Planting a Growth Mindset

Angela Duckworth ◽  

These days, it seems like having a growth mindset is de rigueur. Chances are you've been urged to adopt a growth mindset or to pass one along to your kids. The idea of growth mindset has gone viral. But what is a growth mindset, really? And why should you care? A growth mindset about intelligence is the belief that your intellectual abilities can develop. The opposite—a fixed mindset—is believing that you can't really get any smarter than you are right now. As a neurobiology major in college, I was taught that our brains didn't change much after early childhood.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 155-160
Ian Johnston

Purpose This paper aims to show that everything a business does is fundamentally reliant on its culture. Culture determines how successful a strategy is and whether that strategy can be executed. If the culture in a business is out of alignment, it is imperative to change it. This paper examines how HR professionals can take ownership of this cultural space and help to create a growth mindset throughout the organisation. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on experience gained through working with several large organisations to transform their people culture and performance by embracing a growth mindset and to help their HR leadership become the early champions of change, thus ensuring the process was successfully delivered. The paper includes case studies of two organisations where successful cultural shaping delivered improved results. Findings Companies with a growth mindset will outperform those with a fixed mindset. Changing mindsets is not overly complex, but it requires flawless implementation with the HR leaders at the forefront. Originality/value As Lou Gerstner, who turned around the computing giant IBM, said “I finally realised that culture is not part of the game, it is the game”. By understanding how individual mindsets impact culture, HR professionals can own and drive their organisation’s culture-shaping efforts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 082957352199895
Lauren D. Goegan ◽  
Gabrielle N. Pelletier ◽  
Lia M. Daniels

Growth and fixed mindset messaging is gaining popularity. In our pilot study, we examine the mindsets of students with learning disabilities (LD) to determine how their self-beliefs relate to this messaging. Our results demonstrate that students with LD endorse growth mindsets more than fixed mindsets which is consistent with their peers without LD. Moreover, in their comments about being a student with LD, participants highlight important components of growth mindset messaging. However, some comments may reflect a false-growth mindset wherein students are only focused on effort and not the additional resources required for growth. We provide directions for future research.

2021 ◽  
Tongrui Cao ◽  
Rong-Ruey Duh ◽  
Hun-Tong Tan ◽  
Tu Xu

Audit firms have invested significantly in data analytics (DA). However, evidence shows that auditors are often reluctant to rely on DA. A major auditor concern is that inspectors will second-guess the audit evidence gathered using DA. Drawing on psychology research, we examine how the effect of inspection risk on auditors’ reliance on DA is moderated by a fixed mindset (a belief that one’s ability is fixed) versus a growth mindset (a belief that one’s ability is malleable). In an experiment with Big Four auditors as participants, we find that, relative to low inspection risk, high inspection risk reduces auditors’ reliance on DA when auditors are prompted with a fixed mindset, but increases it when auditors are prompted with a growth mindset. Our findings contribute to auditing literature on DA, inspection risk, and mindsets, and have implications for auditors, audit firms, and regulators.

George M Jacobs

<p>Educators can benefit from occasionally stepping outside our profession to look for new ideas. <em>Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential </em>is a book that was written by a well-regarded psychology professor and has sold more than a million copies. The book’s central premise is that people tend toward one of two mindsets: a fixed mindset, which sees ability as inborn and largely unmodifiable; and a growth mindset, which sees ability as something people can develop by making persistent effort and learning new strategies. The present book review begins with explaining the two mindsets. Then, questions about mindset are answered. Next, in the review’s longest portions, suggestions from the book which might be useful for teachers are shared. These suggestions may help students become more successful learners, not to mention better people overall. Finally, the reviewer recommends that when the author and her colleagues do further work on mindsets, they might wish to examine mindsets through a more collective, sociological perspective than from an individual, psychological view.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Trisa Genia Chrisantiana ◽  
Tessalonika Sembiring

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat kontribusi Growth dan Fixed mindset terhadap Grit pada mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas “X”. Grit dapat diartikan sebagai  kecenderungan untuk mempertahankan ketekunan dan semangat untuk tujuan jangka panjang yang menantang (Duckworth, 2007). Mindset adalah keyakinan yang dimiliki seseorang apakah kemampuan adalah hal yang dapat diubah melalui upaya-upaya tertentu (growth mindset) atau merupakan sesuatu yang menetap (fixed mindset). Keyakinan tersebut membuat seseorang akan terus belajar dan berusaha karena ia yakin bahwa usahanya dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya, atau sebaliknya (Dweck, 2006). Variabel Mindset  sebagai variabel independen, sementara variabel dependen yang diukur adalah Grit. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas “X”, dengan besaran sampel sebanyak 299 orang, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengukur variabel Fixed Mindset, Growth Mindset, serta Grit. Teknik analisa data menggunakan analisa regresi linier berganda. Hasil uji regresi Growth Mindset terhadap Grit diperoleh R2 sebesar 0.318, artinya Growth Mindset memberi pengaruh sebesar 31.8% terhadap Grit. Sementara, uji regresi Fixed Mindset terhadap Grit diperoleh R2 sebesar 0.239 dan korelasi r = -0.488, artinya Fixed Mindset memberi pengaruh sebesar 23.9% terhadap Grit dengan arah yang berlawanan. Simpulan penelitian: ketekunan dan semangat mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas “X” dipengaruhi oleh apakah mereka memiliki keyakinan bahwa kemampuan yang dimilikinya merupakan sesuatu yang dapat diubah dengan usaha-usaha tertentu atau mereka memiliki keyakinan bahwa kemampuan yang dimilikinya bersifat menetap dan tidak dapat diubah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (7) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Lining Sun ◽  
Jiqiang Li ◽  
Yi Hu

People's mindset comprises the beliefs they endorse about whether human attributes are fixed or malleable, and these beliefs then shape their motivations and behaviors. We conducted an empirical examination of the relationship between mindset and conspicuous consumption, and investigated whether performance goal orientation mediates this relationship. We found that, relative to those who believe that personality is malleable (growth mindset), consumers who believe that personality cannot be changed (fixed mindset) are more likely to engage in conspicuous consumption. Further, performance goal orientation mediated the relationship between mindset and conspicuous consumption. These findings point to the importance of researchers and practitioners examining how people's meaning system affects their behaviors as consumers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106-130
Nathan L. King

This chapter explores the complementary virtues of intellectual humility and intellectual self-confidence. The former pertains to owning our intellectual weaknesses; the latter to owning our strengths. Both virtues require an appropriate degree of attention to our intellectual abilities, along with an accurate or reasonable assessment of these and a willingness to own them. Both humility and self-confidence rule out vices of arrogance and self-deprecation, along with pride and vanity. The chapter locates the virtues of humility and self-confidence in relation to their vice counterparts. It then relates intellectual humility to the much-discussed notion of a growth mindset, and suggests that developing such a mindset may foster humility.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 280-284
Kathy Liu Sun

Share news about happenings in the field of elementary school mathematics education, views on matters pertaining to teaching and learning mathematics in the early childhood or elementary school years, and reactions to previously published opinion pieces or articles. Find detailed department submission guidelines at http:/

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Tessalonika Sembiring

Mindset merupakan keyakinan seseorang (self belief) yang terentang dalam sebuah skala, satu sisi merupakan growth mindset dan sisi lainya adalah fixed mindset (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). Meyakini bahwa kualitas yang kita miliki sudah baku merupakan fixed mindset, sedangkan growth mindset didasarkan pada keyakinan (belief) bahwa kualitas dasar adalah hal yang dapat dikembangkan melalui usaha. Mindset seseorang akan memengaruhi ia dalam menyikapi bakat, kecerdasan serta karakternya. Hal tersebut menggambarkan bagaimana pentingnya mindset dalam menentukan kemajuan dan perkembangan potensi seseorang, namun di Indonesia penelitian terkait mindset dan alat ukurnya masih belum banyak dikembangkan. Alat ukur yang disusun didasarkan pada teori Mindset - Carol Dweck (2006), dan diujicobakan pada 145 responden (Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universita Kristen Maranatha berusia 18-20 tahun). Uji validitas yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan Construct Validity, dengan cara mengkorelasikan skor yang diperoleh pada masing-masing item pertanyaan dengan skor total responden. Uji Reabilitas dilakukan dengan teknik Alpha Chonbach. Berdasarkan uji coba dihasilkan Alat Ukur Mindset versi Bahasa Indonesia yang terdiri dari 30 item yaitu 15 item growth mindset (nilai r hitung item sebesar 0,403 s/d 0.687 dan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,837) dan 15 item fixed mindset (nilai r hitung item sebesar 0.311 s/d 0.519 dengan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,811). Kata kunci : Mindset, Growth Mindset, Fixed Mindset, alat ukur mindset.

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