scholarly journals Deep Time of Media Infrastructure

Shannon Mattern

This chapter discusses the significance of historical media infrastructures that precede the digital era. Adopting a media archaeological approach, it studies how historical networks layered in urban space shape contemporary media systems. These networks extend back far beyond nineteenth-century telegraph wires to include much earlier Greek-inspired aural, inscriptive, and architectural forms. Suggesting that research on early media infrastructures can usefully inform studies of the media city, which typically begin with modern media and rarely include discussions of infrastructure, the chapter delineates a number of potential interdisciplinary engagements for media infrastructure studies, ranging from geology to architectural history. It then looks at what media studies can gain from further engagement with archaeological and infrastructural research.

Phan Van Kien ◽  
Vu Hoang Long

In this article, we aim to analyze particular conditions of the media landscape in recent days Vietnam – which is characterized by the domination of mass media and social media in constituting public opinions – that significantly affect collective actions from the online citizens. By using the concept “collective actions”, we design to reconceptualize the concept of “the crowd” which is used commonly to assert the detrimental effects of online citizens’ actions toward heated public debates nowadays. Through the framework of media and journalism studies, we suppose that the contemporary media landscape is not the same as the social situation in approximately 150 years ago when Western scholars first used this concept. Moreover, we intend to provide the framework of Affect Studies in approaching online citizens’ practices that considerably influences the field of media studies in particular and Social Sciences and Humanities in general.

Tekstualia ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (45) ◽  
pp. 167-185
Janusz Łastowiecki

The article refers to Leopold Blaustein’s conceptual framework for radio studies so as to address the problem of the contemporary reception of radio drama. The current understanding of radio art, convergence and hybridization can be elucidated through a reference to Blaustein’s concept of acousion, itself an idea to be examined in the context of contemporary media studies. The categories introduced in the article: surprise, consumption and disappointment, are meant to encourage further research on the functions of radio drama in the digital era of the radio.

Asbjørn Grønstad

'NO ONE GOES TO THE MOVIES ANYMORE:'(1) CINEMA AND VISUAL STUDIES IN THE DIGITAL ERA BLUE WITHIN the variegated domain of media studies, convergence seems to be one of the buzzwords of the day. Forms that were previously discrete entities merge into new constellations, in the process uprooting the entire ecosystem of the media. Business conglomerates merge, on the cultural horizon new technologies continuously emerge, and the different artistic practices flow seamlessly into each other to produce works that are thoroughly hybrid and transaesthetic. The landscape of the arts and the media already looks radically different from what it did less than a decade ago. Coinciding with all these changes is another and – in Europe, at least – perhaps less heralded kind of convergence, which is first and foremost institutional and disciplinary in nature. This is the relatively recent appearance of the field of visual studies, also...

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Pandan Yudhapramesti

The use of media in a variety of platforms, continues to increase globally. As it is, many problems arise, such as the increase in cyber crime, the number of lawsuits as well as an increase in people who are subject to the penalties for actions in the cyber world. This paper is the result of literature research on the study of media regulation trends. The focus of research aimed at: a) Current issues related to media policy in the global landscape, b) Trends on research issues of media studies, and c) an alternative method in the study of media regulation. The focus of research directed its relevance to the context of Indonesia. The study concluded that study of media regulation should aim to understand the current issues in the media, including efforts to find ideas solutif due to the development of a multi-dimensional global landscape, as well as issues that arise as a result of the user interaction media between the state and the nations. Trends issue generally highlighted are: 1) The policy of media, freedom of expression  and citizenship, 2) media policy and institutional design, 3) media policy and the state media, as well as 4) the problems arising from the transformation of technology and global interactions. Recent developments in the media and global digital landscape has prompted numerous new problems, thus demanding the emergence of alternative methods, such as method of comparison or comparative studies and policy analysis method is based on a system perspective. Keywords: Media Studies, Media Policy, The Digital Era, Global Era   ABSTRAK Penggunaan media dalam berbagai platform, terus meningkat secara global. Seiring hal tersebut, berbagai masalah muncul, seperti peningkatan kejahatan siber, jumlah tuntutan hukum serta peningkatan orang yang dikenai hukuman akibat tindakan di dunia siber. Makalah ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan mengenai tren kajian regulasi media. Fokus penelitian diarahkan pada: a) persoalan-persoalan mutakhir terkait kebijakan media dalam lanskap global, b) Tren tentang isu-isu penelitian kajian media, serta c) Metode alternatif dalam kajian regulasi media. Fokus penelitian diarahkan relevansinya kepada konteks Indonesia. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, kajian regulasi media perlu diarahkan untuk memahami persoalan mutakhir pada media, termasuk upaya menemukan gagasan solutif akibat perkembangan multi dimensi dalam lanskap global, serta persoalan yang muncul akibat interaksi pengguna media antar negara dan bangsa. Tren isu yang umumnya disoroti adalah: 1) Kebijakan media, kebebasan berekspresi (freedom of expression) dan citizenship, 2) kebijakan media dan desain institusional, 3) Kebijakan media dan media pemerintah, serta 4) masalah-masalah yang muncul akibat transformasi teknologi dan interaksi global. Perkembangan mutakhir media dalam lanskap digital dan global telah memunculkan berbagai persoalan baru, sehingga menuntut lahirnya metode-metode alternatif, seperti metode perbandingan atau studi komparasi serta metode analisis kebijakan berdasarkan perspektif sistem. Kata kunci: Kajian Media, Kebijakan Media, Era Digital, Era Global

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Tatyana V. Boldyreva

The article is devoted to the study of the question of the existence of post-dramatic performances in the modern media environment, in particular, the media formats of site-specific performances are studied. The purpose of this study is to identify the mechanisms of interactivity, performativity and immersiveness in the media formats of post-drama theater. The article raises the question regarding the meaning of the media format concept used in media studies in its connection with theatrical practices. The basic components of the concept of media format are the technical characteristics and focus on the target public. The chosen methodology allows us to characterize the technical capabilities of modern media formats for creating the effects of performativity, interactivity and immersiveness. The empirical basis of the research is the podcast The Theater of Everyday Life. Site-Specific Performances for Everyday Places and Routes in the mobile application Yandex Music and performances in the application Mobile Art Theater. The article draws conclusions concerning the influence of technical and verbal means of interaction used in mobile applications and in VR performances on the emergence of the effects of performativity and immersiveness in the minds of the audience. It is pointed out that the mechanics of the performances under consideration are connected with the concepts of A. Artaud and H.-T. Lehman, in particular, draw a conclusion about the role of the audience in such performances.

Tereza Havelková

This book deals with contemporary relationships between opera and the media. It is concerned with both the use of media on stage and opera on screen. Drawing on the concept of hypermediacy from media studies, it situates opera within the larger context of contemporary media practices, and particularly those that play up the multiplicity, awareness, and enjoyment of media. The discussion is driven by the underlying question of what politics of representation and perception opera performs within this context. This entails approaching operas as audiovisual events (rather than works or texts) and paying attention to what they do by visual means, along with the operatic music and singing. The book concentrates on events that foreground their use of media and technology, drawing attention to opera’s inherently hypermedial aspects. It works with the recognition that such events nevertheless engender powerful effects of immediacy, which are not contingent on illusionism or the seeming transparency of the medium. It analyzes how effects like presence, liveness, and immersion are produced, contesting some critical claims attached to them. It also sheds light on how these effects, often perceived as visceral or material in nature, are related to the production of meaning in opera. The discussion pertains to contemporary pieces such as Louis Andriessen and Peter Greenaway’s Rosa and Writing to Vermeer, as well as productions of the canonical repertory such as Wagner’s Ring Cycle by Robert Lepage at the Met and La Fura dels Baus in Valencia.

Elena Vartanova ◽  
Maria Anikina ◽  
Anna Gureeva ◽  
Denis Dunas

The article considers the specifics of the modern studies of the media and mass communications. It describes the possibility and the necessity of metatheoretic research in this field similarly to the studies in social sciences. The authors stress the need for analytical research aimed at conceptualizing the existing approaches to the media studies. The paper presents the methods and the results of the analysis of the dissertations in 10.01.10 — Journalism which belong to the period from 2012 to 2016. This period was chosen as a relevant one taking into account the necessity of studying the real state of the modern media research projects with a possibility of identifying certain dynamics of the researchers’ interest in the context of digitization, extension of communication space and transformation of sociocultural practices. The communication process scheme was taken as a basis of the empirical analysis. It includes a communicator, a channel of communication, its content, audience and communication effect and is completed by contextual factors of interaction. Taking into account the obtained empirical data, the study demonstrates the misbalance of the scholars’ attention to different elements of the communication process and the stress on separate elements of the mass communication process. It also points out the lack of studies dedicated to the modern media audience. The authors trace certain disproportion of the scientific knowledge structure about the media sphere, the lack of generalizations and also emphasize the difficulties in the description of the subject-object field of the media studies caused by inconstancy and changeability of the media landscape. The authors suppose that the typological specifics of dissertation works on journalism and mass communications could be seen as a factor of a general media theory construction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (4 (244)) ◽  
pp. 89-105
Michał Drożdż ◽  
Katarzyna Drąg

The Press Knowledge Society (Towarzystwo Wiedzy Prasowej) as a Step on the Road to the Development of Polish Media Studies Man needs solid knowledge and competence so that he can find himself in the modern media sphere. The sciences of social communication and media meet these needs, while developing the new discipline in Poland and around the world. In the context of these processes, it is worth taking a look at the history and Polish pioneering activities in the field of press research. The purpose of this article is to present an important initiative in the development of Polish press studies, namely the Press Knowledge Society (1938–1939). The aim is to show the origins of it’s history with similar initiatives in Europe to reveal the most important goals of the Society – especially those related to the concern for the ethics of mass communication expressed in the late interwar period. Our analyzes are an attempt to look for answers to the following questions: does the experience of history contain indications for solving problems of the modern media sphere and can they be an inspiration in media studies? Our analyzes are based on historical source materials and subject literature and are supported by empirical knowledge of contemporary media processes. With the help of the method of source analysis, among others, and the synthesizing comparative method, we attempted to draw conclusions important for modern media on the basis of historical knowledge about the media.

Aleksandra Sekulić

Drawing from a movement which aimed to re-activate the practices of the emancipation of cultural production established in Yugoslav cine-amateurism: Low-Fi Video (1997–2003), the Kosmoplovci Collective, established in 2001, developed various interdisciplinary experiments, contesting the elements of the media framework of production. In a specific osmosis of practices stemming from the computer demo scene, video, alternative comics, electronic music and design, Kosmoplovci contributed to the contemporary explorations of the media-archaeological art, which uses archival work and historical materials related to the shifts of media paradigms. The videos, computer demos and online interactive projects of Kosmoplovci produced in the beginning of the 2000s can be seen as the projections, emulations or anticipations of the imaginary or dead media, or even a future excavation and re-invention of media (Void, Selfaware, X21, Artificial Detection). The treatment of media machines in the tension of their imagined untimely existence, as in the description of imaginary media by Siegfried Zielinsky, and the imagined future recovery from their deep death which is another form of their dislocation, destabilizes the fixed positions of the elements of contemporary media art production: the camera, the internet, but also the parallel relation of the image and the sound. The practice of this overall destabilization of fixed elements of the media system puts the Kosmoplovci Collective in the line of continuity of the experiments of radical amateurism. Article received: December 28, 2017; Article accepted: January 10, 2018; Published online: April 15, 2018; Original scholarly paper How to cite this article: Sekulić, Aleksandra. "The Imaginary and the Dead Media in the Works of the Kosmoplovci Collective." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 15 (2018): . doi: 10.25038/am.v0i15.233

2021 ◽  
pp. 026732312199953
Paul K Jones

Political communication studies has a long tradition of ‘crisis talk’ regarding the fate of public communication. Now, however, the field itself faces a kind of existential crisis as its core assumptions of ‘normal’ political communication are daily undermined. This ‘liberal normalcy’ shares much with orthodoxies in populism studies, most notably a tendency to bracket out demagogic communication, both in historical fascist regimes and democracies. Yet correcting these failings is not simply a matter of rejecting liberal models for left-populist ones. Rather, both fields need to broaden their historical parameters and deepen their theoretical frameworks. The article draws on the Weberian conception of modern demagogy and its revision in the wake of 'modern media' by Shils and Adorno. It further argues that a critical reworking of Hallin and Mancini’s media systems approach could benefit both fields. For Hallin and Mancini’s socio-historical use of Weberian ideal-typification complements Worsley’s never-completed plan for an ideal-typification of modes of populism and demagogic leadership.

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