Religion und Sexualmoral in Indien

2020 ◽  
Navina T. Satish

Western recipients the impression that Hindus, due to their religious traditions, should have an open approach to sexuality. However, this is only possible to a limited extent due to a repressive sexual morality. This empirical study deals with the question of how today's Indians deal with their religious traditions. These have become an integral part of a postmodern Indian contemporary culture. Its main characteristic is religious tolerance. Thus, Hinduism in the 21st century becomes a consciously open concept of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. p11
Kaikai Liu ◽  
Xinyi Wang ◽  
Jingjing Liang

Religious belief can affect individual’s behavior. It usually induces managers to be more risk averse, thereby mitigating the agency problem and positively influencing governance. This paper conducts an empirical study to analysis the effect of religious atmosphere on corporate governance. It could be figured out that strong religious atmosphere plays an active role in corporate governance. The stronger the influence of religious tradition on listed companies, the less likely the managers are to violate the rules. Through precepts and deeds, these religious traditions are passed on from generation to generation and have become a significant factor affecting human economic behavior.

Magdalena Koch

The article discusses the problem of the theory and practice of contemporary Serbian feminist essay. The text indicates how – at the turn of the 21st century – the essay participated in the reading of the nationalist culture of fear during the breakup of Yugoslavia, how it became the tool for creating an analytical and methodological platform and a means of quick anthropological and cultural diagnoses, as well as a form of transfer of social or philosophical notions. This new strategy of the essay was illustrated through the examples of books by Svetlana Slapšak, a leading figure of the (sub)genre in the Serbian culture, a professor of cultural anthropology, classical philologist, and feminist critic: Mala crna haljina. Eseji o antropologiji i feminizmu (1993/2007, Little Black Dress. Essays on Anthropology and Feminism), Ženske ikone XX veka (2001, Female Icons of the 20th Century), Ženske ikone antičkog sveta (2006, Female Icons of the Antiquity), Antička miturgija: žene (2013, Antique Mythurgy: Women). It becomes clear that one of the trends of the contemporary essay in the Serbian and post-Yugoslav cultures is the application of the genre in the spirit of modern engaged humanities and textual intervention.

1979 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 125-130
Fanus C. Gous

Business forecasting in the large manufacturing concerns in South Africa, 1978. Business forecasting has developed rapidly over the past few years as a result of the increasing complexity of the environment of the firm. Some overseas writers assert that the application thereof has developed more slowly than the theory connected to it: although businesses are aware of the necessity and existence of literature on the subject, it is only to a limited extent applied on an organized basis. Overseas businesses apparently experience three problems: a preference for the application of certain techniques is built up so that more suitable techniques are not utilized; not all relevant factors are taken into consideration in the choice of the most suitable technique; and managers often do forecasting themselves even though they possess little knowledge thereof. An empirical study has shown that similar problems are encountered by the relatively large manufacturing concerns in South Africa.Ondernemingsvooruitskatting het gedurende die afgelope jare, as gevolg van die toenemende kompleksiteit in die ondernemingsomgewing, vinnig ontwikkel. Sommige oorsese skrywers beweer dat die toepassing daarvan stadiger ontwikkel het as die teorie daaraan verbonde: ondernemings, alhoewel bewus van die noodsaaklikheid daarvan en ook van die bestaan van literatuur daaroor, pas dit in 'n beperkte mate op georganiseerde grondslag toe. Blykbaar ondervind oorsese ondernemings veral drie probleme: 'n voorkeur vir die toepassing van bepaalde tegnieke word opgebou sodat meer toepaslike tegnieke nie benut word nie; alle relevante faktore word nie in ag geneem by die keuse van die tegniek nie; en bestuurders doen dikwels self vooruitskatting alhoewel hulle oor weinig kennis daarvan beskik. 'n Empiriese studie het getoon dat soortgelyke probleme deur die relatief groot vervaardigingsondernemings in Suid-Afrika ondervind word.

Anton Franks

As ways of making meaning in drama strongly resemble the ways that meanings are made in everyday social life, forms of drama learn from everyday life and, at a societal level, people in everyday life learn from drama. Through history, from the emergence of drama in Western culture, the learning that results at a societal level from the interactions of everyday social life and drama have been noted by scholars. In contemporary culture, electronic and digitized forms of mediation and communication have diversified its content and massively expanded its audiences. Although there are reciprocal relations between everyday life and drama, aspects of everyday life are selected and shaped into the various cultural forms of drama. Processes of selection and shaping crystallize significant aspects of everyday social relations, allowing audiences of and participants in drama to learn and to reflect critically on particular facets of social life. In the 20th century, psychological theories of learning have been developed, taking note of the sociocultural relationships between drama, play, and learning. Learning in and through drama is seen as being socially organized, whole person learning that mobilizes and integrates the bodies and minds of learners. Making signs and meanings through various forms of drama, it is interactive, experiential learning that is semiotically mediated via physical activity. Alongside the various forms of drama that circulate in wider culture, sociocultural theories of learning have also influenced drama pedagogies in schools. In the later part of the 20th century and into the 21st century, drama practices have diversified and been applied as a means of learning in a range of community- and theater-based contexts outside of schooling. Practices in drama education and applied drama and theater, particularly since the late 20th century and into the early 21st century, have been increasingly supported by research employing a range of methods, qualitative, quantitative, and experimental.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-47
Valentina Borisova ◽  
Sergey Schaulov

The aim of the proposed article is to identify the key trends and contradictions in the study and interpretation of Dostoevsky’s work at the turn of the 21st century. Dostoevsky studies are one of the most advanced and active branches of Russian literary studies, which is confirmed by a large number of regular scientific conferences, as well as by a significant number of fundamental monographs. The search for a new interpretive basis in the Christian tradition, which has revealed a number of axiological and methodological contradictions, including the inevitable choice between literary and philosophical/theological discourses, is seen as the main methodological breakthrough in contemporary Russian literary studies (and simultaneously a challenge). Three aspects of the question of the Christian basis of Dostoevsky’s work are examined: along with “dogmatic ranting” (as defined by I. A. Esaulov), reading the writer’s works in the context of the legacy of religious philosophy of the Silver Age remains relevant. We recognize the analysis and interpretation of Dostoevsky’s texts in the spirit of historical poetics as the most productive, provided that the postulate about the Christian nature of the Russian classical tradition is accepted. The methodological search of Dostoevsky’s researchers, typical for the turn of the 21st century, has found its expression in a multitude of “research subjects”: this polemic centers on the definitions of “realism in the highest sense”/“Christian realism” and a dispute around The Idiot and the image of Prince Myshkin, caused by the receptive conflict of interpreters. In addition, the article underscores the problem of the use of Bakhtin’s legacy in Dostoevsky studies: in our opinion, the key notions of his concept in literary studies “function” either in an adjusted form, or as scientific metaphors, or as an “appeal to authority”. Therefore, it seems more productive to include Bakhtin’s heritage in Dostoevsky studies as an essential fact in the history of perception of his work, rather than as a methodological basis for studying the text. It is in this aspect that the success of Russian literature in recent years is most obvious, however, the gap between scientific excellence and mass perception of Dostoevsky is also apparent. The final conclusion states that the contradictions of interpretations generated by transcending the “spectrum of adequacy” when reading a classical text have not been overcome. Dostoevsky’s work still causes controversy and methodological arguments. This means that the history of his perception remains an ongoing, living narrative. Dostoevsky still remains a subject of contemporary culture, rather than its object.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Julius Gathogo

The article sets out to demonstrate that theo-social intolerance in both colonial and post-colonial Kenya, a phenomenon which reminisces other forms of intolerance during and after the 1517 reformation and the persecutions in the early Church, can be overcome. In Kenya, theo-social intolerance was evident when both the missionaries and the colonial authorities blocked any room for dialogue with the practitioners of African religion. It reached its climax when African Instituted Churches and their founded schools were closed down in 1952 by the colonial authorities. Intolerance also manifests itself through the tensions that are evident among Christians and Muslims, afro-Pentecostals versus mainline Churches and so on. As we mark over 500 years of reformation (1517–2019), are there lessons that can inform our theo-social discourses in the 21st century, especially in regard to theo-social tolerance? How can this Ubulwane/Unyama (beastly) behaviour be avoided in our future socio-ecclesial discourses? Despite borrowing broadly in order to build the case for religious tolerance, the article has cited the case of St Andrew’s Kabare, an Anglican Mission centre that was established in 1910, where Rev. Edmund Crawford demonstrated that dialogue between African culture and the Gospel has a positive impact on the society being evangelized.

2021 ◽  

This collection of essays investigates signs of toleration, recognition, respect and other positive forms of interaction between and within religious groups of late antiquity. At the same time, it acknowledges that examples of tolerance are significantly fewer in ancient sources than examples of intolerance and are often limited to insiders, while outsiders often met with contempt, or even outright violence. The essays take both perspectives seriously by analysing the complexity pertaining to these encounters. Religious concerns, ethnicity, gender and other social factors central to identity formation were often intertwined and they yielded different ways of drawing the limits of tolerance and intolerance. This book enhances our understanding of the formative centuries of Jewish and Christian religious traditions. It also brings the results of historical inquiry into dialogue with present-day questions of religious tolerance.

Courtney S. Campbell

The teaching and communal practice of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has embodied an ethic of prevention to retain good health and minimize the ravages of disease. This chapter provides two primary illustrations of this preventive ethic, the 19th-century revelation known as the “Word of Wisdom” and 20th- and 21st-century advocacy of vaccinations. The Word of Wisdom’s structure of invitation, restriction, permission, and promises is illustrative of a covenantal principle of responsibility for health. The prevention ethic of vaccinations was initially greeted with skepticism by members of the LDS community as a further infiltration of state hostility to religious liberty, but ecclesiastical teaching beginning in the 1970s and continuing through international humanitarian programs of vaccination exhibit a generalized acceptance of the value of vaccines. The new vaccine to prevent the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection, HPV, has raised practical ethical questions for LDS students, parents, and professionals committed to ecclesiastical teachings on sexual morality.

Andrew Copson

In Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries, many reformers saw European secularism as an exemplar for their new political orders. Many Asian states went on to adopt a form they called secular, but that in practice conceals a diversity of ways of organizing religion. ‘Secularism diversifies’ examines two avowedly secular states—Turkey and India—who had resources within their own political and religious traditions with which to form their secularism. In the early 21st century, secularism is contested from all quarters, but is also winning new adherents in many parts of the world as populations subject to strong religious sanctions see it still as one of the essential aspects of modernity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 550-567 ◽  
Ted G. Jelen

AbstractThe subjective correlates of abortion attitudes for six different religious traditions (Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam). For all six groups, attitudes toward sexual morality exhibit the strongest relationship with abortion attitudes, followed by the effects of attitudes toward human life. Gender role attitudes are much less powerful predictors of abortion attitudes. Further, the multivariate models which explain abortion attitudes are remarkably similar across religious traditions, with inter-religious differences largely being attributable to differences in the marginal distributions of the independent variables.

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