scholarly journals Selectivity of Gillnet to Catch Silver Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) in Pangandaran Waters, Indonesia

Izza Mahdiana Apriliani ◽  
Herman Hamdani ◽  
Yuniar Mulyani ◽  
Heti Herawati ◽  
Dear Frans Lyandre Simanjorang

The purpose of this research was to determine the most selective mesh size of gillnet fishing gear for Pampus argenteus in coastal waters of Pangandaran Regency, West Java. Research on the selectivity of gillnet fishing gear was carried out in the coastal waters of Pangandaran, West Java Province, from August 2018 to January 2019. The method used in this research is experimental fishing, namely operating gillnet fishing gear directly in the fishing area with fishermen. The primary data collected was the measurement of the catch (fish weight, number, fork length, how the fish was caught, circumference (girth opercullum, maximum body girth). Meanwhile, the secondary data collected were supporting data from the Pangandaran District Fisheries and Marine Service, and literature study. In determining the sampling, the method used is the purposive sampling method. The operation of gillnets using 4.5 inches obtained a higher proportion of main catch (75%) than gillnets with a mesh size of 5 inches (44%). Gillnet with a mesh size of 4.5 inches, the silver pomfret caught was distributed between 17-22 cm in size with the highest mode in the 19 cm fork length. Unlike the gillnet fishing gear with a mesh size of 5 inches, the silver pomfret caught was distributed in the fork length range of 17-25 cm with the highest mode in the length class 19 cm fork length. mesh size 4.5 inches has a hanging ratio value of 0.51. Meanwhile, the 5 inch mesh size has a hanging ratio value of 0.54. Based on the length distribution, gillnets with a mesh size of 5 inches were more dominant in catching silver pomfret in a larger size class interval than gillnets with a mesh size of 4,5 inches. Based on the L50 value, both selective gillnets caught more fish at 50% second chance. The selectivity curve shows that gillnet fishing gear with a mesh size of 5 inches has more selective results than gillnets with a mesh size of 4.5 inches. 

Izza Mahdiana Apriliani ◽  
Lantun P. Dewanti ◽  
Herman Hamdani ◽  
Soraya Gigentika ◽  
Rachmad Cesario ◽  

Analyzing the selectivity of gillnet fishing gear using two different mesh sizes, namely 3.5 and 4 inches. Gillnets of these mesh sizes are commonly used by fishermen in Fish Landing Base (PPI) Cikidang, Pangandaran Regency, West Jawa. A total of 8 fishing trips were conducted at the coastal waters around PPI Cikidang, Pangandaran Regency, West Java from August 2018 to January 2019  using gillnet fishing gear As for each trip, 2-3 times the operation of the tool is carried out. The operation of the fishing gear is carried out with the help of vessels measuring 2-3 Gross Tonnage (GT). The catch obtained was differentiated based on the main catch and bycatch and the amount is calculated for analysis of the proportion of the catch. Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) is caught as the main catch, the fork length was measured for analysis of the length frequency distribution and selectivity curves. The operation of gillnets with a mesh size of 3.5 inches obtained a higher proportion of bycatch compared to gillnets with a mesh size of 4 inches. In addition, the length distribution of mackerel caught by gillnets with a mesh size of 3,5 inches is smaller (27-49 cm FL) compared to a mesh size of 4 inches (40-55 cm FL). Based on the distribution of length distribution, gillnets with a mesh size of 3.5 inches are more dominant in catching mackerel in a smaller size class interval than gillnets with a mesh size of 4 inches. Meanwhile, based on the selectivity curve for the length of mackerel with a 50% chance of being caught, it shows that gillnets with a mesh size of 3.5 or 4 inches are selective in catching mackerel, this is because the chances of catching fish at more than L50 are high.

Muhammad Fitri Rizky ◽  
Zuzy Anna ◽  
Achmad Rizal ◽  
Asep Agus Handaka Suryana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan perikanan bubu dan mencari tahu faktor apa yang berpengaruh terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan perikanan bubu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Karangsong, Kabupaten Indramayu, Provinsi Jawa Barat pada bulan Februari tahun 2018 dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 60 orang nelayan alat tangkap bubu. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner untuk mendapatkan data primer mengenai kondisi perikanan bubu. Analisis sosial meliputi aspek sosio demografi, institusional dan konflik. Analisis finansial meliputi analisis pendapatan dan B/C ratio serta dilakukan analisis regresi untuk mengetahui hubungan antara beberapa variabel input. Analisis lingkungan dilakukan berdasarkan pandangan nelayan mengenai dampak pengoperasian bubu terhadap lingkungan. Aspek sosial menunjukkan nelayan bubu Karangsong tidak memiliki kelompok, ditemukan konflik alat tangkap dan konflik terkait kegiatan perikanan dan hasil tangkapan yang tidak dilaporkan aktifitasnya ke TPI maupn PPI. Hasil analisis finansial didapatkan pendapatan nelayan berkisar antara Rp1.532.000 - Rp5.401.600 dan nilai B/C Ratio rata rata per jenis kapal adalah 2.05 untuk 3 GT, 5.1 untuk 4 GT dan 5.6 untuk 6 GT. Hasil analisis lingkungan diketahui 100% nelayan memiliki perspektif bahwa perikanan bubu ramah lingkungan.Title: Socio-Economic and Environment Analysis of Trap Fishery  Will Karangsong Village Indramayu of West Java This research was conducted in Karangsong, Indramayu, West Java in February 2018 with 60 respondents of traps fishermen. This research aims to analyze the socio-economic and environmental condition of fishing traps and tried to find out what factors influencing the conditions. Primary data were collected through questionnaires and interviews about the condition of fishing traps. Social analysis of the research includes demography, institution and conflict, while financial analysis includes income analysis and B/C ratio as well as regression analysis to find out correlation between inputs. Environmental analysis was built upon fishermen’s perspective about how fishing traps affect the environment. Social aspect of the research found that fishermen did not have any group, and there are many conflicts especially related to fishing gear and unreported fishing. Results in financial analysis found that fishermen’s income  range between IDR 1.532.000 - IDR 5.401.600 and average value of B/C Ratio for 3 GTs, 4 GTs and 6 GTs were 2.05, 5.1 and 5.6, respectively. Environmental analysis indicated that 100% of fishermen perceive that fishing traps are environmentally friendly. 

Donny Samudra ◽  
. Junianto ◽  
Dedy Supriadi ◽  
Izza M. Apriliani ◽  
Alexander M. A. Khan

Purse seine is one of the fishing gear that has been used by PPN Muara Angke fisher to catch pelagis fish. The selectivity of purse seine was still being researched until now . This research was conducted  determine the selectivity of purse seine fishing gear with parameter the length of Euthynnus affinis, weight and numbers catch on purse seine fishing gear landed in PPN Muara Angke. The research used a survey method with quantitative descriptive analysis. The sampling method used in this was purposive sampling and random sampling. The data collected during the research were primary data and secondary data. Primary data included the number and weight of catches, fork length of Euthynnus affinis from five purse seine fishing vessel in PPN Muara Angke. Secondary data included production data of purse seine catches from 2015-2019 and vessel data obtained from Central Port Management Unit Jakarta and PPN Muara Angke. Purposive sampling used for the number of catch, weight of catch, production of purse seine catch from 2015-2019 and purse seine fishing vessels data. Random sampling used for fork length Euthynnus affinis fish, 250 samples were taken randomly on one purse seine fishing vessel. The research results pusre seine fishing gear which was landed at PPN Muara Angke was not selective due to the percentage length of the Euthynnus affinis was worth, proportion of amount and weight less than 60%.

Pareng Rengi ◽  
Polaris Nasution ◽  
Arthur Brown ◽  
Ayu Nita Ervina Tambunan

Selectivity is a fishing gear characteristic capable of catching fish of a specific size and species from the existing population distribution. Mesh size is one of the important factors that influence gillnets’ selectivity, because different length-classes of fish are caught by them. This report focuses on the selectivity of two mesh sizes of gillnets (8.89 cm and 10.16 cm) on mackerel's catch and constructing a gillnet in Sungailiat waters. Experimental fishing methods and selectivity analysis were used for the fishing gear’s more selective preparation, if the largest fishing ratio's value at the fork length (L) is high and the standard deviation value (S) is closer to 1. It is concluded that to be more selective a largest S (L) value of 0.999267194 at fork length (L=54.95 cm), and with a larger value of S (L) 0.997096071 and with (L=66.55 cm) for mesh Sizes 8.89 cm and 10.16 cm, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Grace Hutubessy

Jaring insang digolongkan sebagai alat tangkap yang ramah lingkungan mengingat ukuran ikan yang tertangkap dipengaruhi oleh ukuran mata jaring yang digunakan. Penelitian yang dilakukan selama 2013-2014 di perairan Kotania, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat bertujuan untuk menghitung kelimpahan ikan pada spektrum ukuran (abundance size-spectrum) berdasarkan habitat ikan pada waktu yang berbeda. Data dikumpulkan melalui logbook yang diisi oleh nelayan Dusun Pulau Osi dan Dusun Wael dengan daerah penangkapan di Teluk Kotania. Distribusi panjang ikan hasil tangkapan setiap mata jaring menunjukkan kisaran panjang yang tidak beraturan yang bisa menimbulkan selektivitas yang tidak konsisten. Ketidakpastian selektivitas jaring insang yang dioperasikan pada perairan dangkal disebabkan oleh perubahan pilihan habitat sebagai daerah penangkapan nelayan. Spektrum panjang menunjukkan distribusi panjang yang unimodal dengan jumlah ikan jenis ikan berukuran kecil tinggi dan menurun secara eksponensial untuk jenis ikan berukuran besar. Mengingat ikan besar mempunyai peranan penting dalam komunitas, dan kurang rentan terhadap jaring insang, kami menyimpulkan bahwa jaring insang adalah alat yang ramah lingkungan.EVALUATION OF GILLNET SELECTIVITY IN KOTANIA BAY, WEST PART OF SERAM. Gillnets are categorized as environmentally friendly fishing gear convinced by its selectivity. Study conducted at Kotania Bay, West Seram Regency, for two years (2012-2013) aimed to count the abundance size-spectrum on habitat for evaluating the catch of gillnets. Length distribution of catch for each mesh size showed irregular ranges, which may lead to selectivity uncertainties. Data was collected from logbooks filled by fishers from Osi Island and Wael. Uncertainty of gillnets selectivity which were operated in shallow waters was influenced by the fishers’ habitat preference that was distinct temporally. The size-spectra of exhibited unimodal length distribution with high catch of small-bodied species and lowered exponentially towards large-bodied species. As large- bodied species play important role in the community and they are less vulnerable to gillnets, we concluded that the practices of gillnet at Kotania Bay are environmentally friendly gear.

Iwang Gumilar ◽  
Dedi Supriadi ◽  
Nabilla Shabrina ◽  
Alexander M. A. Khan

Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is one of the high economic value commodities which causes increased efforts to catch blue swimming crab in Indonesia. The effort of catching continues to increase the blue swimming crab resources in the nature that has decreased. Cirebon Regency is one of the largest blue swimming crab fishing centers in West Java with a total value of blue swimming crab production in 2017 by 7,347 tons/year. This research was conducted to determine the selecitivity level of the crab gillnet and collapsible crab trap based on the proportion and total of catches obtained in Gebang Mekar Village, Cirebon Regency. Research was conducted in September 2019 – October 2019 in Gebang Mekar Village. For this research we used are primary data; collected directly during the observations includes catch type and weight of the catches and then interviews with several crab gillnet and collapsible crab trap fisherman and secondary data; data from official agencies and some literature. Our research suppose the moonlight phase effect of the blue swimming crab catch. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the crab gillnet with 3.5 inch mesh size and collapsible crab trap that operated in Gebang Mekar Village may be called a selective fishing gears but crab gillnet is more  eficient as compared to collapsible crab.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Yudi Nurul Ihsan ◽  
Nita Ulfah Khoirunisa ◽  
Indah Riyantini ◽  
Rahman Elfithri ◽  
Tri Dewi K. Pribadi ◽  

Mini purse seine has a major contribution in increasing production of small pelagic catches in Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Muncar, because it has high productivity and the construction made according to catch schooling fish. This research aims to compare the catches composition and catch rate of mini one-boat and two-boat purse seine in Bali Strait, Indonesia. This research was conducted in Mei 2018 in Muncar, East Java, Indonesia. The method used in this research is survey. The primary data are total catch composition, fork length, individual weight of total catch and operation time of both fishing gears. Data were analysed by main catch and bycatch proportion, legal size proportion and catch rate. The results showed that the mini two-boat purse seine had a greater catch volume compared to the mini one-boat purse seine. The bycatch composition dominates in both fishing gear. The proportion of legal-size catching is 67% of the total. The fork length is not significantly different and for the total catches is significantly different. The catching rate of the mini purse seine one boat catch rate is lower at 4,048.67 kg/hour, compared to the mini two-boat purse seine which is 9,189.18 kg/hour.

Mustamin Tajuddin ◽  
Ihsan H.Cotte ◽  
Asmidar Asmidar

The research is entitled Utilization of coastal fisheries resources with trap net fishingequipment in the waters of Pangkep Regency. Related to that, the community uses thepotential of fish resources in the coastal waters of Pangkep Regency with a variety offishing gear, one of which is trap net (local read: tiku). Objectives are: 1) Knowing thecomposition of the type of trap net caught operated in coastal waters; 2) Knowing thelevel of environmental friendliness of the trap net fishing equipment operated in coastalwaters 3) Knowing the economic feasibility of trap net fishing equipment operated in thecoastal waters of Pangkep Regency. This research is expected to provide constructorsregarding the composition of catches in the use of Coastal Fishing Ground resourceswith net trap fishing equipment in the waters of Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi toensure access to sustainable use of fisheries resources. The study was conducted in June -December 2018 in the coastal waters of Sigeri District, Pangkep Regency. Materials andtools related directly or indirectly to research to make measurements and observations inthe field. The data needed consists of pruimer and secondary data. To achieve the goal,the data collected is carried out by analyzing fishing gear designs and analyzing thecomposition of catch species.The design of the trap net fishing gear is rectangular with avery small mesh size and the material is made of nylon (waring). The size of the trap netis 500 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. The composition of the types of trap net catchesoperated in the coastal waters of Pangkep Regency is very large and in general, fish thatmigrate daily at low tide take place.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Joi Alfreddi Surbakti ◽  
Rikka Welhelmina Sir

Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan adalah kurang selektifnya berbagai jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh para nelayan. Akibatnya adalah tertangkapnya ikan-ikan yang bukan menjadi tujuan penangkapan (bycatch) yang dalam prakteknya sebagian besar ikan-ikan tersebut dibuang ke laut (discarded catch). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menginventarisasi komposisi jenis dan ukuran ikan hasil tangkapandari alat tangkap bagan perahu dan bagan tancap.Lokasi penelitian di Kelurahan Oesapa sebagai sentra pemukiman nelayan bagan perahu danbagan tancap di Kota Kupang dan di Perairan Teluk Kupang.Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode survei dengan obyek penelitian yaitu: fakta, proses, histori, persepsi tentang perikanan bagan perahu, komposisi jenis dan ukuran ikan tangkapan yang meliputi identifikasi hasil tangkapan, berat (kilogram), jumlah (ekor), panjang cagak (fork length), keliling maksimum (maximum girth), dan lebar badan ikan. Cara mengukur panjang baku pada penelitian ini yaitu jarak garis lurus antara ujung bagian kepala yang paling depan (biasanya ujung salah satu dari rahang yang terdepan) sampai ke pelipatan pangkal sirip ekor.Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jenis ikan yang dominan tertangkap pada bagan perahu adalah ikan teri, peperek dan kembung, sedangkan pada bagan tancap ikan peperek, teri dan tembang. One of the problems faced in using fish resources is the lack of selectivity of various types of fishing gear used by fishermen. The result is the catch of fish which is not the purpose of arrest(bycatch) which in practice most of the fish are discarded catch. This study aims to identify and inventory the type and size offish catches (boat lift net and fix lift net). Research location in Oesapa village in Kupang City in Kupang Bay. This research was conducted by survey method with research object that is: fact, process, history, perception of fishery boat lift net, species composition and size of fish catch including identification of catch, weight (kilogram), number (tail), length of fork length, maximum girth, and fish body width, mesh size. The method of measuring the standard length in this study is the distance of a straight line between the tip of the front of the head (usually the tip of one of the leading jaws) to the tail fin's base. The results show that the dominant fish species in boat lift net are anchovies, pony fishes, and long-jawed mackereland, from fix lift net, are pony fishes, anchovy and sardine. 

. Nofrizal ◽  
Romie Jhonnerie ◽  
Alit Hindri Yani ◽  
. Alfin

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p class="Abstractisi">Filter net has a mesh size in small size pockets of the net. This allows filter net has the potential to be non-selective fishing gear about the fish size and the target species catch. If the fishing gear allowed, hence its existence will ultimately have a negative impact on the sustainability of fisheries resources, especially in coastal waters. The objective of this research is to calculate compositions and proportions of the main catch, bycatch and discard of the filter net. It is expected by knowing  the composition and proportion of the main catch, bycatch and discard can provide an overview  of the pressure on the stock and sustainability of fisheries resources in  waters where it is operated. This research was used survey method. A series of survey activities was conducted directly in the field to identify and count species of filter net‘s fishing catches. Based on the main catch, bycatch and discard of the filter net, it shows that Sergetes similis is the dominant species caught bythe filter net(98.455%).  The main catch for Escualosa thoracata reaches 1.354%. Besides, the main catches that were caught were Metapenaus monocerus, Parapenaeopsis sp, Panulirus sp and Paneeus monodon with the catch percentage ranging from 0.011 to 0.024%. Percentage of by-catches reached 0.04-0.00004% of the 24 species caught and the catch removed was around 0.001-0.0005% of the 3 species caught.</p><p class="TubuhTulisanAll"><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>bycatch, discard, filter net, fisheries resources</em><em>, main catch</em><strong></strong></p><p class="TubuhTulisanAll" align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="Abstrakisi">Gombang memiliki ukuran mata jaring pada kantong berukuran kecil. Hal ini memungkinkan alat tangkap gombang berpotensi menjadi alat tangkap yang tidak selektif terhadap ukuran ikan dan jenis yang menjadi sasaran tangkapannya. Apabila alat tangkap ini dibiarkan, maka keberadaannya pada akhirnya akan memberikan dampak yang negatif terhadap keberlanjutan sumberdaya ikan terutama di perairan pantai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung komposisi dan proporsi hasil tangkapan utama (<em>main catch</em>), hasil tangkapan sampingan (<em>bycatch</em>) dan hasil tangkapan yang dibuang (<em>discard</em>).Diharapkan dengan mengetahui komposisi dan proporsi hasil tangkapan utama, sampingan dan yang dibuang dapat memberikan gambaran tentang tekanan terhadap stok dan kelestarian sumberdaya perikanan di perairan dimana gombang dioperasikan.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei.Serangkaian aktivitas survei dilakukan secara langsung di lapang untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung jenis spesies yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap gombang.Berdasarkan persentase hasil tangkapan utama, sampingan dan buangan per jenis, menunjukkan  <em>Sergetes similis</em> merupakan spesies yang dominan tertangkap oleh alat tangkap gombang (98,455%). Hasil tangkapan utama untuk <em>Escualosa thoracata</em> mencapai 1,354%. Selain itu hasil tangkapan utama yang tertangkap ialah <em>Metapenaus monocerus</em>, <em>Parapenaeopsis</em> sp, <em>Panulirus</em> sp dan <em>Paneeus monodon</em> dengan persentase hasil tangkapan berkisar 0,011-0,024%. Persentase hasil tangkapan sampingan mencapai 0,04-0,00004% dari 24 spesies yang tertangkap dan hasil tangkapan yang dibuang berkisar 0,001-0,0005% dari 3 spesies yang tertangkap.</p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong><em>bycatch, discard, </em>gombang<em>, </em>sumberdaya perikanan,<em> main catch</em>

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