scholarly journals El diseño de preguntas clínicas en la práctica basada en la evidencia. Modelos de formulación

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 431 ◽  
Juan Daniel Martínez Díaz ◽  
Verónica Ortega Chacón ◽  
Francisco José Muñoz Ronda

Objetivo: Identificar estructuras estandarizadas para la formulación de preguntas clínicas en el marco de la práctica basada en la evidencia. <br /><br />Método: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura. La  búsqueda bibliográfica se efectuó en las bases de datos MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE y LILACS, y en el buscador académico Google Scholar. Se efectuaron estrategias de búsqueda sensibles y acordes a cada base de datos. Límites de búsqueda: intervalo de tiempo (enero de 1995 a abril de 2015), idioma (artículos en inglés). Se usaron palabras clave libres  y descriptores del Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) pertinentes: evidence based practice, question, formulation, well-built question, framework. <br /><br />Resultados: Se encontraron 10 manuscritos que aportaron el diseño original de estructuras para la formulación de preguntas clínicas en el ámbito de la práctica basada en la evidencia. El modelo PICO es la estructura más conocida y comúnmente utilizada en investigación cuantitativa y de él derivan los modelos PICOT, PICOTT, PICOS, PIPOH, PECORD, PESICO. En el campo de la gestión sanitaria la estructura ECLIPSE se erige para formulación de preguntas relacionadas con la gestión. Por último, para la búsqueda de evidencias cualitativas se han configurado los modelos SPICE y SPIDER adecuando sus componentes al fenómeno cualitativo. <br /><br />Conclusiones: Estos modelos estandarizadas se comportan como un instrumento idóneo para guiar la estrategia de búsqueda y delimitar el área de interés. Dada la gran variedad de piezas que integran las estructuras, su conocimiento exhaustivo acrecienta sus usos potenciales. Estas estructuras no deben ser consideradas como una guía rígida a la que ceñirse ineludiblemente.<br /><br />

2012 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-132 ◽  
Randy R. Richter ◽  
Tricia M. Austin

Background Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an important paradigm in health care. Physical therapists report lack of knowledge and time constraints as barriers to EBP. Objective The purpose of this technical report is to illustrate how Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), a controlled vocabulary thesaurus of indexing terms, is used to efficiently search MEDLINE, the largest component of PubMed. Using clinical questions, this report illustrates how search terms common to physical therapist practice do or do not map to appropriate MeSH terms. A PubMed search strategy that takes advantage of text words and MeSH terms is provided. Results A search of 139 terms and 13 acronyms was conducted to determine whether they appropriately mapped to a MeSH term. The search results were categorized into 1 of 5 outcomes. Nearly half (66/139) of the search terms mapped to an appropriate MeSH term (outcome 1). When a search term did not appropriately map to a MeSH term, it was entered into the MeSH database to search for an appropriate MeSH term. Twenty-one appropriate MeSH terms were found (outcomes 2 and 4), and there were 52 search terms for which an appropriate MeSH term was not found (outcomes 3 and 5). Nearly half of the acronyms did not map to an appropriate MeSH term, and an appropriate MeSH term was not found in the database. Limitations The results are based on a limited number of search terms and acronyms. Conclusions Understanding how search terms map to MeSH terms and using the PubMed search strategy can enable physical therapists to take full advantage of available MeSH terms and should result in more-efficient and better-informed searches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. e521101422252
Júlio César Guimarães Freire ◽  
Jessyka Hellem de Melo Pereira ◽  
Paulo Henrique Lucas do Nascimento ◽  
Pedro Antônio Medeiros da Silva ◽  
Aparecida Borges ◽  

O envelhecimento da população faz surgir a necessidade de cuidados especiais com a saúde. O edentulismo, por exemplo, é uma condição bucal que afeta, principalmente, os idosos, sendo comum o uso de próteses dentárias que muitas vezes geram lesões orais. Este protocolo propõe uma revisão de escopo sobre a prevalência de lesões na mucosa oral em decorrência do uso de prótese dentária na população idosa. Desse modo, o objetivo do referido protocolo é apresentar a metodologia que será adotada, de acordo com as recomendações de estruturação do Joanna Briggs Institute para revisões de escopo, sendo este documento previamente registrado no repositório Open Science Framework. A estratégia de busca será elaborada de modo a identificar as possíveis fontes de evidências publicadas nas seguintes bases de dados: Cochrane, PubMed via MEDLINE, LILACS, Web of Science e Scopus. No que se refere à literatura cinzenta, serão feitas buscas através do Google Scholar. Serão utilizados os seguintes descritores do vocabulário controlado Descritores em Ciências da Saúde/Medical Subject Headings: idoso/aged, prótese dentária/dental prosthesis e manifestações bucais/oral manifestations, seus sinônimos e variações ortográficas. A estratégia PCC (População, Conceito, Contexto) servirá de base para elaboração da pergunta de pesquisa e definição dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Os resultados da revisão de escopo proposta deverão mostrar os fatores que influenciam a prevalência de lesões em mucosa oral de pessoas idosas que fazem uso de prótese dentária.

Konstantinos Kyriakoulis ◽  
Athina Patelarou ◽  
Aggelos Laliotis ◽  
Andrew C Wan ◽  
Michail Matalliotakis ◽  

Purpose: The aim of this systematic review was to find best teaching strategies for teaching evidence-based practice (EBP) to undergraduate health students that have been adopted over the last years in healthcare institutions worldwide. Methods: The authors carried out a systematic, comprehensive bibliographic search using Medline database for the years 2005 to March 2015 (updated in March 2016). Search terms used were chosen from the USNLM Institutes of Health list of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and free text key terms were used as well. Selected articles were measured based on the inclusion criteria of this study and initially compared in terms of titles or abstracts. Finally, articles relevant to the subject of this review were retrieved in full text. Critical appraisal was done to determine the effects of strategy of teaching evidence-based medicine (EBM). Results: Twenty articles were included in the review. The majority of the studies sampled medical students (n=13) and only few conducted among nursing (n=2), pharmacy (n=2), physiotherapy/therapy (n=1), dentistry (n=1), or mixed disciplines (n=1) students. Studies evaluated a variety of educational interventions of varying duration, frequency and format (lectures, tutorials, workshops, conferences, journal clubs, and online sessions), or combination of these to teach EBP. We categorized interventions into single interventions covering a workshop, conference, lecture, journal club, or e-learning and multifaceted interventions where a combination of strategies had been assessed. Seven studies reported an overall increase to all EBP domains indicating a higher EBP competence and two studies focused on the searching databases skill. Conclusion: Followings were deduced from above analysis: multifaceted approach may be best suited when teaching EBM to health students; the use of technology to promote EBP through mobile devices, simulation, and the web is on the rise; and the duration of the interventions varying form some hours to even months was not related to the students’ EBP competence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Tania Lissette Ayala-Galdámez ◽  
Walter Vladimir Roque Esquivel ◽  
Ruth Elizabeth Fuentes de Sermeño

Objetivo. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es analizar la evidencia científica existente, sobre los diferentes tratamientos regenerativos pulpares, en dientes permanentes jóvenes con necrosis pulpar, para conocer las diversas alternativas de materiales y técnicas utilizadas. Materiales y métodos Se realizó una búsqueda electrónica biomédica avanzada en base de datos PubMed, utilizando palabras clave MeSh Terms (Medical Subject Headings), para identificar la cantidad de artículos científicos disponibles, en la que se encontraron estudios sobre tratamientos de regeneración pulpar en dientes permanentes jóvenes inmaduros, con el fin de identificar los diferentes tratamientos, materiales, técnicas, y resultados obtenidos con dichas maniobras clínicas. Resultados Se encontraron 30 artículos, en los que se identificaron los diversos tratamientos en regeneración pulpar de dientes permanentes jóvenes inmaduros, investigaciones de ensayos clínicos aleatorios, utilizando 11 artículos. Conclusiones En las diversas investigaciones se encuentran diferentes tratamientos, materiales y técnicas a utilizar de para la regeneración pulpar, encontrando variaciones en soluciones irrigadoras, medicaciones intraconductos, número de citas y material de sellado coronal, sin embargo el Trióxido Mineral Agregado MTA es el utilizado con mayor frecuencia; se necesitan más investigaciones que puedan destacar un protocolo de atención.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-185
Sabrina Brisse Gonçalves Cerqueira ◽  
Julianne Pitanga Teixeira ◽  
Tatiane Costa Carneiro ◽  
Grasiella Pereira Ferreira ◽  
Júlia Hellen Santana da Silva ◽  

Introdução: O SARS-CoV-2 se estabeleceu como um dos principais agentes etiológicos de instabilidade da função pulmonar e repercussões no trato respiratório. Devido à necessidade de suporte ventilatório prolongado, pode ser observado aumento na demanda da indicação da traqueostomia. Objetivo: verificar as evidências disponíveis sobre o manejo fonoaudiológico da traqueostomia em pacientes com COVID-19, através de uma revisão breve do conhecimento atual. Método: As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados do Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo, Web of Science, Scopus e Google Scholar, no período de agosto de 2020, através dos descritores “tracheostomy and COVID-19”, extraídos do Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) e dos Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS). Resultados: seis estudos foram selecionados, de acordo com os critérios de elegibilidade. O processo de desmame do cuff ou troca da cânula da traqueostomia foi sugerido após resultado negativo para COVID-19. Os estudos sugerem avaliação clínica da deglutição, o uso de cânulas sem fenestra, com cuff insuflado. O uso de equipamentos de proteção individual foi fortemente indicado durante os procedimentos. Não há consenso quanto à intervenção fonoaudiológica para pacientes traqueostomizados com COVID-19. Conclusão: Esta revisão não mostrou evidências científicas sobre o manejo fonoaudiológico da traqueostomia em pacientes com COVID-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. e22932303
Marcel Vasconcellos ◽  
Thaís Nogueira de Castro

O uso de jalecos brancos tem por finalidade a proteção dos profissionais durante a realização de procedimentos a pacientes, que envolvam material biológico. No entanto, ainda não foi comprovado seu potencial para a ocorrência de infecções cruzadas por equipes multidisciplinares em saúde, uma vez que estes microrganismos necessitam de um ambiente úmido para sua sobrevivência. Desse modo, foi realizada uma revisão sobre artigos que tratam do uso de jalecos como meio de transmissão de microrganismos patogênicos. A pesquisa foi realizada no banco de dados indexados do PubMed®, SciELO e Google Scholar, e utilizou como estratégia de busca os termos MeSH (Medical Subject Headings): (("coats") AND ("cross infection")) OR "pathogenic microorganisms". Foram incluídos artigos de texto completo publicados nos últimos 30 anos (entre janeiro de 1990 a dezembro de 2019). As diretrizes PRISMA foram seguidas. A busca resultou em 167 artigos, dos quais 145 foram excluídos por não terem pertinência com o tema, restando 22 artigos. O estudo reitera a necessidade de campanhas de conscientização dos profissionais e da população, a respeito da restrição do uso de jalecos em áreas externas, assim como a rigorosa e frequente desinfecção dos mesmos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. e4390
Jorgete Carneiro Chaves ◽  
Ana Cristina Lo Prete ◽  
Orenzio Soler ◽  
Carolina Heitmann Mares Azevedo Ribeiro

Objetivo: Investigar evidências sobre tipos de intervenções, dando ênfase às intervenções farmacêuticas, e seus respectivos desfechos clínicos, epidemiológicos, de acesso, humanístico e econômicos em portadores de HIV/Aids em atendimento de média complexidade. Métodos: Revisão sistemática com estratégia de busca nos estudos publicados nas bases Cochrane Library, Epistemonikos, Health Evidence, Health Systems Evidence, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Google Scholar; incluindo Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) e Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS), incluindo os domínios “Pharmaceutical attention”, “Pharmaceutical Care”, “Pharmaceutical Interventions”, “Pharmaceutical Services”, “HIV/AIDS”, “Medium Complexity Attention” e “Medium Complexity Care”, sendo adaptada para as distintas bases eletrônicas, utilizando-se dos operadores booleanos OR e AND. Resultados: Há evidências de que as intervenções farmacêuticas profissionais, financeiras, governamentais e multifacetadas, melhoram os desfechos clínicos, epidemiológicos, de acesso e equidade, humanístico e econômicos em portadores de HIV/Aids em atendimento de média complexidade. Considerações finais: Diversas intervenções farmacêuticas ao portador de HIV/Aids se mostraram importantes na melhora de desfechos clínicos, epidemiológicos, humanísticos e de acesso e equidade, tendo assim o cuidado farmacêutico se mostrado importante para fortalecer as estratégias do uso racional de medicamentos e promovendo a melhoria da qualidade de vida do paciente.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Lindsay J. Alcock

A Review of: Swanberg, S. M., Dennison, C. C., Farrell, A., Machel, V., Marton, C., O'Brien, K. K., … & Holyoke, A. N. (2016). Instructional methods used by health sciences librarians to teach evidence-based practice (EBP): a systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 104(3), 197-208. Abstract Objective – To determine both the instructional methods and their effectiveness in teaching evidence based practice (EBP) by librarians in health sciences curricula. Design – Systematic review. Setting – A total of 16 databases, Google Scholar, and MLA Annual Meeting abstracts. Subjects – There were 27 studies identified through a systematic literature search. Methods – An exhaustive list of potential articles was gathered through searching 16 online databases, Google Scholar, and MLA Annual Conference abstracts. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were identified to inform the literature search and determine article eligibility. Duplicates were removed and the remaining search results were divided into sets and assigned to two reviewers who screened first by title/abstract and then by full-text. A third reviewer addressed disagreement in article inclusion. Data extraction, using a validated method described by Koufogiannakis and Wiebe (2006), and critical appraisal, using the Glasgow checklist (1999), were performed concurrently. Main Results – After removal of duplicates 30,043 articles were identified for initial title/abstract screening. Of the 637 articles assessed for full-text screening 26 articles and 1 conference proceeding ultimately met all eligibility criteria. There was no meta-analysis included in the synthesis. There were 16 articles published in library and information science journals and 10 in health sciences journals. Of those studies, 22 were conducted in the United States. A wide range of user groups was identified as participants in the studies with medical students and residents representing the highest percentage and nursing and other allied health professional programs also included. While there was variation in sample size and group allocation, the authors estimate an average of 50 participants per instructional session. Included studies represented research undertaken since the 1990s. All studies addressed at least one of the standard EBP steps including obtaining the best evidence through a literature search (27 studies), developing a clinical question (22 studies), and critical appraisal (12 studies). There were 11 studies which addressed applying evidence to clinical scenarios, and 1 study which addressed the efficacy and efficiency of the EBP process. The majority of studies indicated that literature searching was the primary focus of EBP instruction with MEDLINE being the most utilized database and Cochrane second. Other resources include databases and clinical decision support tools. Teaching methods, including lecture, small group, computer lab, and online instruction, varied amongst the studies. There were 7 studies which employed 1 instructional method while 20 employed a combination of teaching methods. Only one study compared instructional methods and found that students obtained better scores when they received online instruction as compared with face-to-face instruction. The difference, however, was not statistically significant. Skills assessments were conducted in most of the studies utilizing various measurements both validated and not validated. Given the variation in measurement tools a cross-study analysis was not possible. The most common assessment methods included self-reporting and pre- and post-surveys of participants’ attitudes and confidence in EBP skills. Randomization was utilized in 10 studies, and an additional 3 studies had a “clearly defined intervention group.” There were 10 blinded studies and 15 studies utilized cohorts with pre- and post- intervention assessments. There were 25 studies which included descriptive statistics and many also included inferential statistics intended to show significance. Differences between groups were assessed with parametric measures in 9 studies and non-parametric measures in 15 studies. Good to high statistical significance on at least 1 measurement was achieved in 23 studies. Given the absence of effect sizes, the level of differences between study groups could not be determined. Conclusion – Numerous pedagogical methods are used in librarian-led instruction in evidence based practice. However, there is a paucity of high level evidence and the literature suggests that no instructional method is demonstrated to be more effective than another.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ana Lilia Villafuerte Montiel

La supervisión clínica es una actividad profesional diseñada para formar psicoterapeutas competentes y éticos, cuyas intervenciones sean eficaces para brindar un servicio de alta calidad a los pacientes. Cumple con funciones formativas, restaurativas y normativas, las cuales dependen en buena medida del modelo de supervisión que se emplee. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura para dar cuenta de las categorías de modelos existentes y se proporciona una síntesis de algunos modelos comúnmente empleados en la supervisión. Se consultaron bases académicas pertenecientes a EBSCO, específicamente Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, así como ERIC, PsycArticles y Google Scholar, y se seleccionaron artículos que comprendidos entre 1995 y 2020 para llevar a cabo este análisis. La consulta empleó palabras clave en inglés: “clinical supervision”, “supervision”, “competence”, “competency-based”, “evidence-based supervision” y “psychotherapy-based supervision”. Se presentan cuatro categorías de modelos, tres de las cuales son globalmente aceptadas y la cuarta se ofrece como una propuesta a integrar porque cuenta con características específicas y representa la evolución que ha tenido el área y está sustentada por la investigación.

CJEM ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (S1) ◽  
pp. S97-S97
A. Carter ◽  
J. Greene ◽  
J. Cook ◽  
J. Goldstein ◽  
J. Jensen ◽  

Introduction: Patients who require end of life (EoL)/palliative care occasionally need assistance from paramedics. This review evaluated the evidence for paramedic-delivered EoL/palliative care interventions. Methods: The Canadian Prehospital Evidence-based Practice (PEP) Project methodology was used. A PubMed search was conducted, using Medical Subject headings and title/abstract key words. Titles and abstracts were reviewed for relevance. Studies were not required to be EMS based but must have focused on interventions available to EMS personnel. Included full text studies were scored by trained primary appraisers on a three-point Level of Evidence (LOE) scale (high = 1, moderate = 2 and low = 3) and three-point Direction of Evidence (DOE) scale (supportive, neutral, or opposing). Studies were categorized by clinical condition (n=5) and by intervention (n=25), and plotted on 3×3 (DOE × LOE) tables. The study primary outcome and setting were determined. Results: The search returned 3255 articles; 86 were selected for abstract review; with 30 full text articles ultimately included. Intervention recommendations were: LOE 1-supportive (n=3, 12%), 2-supportive (n=2, 8%), 3-supportive (n=2, 8%), 1-neutral (n=2, 8%), 2-neutral (n=2, 8%), 3-neutral (n=4, 16%). No primary studies were identified for 10 (40%) interventions. Conditions with 1-supportive studies were: ‘breathlessness’ and ‘analgesia’. ‘Secretions’ condition had no relevant evidence. Interventions with 1-supportive evidence were: Haldol for agitation (n=1), fentanyl and morphine for analgesia (n=3 and n=1), narcotics for breathlessness (n=1). No intervention had opposing evidence. Primary outcomes were more commonly related to symptom relief (n=26, 87%), safety (n=3, 10%), or tolerability (n=1, 3%). Only one included study was conducted in the EMS setting. Conclusion: Evidence for interventions used by paramedics in the treatment of patients requiring EoL/palliative care was identified, as were evidence gaps. Little research was conducted in the EMS setting, and most interventions had few studies. These PEP findings highlight topics requiring high quality EMS research specific to EoL/palliative care to inform this growing aspect of paramedic practice.

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