scholarly journals Weeds of cereal stubble-fields on various soils in the Kielce region. P. III. Black, alluvial and rendzina soils

2013 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Maria Jędruszczak ◽  
Jan Majda

The weed flora growing stubble-fields area is determined by soil features. Weeds found in cereal stubble-fields on black soils formed from sands and loams, medium and haevy alluvial soils as well as brown and chernozem rendzina soils are presented in the paper. The 273 phytosociological records were worked out. They were collected from 87 stands situated in 76 localities of Kielce region. The results showed that species number and species composition were dependent on the soils (black. alluvial, rendzina). The existance of 118 (medium alluvial soil) to 140 (brown rendzina soil) weed species, including 73 common for all of the soils considered, was found there. Relatively high per cent (29-35) of them belonged to perennial weeds. From 22 (brown rendzina soil) to 35 (heavy alluvial soil) of species reached high constancy degrees (V-III). <i>Stellaria media, Myosotis arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Agropyron repens</i> and <i>Cirsium arvense</i> predominated on the all of the soil examined. Among the weed flora registered, 25 species, recorded only on rendzina soils, were distinguishable for that soils.

2008 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 245 ◽  

The weed flora in conventionally and organically grown spring cereals was investigated in southern and central Finland during 2007–2009. The survey was conducted in 16 regions, 283 farms and 595 fields (72 organically cropped and 523 conventionally cropped fields, of which 503 were treated with herbicides). The occurrence of weeds was assessed in late July–early August. Altogether 148 weed species were identified, of which 128 were broad-leaved and 20 grass species. In organically cropped fields, the average species number per field was 21 and the most frequent species were Chenopodium album 96%, Stellaria media 94%, Viola arvensis 94% and Elymus repens 89%. In conventionally cropped fields, the average species number was 12 and the most frequent weed species were Viola arvensis 83%, Stellaria media 65%, Galeopsis spp. 59% and Galium spurium 59%. The average density of weeds was 160 m-2 (median = 112) in sprayed conventional fields and 519 m-2 (468) in organic fields. The average air-dry biomass of weeds was 167 kg ha-1 (median = 82) and 775 kg ha-1 (563), respectively. Elymus repens, the most frequent and abundant grass species, produced the highest proportion (about 30%) of the total weed biomass in both cropping systems. The frequency of Galium spurium in conventional cropping and Fumaria officinalis in organic cropping had increased substantially since the previous survey in 1997–1999. The average size of the weed seedbank in the 5 cm surface layer was about 1 700 seeds m-2, the most predominant seeds being of C. album. Although the weed flora in Finnish spring cereal fields consists of numerous species, only a fraction of them severely threaten crop production in terms of their frequency and abundance. Weeds in conventional cropping were effectively controlled with available herbicides whereas weed management in organic cropping calls for urgent measures such as direct mechanical weed control in crop stands, which was not practised at all in survey fields.;

2016 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
Maria Licznar-Małańczuk ◽  
Iwona Sygutowska

<p>The weed composition and the dominance of individual species occurring in an orchard were assessed at the Research Station of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland, during the first 10 years after orchard establishment. ‘Ligol’ apple trees were planted in the spring of 2004 (3.5 × 1.2 m). Foliar herbicides were applied in 1 m wide tree rows twice or three times per each vegetation period. In the inter-row spaces, perennial grass was maintained.</p><p>Ten years of maintenance of herbicide fallow contributed to a change in the weed composition in the orchard. It changed as a result of different responses of the most important weed species to the foliar herbicides. Total suppression of <em>Elymus repens</em> was observed in the first year after planting the trees. <em>Convolvulus arvensis</em>, <em>Cirsium arvense</em>, and other perennial weeds, completely disappeared in the succeeding periods. The maintenance of herbicide fallow did not affect the abundance of <em>Taraxacum officinale</em>. The percentage of the soil surface covered by <em>Trifolium repens</em> and <em>Epilobium adenocaulon</em>, perennial weeds with considerable tolerance to post-emergence herbicides, increased during the fruit-bearing period of the trees. The abundance of these weeds was significantly reduced only in the rows with the stronger growing trees on the semi-dwarf P 2 rootstock. <em>Stellaria media</em> was the dominant annual weed. <em>Senecio vulgaris</em>, <em>Poa annua</em>, <em>Capsella bursa-pastoris</em>, and <em>Lamium</em> spp. were also frequently observed. A significant increase in the abundance of annual and perennial weeds was found in the tree rows as a result of improved water availability after a period of high precipitation.</p>

J.S. Rowarth ◽  
A.A. Johnson ◽  
P.T.P. Clifford ◽  
M.P. Rolston

Weed seeds are the major reason for white clover (Trifolium repens) seedlots being downgraded or rejected from certification. The occurrence of weed species in 537 white clover seedlots tested at the Official Seed Testing Station, Palmerston North, was analysed. The most commonly occurring species were field madder (Sherardia arvensis), chickweed (Stellaria media), fathen (Chenopodium album), sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella) and scarlet pimpernel (Anagaflis arvensis). The percentage occurrence of four specified undesirable weeds including Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense) and dodder (Cuscuta epithymum) are reported, and the implications of seed contamination are discussed. Keywords: white clover, contamination, weed seeds

2008 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 189 ◽  

The composition of the weed flora of dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) fields and cropping practices were investigated in southwestern Finland. Surveys were done in 2002–2003 in 119 conventionally cropped fields and 64 fields under organic cropping. Herbicides were applied to 92% of conventionally cropped fields where they provided relatively good control but were costly. Weeds were controlled mechanically only in five fields under organic production. A total of 76 weed species were recorded, of which 29 exceeded the 10% frequency level of occurrence. The average number of weed species per field was 10 under conventional cropping and 18 under organic cropping. The most frequent weed species in both cropping practices were Chenopodium album, Stellaria media and Viola arvensis. Elymus repens was the most frequent grass species. The difference in species composition under conventional and organic cropping was detected with Redundancy Analysis. Under conventional cropping, features of crop stand and weed control explained 38.7% and 37.6% of the variation respectively. Under organic cropping the age of crop stand and field location (y co-ordinate) respectively explained best the variation. Weeds could be efficiently managed with herbicides under conventional cropping, but they represented a significant problem for organic production. Mixed cultivation of pea with cereals is recommended, particularly for organic cropping, as it favours crop competition against weeds.;

2001 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-364 ◽  

A survey of weeds in spring cereal fields was conducted in 16 regions of southern and central Finland in 1997-1999. Data were collected from conventional and organic farms, both of which applied their normal cropping practices. A total of 690 fields were investigated by counting and weighing the weed species from ten sample quadrats 0.1 m2 in size in late July - early August. Altogether 160 weed species were found, of which 134 were broad-leaved and 26 grass species. The total number of weed species ranged from 41 to 84 between regions. In organically farmed fields, the average species number was 24 and in conventionally farmed fields 16. The most frequent weed species were Viola arvensis 84%, Stellaria media 76% and Galeopsis spp. 70%. Only 18 species exceeded the frequency level of 33%. The average density of weeds was 136 m-2 (median= 91) in sprayed conventional fields, 420 m-2 (374) in unsprayed conventional fields and 469 m-2 (395) in organic fields. The average air-dry above-ground biomass of weeds was 163 kg ha-1 (median=63), 605 kg ha-1 (413) and 678 kg ha-1 (567), respectively. Weed biomass accounted for 3% of the total biomass of the crop stand in sprayed conventional fields and for 17% in organic fields. Elymus repens, the most frequent grass species, produced the highest proportion of weed biomass.

1983 ◽  
Vol 55 (5) ◽  
pp. 385-423
Mikko Raatikainen ◽  
Terttu Raatikainen

Koko Suomen syysvehnäpelloista tutkittiin v. 1972-1974 otannalla 0.8 %. Tällöin todettiin, että syysvehnää viljeltiin yleensä suurilla tiloilla, vanhoilla pelloilla, savimailla, suurilla lohkoilla ja lähellä talouskeskusta. Syysvehnälohkoilla oli käytetty ennen syysvehnän viljelyä hyvin usein leikkuupuimuria ja herbisidejä. Esikasvina oli tavallisimmin syysvehnä tai muu vilja, vaikka neuvonta vastusti monokulttuuria. Peruslannoituksessa noudatettiin yleensä ohjeita, jopa ylitettiinkin suositellut käyttömäärät. Lajikesuosituksia yleensä noudatettiin ja uudet lajikkeet otettiin käyttöön muutamassa vuodessa. Kasvinsuojelu, varsinkin peittaus laiminlyötiin usein. Rikkaruohoruiskutuksissa olisi tullut käyttää useammin seosvalmisteita ja oikeata ruiskutusaikaa. Kylvösiemenmäärä oli usein ylisuuri ja kylvökausi liian pitkä, mistä aiheutui yksittäisillä tiloilla haittoja ja sadonmenetyksiä. Valistuneimpien viljelijöiden tiloilla neuvontaa seurattiin ja noudatettiinkin melko nopeasti, mutta osa viljeli perinnäisiä tapojen noudattaen. Helppotajuinen neuvonta otettiin vastaan nopeammin kuin vaikeatajuinen. Neuvonnassa tulisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota tilakohtaiseen neuvontaan. Syysvehnälohkoilta tavattiin 130 rikkaruoholajia, joista 26 esiintyi yli 16 %:lla peltolohkoista. Rikkaruohoja oli keskimäärin 257 yksilöä tai versoa/ m2. Tiheimmässä kasvoivat syysyksivuotisista Viola arvensis, Matricaria spp., Stellaria media, Lapsana communis ja Myosotis arvensis, kevätyksivuotisista Galeopsis spp., Chenopodium album, Erysimum cheiranthoides, Polygonum aviculare, Myosurus minimus, Gnaphalium uliginosum ja Polygonum convolvulus, ja monivuotisista Agropyron repens. Rikkaruohokoostumus poikkesi ruispeltojen rikkaruohokoostumuksesta joten neuvonnan tulisi kohdistua viljelykasvikohtaiseen neuvontaan. Rikkaruohojen tiheyteen vaikuttivat mm. lohkon etäisyys talouskeskuksesta, lohkon ikä peltona, maalaji, maaperän kosteus, leikkuupuintikertojen määrä, herbisidikäsittelyjen määrä, esikasvi, kylvöaika, kasvukauden vaihe ja viljan peittävyys. Tekijät eivät aina vaikuttaneet suoranaisesti vaan olivat todellisten tekijöiden indikaattoreita.

2008 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 166 ◽  

Weed communities of organically cropped spring cereal stands in the southern and the northwestern coastal regions of Finland (= south and northwest, respectively) were compared with respect to number of species, frequency of occurrence, density and dry weight. Regional specialization of agricultural production along with differences in climate and soil properties were expected to generate differences in weed communities between south and northwest. Total and average numbers of species were higher in the south than in the northwest (33 vs. 26 and 15.6 vs. 10.0, respectively). Some rare species (e.g. Papaver dubium) were found in the south. Fumaria officinalis and Lamium spp. were found only in the south. The densities and dry weights of Lapsana communis, Myosotis arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Tripleurospermum inodorum and Vicia spp. were higher in the south, while the densities and dry weights of Elymus repens, Persicaria spp. and Spergula arvensis were higher in the northwest. Total density of weeds did not differ between south and northwest (average = 565 vs. 570 shoots m-2, respectively). Total dry weight of weeds was higher in the northwest compared with the south (average = 1594 vs. 697 kg ha-1, respectively), mainly due to the high dry weight of E. repens. The only variable that was dependent on the duration of organic farming was weed density in the south. The abundance of nitrophilous in relation to non-nitrophilous weed species was higher while the abundance of perennial ruderal and grassland weed species was lower compared with previous weed surveys. This can be regarded as the result of increasing cropping intensity on organic farms in Finland. Different weed communities call for the application of specific target-oriented weed management in the respective coastal regions.;

2001 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-242 ◽  

The weed flora in organically grown spring cereals was investigated in southern and central Finland in 1997-1999 with the primary purpose of determining the species composition and the level of weed infestation. Altogether 165 fields were surveyed in the middle of the growing season. A total of 126 weed species were found, of which 42 exceeded the frequency level of 10%. The most frequent weed species were Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, Galeopsis spp. and Viola arvensis. Elymus repens was the most frequent grass species. The average density of weeds was 469 plants m-2 (median 395), and the air-dry biomass was 678 kg ha-1 (median 567) which accounted for 17% of the total biomass of the crop stand. Infestation by Chenopodium album and the perennial species Elymus repens, Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensis is of major concern. Weed control strategies should include direct control measures to overcome weed problems related to the conversion period from conventional to organic growing.

1979 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 432-479
Mikko Raatikainen ◽  
Terttu Raatikainen

Tutkimus tehtiin v. 1972—1974 koko Suomesta otannalla poimituilla 325 syysruislohkolla, joiden pinta-ala oli 0.7 % maan ruisalasta. Ruista viljeltiin keskimääräistä suuremmilla tiloilla. Sitä viljeltiin suositusten mukaan etenkin kevyehköillä kivennäismailla ja keskinkertaisen kosteilla tai poutivilla mailla. Leikkuupuintia ja herbisidejä rukiin viljelylohkoilla ei ollut käytetty kovin usein. Esikasvina oli Lounais-Suomessa tavallisimmin kevätvilja tai ruis ja Väli-Suomessa nurmi tai kevätvilja. Peruslannoitukseksi annettiin karjanlantaa 30%:lle ja väkilannoitteita 92 %:lle ruislohkoista. Lajikkeet olivat yleensä alueelle suositeltuja. Kylvösiemenestä peitattiin vain 48 %, ja kylvösiementä käytettiin usein liikaa, mikä aiheutti tiheitä ja lakoontuvia kasvustoja. Kylvökausi oli liian pitkä, mistä seurasi yksittäisillä tiloilla huomattavia sadonmenetyksiä. Kahukärpästä ei torjuttu kemiallisesti eikä talvituhosieniäkään orasasteella juuri koskaan. Typpeä käytettiin kevätlannoituksessa yleensä suositellut määrät, mutta eräissä tapauksissa liikaa, kun samalla muu nykyaikainen viljelytekniikka laiminlyötiin. Ruislohkoista käsiteltiin herbisideillä 25 % ja korrenvahvisteella 15 %. Ruisalasta oli vain 0.9 % nurmen suojaviljana. Ruislohkoilta löydettiin 176 putkilokasvilajia. Lajimäärä oli suurin Itä-Suomessa. Kaikkien lajien yleisyysprosentit määritettiin. Yleisimmät lajit olivat syysyksivuotisista Viola arvensis, Stellaria media, Matricaria spp., Myosotis arvensis ja Lapsana communis, kevätyksivuotisista Chenopodium album, Galeopsis spp., Erysimum cheiranthoides, Polygonum aviculare ja P. convolvulus ja monivuotisista Ranunculus repens, Agrostis spp., Cerastium caespitosum, Phleum pratense ja Agropyron repens. Lohkoilla oli keskimäärin 303 rikkaruohoa/m2. Tiheys oli pienin Lounais-Suomessa. Kaikkien lajien yksilömäärä tai versomäärä/m2 määritettiin. Tiheimmässä kasvoivat syysyksivuotisista Viola arvensis, Stellaria media, Matricaria spp., Myosotis arvensis ja Lapsana communis, kevätyksivuotisista Galeopsis spp.,Chenopodium album ja Erysimum cheiranthoides ja monivuotisista Agrostis spp., Agropyron repens, Poa pratensis ja Ranunculus repens. Tilakoko, lohkon ikä peltona, maalaji, maaperän kosteus, leikkuupuintikertojen määrä, herbisidiruiskutusten määrä, esikasvi, kylvöaika, peittaus, kasvukauden vaihe, viljan peittävyys ja viljelyalue vaikuttivat joko suoranaisesti rikkaruohojen tiheyteen tai olivat tiheyden indikaattoreita. Rukiinviljelyalue jakaantui rikkakasvien perusteella kahteen alueeseen.

2010 ◽  
Vol 45 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. S63-S66 ◽  
J. Mikulka ◽  
M. Korčáková ◽  
V. Burešová ◽  
J. Andr

Occurrence of selected perennial weeds has been monitored at control sites across the Czech Republic since 1989, and trends of their occurrence have been evaluated. The monitoring has been aimed mainly at <i>Cirsium arvense</i> (L.) SCOP, <i>Sonchus arvensis</i> L., <i>Artemisia vulgaris</i> L., <i>Stachys palustris</i> L., <i>Bolboschoenus planiculmis</i>, <i>Bolboschoenus laticarpus</i>, and <i>Elytrigia repens</i> (L.) NEV. on arable land and <i>Taraxacum officinale</i> L.A. on pastures and meadows. High increase in the frequency of occurrence of <i>C. arvense</i> and <i>E. repens</i> was found out in the mid-nineties while the infestation frequency with these two weeds decreased later on. The occurrence of infestation with the other perennial weeds <i>Cirsium arvense</i>, <i>Elytrigia repens</i>, <i>Sonchus arvensis</i>, <i>Bolboschoenus planiculmis, <i>Bolboschoenus laticarpus</i>, <i>Stachys palustris</i>, <i>Artemisia vulgaris</i> and <i>Taraxacum officinale</i> L.A. slightly but continually increased.

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