scholarly journals Anthologies of Latin American and Caribbean thought: politics and society in “Gerónimo de Sierra: Cincuenta años de Sociologia Política- Uruguay y América Latina"

Marcos Antonio da Silva

Review of “Gerónimo de Sierra: Cincuenta años de Sociologia Política- Uruguay y América Latina" (Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2017). This work constitutes a fundamental, and very instigating step, for the recognition of recent Latin American production, and a testimony to the significance of the production of Uruguayan sociologist Gerónimo de Sierra and his contribution to the understanding of Latin American societies, and especially Uruguay and the Southern Cone of Latin America. It should be noted that de Sierra maintains academic ties with several countries in the region and in Europe and either continues to work or has worked in international institutions since the times of his exile. Until recently he has held the position of vice-rector of the University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) in Brazil.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (309) ◽  
pp. 109
Geraldina Céspedes

La Conferencia de Medellín se constituye uno de los eventos eclesiales más significativos y decisivos para la Iglesia, particularmente en América Latina. Pues, lo que sucedió fue un acontecimiento kairótico, un tiempo de gracia, un acontecimiento del Espíritu. Y es significativo que sus “bodas de oro” ocurran en tiempos del Papa Francisco, que, al igual que Medellín, reinterpreta los signos de los tiempos a la luz del retorno a Jesús y a la opción por los pobres. Recontextualizar hoy esa doble referencia en el continente latinoamericano es escuchar y celebrar Medellín, también con ocasión de sus 50 años.Abstract: The Medellin Conference became one of the most significant and decisive ecclesial events for the Church, particularly in Latin America. For what happened was an opportune happening, a time of grace, an event of the Spirit. And it is significant that its “gold anniversary” happens in Pope Francisco’s days, someone who, like Medellin, reinterprets the signs of the times in the light of Jesus’ return and in the option for the poor. To re-contextualize today this double reference in the Latin American Continent is to listen to Medellin and to celebrate it at the moment of its fiftieth anniversary.Keywords: Conference of Medellín; Latin American Church; Back to Jesus; Option for the por; Pope Francisco.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Julio Arroyo

RESUMEN La noción de contemporaneidad se presenta como una condición necesaria pero de difícil comprensión, razón por la cual se propone tomar una posición tangencial con el fin de entender los procesos de la actualidad (el capitalismo financiero, informatización, etc.) que le dan entidad. Estos procesos representan un cambio importante en la subjetividad urbana, con modificaciones significativas en las formas de percibir y comprender el entorno. Del mismo modo, se propone reconocer a América Latina como una región de enormes intercambios en un mundo donde las dimensiones materiales, sociales y culturales se ven exacerbadas. Esto permite reconocer tres formas de entender la ciudad contemporánea: la ciudad como totalidad dialéctica, totalidad fragmentada y totalidad clausurada (escindida). Si bien todas estas formas son verificables en la actualidad, esta última es el que más fuertemente contribuye a construir un concepto de ciudad contemporánea en general y en América Latina en particular. Apelando a varios autores, se intenta hacer una reflexión sobre lo contemporáneo y sobre la manera en que las dimensiones físicas, sociales y culturales se articulan, a veces formando relaciones estructurales estables y otras, relaciones contingentes. Debido a esto, las categorías de ciudad, espacio público y paisaje son particularmente complejas, ya sea cuando se piensa o actúa con las mismas. Se concluye en la necesidad de hacer más flexibles los campos disciplinarios con el fin de analizar estas categorías con especial atención en las dislocaciones y disyunciones antes que en las regularidades y continuidades. Dislocaciones y disyunciones son, de hecho, la más clara manifestación de lo contemporáneo en la fenomenología de la ciudad. Situaciones emergentes de la Ciudad de México, São Paulo y Buenos Aires, como casos paradigmáticos de ciudades de América Latina, dan argumentos para hablar de la constitución intempestiva y paradójica de lo contemporáneo. PALABRAS CLAVE Contemporaneidad - Ciudad - Espacio público - Paisaje - Arquitectura  ABSTRACT The notion of contemporaneity is introduced as a necessary but not easy understanding concept, reason by which it is proposed to take a tangential position in order to understand the processes of the present time (financial capitalism, computerization, etc.) that give entity to it. These processes represent a major change in urban subjectivity, with significant modifications in the ways of perceiving and understanding the environment. Similarly, it is proposed to recognize Latin America as a region of tremendous exchanges in a world where material, social and cultural dimensions are exacerbated. These allow to recognize three ways of understanding the contemporary city: city as a dialectical totality (wholeness), fragmented totality and canceled totality. While all these forms are verifiable at present, the latter is the one that most strongly would contribute to buildingup a concept of the contemporary city in general and Latin American in particular. Appealing to several authors, it is intended a reflection on the contemporary and on the way in which the physical, social and cultural dimensions are articulated, sometimes forming stable structural relationships and some other ones, contingent relations. Because of this, the categories of city, public space and landscape are particularly complex either when thinking or acting them. It is concluded on the need of making more flexible our disciplinary fields in order to analyze these categories with particular attention to the dislocations and disjunctions rather than to regularities and continuities. Dislocation and disjunctions are, in fact, the most clear manifestation of the contemporary in the phenomenology of the city. Emerging situations from Mexico City, São Paulo and Buenos Aires, as paradigmatic cases in Latin America, give arguments to talk about the untimely and paradoxical constitution of the contemporary. KEY WORDS Contemporaniey – City – Public Space – Urbanscape– Architecture  RESUMO A noção de Contemporaneidade é apresentada como uma condição necessária, mas de difícil compreensão, razão pela qual se propõe a tomar uma posição tangencial com a finalidade de compreender os processos atuais (capitalismo financeiro, informatização, etc.)que lhe dão existência. Esses processos representam uma grande mudança na subjetividade urbana, com mudanças significativas nas formas de se perceber e compreender o seu entorno. Da mesma forma, propõe-se reconhecera América Latina como uma região onde ocorrem grandes intercâmbios, em um mundo onde as dimensões material, social e cultural são exacerbadas. Isso permite reconhecer três maneiras de compreender a cidade contemporânea: a cidade como totalidade dialética, como totalidade fragmentada e como totalidade encerrada (dividida). Ainda que todas estas formas sejam verificáveis ​​na atualidade, a última é a que contribui mais fortemente para a construção de um conceito de cidade contemporânea em geral e, na América Latina, em particular. Recorrendo a vários autores intenta-sefazer uma reflexão sobre o contemporâneo esobre o modo de como as dimensões física, social e cultural são articuladas formando, às vezes, relações estruturais estáveis ​​e,em outras, relações contingentes. Por esse motivo, as categorias de cidade, de espaço público e de paisagem são particularmente complexas, seja quando sepensa ou se age sobre as mesmas. Conclui-se que há necessidade de tornar mais flexíve isos campos disciplinares, com a finalidade de analisar essas categorias a partir dos deslocamentos e disjunções, ao invés de nos voltarmos para as regularidades e continuidades. Deslocamentos e disjunções são, de fato, a mais clara manifestação do contemporâneo na fenomenologia da cidade. Situações emergentes como da Cidade do México, de São Paulo e de Buenos Aires, são exemplos paradigmáticos de cidades latino-americanas, que fornecem argumentos para discutir-se a constituição intempestiva e paradoxal do contemporâneo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Contemporaneidade - Cidade - Espaço Público - Paisagem - Arquitetura

Antonio Sotomayor

Latin America and the Caribbean are regions that for more than 520 years have witnessed exceptional mixtures and exchanges of civilizations and cultures from all corners of the world, which clearly sets them apart from other places. This rich diversity is also seen through their experiences in sports. Latin America and the Caribbean have distinctive histories of sport that merit attention and study. Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in continental Latin America, while baseball is more popular in the Caribbean, including the Caribbean shores of Mexico, Central, and South America. For a separate bibliography on football (soccer) in Latin America see the separate Oxford Bibliographies article Football (Soccer) in Latin America. In this article we focus on other sports, as they can also provide us with important diverse vistas into Latin American and Caribbean dynamics. Baseball is the prime sport in the broader Caribbean. As one of the foremost sports in the United States, baseball has deep connections with this North American country, which in turn has a deep and problematic relationship with Latin American and Caribbean societies. Given the importance of baseball in this region of Latin America and the Caribbean, one full section of this article is devoted to this sport. Yet Latin American and Caribbean sport is more than football (soccer) and baseball. Indigenous societies practiced their own games, and elements of indigeneity can be seen presently. Some readings on indigenous games and indigeneity in today’s sports are provided. Sports such as horse racing, marathon running, and even sports such as bowling and billiards, have been practiced since colonial times. By the 19th century, many Latin American and Caribbean societies practiced cycling, boxing, swimming, athletics, and gymnastics, while many educators advocated for physical education curriculums nationally. Basketball, volleyball, car racing, tennis, golf, and many others were practiced in the 20th century, all contributing in different ways to making vibrant and diversified sport and athletic societies throughout the regions. Particularly important in Latin American and Caribbean sport is the regions’ involvement in the Olympic Movement, since its early revival in the modern era. José Bejamín Zubiar from Argentina was among the thirteen founders of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894 and Latin American and Caribbean individuals have participated at the Olympic Games since 1896. The oldest regional games patronized by the IOC are the Central American and Caribbean Games held since 1926. Before that, Argentina held the Centennial Olympic Games in 1910, Dominican Republic organized their own Olympic Games in 1915, and in 1922 Brazil hosted the Latin American Games. The Pan-American Games, one of the world’s largest multi-sports event after the Olympic Games, have been held since its first hosting in Buenos Aires in 1951. Buenos Aires hosted the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. This bibliography is only a selection of the material on Latin American and Caribbean sport published since the late 1990s and 2000, excluding soccer/fútbol/balompié/futebol. For material pre-2000 see Joseph Arbena’s bibliographies (cited under Bibliographies). Sports can be studied through many disciplines, but the readings and materials listed here focus on the humanistic social sciences, humanities, and related fields. There was an effort to include all countries, but those with more literature will be represented more completely.

2019 ◽  
pp. 106-112
Iván Rodríguez Chávez

ResumenTras más de un siglo del llamado “Grito de Córdoba”, que inició un movimiento de reforma universitaria en nuestro continente, es imperativo reflexionar sobre las nuevas luchas y debates en el campo educativo referido a los países de la región. En este artículo efectuamos una revisión de los principales ejes de la Reforma Universitaria de 1918, tomando en cuenta la necesidad de la reflexión y del estudio de nuestra propia historia universitaria ante los retos que nos propone el contexto social, científico y político actual. Al lado del análisis de un hecho histórico tan importante como la Reforma de Córdova, se efectúa a continuación la descripción general y las proyecciones del reciente encuentro de la UDUAL realizado en nuestra casa de estudios. Este organismo se constituye en una especie de radiografía permanente de lo que sucede en nuestra América Latina y el Caribe dentro del campo de la Educación Superior Universitaria. Palabras clave: Reforma Universitaria, Grito de Córdoba, Latinoamérica, latinoamericanismo, autonomía académica, UDUAL.  AbstractAfter more than a century of the Argentine University Reform of 1918, which started a movement of university reform in our continent, it is urgent to analyze the new struggles and debates in the educational field referring to the Latin American countries. In this article we review the main axes of the University Reform of 1918, taking into account the need to reflect on and study our own university history in the light of the challenges posed by the current social, scientific and political context. Alongside the analysis of such an important historical event as the Reform of Cordova, follows a general description and projections of the recent UDUAL meeting held in our university. This organism constitutes a kind of permanent radiography of the events in Latin America  and the Caribbean in the field of university higher education. Keywords: University Reform, Argentine University Reform of 1918, Latin America, Latin Americanism, academic autonomy, UDUAL.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (309) ◽  
pp. 65
Víctor Codina

Medellín 1968 fue un tiempo de gracia, una irrupción del Espíritu para América Latina, fue una recepción creativa del Vaticano II por parte de la Iglesia local Latinoamericana que en el clamor de los pobres discernió un signo de los tiempos En Medellín se actualiza el deseo de Juan XXIII de que el rostro de la Iglesia conciliar fuera el dela Iglesia de los pobres, que el Vaticano II, seguramente muy centro-europeo, no logró plasmar.Abstract: Medellin 1968 was a time of grace, an eruption of the Spirit for Latin America.  It was a creative reception of the Vatican II by the local Latin-American Church that perceived in the outcry of the poor a sign of the times. In Medellin, Pope John XXIII’s wish – that the face of the conciliar Church be that of the Church of the poor – was finally concretized. This was a wish that the naturally very Centro-European Vatican II was unable to fulfil.Keywords: Vatican II; Local church; Signs of the times; Poor; Justice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (309) ◽  
pp. 42
Agenor Brighenti

Medellín é fruto de uma Igreja no tempo e no lugar certo. Foi uma ousadia da Igreja na América Latina, que continua fazendo caminho, 50 anos depois. Bispos proféticos, catalisadores de um conjunto de iniciativas arrojadas e assessorados por teólogos e pastoralistas de primeira grandeza, desencadearam um processo eclesial que mudaria radicalmente o perfil da Igreja na América Latina. Para o Autor, os fatores que possibilitaram a realização da II Conferência são basicamente quatro: o momento de profundas transformações da década revolucionária de 1960; uma Igreja sintonizada com seu momento histórico e atenta aos novos sinais dos tempos; a renovação do Vaticano II, do qual Medellín foi uma “recepção criativa”; e o fato de Medellín ter feito do Concílio mais um “ponto de partida” do que um “ponto de chegada”. Abstract: Medellín is fruit of a Church that is at the right time and in the right place. It was a daring movement of the Latin American Church, a Church that still continues to follow this path fifty years later. Prophetic bishops, catalytic agents of a set of daring moves and assisted by theologians and pastoralists of first magnitude, launched an ecclesial process that would radically change the Latin American Church’s profile. For the Author, the factors that made possible the realization of the II Conference are basically four: the moment of deep transformations in the revolutionary decade of 1960; a Church in tune with its historical moment and alert to the new signs of the times; the Vatican II’s renovation, of which Medellín was a “creative reception” and the fact that Medellín made of the Council a “starting point” rather than “a point of arrival”. Keywords: Church; Latin America; Vatican II; Medellín; Poor.

1984 ◽  
Vol 12 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Ellen G. Schaffer

The proceedings of the fifteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, held at the University of Toronto, June 23-26, 1970, include a number of papers addressing issues relevant to the acquisition of Latin American legal resources. Fourteen years later I would like to report that many of the difficulties described therein have changed sufficiently to allow for the development of orderly selection and acquisition processes. Unfortunately, this is not generally the case. In 1970, Fernando J. Figueredo quoted a Spanish proverb: “suerte te dé Dios, que el saber te vale poco”, or in English, “ask God for luck, since knowledge will be of little help to you”. I suggest that good fortune combined with language knowledge, a familiarity with the legal systems involved, a tenacity of spirit, and a sense of humour are all requisites to the successful pursuit of Latin American and Caribbean legal materials. Since SALALM XV's proceedings are published and available for consultation, I prefer not to review all of the problems outlined there. Instead, this paper will offer what will hopefully be some creative, unusual methods of identifying and locating copies of legal publications.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (03) ◽  
pp. Y06 ◽  
Luisa Massarani ◽  
Claudia Aguirre ◽  
Constanza Pedersoli ◽  
Elaine Reynoso-Haynes ◽  
Luz Marina Lindegaard

The Red de Popularización de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en América latina y el Caribe (RedPOP) (Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularization of Science and Technology) was created 25 years ago as an expression of a movement that started in the 1960s in favour of a scientific education. The purpose of this movement was to incorporate science into the general knowledge of the population by communicating science through different media, products and spaces such as museums and science centres. Since then, the movement has acquired considerable strength in Latin America and RedPOP has been a key factor to the development of this activity in the region, although several challenges still have to be addressed.

2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (109) ◽  
pp. 307
Agenor Brighenti

O objetivo deste estudo é adentrar o texto do Documento de Aparecida, em busca de uma compreensão global de seu significado para a Igreja na América Latina e o Caribe. Para isso, o autor agrupa a reflexão em torno a três pontos: num primeiro momento, para fazer emergir o espírito de Aparecida, se refere a algumas surpresas em torno à Quinta Conferência; num segundo momento, buscando fazer uma leitura global do texto, apresenta a ‘proposta’ de Aparecida; e, finalmente, respaldado nas surpresas e na proposta da Quinta Conferência, acena para as novidades de Aparecida.ABSTRACT: This article’s goal is to access the Aparecida Document in order to gain a global understanding of its meaning to the Latin America and Caribbean Church. For this, the author brings together a reflection on three points: first, he introduces some surprises about the fifth General Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopate to get the spirit of Aparecida; second, he presents the “proposal” of Aparecida taking a global reading as standpoint to its text; and, finally, based on the surprises and the proposal of the Fifth Conference, he suggests some newness about Aparecida.

Tripodos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 59-76
Mariela Inés Baladron

En América Latina se han desarrollado redes comunitarias de internet en diversos territorios como respuesta a la desconexión, pero atendiendo a su vez las problemáticas que atañen a la diferencia y desigualdad de sus comunidades durante la última década. La diversidad de estas experiencias encuentra como punto en común la creación, propiedad y administración colectiva, comunitaria y sin fin de lucro de la infraestructura que despliegan. Este artículo indaga sobre los modos de apropiación que se producen en estas redes, desde la creación tecnológica y los aprendizajes, usos y prácticas adaptadas o creativas que no fueron pensados en el momento de su diseño. Para ello se analiza la creación de tecnología con el LibreRouter, que desarrolló AlterMundi de Argentina; la formación destinada a dar soporte a estas experiencias que brinda el Diplomado Techio Comunitario de Redes AC de México y los usos y prácticas relevados en dos redes comunitarias, Quintana Libre y Atalaya Sur en Córdoba y Buenos Aires, Argentina, respectivamente. De esta forma, se busca generar conocimiento para tomar en consideración no solo las respuestas que brindan las redes comunitarias de internet en materia de conectividad en América Latina, sino también para la apropiación de tecnologías de sus comunidades.   Technology Appropriation in Latin American Internet Community Networks In Latin America, internet community networks have been developed in various territories in response to lack of connectivity but also to address those issues that have affected the difference and inequality of their communities over the past decade. The diversity of these experiences shares some common factors: collective, community-serving and non-profit creation, ownership and administration of the infrastructures deployed. This article inquires into how technology appropriation takes place in these networks, from technological creation to adapted or creative ways of learning, using and developing practices that were not initially intended at the time of their design. For this, three cases are analyzed: the creation of technology with LibreRouter developed by AlterMundi in Argentina; the training aimed at supporting these experiences offered by the Diploma course Techio Comunitario by Redes A.C. in Mexico; and the uses and practices surveyed in two community networks, Quintana Libre and Atalaya Sur in Córdoba and Buenos Aires, Argentina, respectively. In this way, this paper seeks to produce knowledge to examine not only the responses provided by Internet community networks in terms of connectivity in Latin America but also to look into the appropriation of technologies in their communities.     Palabras clave: redes comunitarias de internet, apropiación de tecnologías, desigualdad, comunicación comunitaria, América Latina. Key words: internet community networks, technology appropriation, inequality, community communication, Latin America.  

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