scholarly journals Los inicios de la nueva industria sedera en Toledo (1475-1508)

Medievalismo ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 409-428

This article details the beginnings of a new kind of silk’s textile production in the city of Toledo at the end of the 15th century: velvet. We examine the precedents of silk production of the city and how it was introduced a new one which partially replaced it. A key point on the analysis is the ordinances Toledo’s velvet weaving of 1485. Throughout this regulation and also through notarial protocols of the city we try to bring an image of the labor organization. El presente artículo trata sobre los inicios de una nueva forma de producción de tejidos de seda en la ciudad de Toledo a finales del siglo XV: el terciopelo. Se examina las formas de producción en fechas anteriores y la manera en la que se introduce esta nueva modalidad productiva, así como su desarrollo en los siglos siguientes. Un hecho clave para la comprensión de este proceso son las ordenanzas de tejer terciopelo de Toledo del año 1485. A partir de esta reglamentación y de los protocolos notariales toledanos se ofrece una imagen de la organización productiva de esta actividad en la ciudad.

Константин Сергеевич Носов

В работе рассматриваются взгляды на военное зодчество двух итальянских архитекторов XV в. - Леона Баттисты Альберти и Антонио Аверлино (Филарете). Трактат Альберти «Десять книг о зодчестве» стал первым архитектурным трактатом со времен Витрувия, а Филарете писал свой «Трактат об архитектуре» параллельно с руководством строительными работами в Кастелло Сфорцеско. Проводится сопоставление представленных в этих трактатах теоретических взглядов на военное зодчество с реализацией их на практике на примере строившегося в то же время этого миланского замка. В результате исследования было выявлено, какие рекомендации Альберти и Филарете нашли воплощение на практике, а какие остались лишь в теории. Самым удивительным представляется тот факт, что главная воротная башня Кастелло Сфорцеско, даже получившая название Башня Филарете в честь строившего ее архитектора, не имеет практически ничего общего с описанием ворот как цитадели, так и города Сфорцинды из трактата. Сравнение описаний военного зодчества в трактатах Альберти и Филарете позволило выявить как черты сходства, так и отличия. К чертам сходства автор работы считает возможным отнести общую концепцию планировки города с цитаделью и главной башней внутри и одинаковый концептуальный подход к фортификации - оба архитектора относятся еще к эпохе башенной фортификации, описания бастионов в их работах нет. Различия состоят в подходе к источникам и общем осмыслении системы обороны. Если Альберти в основном следует античной традиции, Филарете опирается на реалии современной ему итальянской фортификации. Однако в трактатах обоих архитекторов есть новаторские идеи, которые начнут широко применяться только в Новое время в так называемой «новой фортификации». У Альберти это гласис, у Филарете - треугольный равелин перед воротами. The work deals with the views on military architecture of two 15th century Italian architects - Leon Battista Alberti and Antonio Averlino (Filarete). Alberti’s treatise “De re aedificatoria” became the first architectural treatise since Vitruvius, while Filarete wrote his “Libro architettonico” while directing the building works in Castello Sforzesco. Theoretical views on military architecture presented in these treatises are compared here with their realization in Milan castle (Castello Sforzesco), erected at the same time. The research reveals which of Alberti’s and Filarete’s recommendations were implemented and which remained only in the realm of theory. The most surprising is the fact that Castello Sforzesco’s main gate tower, named Filarete Tower after the architect who erected it, has nothing in common with either the citadel gate or the city Sforzinda gate described in the treatise. Comparing military architecture described by Alberti and Filarete reveals similarities as well as differences. The general conception of the city - with the citadel and the main tower inside - and identical conceptual approach to fortification can be attributed to similarities in their approaches: both architects belong to the era of tower fortification, their works lack any descriptions of bastions. The differences constitute their approach to sources as well as their general comprehension of defense systems. Whereas Alberti mainly follows ancient tradition, Filarete is guided by realistic contemporary Italian fortification. Both treatises, however, are comprised of new ideas, which will begin to be widely used only in the Early Modern period in the so-called fortificazione alla moderna. They are Alberti’s glacis and Filarete’s triangular ravelin in front of the gate.

Belleten ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 81 (291) ◽  
pp. 329-372
Abdullah Mesut Ağır

This study examines the markets in Cairo during the reign of the Mamlūks in the light of al-Makrīzī's Chronicle al-Khitat. Besides those which were built during the Mamlūks era the commercial life were ongoing at the markets dating back to the Fatimids and the Ayyubids periods. The marketplaces generally occupied in al-Qasaba which was between Bāb al-Futūh in the north and Bāb al-Zuwayla in the south was the trading center of the city. Al-Qasaba is al-Mu'izz Street today which takes its name from the Fatimid Caliph al-Mu'izz li-Dinillah (341-364/953-975). The economic and social decline especially seen during the second half of the Mamlūks in the 15th century affected also the domestic markets stability and most of the sûqs disappeared depending on these conditions.

Molly C. Ball

This chapter analyzes why São Paulo’s labor organization was weak prior to World War I. It breaks with traditional explorations into organizers, focusing instead on how industrialist interests and state interventions intersected with the motivations and experiences of rank-and-file and non-striking workers. Prior to the 1917 General Strike, industrialists relied on the state’s increasing willingness to provide police intervention and intimidation to guarantee the “freedom to work.” When these measures proved insufficient and strikes persisted, employers could and did look to the Hospedaria to provide replacement workers. Industrialist interests and the state’s willingness to intervene on industrialists’ behalf certainly limited organization success when compared to other Southern Cone immigration centers, but so too did São Paulo’s distinctive nuclear family–centered immigration and workers’ unwillingness to strike. Newspaper accounts reveal rank-and-file divisions, and Hospedaria records explain the phenomenon by demonstrating the large number of nuclear families arriving and living in the city. For those immigrants and Paulistanos with minimal social connections and opportunities, family goals and survival trumped labor organization and camaraderie. These divisions existed across gender and national lines, but evidence suggests that Portuguese and Afro-Brazilians were more likely to be non-striking workers than other groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-34 ◽  
Rafał Kobis

Abstract The main aim of author was to present the specific features of the architecture and urbanisation of Algiers – the capital of Algeria. The history of the city was marked by two great periods: Muslim domination (especially from the 15th century) and French colonialism (in the years 1830 – 1962). Both of these have left behind numerous traces of architectural and urbanistic thought. The material effect of French domination is the architecture of modern Algiers, which took the form of a French ville, similar to Paris, Lyon or Marseille. On the other hand, the architecture of Algiers also includes the old Arab district – Casbah, that resembles the cities of the Middle East (Madīnah in Arabic), like Istanbul, Cairo or Damascus. Both architectural traditions give the city of Algiers a cosmopolitan and universal character. The threat to the peculiar coexistence of these traditions is the progressive migration from the countryside to the city, which results in the expansion of area of slums, called bidonvilles.

Е.И. Тараканова

Образ города, предстающий в расписанных Беноццо Гоццоли капеллах, фиксирует в себе достижения изобразительного искусства, архитектуры и градостроительства в эпоху Кватроченто. В статье впервые прослеживается эволюция изображений городских видов и конкретных сооружений во фресковых циклах, выполненных мастером в Риме, Умбрии и Тоскане. Представление образа города в творчестве Гоццоли связано с решением перспективных задач, реальной ренессансной городской действительностью, особенностями заказа и личностью художника. Проанализированы разные ракурсы и масштабы в изображении городов, а также варианты их символического прочтения как в контексте священной истории, так и современных Беноццо событий. Показано, как в его творчестве новое ренессансное искусство сочетается с наследием античности и интернациональной готики. The subject of this article is an ideal city in Italy of the Early Renaissance. Starting with the first decades of the 15th century the erecting a new buildings at cities, primarily in Florence which was at that time a very progressive part of Italy, could be seen as a tendency to realize a perfect city on the basis of humanistic conceptions. Even the real situation when medieval patterns of planning and building combined with Renaissance elements in Florence was interpreted from an idealized perspective: the social and political superiority of Florentine Republic seems interflowed with its perfect appearance. Despite the fact that a new type of the city as architectural and planning whole was not devised in Renaissance Italy, the model of an ideal city was being successfully developed there in Quattrocento treatises on architecture and vedutas. The author of this article examines the principles underlying the idea of such city with optimal potentialities for man to fulfill its predestination on Earth as it was presented concepts of humanism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 419 ◽  
Asep Saefullah

This article attempts to trace the early history of Islam in Temasek, a former name of Singapore. The city was also known as the ‘Sea Town’, and was a part of the Nusantara. In the 12th-14th century, Tumasik and Kedah were important ports in the Malay Peninsula. Tumasik, at that time, was important enough to figure in international trade networks. The very strategic location of Tumasik, at the very tip of the Malay Peninsula, made it a significant prize for the master. Kingdoms that once ruled it: the Sriwijaya kingdom until the end of the 13th century AD and Majapahit kingdom that ruled it until the 14th century. In the 15th century AD, Tumasik came under the rule of Ayutthaya-Thailand; and subsequent occupation controlled by the Sultanate of Malacca to the Portuguese in 1511 AD. Speaking on the comming of Islam in Tumasik that was along with the influx of Muslim merchants, both Arabic and Persian, between the 8th – 11th century which the trading activity increased in the Archipelago. Coastal cities and ports, one of which Tumasik, on the Malay Peninsula became the settlements of Muslim tradespeople. Most of them settled and married there. Thus, it is strongly suspected that Islam has been present in Tumasik since perhaps the 8th century AD. Up until the beginning of the 16th century, the old Singapore remains a Muslim settlement, along with other vendors, both from Europe, India, and China, and also became an important port under the Sultanate of Malacca. That Malaccan empire was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511. Keywords: early history of Islam, Tumasik, Singapore, Sultanate of Malacca Artikel ini mencoba menelusuri sejarah awal Islam di Tumasik, kada disebut juga Temasek, nama dulu bagi Singapura. Kota ini juga disebut sebagai Kota Laut (Sea Town), dan merupakan bagian dari Nusantara masa lalu. Pada abad ke-12 s.d. 14 M, Tumasik bersama Kedah merupakan pelabuhan-pelabuhan penting di Semenanjung Malaya. Pada masa itu, Tumasik merupakan kota perdagangan yang cukup besar dan penting dalam jaringan perdagangan internasional. Posisinya yang sangat strategis di ujung Semenanjung Malaya, menjadikan Tumasik menggiurkan untuk dikuasai. Kerajaan-kerajaan yang pernah menguasai Tumasik yaitu Sriwijaya sampai akhir abad ke-13 M dan Majapahit sampai abad ke-14 M. Pada abad ke-15 M, Tumasik berada di bawah kekuasaan Ayutthaya-Thailand; dan selanjutnya dikuasai Kesultanan Malaka sampai pendu¬dukan Portugis 1511 M. Adapun proses masuknya Islam di Tumasik terjadi bersamaan dengan masuknya para pedagang Muslim, baik dari Arab maupun Persia pada abad ke-8 s.d. 11 M yang mengalami peningkatan aktivitas perdagangan. Kota-kota pesisir dan pelabuhan-pelabuhan, salah satunya Tumasik, di Semenanjung Malaya menjadi pemukiman-pemukiman bagi para pedagang Muslim tersebut. Sebagian dari mereka menetap dan berkeluarga di sana. Dengan demikian, diduga kuat bahwa Islam telah hadir di Tumasik antara abad ke-8 M - ke 11 M. Hingga permulaan abad ke-16 M, Singapura lama tetap menjadi pemukiman Muslim, bersama para pedagang lain, baik dari Eropa, India, maupun Cina, dan sekaligus menjadi pelabuhan penting di bawah kekuasaan Kesultanan Malaka, sampai dengan kesultanan ini ditaklukan oleh Portugis pada 1511 M. Kata kunci: sejarah awal Islam, Tumasik, Singapura, Kesultanan Malaka

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-62 ◽  
Frances Miley ◽  
Andrew Read

ABSTRACTThis research discusses The Treasure of the City of Ladies, a manuscript written by Christine de Pizan in France during the early 15th century to give guidance on account keeping and budgeting. Christine de Pizan was born in Italy but raised in the French royal court. Her manuscript gives the keeping of accounts and budget management a religious imperative. She describes them as functions where the three divine virtues of reason, rectitude, and justice are applied. Christine de Pizan describes how demonstrating these virtues through the proper keeping of accounts and budgets is a way to demonstrate love of God. Although historical accounting records show how accounting was done, this manuscript explains why it was done. In giving a rationale for single-entry bookkeeping and budgeting, the manuscript provides a source that prevents present-mindedness when attempting to undertake contemporary analyses of accounting records from this historical period.

2009 ◽  

The 5th European-African Conference of Wind Engineering is hosted in Florence, Tuscany, the city and the region where, in the early 15th century, pioneers moved the first steps, laying down the foundation stones of Mechanics and Applied Sciences (including fluid mechanics). These origins are well reflected by the astonishing visionary and revolutionary studies of Leonardo Da Vinci, whose kaleidoscopic genius intended the human being to become able to fly even 500 years ago… This is why the Organising Committee has decided to pay tribute to such a Genius by choosing Leonardo's "flying sphere" as the brand of 5th EACWE.

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