"Sterben, wenn Sterben das Richtige ist"

2021 ◽  
Derrik H. Sabau

On one hand, this work serves a deeper understanding about suicide as a social phenomenon by highlighting its different philosophical and sociological movements, while, on the other hand, a detailed acquisition of the semantic consistency of suicide in literature is using eight prosaic works to structurally analyze. Through an interdisciplinary structure, which is embedding theories from Durkheim, Freud, Foucault, Kant, Schopenhauer, Augustinus and others in the context of literary studies, a unique and transparent insight in the controversial topic of an intercultural suicide ethic is offered.

(an)ecdótica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-100
Rodrigo Javier Caresani ◽  

Hand in hand with recent theoretical and empirical developments related to the notion of archive, the field of Spanish American Modernism Studies is currently undergoing a stage of profound transformation. The validity in Literary Studies of a “new” philology not only highlights problems in the editions of classical texts from the fin de siècle period, but also invites researchers to review the clichés associated with this movement. In this sense, the case of Rubén Darío (1867-1916), whose texts remain in a state of notable precariousness, is exemplary. This article comments and recovers two unknown chronicles published in El Orden, a local newspaper in the Argentine province of Tucumán, that were written by this author. Besides their evident documental value, these texts, which were conceived at the farewell to his residence in Buenos Aires in 1898, acquire relevance if they are connected to the concerns that Darío will cultivate on his imminent trip to Europe. On one hand, they can be read as yet another episode of Buenosairean “calibanism”; on the other hand, they can be understood as an anticipation of a critical perspective towards the mythification of the concept of progress in the Parisian Universal Exhibition of 1900.

Tekstualia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (60) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Rafał Koschany

Screenplays are a paradoxical and ambivalent phenomenon. On the one hand, a screenplay is a literary genre and its development attests to the process of its emancipation from the power of fi lm and fi lm theory. On the other hand, however, the screenplay read as the text „is becoming a movie” already during the act of reading. The screenplay – as a quasi-literary phenomenon – can be a useful and inspiring tool in fi lm interpretation, as it opens up a variety of methodological possibilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Nuryamin Nuryamin

This article discusses the concept of bribery in the perspective of hadith jurisprudence and its impact on human life. By looking at some definitions of bribery, it is found that all definitions give different meanings, goals, and aspects, there are essence of bribery, or which have similarities to them (such as gratification), because bribery is a social phenomenon and has many patterns making it difficult to define definitions the right and limit the meaning. But a definition that explains the meaning of bribery objectively, namely: Giving given to someone (an official) so that the right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right, because it summarizes the essence of bribery practice and is considered a comprehensive definition of all banned aspects of bribery, so let us choose this. In Qur’ān and Ḥadīth, Allah forbade his servant to eat bribery property, because this property was included as part of consuming other people's assets with vanity. Even though bribery is called a variety of terms in daily life, such as facilitation payments, tips, etc., the legal status and prohibition cannot change with these various terms. Bribes also have the potential to create hate conflicts and hostility among members of the community. Because in essence, bribery is only a tool for those who hold policies to oppress the weak. On the other hand, those who surrendered their wealth to the recipients of this bribe gave their assets very forcefully.

Panggung ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
Mauly Purba

ABSTRACT Up to the 1990’s the use of the gondang sabangunan, the traditional ceremonial music ensamble of the Batak Toba people,  still played an important role in the practice of their adat (customary law) ceremonies—such as wedding and funeral ceremonies. In present time, however, the so-called musik tiup, a combination of Western brass instruments and Batak Toba traditional musical instruments, tends  to take place of the role of the gondang sabangunan in the adat ceremonies; its use is in fact countinuous. This paper aims to investigate whether or not it is a kind of  social process of  forming a new musical culture identity of the Batak Toba people in Medan. Ethnomusicological and ethno- historical approaches are used in investigating this particular social phenomenon. This research uses decriptive method and the result shows that, on one hand, the people intend to look after their ances- tors’ traditions through the practice of adat ceremonies where they use musik tiup, yet at the same time, they not only perform traditional gondang repertoires (gondang compositions) but also employ certain instruments of the gondang sabangunan ensamble. On the other hand, through the use of musik tiup the people mean to construct and  enrich their musical culture identity. Keywords: Batak Toba, musik tiup, Gondang Sabangunan, identity, adat    ABSTRAK Hingga  dekade  1990an  penggunaan  gondang  sabangunan,  ensambel  musik  seremo- nial masyarakat Batak Toba Toba di kota Medan, masih memainkan peran yang penting di dalam upacara-upacara adat, antara lain upacara perkawinan dan kematian. Namun, dewasa ini ensambel yang dikenal sebagai musik tiup, yang merupakan kombinasi alat musik tiup logam (dari kebudayaan Barat) dengan alat musik dari kebudayaan Batak Toba, kelihatannya menggantikan posisi ensambel gondang sabangunan di dalam upacara-upa- cara adat; kondisi ini berkesinambungan. Apakah ini suatu dinamika proses sosial dalam rangka pembentukan identitas kebudayaan musikal yang baru bagi masyarakat Batak Toba di kota Medan? Pendekatan etnomusikologi dan etnohistori diaplikasikan dalam hal me- mahami dan menganalisa masalah ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa di satu sisi, masyarakat berusaha menjaga kesinambungan tradisi musik leluhur mereka melalui pelaksanaan upacara adat walaupun dengan format ensambel yang berbeda (musik tiup), tetapi tetap memberi ruang kepada elemen musik dan ekstra musikal tradisi gondang Batak Toba, khususnya instrumen dan melodi gondang. Di sisi yang lain, melalui musik tiup masyarakat memberikan kontribusi pada pengayaan identitas kebudayaan musikalnya. Kata kunci: Batak Toba, musik tiup, Gondang Sabangunan, identitas, adat

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 1426
Leila Damirchi Loo

Intertextuality reflects certain studies theories shaped in recent decades and has been widely used in artistic and literary studies as well as other studies in the field of Humanities. Intertextuality is not merely a theoretical notion in literary studies since its influence embraces the intellectual and cultural field as a whole. Intertextuality not only challenges many traditional beliefs, but also addresses the fact that a culture is constantly seeking to prove its own originality and identity through suppressing plurality, diversity, altruism, and dissent shall never tolerate the inevitable consequences of this concept. On the other hand, as a cultural and historical term, Postmodernism often invokes in one’s mind notions of hybridization, emulation, and combination of pre-established styles and trends. In the same way, contemporary art relies on certain visually distinguishable images of classical paintings. Apparently, Intertextuality serves to highlight the important notions of the fundamental relationship as well as the mutual bond and interdependence in today’s cultural existence. This article studies how Intertextuality as a way of thinking has influenced the development of various painting and architectural styles. For this purpose, we first define Intertextuality and investigate how and why it has come to encompass its present meanings and applications.

2020 ◽  
Christiane Then-Westphal

Dissertation, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2016 Dynastic continuity is of very high importance not only for aristocracy, but also for the strong continuance of medieval political systems: The purpose of noble marriages and a sign of the grace of God is to be blessed with children. On the other hand, the church propagates sexual abstinence as a vital virtue of Christian saints. This thesis analyzes, how medieval texts deal with the existence of celibacy and childlessness in the high nobility. Models of marriage and dynastic concepts were researched on the basis of the married couples of „King Rother“ and „Münchner Oswald“ as well as of the literary constructs of the historical emperor Henry II. and empress Cunegund in Ebernand’s of Erfurt „Keisir unde Keisirin“, landgrave Louis and Elizabeth of Thuringia in a German Vita of Elizabeth. These texts allow to draw conclusions on contemporary discussions about the controversial topic of marriage and chastity. By analyzing the shaping of the paths of life and how the propagated life models have been legitimated, the monograph shows which traditions of discourse were the basis for the perceptions that were picked up and developed in these texts. Adelig-dynastische Kontinuität ist für den stabilen Fortbestand mittelalterlicher Staatswesen von immenser Bedeutung: mit Nachkommen gesegnet zu werden, wird somit zum Ziel adeliger Ehepolitik und gilt als Beweis für die eigene Gottgefälligkeit. Auf der anderen Seite propagiert die Kirche das Ideal der sexuellen Enthaltsamkeit als eine zentrale Tugend christlicher Heiliger. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie hochmittelalterliche deutsche Texte damit umgehen, dass es Enthaltsamkeit und Kinderlosigkeit auch im Hochadel gegeben hat. Untersucht werden Ehemodelle und dynastische Konzepte anhand der Herrscherpaare aus dem „König Rother“ und dem „Münchner Oswald“ sowie die literarischen Konstruktionen des historischen Kaiserpaars Heinrich II. und Kunigunde in Ebernands von Erfurt „Keisir unde Keisirin“ und des Landgrafenpaars Ludwig und Elisabeth von Thüringen aus der deutschsprachigen Elisabethvita. Sie lassen Rückschlüsse auf zeitgenössische Diskussionen über dieses brisante Thema zu. Anhand der Gestaltung der Lebensentwürfe und der Legitimationsstrategien des jeweils propagierten Lebensmodells wird aufgezeigt, aus welchen Diskurstraditionen die in den Texten wirksamen Vorstellungen aufgegriffen und weiterentwickelt wurden.

2021 ◽  
pp. 155-172
Tamara P. Batalova ◽  
Galina V. Fedianova ◽  

The authors of the proposed article aimed to consider the discussion of Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons”, which unfolded in the 1920s — 1930s, in two aspects: from the point of view of its significance for the development of literary studies, and on the other hand, to determine its influence on the new Soviet ideology that was developing at that time. To clarify the first side of the General problem, we studied the works of leading literary critics of that time-V.V. Vinogradov, A.S. Dolinin, L.P. Grossman, V.L. Komarovich, B.M. Engelhardt, V.F. Pereverzev, P.N. Medvedev, and others. The influence of Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons” on the ideology of that time is evidenced by the works of N.A. Berdyaev, Yu.I. Aichenwald, S.S. Borschevsky, the materials of the journal “Vestnik Literatura”, the discussion about Dostoevsky, which gradually manifested itself at the First all-Union Congress of Soviet writers, resulting in the prohibition of a separate publication of the novel “Demons”. The research has shown that works about Dostoevsky of the 1920s — 1930s and, above all, about the novel “Demons”, such as the discussion of the first published Chapter “at Tikhon’s”, are of great importance in the development of dostoevistics. On the other hand, the discussion of the novel “Demons”, especially in the 1930s, became a discussion with a new ideology that contradicts the objective discussion of Dostoevsky’s work. Overcoming this situation has only been possible since the late 1980s.

2001 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 83-104 ◽  
Charles Sabatos

One of the most significant developments in literary studies over the last twenty years has been the postcolonial discourse that emerged with Edward Said's groundbreaking Orientalism, which has been enormously beneficial in heightening awareness of a set of Western assumptions that had gone virtually unquestioned for centuries.One of Said's role models, whom he mentions in both Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism and discusses at greatest length in his essay “Secular Criticism,” is Erich Auerbach, the Jewish-German scholar who wrote the literary history Mimesis during his exile in Istanbul. Auerbach's own explanation of his situation in exile occurs at the very end of Mimesis: “I may also mention that the book was written during the war and at Istanbul, where the libraries are not equipped for European studies …. On the other hand, it is quite possible that the book owes its existence to just this lack of a rich and specialized library” (Auerbach 1953, p. 557).

PMLA ◽  
1967 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-32
Theodore Silverstein

The trouble with allegory is that it has become a fashionable current preoccupation and people like to be for it or against it. Polemics always tend to vulgarize issues, critical problems get lost among the involvements with “positions,” scholarship becomes a device for finding proofs in history for tightly held hypotheses, and argument becomes a form of rhetoric. But an even worse consequence of such controversial constriction is that it puts literary studies in a straightjacket. There is an important truth in that account of Western literary criticism in the Middle Ages which sees it primarily as a working out and extension of Augustinian doctrine, with the problems of Christian allegory at its center, and there is sufficient evidence in history to support and enlighten that view. Those, on the other hand, who are uncomfortable with allegory and find this view somehow less than satisfactory for the reading of certain texts may accept the allegorists' description of the tradition generally but at the same time justify their dissidence by pointing out (1) that there were other forms of allegory in the Middle Ages, which such a statement of tradition does not adequately consider, (2) that not all literary pieces were formed by their authors under the influence of that tradition, whatever interpreters afterwards may have done in reading them, and (3) that, in any case, even the Christian doctors most learned in the allegorical art did not claim that it could operate uniformly in all its variety everywhere or in every piece. On the contrary, they were the first to warn against such an assumption. Yes, say the proponents of allegory in response, but we don't make so rigid a claim as you imply; we are aware that not every medieval poem can be read by all the kinds of interpretation at once; some pieces obviously intend no more than the simplest sort of old-fashioned moralizing. And so it goes, pro and con, in secula seculorum.

1999 ◽  
Vol 173 ◽  
pp. 249-254
A.M. Silva ◽  
R.D. Miró

AbstractWe have developed a model for theH2OandOHevolution in a comet outburst, assuming that together with the gas, a distribution of icy grains is ejected. With an initial mass of icy grains of 108kg released, theH2OandOHproductions are increased up to a factor two, and the growth curves change drastically in the first two days. The model is applied to eruptions detected in theOHradio monitorings and fits well with the slow variations in the flux. On the other hand, several events of short duration appear, consisting of a sudden rise ofOHflux, followed by a sudden decay on the second day. These apparent short bursts are frequently found as precursors of a more durable eruption. We suggest that both of them are part of a unique eruption, and that the sudden decay is due to collisions that de-excite theOHmaser, when it reaches the Cometopause region located at 1.35 × 105kmfrom the nucleus.

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