. 02025
Maria Iwebor ◽  
Sergey Frolov ◽  
Irina Frolova ◽  
Olga Shabaldas ◽  
Maria Chernikova

The insects play a major role in the spreading of pathogens and the development of diseases on sunflower in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation. We established connections between the most common insects and phytopathogenic microorganisms. The main components of an integrated plant protection system are considered. When deciding on the usage of insecticides it is necessary to take into account not only direct, but also indirect insect damage (the development of plant diseases after damage, and as a result, a yield decrease, contamination of food and feed with dangerous mycotoxins).

Dayara Vanessa de Souza Bezerra ◽  
Jonathan Rodrigues Nunes ◽  
Rayanne Silva Nascimento ◽  
Vânia Lúcia Quadros Nascimento

O Turismo de base comunitária tem se expandido pelo Brasil, devido ao incentivo à valorização da diversidade cultural, possibilitando aos municípios a exposição de suas atividades naturais e histórica assim como sua cultura tradicional, contribuindo diretamente na economia local. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva analisar o arcabouço cultural existente na comunidade Quilombola Alto Itacuruçá, ressaltando a inserção do turismo de base comunitária como uma alternativa para resgatar a memória cultural, haja vista a sua grande significância para a história do município de Abaetetuba (PA). Para tal se utilizará pesquisas bibliográficas e de campo, além de entrevistas com os moradores locais com intensão de compreender a etnicidade do espaço. Tais pesquisas subsidiarão a precursão da atividade turística na comunidade, atribuindo aos mesmos uma análise acadêmica da importância cultural que possuem, aliando a valorização e geração de opção de renda. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que a cultura tradicional é bastante expressiva no cotidiano das pessoas mais antigas da comunidade, as quais receberam o conhecimento passado por gerações, como brincadeiras tradicionais, cantigas, agricultura familiar, artesanatos e carpintaria. Entretanto houve uma interrupção nessa propagação da cultura para a juventude decorrente da modernização. O Turismo de base comunitária pode vir como um aliado para o enaltecimento dos saberes tradicionais, ao propor oficinas de qualificação, cujos instrutores serão os próprios patriarcas da comunidade, além de rodas de conversa resgatando a memória das raízes tradicionais, evidenciando a relevância e potencialidade atrativa que possuem para o mercado turístico. Tourism Community-Based: a propose to the cultural rescue of the quilombola community Alto Itacuruçá, Abaetetuba (PA, Brazil) Tourism community-based enables more than inclusion of the autochthonous community, planning and management of tourism, the appreciation of cultural diversity, allowing municipalities the conscious use of its natural and historical attractions, as well as its traditional culture, contributing directly to the local economy. The aim of this study was to analyze the possibility of integration of community-based tourism in Quilombo Alto Itacuruçá (High Village Itacuruçá) community as an alternative to rescue the cultural memory, given its importance to the history of the city of Abaetetuba (PA, Brazil). Therefore, we conducted bibliographic and field research, with the information gathering tools and interviews with local residents. The results demonstrate that the local traditional culture is very expressive, being represented in the daily lives of older people in the community, which received the knowledge passed from generation to generation, which are cited as examples the traditional games, songs, family farming, crafts and carpentry. Also demonstrate that there was an interruption in this spread for today's youth as a result of the modernization. In conclusion, the community-based tourism appears as an ally to the enhancement of traditional knowledge, proposing qualification workshops, whose instructors are the community patriarchs themselves, and conversation circles rescuing the local memory, highlighting the relevance and Attractive potential of the community for the tourist market. KEYWORDS: Community-Based Tourism; Quilombo Alto Itacuruçá Community; Rescue of Cultural Memory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-420
Adina Zemanek

This article explores a recent stage of the national project in Taiwan as reflected in comic books. It compares historical comics and graphic memoirs as lieux de mémoire (according to Pierre Nora) and as stories that define Taiwan, situated between the historical apparatus and cultural memory (in Marita Sturken’s terms). It argues that the memoirs’ higher potential appeal is based on their relevance to contemporary concerns, on building links between the wu nianji 五年級 (fifth-grader) generation and present-day youth, and on depicting history as recoverable through elements of everyday life. The article also highlights borrowings from existing discourses of national history in the analyzed memoirs and their new contributions thereto: a focus on the postwar period; a strong generational consciousness; an idea of historical continuity as embodied in present everyday life; a nonantagonistic approach to national history that transcends ethnic and political divides and positions Taiwan in the midst of global flows; and a nonelite view of Taiwan’s most recent history grounded in popular culture.

A. V. Antoshkina ◽  
O. Yu. Martynenko ◽  
O. V. Tockachev

The article deals with the system of indicators used in the existing tax statistics and allows to assess the tax potential of the region. For a reliable quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the fiscal policy of the Krasnodar region was carried out a preliminary analysis of tax statistics for 2015-2017, in particular: tax revenues and fees to the regional budget, indicators of tax arrears to the regional budget, regional tax revenues to the budget of the Russian Federation, indicators of tax arrears to the budget of the Russian Federation (by types of taxes). On the grounds of the review were calculated indicators of the effectiveness of the fiscal policy of the Krasnodar region such as: the level of taxation in the region, the tax collection rate in the region, relations with the Federal budget and the actual tax potential, as well as an assessment of their dynamics for the analyzed period. Based on the results of the analysis, the areas of problems were identified and measures to stimulate fiscal policy and increase the level of tax potential of the Krasnodar region were proposed, and a forecast assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed measures was given.

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-16 ◽  
Nadezhda V. DULINA ◽  
Elena N. IKINGRIN ◽  
Valery A. MANSUROV ◽  

The article presents the results of an all-Russian sociological survey of students «The attitude of students to the Great Patriotic War». This study is conducted regularly by Russian Society of Sociologists since 2005. The bulk of the empirical data was the results of the fourth wave of research carried out in 2020. Object of study - students of Russia, citizen of the Russian Federation (N=10065). The data obtained allow us to draw meaningful conclusions about the opinions and assessment of Russian students regarding the events of the Great Patriotic War. Particular attention is paid to the sources that form the basis for the formation of the historical / cultural memory of modern students of the country.

Елена Анатольевна Щербина ◽  
Лиана Владимировна Кубанова

В статье рассмотрена проблема сохранения родного языка абазинами – законодательно признанным малочисленным народом РФ. Угроза ассимиляции и потери языка активизировали деятельность абазинских общественных организаций в этнокультурной сфере. Приоритетными стали проблемы сохранения абазинского языка и сближения двух родственных народов – абазин и абхазов, в том числе проживающих диаспорно в других странах. По инициативе и при поддержке общественников реализуются многочисленные проекты, направленные на сохранение и развитие абазинской традиционной культуры, планируется создание единого абазино-абхазского алфавита. Результаты проводимых в Карачаево-Черкесской Республике в течение ряда лет социологических опросов, позволили выявить достаточно высокий уровень владения абазинским языком, в том числе, среди молодежи. Сохраняется запрос на изучение родного языка. В то же время тревожной тенденцией является отсутствие интереса к его изучению частью опрошенных. Государственная языковая политика, меры, предпринимаемые общественниками, а также достаточно высокий уровень национального самосознания населения в целом позволяют прогнозировать сохранность и развитие абазинского языка в ближайшем будущем. The article is dedicated to the problem of preserving the native language by the Abazins – a recognized small-numbered people in the Russian Federation. The threat of assimilation and language loss has intensified the ethnocultural activities of the Abaza social organizations. The issues of preserving the Abaza language and the convergence of the Abazins with the related Abhazians, including among diasporas in other countries, became priority. On the initiative and with the support of social activists, numerous projects aimed at preserving and developing the Abaza traditional culture are being implemented; it is planned to create a single Abaza-Abkhaz alphabet. The results of sociological surveys conducted in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic over the years revealed a fairly high level of proficiency in the Abaza language, including among young people. A request for studying the native language persists. At the same time, the lack of interest to studying it among some of the respondents is seen as a disturbing trend. However, state language policy, measures taken by social activists and a fairly high level of ethnic identity of the population suggest that the Abaza language will be preserved and continue developing in the nearest future.

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