goal orientation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Faramarz Asanjarani ◽  
Khadijeh Aghaei ◽  
Tahereh Fazaeli ◽  
Adnan Vaezi ◽  
Monika Szczygieł

Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in achievement goal orientation correlates. What is not yet clear is the detailed relationships among students’ goal orientation, students’ personality traits, and parenting style. In so doing, this research responds to the need to analyze the importance of parenting styles (permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian) and students’ traits (psychoticism, neuroticism, and extraversion) in explaining the achievement goal orientations (mastery approach, mastery avoidance, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance). In the exploratory correlational study, 586 Iranian students along with their parents were selected as the sample so as to evaluate the structure of the relationships between these variables. The results indicate that students’ psychoticism and neuroticism predict students’ goal orientations (positively: performance and mastery avoidance and negatively: mastery and performance approach) while extraversion did not. Only the authoritative style predicts mastery approach (positively) and psychoticism trait (negatively). Permissive and authoritarian styles do not directly or indirectly predict students’ goal orientations.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hanan AlMazrouei ◽  
Robert Zacca ◽  
Ghulam Mustafa

Purpose This study aims to investigate how learning goal orientation (LGO), participative decision-making (PDM) and leadership member exchange (LMX) influence innovative work behaviour (IWB) through expatriate employee creativity (EC). This research study further contributes to the extant literature by investigating team potency’s (TP) potential interaction effect on the expatriate EC–IWB relationship. Design/methodology/approach Data were gathered via survey from 175 expatriate employees in non-managerial positions in the United Arab Emirates. Partial least square structural equation modelling was used for analysing the collected data. Findings The statistical results show that PDM, LGO and LMX have a direct positive impact on IWB. The statistical findings also reveal that EC mediates the LGO and IWB relationship. Furthermore, TP has a significant positive moderating effect on the EC and IWB relationship. Originality/value This work adds to the literature in the field on innovation work behaviour and its antecedents by analysing data within the expatriate employee context, where empirical examinations are limited.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Matthew Canham ◽  
Clay Posey ◽  
Michael Constantino

To better understand employees’ reporting behaviors in relation to phishing emails, we gamified the phishing security awareness training process by creating and conducting a month-long “Phish Derby” competition at a large university in the U.S. The university’s Information Security Office challenged employees to prove they could detect phishing emails as part of the simulated phishing program currently in place. Employees volunteered to compete for prizes during this special event and were instructed to report suspicious emails as potential phishing attacks. Prior to the beginning of the competition, we collected demographics and data related to the concepts central to two theoretical foundations: the Big Five personality traits and goal orientation theory. We found several notable relationships between demographic variables and Phish Derby performance, which was operationalized from the number of phishing attacks reported and employee report speed. Several key findings emerged, including past performance on simulated phishing campaigns positively predicted Phish Derby performance; older participants performed better than their younger colleagues, but more educated participants performed poorer; and individuals who used a mix of PCs and Macs at work performed worse than those using a single platform. We also found that two of the Big Five personality dimensions, extraversion and agreeableness, were both associated with poorer performance in phishing detection and reporting. Likewise, individuals who were driven to perform well in the Phish Derby because they desired to learn from the experience (i.e., learning goal orientation) performed at a lower level than those driven by other goals. Interestingly, self-reported levels of computer skill and the perceived ability to detect phishing messages failed to exhibit a significant relationship with Phish Derby performance. We discuss these findings and describe how focusing on motivating the good in employee cyber behaviors is a necessary yet too often overlooked component in organizations whose training cyber cultures are rooted in employee click rates alone.

2022 ◽  
pp. 106907272110528
Edwin A. J. van Hooft ◽  
Greet Van Hoye ◽  
Sarah M. van den Hee

Job search quality is important for unemployed individuals pursuing reemployment. To comprehensively measure job search quality, we develop and test a 20-item Job Search Quality Scale (JSQS), using four samples of unemployed individuals (pilot sample, N=218; exploration sample, N=3372; confirmation sample, N=3372; and replication sample, N=434). Results show a four-dimensional structure, composed of (a) goal establishment and planning, (b) preparation and alignment, (c) emotion regulation and persistence, and (d) learning and improvement. Substantial evidence was found for its reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. Building job search quality’s nomological net, conscientiousness, learning goal orientation, self-efficacy, employment commitment, autonomous job search motivation, and social support emerged as positive correlates. Supporting its criterion-related validity, the JSQS predicted key job search and employment outcomes. Moreover, usefulness analyses supported its incremental validity beyond extant job search measures. Our findings have important implications for studying and measuring job search quality in future research and career counseling practice.

2022 ◽  
pp. 230-248
Brandon Matsumiya ◽  
Clint A. Bowers

This chapter briefly reviews the literature that explores the training technique of deliberate practice and the related constructs, training outcomes of achievement goal orientation, self-efficacy, perceived instrumentality, and reflective practice. This work explains how educators can use and measure these variables to enhance current training methodologies. As part of creating more effective training, the TARGET model, developed by Ames, will be utilized to discuss potential ways to enhance training outcomes in a post-COVID-19 world. Specifically, suggestions are offered for enhancing online training using deliberate practice combined with the TARGET model within a medical setting where there are limited resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 615-629
Rajib Chakraborty ◽  
Maruf Haqyar ◽  
V. K. Chechi

The present study was an attempt to validate the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ; Pintrich & De Groot, 1990) for high school students of Afghanistan, with 81 items in Dari language. From different government and private high schools, 356 students (183 girls and 173 boys) participated in the study. SPSS Amos version 23 was used to confirm the psychometrics, using goodness of fit estimates from the data of 356 students. Out of the 15 subscales of the original MSLQ, six subscales that is Intrinsic Goal Orientation, Extrinsic Goal Orientation, Control of Learning Beliefs, Test anxiety, Effort regulation, and Help seeking got were not retained. Therefore, in the present context nine subscales of the MSLQ were found to be valid and reliable for assessing self-regulated learning strategies and using it on the children for planning educational interventions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-188
Ryan Francis O. Cayubit ◽  
Nestlhyn B. Ligot ◽  
Jamie Therese T. Lim ◽  
Inah Karla R. Malaluan ◽  
Erika Mae U. Managbanag ◽  

The focus of the current study is to examine the nature of the relationship of goal orientation with psychological birth order. Likewise, it also looked into the ability of psychological birth order to influence the endorsement of achievement goals (mastery-approach and avoidance; performance- approach and avoidance). A total of 220 high school students engaged in shadow education answered the White-Campbell Psychological Birth Order Inventory (PBOI) and the Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ). Based on the regression analysis performed, only the pairing of psychological birth order and performance-approach is significant while those of psychological birth order, mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, and performance-avoidance are not significant. Further analysis revealed that those who are psychologically firstborns tend to endorse the mastery-approach goal orientation while those who are psychologically youngest or lastborn endorses mastery-avoidance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 224
Azka Amalina ◽  
Eva Septiana

Sejak adanya pandemi COVID-19, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia menginstruksikan sekolah untuk menerapkan sistem Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR). Pembelajaran dan penilaian yang tidak dilakukan secara langsung tidak terlepas dari adanya isu kecurangan akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran dari faktor kecurangan akademik, yaitu achievement goal orientation dan norma subjektif dalam memprediksi kecurangan akademik yang dilakukan peserta didik jenjang pendidikan menengah atas selama BDR. Partisipan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 183 orang peserta didik jenjang pendidikan menengah atas yang melaksanakan BDR. Partisipan dipilih dengan convenience sampling dan snowball sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Academic Dishonesty Scale, Achievement Goal Questionnaire, dan bagian Norma Subjektif dari The Perception and Attitudes toward Cheating among Engineering Students Survey, version 2 yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia serta disesuaikan dengan pembelajaran BDR dan populasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe achievement goal orientation dan norma subjektif secara bersama-sama signifikan dalam memprediksi kecurangan akademik, namun jika dilihat lebih lanjut, hanya norma subjektif yang secara signifikan memprediksi kecurangan akademik. Sementara itu, tipe achievement goal orientation tidak memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam memprediksi kecurangan akademik. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa dalam melakukan kecurangan akademik, siswa jenjang pendidikan menengah atas lebih dipengaruhi oleh persepsinya terhadap teman sebaya dibandingkan dengan tujuan belajarnya. Oleh karena itu, dalam melakukan penanganan dan pencegahan terkait kecurangan akademik selama BDR, perlu dilakukan intervensi yang bersifat sistemik dibandingkan dengan intervensi individual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Polina Hadjiyankova ◽  
Tatiana Iancheva ◽  

In the last years, the issue concerning individualism and collectivism in sport has increasingly attracted researchers’ attention. The relation between individualism-collectivism and performance has been surveyed (Cox et al., 1991, Mann, 1980, Wagner, 1995), the stability of teamwork (Kiffin-Petersen & Cordey, 2003, Kirkman, 1996, Kirkman & Shapiro, 2001), team performance (Karsh, 1984, Smith, 1984). This study aimed to examine individualism and collectivism and their relation to goal orientation among athletes with different levels of qualification practicing six different kinds of sport. The research was done among 160 athletes practicing six sports – three (3) team sports and three (3) individual sports. To fulfill the aim of the research, we used: 1. Scale for measuring the horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism INDCOL of Singelis, Triandism Bhawuk, & Gelfand, 1995; 2. Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire – TEOSQ, Duda & Nicholls, adapted for Bulgarian conditions by Domuschieva-Rogleva, 2003. 3. Psychological Collectivism Measure – Jackson et аl., 2006. We established significant differences among competitors practicing individual and team sports and differences depending on the qualification, club affiliation, gender. The influence of individualism and collectivism on goal orientation in sport was revealed.

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