scholarly journals Uncertainty expression in surgical patients of organ removal: a cross-sectional study

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-247
Thais Martins Gomes de Oliveira ◽  
Cristine Alves Costa de Jesus

Introduction: The surgical treatment of organ removal seems to meet a number of pathologies that emerge as health needs of populations. In this context, the state of uncertainty is installed.Objective: To investigate the uncertainty in illness in surgical patients of organ removal.Method: Cross-sectional study developed with patients admitted to the surgical outpatient clinic of a university hospital. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected, in addition to applying Mishel uncertainty in illness scale.Results: The profile of medical diagnoses in the 60 participants showed that the most frequent diseases were the neoplasms. As for the scale application, 68% of the participants presented scores greater than or equal to 80 points. The value found for the Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.842. The surgical procedures abdominal hysterectomy and mastectomy, which were the most prevalent for the participants, are associated with uncertainty domains.Conclusions: High levels of uncertainty demonstrated the need for the management of this condition. The psychosocial aspects of surgical treatments are disregarded at the expense of the clinical restoration, circumstances that neglect the patient’s emotional suffering. The improvement of communication between the health professional and the patient can influence to prevent the manifestation of the lack of information, one of the forms of expressing uncertainty. Aspects such as the patient’s socioeconomic profile, educational level and income must be taken into account in the surgical treatment of organ removal. The uncertainty experienced by these patients needs to be better known and widely disseminated to gain prominence in the health care setting. Introducción: El tratamiento quirúrgico de la extirpación de órganos parece satisfacer una serie de patologías que surgen como necesidades de salud de las poblaciones. En este contexto, se instala el estado de incertidumbre.Objetivo: Investigar la incertidumbre de la extracción de un órgano en pacientes quirúrgicos.Método: Estudio transversal realizado con pacientes hospitalizados en la clínica quirúrgica de un hospital universitario. Variables sociodemográficas y clínicas fueron recogidas, además, se aplicó la escala de incertidumbre en la enfermedad de Mishel.Resultados: El perfil de diagnósticos médicos en los 60 participantes mostró que las enfermedades más frecuentes fueron las neoplasias. Con relación a la aplicación de la escala, el 68% de los participantes presentaron puntuaciones mayores o iguales a 80 puntos. El valor hallado para el alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,842. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos histerectomía abdominal y mastectomía, que fueron los más frecuentes para los participantes, están asociados con áreas de incertidumbre.Conclusiones: Los altos niveles de incertidumbre demostraron la necesidad de la gestión de esta condición. Los aspectos psicosociales de los tratamientos quirúrgicos son desconsiderados a expensas de la restauración clínica, circunstancias en que se descuida el sufrimiento emocional del paciente. La mejora de la comunicación entre los profesionales de la salud y el paciente puede influir para prevenir la manifestación de la falta de información, una de las formas de la expresión de la incertidumbre. Aspectos como el perfil socioeconómico del paciente, el nivel educativo y los ingresos deben tenerse en cuenta en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la extracción de órganos. La incertidumbre experimentada por estos pacientes debe conocerse mejor y difundirse ampliamente para que estos aspectos se destaquen en el entorno de la atención médica. Introdução: O tratamento cirúrgico de retirada de órgãos surge para atender a uma diversidade de patologias que emergem como necessidade de saúde apresentadas pelas populações, sendo considerado um procedimento que provoca no paciente sentimentos de incerteza.Objetivo: Investigar a incerteza na doença, em pacientes cirúrgicos submetidos à retirada de órgão.Método: Estudo transversal desenvolvido com pacientes internados na clínica cirúrgica de um hospital universitário. Coletaram-se as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas e aplicou-se a escala da incerteza na doença de Mishel (MUIS).Resultados: O perfil de diagnósticos médicos nos 60 participantes revelou que as doenças mais frequentes foram as neoplasias. Quanto a aplicação da escala, 68% dos participantes apresentaram escores maiores ou iguais a 80 pontos. O valor encontrado para o Alpha de Cronbach foi de 0,842. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos, histerectomia via abdominal e mastectomia, os quais foram os mais prevalentes para os participantes, se associam aos domínios da incerteza.Conclusões: Elevados níveis de incerteza evidenciaram a necessidade do manejo dessa condição. Os aspectos psicossociais dos tratamentos cirúrgicos acabam secundarizados em detrimento do reestabelecimento clínico, circunstância em que se negligencia o sofrimento emocional do paciente. A melhora da comunicação entre o profissional da saúde e o paciente pode influenciar para que não ocorra a manifestação da falta de informação, uma das formas de expressão da incerteza. Aspectos como perfil socioeconômico do paciente, escolaridade e renda devem ser levados em consideração no tratamento cirúrgico de retirada de órgãos. A incerteza vivenciada por esses pacientes precisa ser mais conhecida e amplamente disseminada para ganhar destaque no ambiente de saúde.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47 ◽  
Thatianny Tanferri de Brito Paranaguá ◽  
Ana Lúcia Queiroz Bezerra ◽  
Andressa Luanna Moreira dos Santos ◽  
Ana Elisa Bauer de Camargo Silva

The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the occurrence of incidents related to medication, registered in the medical records of patients admitted to a Surgical Clinic, in 2010. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted at a university hospital, with a sample of 735 hospitalizations. Was performed the categorization of types of incidents, multivariate analysis of regression logistic and calculated the prevalence. The prevalence of drug-related incidents was estimated at 48.0% and were identified, as factors related to the occurrence of these incidents: length of hospitalization more than four days, prescribed three or more medications per day and realization of surgery intervention. It is expected to have contributed for the professionals and area managers can identify risky situations and rethink their actions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-106
Thais Martins Gomes de Oliveira ◽  
Cristine Alves Costa de Jesus ◽  
Ana Lúcia Da Silva ◽  
Diana Lúcia Moura Pinho

Objetivo: Identificar el perfil de los diagnósticos de enfermería de la NANDA-I de pacientes quirúrgicossometidos a la retirada de órgano fundamentado por el uso de las escalas de evaluación y trazar elperfil socio clínico demográfico de esa población.Método: Estudio transversal. Población compuesta por 60 pacientes quirúrgicos hospitalizados enpostoperatorio de cirugía de retirada de órgano, después del cálculo muestral. El análisis fue realizadopor medio de medidas de tendencia central, media y mediana, y de dispersión, frecuencia absoluta ysimple de las variables cuantitativas. Se utilizó el software Excel ® 2016. Los resultados fueronexpresados por medio de tablas.Resultados: Se aplicaron cinco escalas de evaluación. Se obtuvieron 1022 diagnósticos de enfermeríabasados en la NANDA-I, 93 diagnósticos diferentes, con media de 16,39 por paciente. Siendo 67 confoco en el problema, 23 de riesgo y 3 de promoción de la salud. Los diagnósticos con frecuenciasuperiores al 50% totalizaron 11, los cuales fueron discutidos. Los dominios sobresalientes fueron:Actividad/Hogar y Seguridad/Protección.Conclusión: Se identificó una alta concentración de diagnósticos en esa población. La cantidad dediagnósticos planteados y su diversidad identifican las diferentes áreas del cuidado que el enfermerodebe estar apto para prestar sus cuidados, además identificar esas informaciones deposita en elenfermero mayor poder de cuidado sobre el paciente. El estudio demostró la importancia del uso deescalas de evaluación que subsidien los diagnósticos de enfermería. La investigación aún apunta laimportancia del uso del diagnóstico de enfermería como forma de cuidado efectivo. Main goal: Perform the survey of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses profile of surgical patients submitted toorgan removal based on the use of the evaluation scales and to trace the socio-demographic clinicalprofile of this population.Methods: Cross-sectional study. The population comprised of 60 surgical patients hospitalized inpostoperative of organ removal surgery, after sample calculation. The analysis was performed bymeans of central, middle and median trend measures, and dispersion, absolute and simple frequency ofquantitative variables. Excel ® 2016 software was used. The results were expressed by means oftables.Results: Five scales of evaluation were applied. There were 1022 nursing diagnoses based onNANDA-I, with 93 different diagnostic titles, with an average of 16.39 per patient. Being 67 focused onthe problem, 23 risk and 3 health promotion. The diagnoses with frequency greater than 50% totaledeleven, which were discussed. The domains that concentrated the majority of the nursing diagnoseswere: Activity/Rest and Safety/Protection.Conclusion: A high concentration of diagnoses in this population was identified. The number ofdiagnoses raised and their diversity identifies the different areas of care that the nurse must be able toprovide care, and the collection of this information places the nurse greater power of care on the patient.The study demonstrated the importance of the use of evaluation scales that subsidize nursingdiagnoses. The research also points out the importance of using nursing diagnosis as a form of effectivecare. Objetivo: Realizar o levantamento do perfil dos diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA-I de pacientescirúrgicos submetidos à retirada de órgão fundamentado pelo uso das escalas de avaliação e traçar operfil sócio clínico demográfico dessa população.Método: Estudo transversal. População composta por 60 pacientes cirúrgicos hospitalizados em pósoperatóriode cirurgia de retirada de órgão, após cálculo amostral. A análise foi realizada por meio demedidas de tendência central, média e mediana, e de dispersão, frequência absoluta e simples dasvariáveis quantitativas. Utilizou-se o software Excel ® 2016. Os resultados foram expressos por meiode tabelas.Resultados: Foram aplicadas cinco escalas de avaliação. Obtiveram-se 1022 diagnósticos deenfermagem baseados na NANDA-I, 93 títulos diagnósticos distintos, com média de 16,39 porpaciente. Sendo 67 com foco no problema, 23 de risco e 3 de promoção da saúde. Os diagnósticoscom frequência superior a 50% totalizaram onze, os quais foram discutidos. Os domínios queconcentraram a maior parte dos diagnósticos de enfermagem foram: Atividade/Repouso eSegurança/Proteção.Conclusão: Foi identificada uma alta concentração de diagnósticos nessa população. A quantidade dediagnósticos levantadas e sua diversidade identificam as diferentes áreas do cuidado que o enfermeirodeve estar apto para prestar seus cuidados, além de que o levantamento dessas informações depositano enfermeiro maior poder de cuidado sobre o paciente. O estudo demonstrou a importância do uso deescalas de avaliação que subsidiem os diagnósticos de enfermagem. A pesquisa ainda aponta aimportância do uso do diagnóstico de enfermagem como forma de cuidado efetivo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 803-808 ◽  
Luigi Vimercati ◽  
Luigi De Maria ◽  
Francesca Mansi ◽  
Antonio Caputi ◽  
Giovanni M. Ferri ◽  

Background: Thyroid diseases occur more frequently in people exposed to ionizing radiation, but the relationship between occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and thyroid pathologies still remains unclear. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of thyroid diseases in healthcare workers exposed to low-level ionizing radiation compared with a control group working at the University Hospital of Bari, Southern Italy, and living in the same geographical area, characterized by mild iodine deficiency. Methods: We ran a cross-sectional study to investigate whether healthcare workers exposed to ionizing radiation had a higher prevalence of thyroid diseases. Four hundred and forty-four exposed healthcare workers (241 more exposed, or “A Category”, and 203 less exposed, or “B Category”) and 614 nonexposed healthcare workers were enrolled during a routine examination at the Occupational Health Unit. They were asked to fill in an anamnestic questionnaire and undergo a physical examination, serum determination of fT3, fT4 and TSH, anti-TPO ab and anti-TG ab and ultrasound neck scan. Thyroid nodules were submitted to fine needle aspiration biopsy when indicated. Results: The prevalence of thyroid diseases was statistically higher in the exposed workers compared to controls (40% vs 29%, adPR 1.65; IC95% 1.34-2.07). In particular, the thyroid nodularity prevalence in the exposed group was approximately twice as high as that in the controls (29% vs 13%; adPR 2.83; IC95% 2.12-3.8). No statistically significant association was found between exposure to ionizing radiation and other thyroid diseases. Conclusion: In our study, mild ionizing radiation-exposed healthcare workers had a statistically higher prevalence of thyroid diseases than the control group. The results are likely due to a closer and more meticulous health surveillance programme carried out in the ionising radiation-exposed workers, allowing them to identify thyroid alterations earlier than non-exposed health staff.

Erman Yıldız

BACKGROUND: Although previous studies have separately revealed that parameters such as anxiety, depression, and secondary traumatic stress (STS) are associated with burnout, there is still a limited understanding of the relationship between anxiety, depression, and STS and burnout in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses. AIMS: To investigate the relationship between levels of burnout, anxiety, depression, and STS in ICU nurses. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted with ICU nurses ( N = 164) from a university hospital in eastern Turkey. The participants completed the anxiety, depression, STS, and burnout scales along with the descriptive characteristics form. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The mean scores for STS, anxiety, depression, and burnout were 40.60 ± 13.77, 17.14 ± 12.90, 13.28 ± 9.75 and 41.39 ± 14.87, respectively. The results showed that, in the ICU nurses, anxiety, depression, and STS components explained 61% of emotional exhaustion, 38% of depersonalization, and 13% of personal accomplishment. CONCLUSIONS: While the present findings supported the paradigm that burnout in ICU nurses is associated with STS, anxiety, and depression, they also revealed some details about the psychopathological factors associated with burnout. These details were as follows: (1) individuals who resorted to avoidance as a component of STS on a high level were more likely to experience emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, (2) individuals with severe depressive symptoms were more likely to experience a decrease in their personal accomplishment, and (3) individuals with anxiety symptoms were more likely to experience both emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment.

2020 ◽  
pp. 004947552098130
Fabián R Carreño-Almánzar ◽  
Adán Coronado-Galán ◽  
Sonia A Cala-Gómez ◽  
Agustín Vega-Vera

Imported malaria has increased in Colombia since 2015 and has been attributed to migrants coming from Venezuela. We present a series of malaria cases, nested in a retrospective cross-sectional study between 2017 and 2018, aimed at calculating the prevalence of medical diseases among immigrants in a University Hospital in Colombia. Among 154 immigrants admitted for medical causes between 2017 and 2018, 8 were diagnosed with malaria, all due to Plasmodium vivax. Of these, seven had uncomplicated malaria, five had a previous history of malaria, one was critically ill, but none died. We highlight that, similar to other case series of imported malaria, Latin American migrants were young, with similar clinical profiles, having a low proportion of severe cases, and P. vivax was the most frequent cause.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-80
Sushila Lama Moktan ◽  
Ujma Shrestha ◽  
Mona Sharma ◽  
Manan Karki

Background: With the advent of anesthesia, surgery is no longer a race against the clock and surgeons. Many studies in the past have demonstrated limited knowledge among patients about various aspects of anesthesia.Objectives: To assess the awareness and concern of elective surgical patients towards anesthesia.Methodology: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted over two months’ period in adult patients of age eighteen years and above. Two hundred surgical patients accessing services at the pre-anesthesia check-up clinic were interviewed using 12 questions assessing demographic characteristics, educational status and their knowledge about anesthesia.Results: Out of 200 patients, only 32% knew that anesthesiologists provide anesthesia. It was found that 63% didn’t have any knowledge about the types of anesthesia. The most common fear among the participants about anesthesia was the fear of pain during surgery.Conclusion: The study showed poor knowledge of patients regarding anesthesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 135 (4) ◽  
pp. 332-338 ◽  
Letícia Baltieri ◽  
Luiz Claudio Martins ◽  
Everton Cazzo ◽  
Débora Aparecida Oliveira Modena ◽  
Renata Cristina Gobato ◽  

ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The combined effect of obesity and asthma may lead to significant impairment of quality of life (QOL). The aim here was to evaluate the prevalence of asthma among obese individuals, characterize the severity of impairment of quality of life and measure its relationship with pulmonary function. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational cross-sectional study in public university hospital. METHODS: Morbidly obese individuals (body mass index > 40 kg/m2) seen in a bariatric surgery outpatient clinic and diagnosed with asthma, were included. Anthropometric data were collected, the Standardized Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ(S)) was applied and spirometry was performed. The subjects were divided into two groups based on the median of the score in the questionnaire (worse < 4 and better > 4) and were compared regarding anthropometric data and pulmonary function. RESULTS: Among the 4791 individuals evaluated, 219 were asthmatic; the prevalence of asthma was 4.57%. Of these, 91 individuals were called to start multidisciplinary follow-up during the study period, of whom 82 answered the questionnaire. The median score in the AQLQ(S) was 3.96 points and, thus, the individuals were classified as having moderate impairment of their overall QOL. When divided according to better or worse QOL, there was a statistically difference in forced expiratory flow (FEF) 25-75%, with higher values in the better QOL group. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of asthma was 4.57% and QOL was impaired among the asthmatic obese individuals. The worst QOL domain related to environmental stimuli and the best QOL domain to limitations of the activities. Worse QOL was correlated with poorer values for FEF 25-75%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Dania Jaber ◽  
Rafat Abu Ghannam ◽  
Waleed Rashed ◽  
Mohammad Shehadeh ◽  
Sa’ed H. Zyoud

Abstract Background Generally, complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) are accepted methods of treatment by patients with various types of conditions. Their use is becoming especially prevalent among patients with eye problems even in developed countries. Thus, we aimed to determine the pattern of use of CAT in this patient population, to identify the patient characteristics associated with the use of CAT, and to assess the types of CAT used. Methods A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in Palestine at An-Najah National University Hospital between the time periods of October 2019 to May 2020, using questionnaire-based face to face interviews. Data were collected through convenience sampling. Patients responded to the questionnaire, which was focused on information adapted from previous research in this area, covering socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, types of CAT, source of information, and side effects on CAT use. Results A total of 86 patients were interviewed for our study. Over two thirds, 67% reported using CAT for the specific purpose of improving their eye condition, and about one third (29.1%) received more than one therapy. The most common therapies reported were duea’ (i.e. supplication) (47.1%) and herbal therapies (24.1%). It was shown that patients with bilateral involvement of their eyes were almost twice more likely to describe using CAT than patients with unilateral eye pathology (p = 0.006). Also, patients who underwent surgery as their route of treatment were significantly less likely to use CAT (p = 0.043). Most of our study participants mentioned a non-physician source as their source of information regarding CAT with family members being the most frequently mentioned (30.2%) followed by the internet (25.6%) and friends (19.8%). Conclusions The prevalence of CAT use among patients with eye disease is somewhat high in our study population. Because CAT may trigger adverse reactions, influence the progression of the disease, and interfere with conventional treatment, the ophthalmologist should frequently be asked patients with such diagnostics regarding the use of these therapies. Further work is required to analyze the mechanisms of action and to establish realistic guidelines for the use of these modalities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-349 ◽  
Graziele Ribeiro Bitencourt ◽  
Luise de Almeida Ferreira Alves ◽  
Rosimere Ferreira Santana

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze the practice of use of diapers in adults and elderly in hospital. Method: observational cross-sectional study, with a sample of 105 participants assigned according to the data collection period, from September 2013 to January 2014, in the surgical clinic wards in a University Hospital. Results: it was observed that 38% of the 105 participants of the study did not need the use of diapers. 18% used it because they were disabled and 16% had their cognitive system damaged. As they were hospitalized, it was identified that 51.4% of patients were there ranging from 02 to 10 days, and 60% used diapers for the same period. It is also identified that long term urinary catheter (24.8%), as technology associated to diapers in the urinary control and to pressure ulcers (12.4%), being the main complication. Conclusion: the use of diapers did not have specific criteria to be selected. For this, it was proposed an "Evaluation Scale of Diapers Use in Adults", as for indication as for its monitoring to help the study transposal for the nursing practice.

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