weed seed
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Agronomy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 138
María Luisa Gandía ◽  
Juan Pablo Del Monte ◽  
María Inés Santín-Montanyá

The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency of two methodologies, seed germination (SG) and seed physical extraction SPE), to assess the weed community from two locations with different soil and climatic conditions: M, with dry and low soil fertility, and S with high soil humidity and fertility. Over three years of study, the analysis of both methodologies confirmed differences in seed bank composition. In M, fewer seeds were recorded by SG than SPE (13.5% and 86.5% respectively), while in S, the difference between percentages was less (31.58% by SG and 68.41% by SPE). Our findings confirmed that Portulaca oleracea L., Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson and Chenopodium album L. were abundantly found in M. Anacyclus clavatus (Def.) Res. seeds were also found, mainly detected by SG. In S, Stellaria media (L.) Vill. was widely found. All species found in S were similarly detected by SG and SPE. The results confirmed that climatic and soil conditions influenced the efficiency of the methodology used to assess the seed bank. M conditions led to an increased seed reservoir, and both methodologies were necessary to obtain the seed bank composition. In S conditions, the seed bank was continuously renewed, and either one of methodologies defined the seed bank composition equally well.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262288
Bhagirath Singh Chauhan ◽  
Sudheesh Manalil

Summer grass weed species are a particular problem in the northeast cropping region of Australia because they are prolific seeders and favor no-till systems. Information on weed seed persistence levels can be used for the development of effective and sustainable integrated weed management programs. A field study was conducted over 42 months to evaluate the seedbank persistence of Chloris truncata, C. virgata, Dactyloctenium radulans, and Urochloa panicoides as affected by burial depth (0, 2, and 10 cm). Regardless of species, buried seeds persisted longer than surface seeds and there was no difference in seed persistence between 2 and 10 cm depths. Surface seeds of C. truncata depleted completely in 12 months and buried seeds in 24 months. Similarly, C. virgata seeds placed on the soil surface depleted in 12 months. Buried seeds of this species took 18 months to completely deplete, suggesting that C. truncata seeds persist longer than C. virgata seeds. Surface seeds of D. radulans took 36 months to completely deplete, whereas about 7% of buried seeds were still viable at 42 months. U. panicoides took 24 and 42 months to completely exhaust the surface and buried seeds, respectively. These results suggest that leaving seeds on the soil surface will result in a more rapid depletion of the seedbank. Information on seed persistence will help to manage these weeds using strategic tillage operations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Sarah Striegel ◽  
Maxwel C. Oliveira ◽  
Ryan P. DeWerff ◽  
David E. Stoltenberg ◽  
Shawn P. Conley ◽  

Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® [glyphosate- and dicamba-resistant (DR)] soybean is a novel trait option for postemergence (POST) control of herbicide-resistant broadleaf weeds in soybean. With increased use of labeled dicamba products POST in DR soybean and recommendations to include a soil-residual herbicide POST (e.g., layered residual approach), research on how combinations of these approaches influence weed control, weed seed production, and soybean grain yield is warranted. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of (1) flumioxazin applied preemergence (PRE) followed by (fb) dicamba plus glyphosate applied POST at different crop developmental stages and (2) acetochlor POST as a layered residual approach on weed control, weed seed production, and soybean yield to determine the optimal POST timing in DR soybean. A field study was conducted in Wisconsin at three sites in 2018 and four sites in 2019 to evaluate flumioxazin (43.4 g ai ha−1, WDG 51%) PRE fb dicamba (560 g ae ha−1, SL) plus glyphosate (1,101 g ae ha−1, SL) POST in DR soybean at three stages: early-POST (EPOST, V1-V2), mid-POST (MPOST, V3-V4), and late-POST (LPOST, V5-V6/R1) with or without a soil-residual herbicide POST (acetochlor, 1,262 g ai ha−1, ME). Weed community composition was site-specific; difficult-to-control broadleaf species included giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) and waterhemp [Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) J.D. Sauer]. Dicamba plus glyphosate applied MPOST and LPOST provided greater control, weed biomass reduction, and density reduction of giant ragweed and waterhemp when compared with EPOST treatments. Giant ragweed and waterhemp had not reached 100% cumulative emergence at EPOST, and plants that emerged after EPOST produced seed. There was some benefit to including acetochlor as a layered residual at EPOST as indicated by a residual by POST timing interaction for waterhemp density reduction. Complete waterhemp control was not attained at one site-year. For remaining site-years, dicamba plus glyphosate applied MPOST (V3-V4) provided season-long weed control, reduced weed seed production, and optimized soybean grain yield compared with other POST treatments. Results highlight the importance of timely POST applications and suggest utilization of a POST layered residual needs to be timed appropriately for the window of active weed species emergence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
Cynthia Sias ◽  
Bethany R. Wolters ◽  
Mark S. Reiter ◽  
Michael L. Flessner

This review explores ways that cover crops alter soil environmental conditions that can be used to decrease seed survival, maintain weed seed dormancy, and reduce germination cues, thus reducing above-ground weed pressures. Cover crops are grown between cash crops in rotation, and their residues persist into subsequent crops, impacting weed seeds both during and after cover crops’ growth. Compared to no cover crop, cover crops may reduce weed seedling recruitment and density via: i) reducing soil temperature and fluctuations thereof; ii) reducing light availability and altering light quality; and iii) trapping nitrogen in the cover crop, thus making it less soil-available to weeds. In addition, cover crops may provide habitat for above- and below-ground fauna, resulting in increased weed seed predation. The allelopathic nature of some cover crops can also suppress weeds. However, not all effects of cover crops discourage weeds, such as potentially increasing soil oxygen. Furthermore, cover crops can reduce soil moisture while actively growing but conserve soil moisture after termination, resulting in time-dependent effects. Similarly, decaying legume cover crops can release nitrogen into the soil, potentially aiding weeds. The multiplicity of cover crop species and mixtures, differing responses between weed species, environmental conditions, and other factors hampers uniform recommendations and complicates management for producers. But, cover crops that are managed to maximize biomass, do not increase soil nitrogen, and are terminated at or after cash crop planting will have the greatest potential to attenuate the weed seed bank. There are still many questions to be answered, such as if targeting management efforts at the weed seed bank level is agronomically worthwhile. Future research on cover crops and weed management should include measurements of soil seed banks, including dormancy status, predation levels, and germination. Highlights - Cover crops alter the weed seed bank environment, influencing survival, dormancy, and germination. - Weed seed germination may be reduced by decreased temperature and fluctuations thereof, light, and soil nitrogen. - Weed seed germination may be increased by greater soil moisture, soil nitrogen, and oxygen. - Management should maximize cover crop biomass, decrease soil nitrogen, and delay termination for the greatest potential. - Future research should include measurements of weed seed banks, including dormancy status, predation, and germination.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2331
Chun Liu ◽  
Makhan Singh Bhullar ◽  
Tarundeep Kaur ◽  
Jitendra Kumar ◽  
Sriyapu Reddy Sreekanth Reddy ◽  

Phalaris minor Retz. (littleseed canarygrass) is the most problematic and herbicide-resistant weed in the rice-wheat cropping system in India. As such, it poses a severe threat to wheat yield and food security. A number of herbicidal and agronomic practices have been identified for the effective control of P. minor. These include crop rotation, crop establishment methods, herbicide spray technology, sowing time, weed seed harvest and effective herbicide mixtures. A population model of P. minor was built based on the life cycle of the species, herbicide resistance mechanisms and the effects of weed control practices. The model simulated the interactions of these factors and provided the best management recommendations for sustainably controlling this noxious weed species. Model results indicate that integration of chemical and non-chemical control methods was the most effective and sustainable strategy. For example, the integration of a happy seeder (a tractor-mounted mulching and sowing machine) with an effective post-emergence herbicide reduced the probability of weed control failure by 32% compared to the scenario with a rotavator and the same herbicide. Similarly, more conventional crop establishment methods such as a rotavator and conventional tillage could be accompanied by pre- or post-emergence applications of herbicide mixtures. Adoption of good herbicide spray technology and weed seed harvest delayed the onset of resistance evolution by up to four years. Furthermore, effective crop rotation such as the inclusion of sugarcane in place of rice in the summer season reduced the risk of resistance evolution by 31% within the 10 year simulation period. In addition to the scenarios using representative parameter values, the variability of model predictions was investigated based on some field experiments. The model provided a powerful tool for promoting Integrated Weed Management and the sustainable use of herbicides. Pragmatic ways of dealing with uncertainty in model prediction are discussed.

Weed Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Lauren M. Schwartz-Lazaro ◽  
Lovreet S. Shergill ◽  
Jeffrey A. Evans ◽  
Muthukumar V. Bagavathiannan ◽  
Shawn C. Beam ◽  

Seed retention, and ultimately seed shatter, are extremely important for the efficacy of harvest weed seed control (HWSC) and likely influenced by various agro-ecological and environmental factors. Field studies investigated seed shattering phenology of 22 weed species across three soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] producing regions in the US. We further evaluated the potential drivers of seed shatter in terms of weather conditions, growing degree days, and plant biomass. Based on the results, weather conditions had no consistent impact on weed seed shatter. However, there was a positive correlation between individual weed plant biomass and delayed weed-seed shattering rates during harvest. This work demonstrates that HWSC can potentially reduce weed seedbank inputs of plants that have escaped early season management practices and retained seed through harvest. However, smaller individuals of plants within the same population that shatter seed before harvest pose a risk of escaping early season management and HWSC.

Minoru Ichihara ◽  
Keisuke Maruyama ◽  
Masayuki Yamashita ◽  
Hitoshi Sawada ◽  
Hidehiro Inagaki ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 289 ◽  
pp. 110453
Stefano Benvenuti ◽  
Massimo Selvi ◽  
Sara Mercati ◽  
Gianluca Cardinali ◽  
Valentino Mercati ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 105860
C.P. Nath ◽  
K.K. Hazra ◽  
Narendra Kumar ◽  
S.S. Singh ◽  
C.S. Praharaj ◽  

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