sociological study
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2022 ◽  
Me-Linh Hannah Riemann

Since the beginning of the economic crisis of 2008, Spain, like other Southern European countries, has witnessed a mass departure of mostly young people looking for opportunities abroad. Leaving Spain is based on 58 autobiographical narrative interviews with recent Spanish migrants who went to the UK and Germany, and sometimes returned. By presenting a combination of in-depth case studies and comparative analyses, the author demonstrates the potential of biographical research and narrative analysis in studying contemporary Europe, including its overlapping crises. The scope of the sociological study is not limited to examining how those who left Spain experienced single phases of their migration. Instead, it focuses on the significance of migration projects in the context of their life histories and how they make sense of these experiences in retrospect. This book will not only be of great interest to social scientists and students in different disciplines and interdisciplinary studies such as sociology, anthropology, human geography, European studies, education, and social work, but also to professionals, European and national policy makers, and those interested in learning more about migrants’ experiences, perspectives, and (often invisible) contributions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-71
Skydan et al. ◽  

The systematization of European experience in the formation of food safety through research and analysis of European regulations and strategies. The key principles of the European Green Deal on food safety were analyzed, namely the implementation of the principle of sustainability of food systems and policies for adaptation to climate change. The levels of food safety of Ukraine and Poland were compared according to the main components: food availability, access to food, food safety conditions. According to the results of a sociological study, the level of food safety of Ukraine in terms of the introduction of the land market was assessed. A portrait of a landowner was formed, and the presence of a land plot affects the state of food supply. Based on the analysis of the main provisions of the European Green Deal and food safety policy (on the example of Poland), the areas of increasing the level of food safety in Ukraine were identified: completion of land reform and lifting the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land; ensuring the production of value-added products; adaptation to climate change, development, and implementation of a national program for rural development.

Людмила Алиевна Делова ◽  
Дариет Аскербиевна Калашаова

В работе рассматриваются результаты авторского социологического исследования, проведённого в мае 2021 г. Опрос был проведен среди студентов, обучающихся в медицинском институте ФГБОУ ВО «Майкопский государственный технологический университет» («МГТУ»), с целью изучения отношения студенческой молодежи к необходимости соблюдения мер профилактики коронавирусной инфекции, а также к вакцинации населения и отношения к ним студентов медицинских специальностей в период локдауна и после него. Результаты проведённого исследования показали высокую степень ответственности студентов - будущих медиков за своё здоровье и здоровье окружающих. В то же время часть опрошенных демонстрировала в этот период нигилизм по отношению к мерам профилактики COVID-19. Вместе с тем участники опроса продемонстрировали высокий уровень толерантности по отношению к студентам - гражданам других государств, обучающимся вместе с ними. Ответы студентов медицинских специальностей на вопросы анкеты показывают понимание параметрики, смысла и содержания ограничений, введённых в период пандемии, и необходимости соблюдения жителями региона мер, рекомендованных Роспотребнадзором для профилактики и нераспространения коронавирусной инфекции. The work examines the results of the author's sociological study conducted in May 2021. The survey was conducted among students learning at the Medical Institute of the Maykop State University of Technology in order to study the attitude of students to the need to comply with measures to prevent coronavirus infection, as well as to vaccinate the population and the attitude of medical students to them during the lockdown period and after it. The results of the study showed a high degree of responsibility of students - future medical experts for their health and that of others. At the same time, some respondents demonstrated nihilism towards COVID-19 prevention measures during this period. At the same time, the survey participants showed a high level of tolerance towards students - citizens of other states studying with them. The answers of medical students to the questions of the questionnaire show an understanding of the parameters, meaning and content of the restrictions introduced during the pandemic, and the need for residents of the region to comply with the measures recommended by Rospotrebnadzor for the prevention and non-proliferation of coronavirus infection.

Юсуп Джабраилович Джабраилов

В статье рассматривается проблема этнокультурного неравенства в научной литературе и в массовом сознании студенческой молодежи Республики Дагестан в контексте гражданской идентификации. На основе анализа социологического исследования, проведенного автором в 2021 г., выявляется корреляционная зависимость между восприятием точек зрений о нарушении или обеспечении этнорелигиозного паритета в России и уровнем гражданской идентификации. Авторская точка зрения заключается в том, что сложность для гражданской интеграции современного российского общества представляет не «множество идентичностей» россиян, сколько их неравномерное положение в социально-политической структуре российского государства. Автор делает упор на важности формирования гражданской нации как надэтнической и надрелигиозной формации, но подчеркивает преждевременность успеха данного процесса без равноправия при учете этнокультурных особенностей российских народов. В связи с чем делается вывод о необходимости создания механизма согласования интересов этнических и религиозных сообществ в субъектах Российской Федерации в целях повышения гражданской идентичности населения, так как, по мнению автора, обеспечение условий для развития этнокультурных особенностей людей повышает чувство их гражданской лояльности, создает предпосылки к открытости и терпимости к представителям иных этнокультурных традиций. The paper deals with the problem of ethnocultural inequality in the scientific literature and in the mass consciousness of the students of the Republic of Dagestan in the context of civil identification. Based on the analysis of a sociological study conducted by the author in 2021, the publication reveals a correlation between the perception of points of view about the violation or maintenance of ethno-religious parity in Russia and the level of civil identification. The author's point of view is that the difficulty for the civil integration of modern Russian society is not the "set of identities" of Russians, but rather their uneven position in the socio-political structure of the Russian state. The author emphasizes the importance of forming a civil nation as a supra-ethnic and supra-religious formation, but emphasizes the prematurity of the success of this process without equality, taking into account the ethno-cultural characteristics of the Russian peoples. In this connection, it is concluded that it is necessary to create a mechanism for coordinating the interests of ethnic and religious communities in the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to increase the civil identity of the population. Since, according to the author, providing conditions for the development of ethno-cultural characteristics of people increases the sense of their civic loyalty, creates prerequisites for openness and tolerance to representatives of other ethno-cultural traditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-253
Issa Kohler-Hausmann

After featuring prominently in early law and society research, the study of subfelony enforcement and processing was largely eclipsed by the study of mass incarceration. Of late, the subject matter has enjoyed a resurgence. This review addresses what things might be included in a study of subfelonies, what aspects about them researchers have studied, and why it might be theoretically interesting to study them.

Олег Владимирович Сорокин

В статье анализируются смысловые значения отношения к Родине в культурном пространстве российской молодёжи. Большая часть смысловых компонентов отношения к Родине связаны с историей российского народа и находят своё выражение в национальном характере в форме духовно-нравственных ценностей. Данные базовые компоненты отражены в нормативных документах, регулирующих процесс воспитания подрастающего поколения. В роли таких ценностей выступает исполнение нравственного долга перед Отечеством в форме служения ему и готовности его защищать. Другая часть смысловых компонентов отношения к Родине формируется в рамках молодёжных субкультур. Данные смыслы рождаются в процессе переосмысления молодыми людьми своего отношения к феномену «Родина». Результатом этого процесса становится переконструирование социальной реальности молодёжными группами в соответствии с их символическими универсумами. Анализируются данные, полученные в ходе проведенного социологического исследования, о связи ментальных и современных черт национального характера с отклоняющимся смыслом образа Родины в культурном пространстве молодёжи. Отмечается, что современные черты в большей степени связаны с отклоняющимся смыслом формирования отношения к Родине, чем с ментальными чертами. The paper analyses the meanings of attitudes towards the Homeland in the cultural space of Russian youth. Some of the semantic components of the relationship to the Motherland are largely associated with the history of the Russian people and find their expression in the national character in the form of spiritual and moral values. These basic components are reflected in the normative documents governing the upbringing of the younger generation. The role of such values is the fulfillment of moral duty to the Motherland in the form of service to it and readiness to defend it. Another part of the semantic components of attitudes towards the Motherland is formed within the framework of youth subcultures. These meanings are born in the process of young people's reconsideration of their attitude to this phenomenon. The result of this process is a reconstruction of social reality by youth groups according to their symbolic universes. The publication analyzes the data obtained during sociological study on the relationship between mental and modern traits of national character with the deviant meaning of the image of the Motherland in the cultural space of young people. The research shows that contemporary traits are connected with the deviant meaning of forming attitudes towards the Homeland rather than with mental traits.

Aleksey Shilikov

The article introduces a sociological survey that featured the development of conflict management skills in municipal employees of the Belgorod region. The methods involved a questionnaire survey and a semi-structured interview of Belgorod municipal authorities, teaching staff of the Higher School of Management of the Belgorod State University, and employees of the Institute of Regional Personnel Policy of Belgorod. The reasons behind the conflicts were divided into those caused by the specifics of the municipal service, the peculiarities of team relations, and the individual characteristics of a municipal employee. The results of the study can improve the practical work of municipal personnel departments or be used in teaching sociological disciplines. Further study is required to develop diagnostic methods to identify the conflict management skills in municipal officials, collect information, define conditions and patterns of development, draft resolution procedures, etc.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 186-190
Marina D'yakovich

The objective assessments of the reproductive health of students of both sexes, enrolled in the bachelor's training program, belonging to the group «emerging adulthood», obtained from the results of medical examinations, are considered. The data on reproductive behavior and reproductive attitudes of students, obtained in the course of a pilot sociological study, are analyzed. A comparison is made with the available literature data, and further in-depth studies are substantiated

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