great good
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2021 ◽  
pp. 55-74
Ladislav Vít

Standort ◽  
2021 ◽  
Helene Schabasser ◽  
Tatjana Fischer ◽  
Gernot Stöglehner

ZusammenfassungDas Offene Technologielabor (Otelo) ist ein themenoffenes Treffpunktkonzept, welches gemäß dem Konzept nach Oldenburg (1989) den Dritten Orten zugeordnet werden kann. Die Besonderheit des Otelo-Konzepts liegt darin, dass es die Förderung von Innovation und Kreativwirtschaft in ländlichen Gemeinden und deren zukunftsfähige wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung zum Ziel hat. Otelo wird seit 2010 auf Vereinsbasis und vorwiegend in Österreich umgesetzt. Bisher wurde jedoch noch nicht empirisch erfasst, welche Rolle die Offenen Technologielabore – und somit der Einsatz des Konzepts der Dritten Orte – für die kommunale Entwicklung einnehmen können und in welchem räumlichen Kontext Otelo-Aktivitäten eingebettet sind. Die vorliegende Betrachtung zu 2 Zeitpunkten (Januar 2016 und September 2019) zeigt, dass Otelo sich vor allem zur Erweiterung des kommunalen Kultur- und Erholungsangebots, zur Standortaufwertung sowie zur Förderung von Initiativen, welche einem auf Wachstum fokussierten Wirtschaftssystem Alternativen einzubringen versuchen, eignet. In seiner Umsetzung hat sich gezeigt, dass sich Otelo vor allem in urbanen und regionalen Zentren sowie ländlichen Gemeinden im Umland von Zentren bewährt. Während Dritte Orte bisher vor allem im Kontext der Privatwirtschaft beschrieben wurden, bietet dieser Beitrag Orientierung zur Eignung und zu den Limitationen der Anwendung dieses Konzepts in der Kommunalentwicklung.

2021 ◽  
pp. 126-126

2021 ◽  
pp. 213-221
Alastair Fowler

This chapter focuses on anagrams and acrostics. The anagram’s heyday must still be considered the seventeenth or even the sixteenth century. Then, anagrams were ‘divine notes’ in which providence and destiny might be discovered. Considered as mysterious texts, they might conceal great matters. By far, their commonest appearance was in names, especially the names of the great. Good anagrams, however, were difficult to find. The anagram passion succeeded an earlier rage for acrostic order, which came to be thought much inferior. The chapter then explores the various types of the acrostic order, including simple acrostic, mesostich, letters before and after caesuras, telestich, double acrostic, triple acrostic, and progressive or diagonal acrostic. Unruly anagram acrostics were a staple of the Baconians, whose enthusiasm tempted them to break the rules of the game or invent others at whim.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 418
Janusz Salamon

In this paper, I suggest that James Sterba’s recent restatement of the logical problem of evil overlooks a plausible theistic interpretation of the divine–human relation, which allows for a theodicy impervious to his atheological argument, which boils down to God’s failure to meet Sterba’s “Evil Prevention Requirements”. I argue that such requirements need not apply to God in a world under full human sovereignty, which presupposes that God never intervenes to change the natural course of events to prevent evils, as God has a decisive “greater good justification” for not intervening, namely respecting human sovereignty. This non-interventionist view of divine providence can be made tenable by the great good and dignity of the God-granted human God-like self-creativity implied by human sovereignty (a concept inspired by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola). The Mirandolian theodicy can both accommodate and complement Dostoyevsky’s Russian Orthodox view of “beneficial suffering”, predicated against the background of the conception of “collective selfhood”, overlooked by Sterba despite “featuring” on the cover of his book, no doubt due to his libertarian–individualistic assumptions about human agency and human flourishing, which a proponent of a theistic theodicy may do well to resist.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-151
Natasha Summerfield ◽  
Charlotte Pace

Cardiac emergencies are a relatively common occurrence in emergency practice, and cardiac drugs are essential in the management of these patients. Knowledge and understanding of the pharmacology of these drugs is important for the veterinary nurse, so that they can support the veterinary surgeon and give the best care to their patient, by being prepared and organised. Each medication needs to be carefully considered by the veterinary surgeon before use and each patient assessed accordingly. These medications have the potential to do great good, but as with most drugs, can cause harm. This article will discuss some of the more commonly used cardiac drugs in the emergency room.

2021 ◽  
Gamal Abdul Hamid

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare head and neck neoplasm worldwide. It is common among the southern Chinese with significant geographical variation with the highest incidence being in Southeast Asia up to 6.4/100,000 males and 2.4/100,000 females in these regions and the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) is associated closely with NPC. This disease has peculiarities in its etiopathogenesis, presentation, risk of nodal and distant metastasis, response to therapy and overall survival (OS) outcomes that stand out as compared to other head and neck cancer subsites. NPC is mainly treated by RT and is profoundly radiosensitive and radiotherapy treatment is the spine of treatment for all stages of NPC without far off metastases. Many advances in RT techniques and schedules are attempted to improve outcomes of the disease starting from intracavitary brachytherapy, intensity modulated RT to simultaneous modulated accelerated RT, all showing some promise with most significant benefit seen with addition of chemotherapy, especially in intermediate (Stage II) and advanced (Stage III, IVA, IVB) cases. At a time when modern radiation treatment like intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) are accomplishing great good local control, distant metastases are getting to be the transcendent design of treatment failure, particularly in patients with locally progressed illness. There are numerous results from clinical trials looking at combined radiation treatment (RT) and chemotherapy for NPC. Survival rates significantly differ between NPC patients according to stages of disease.

Wewin Febriana Dewi ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

Pondok Kelapa is an area located on the edge of East Jakarta and is dominated by settlements, according to data from BKKBN the dominance of age in Pondok Kelapa ranges from 6 years old to 22 years old, the age at which people prefer to gather to exchange information with their friends. The third place is a space for humans to meet and exchange information, this research of Third Place uses criteria from The Great Good Place, a book by Ray Oldenburg(1999). It is not home and it is not a place to work, the third place is often used as teenagers to gather. The third place has an important role for humans, therefore all humans have the right to have it in the environment they live. The lack of a third place in the Pondok Kelapa causes its citizens to go downtown where the third room is better and this causes traffics on weekends. The purpose of this research is to apply the criteria of the third place in the arts and culture building as a positive container as well as a community forum for the environment. Keywords:  Art and Culture; Expression; Third place Abstrak Pondok Kelapa adalah Kelurahan yang berada di tepi Jakarta Timur dan didominasi oleh pemukiman, menurut data dari Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (disingkat BKKBN)[1] dominasi umur di pondok kelapa berkisar 6 tahun hingga 22 tahun, umur dimana lebih suka berkumpul bertukar informasi dengan teman seusianya. Ruang ketiga adalah ruang untuk manusia bertemu dan bertukar informasi, penilitian ini menggunakan kriteria dari buku Ray Olderburg tahun 1999 yang berjudul The Great Good Place. Ruang ketiga bukan rumah dan bukan tempat berkerja, Ruang Ketiga sering dijadikan remaja untuk berkumpul. Ruang Ketiga memiliki peran penting untuk manusia, maka dari itu semua manusia berhak memilikinya di lingkungan Ia tinggal. Kurangnya ruang ketiga di pondok kelapa menyebabkan warganya pergi ke pusat kota dimana ruang ketiga lebih baik dan hal ini menyebabkan kemacetan di akhir minggu. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah menerapkan kriteria ruang ketiga pada bangunan seni dan budaya sebagai wadah positif juga wadah komunitas bagi lingkungan.

Teresa Natalia ◽  
Dewi Ratnaningrum

Ray Oldenburg, in his book entitled "The Great Good Places" explains a concept of initial space, by which one can find comfort aside from the house (first place) and workplace (second place). Unfortunately, these days, this concept of place are not familiar within the community. Alternative Green Space of Pademangan is a place which accommodates the needs and interests of the community in daily life from where visitors can interact with others in a natural environment. Lacking in open space, various potential activities by the community, and the use of road as a public space are some of the reasons behind this project. Based on field study and regional analysis, this project seeks to become a third place that provides individually and communally. Regardless to it main focus on the surrounding community, this project also opens to public and allows visitors from outside the region, making it a comfortable place to socialized. Aiming to create a light and transparent building, and with the method of critical regionalism that responds to the region, this project attempts to create a spacious place and safe haven for visitors.  Keywords: green; pademangan; third Place Ray Oldenburg, dalam bukunya yang berjudul “The Great Good Places” menawarkan sebuah konsep ruang ketiga, di mana seseorang dapat menemukan zona nyamannya di luar dari rumah (first place) dan tempat kerja (second place). Namun, sayangnya, saat ini third place belum menjadi bagian dari seluruh masyarakat, padahal third place memungkinkan seseorang untuk beristirahat sejenak dan bersosialisasi dengan sesama. Ruang Hijau Alternatif Pademangan merupakan sebuah wadah yang berusaha menjawab kebutuhan dan ketertarikan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di mana pengunjung tidak hanya dapat berinteraksi satu dengan yang lain tetapi juga dapat berinteraksi dengan ‘unsur hijau’. Kurangnya ruang terbuka hijau, banyaknya potensi kegiatan di dalam masyarakat, serta penggunaan ruang jalan sebagai ruang publik adalah beberapa alasan yang melatarbelakangi proyek ini. Berdasarkan hasil survey lapangan dan analisis kawasan, proyek ini berusaha untuk menjadi third place yang yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik secara individual maupun komunal. Terlepas dari fokus utamanya yang tertuju pada masyarakat sekitar, proyek ini juga terbuka untuk umum dan memungkinkan untuk pengunjung dari luar kawasan, menjadikannya sebuah tempat yang mampu menciptakan interaksi sekaligus memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengunjungnya. Dengan konsep bangunan yang ringan dan transparan, dan dengan metode critical regionalism yang berusaha menjawab kebutuhan kawasan, proyek ini berusaha  untuk menjadi tempat yang dapat  memberikan kesan lega dan menjadi tempat yang dapat diandalkan masyarakat setempat untuk beristirahat. 

Pinky Hemnani ◽  
Diah Anggraini

According to Rey Oldenburg in the book The Great Good Place (1997) regardless of the first place (residence / house) and second place (place of work), humans need a third place as a space to meet those needs. This need is increasing in line when the social life of the community develops from complex to multi-complex. Meanwhile, Jakarta, which is characterized by metropolitan cities in Indonesia, makes its population have a fast and instant lifestyle. The comprehension of the importance of healthy eating is one of the things that is forgotten. Unhealthy eating patterns cause urban problems with higher mortality rates at 45-50 years old. Therefore, this study aims to produce the concept of designing a third place which, in addition to being a forum for interaction, and education about healthy eating can also improve the economy through strengthening communities in urban agriculture for people in Rawa Bunga and surrounding areas. The design of the third place project uses the disprogramming method of Bernard Tchumi, by combining two different program configurations, namely: edutani program as part of a community program with a commercial program. This disprogramming method then becomes the foundation in composing time compositions, which results in building designs that can meet the characteristics of third place and open architecture; namely; playful, conversation, neutral, leveler, accessibility and accommodation, a low profile and regulars. Keywords:  agriculture education; healthy eating; third placeAbstrakMenurut Rey Oldenburg dalam buku The Great Good Place (1997) terlepas dari first place (tempat tinggal/rumah) dan second place (tempat bekerja), manusia memerlukan third place (tempat ketiga) sebagai ruang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Kebutuhan ini meningkat sejalan dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat berkembangan dari kompleks menjadi multi kompleks. Sementara itu, Jakarta yang bercirikan kota metropolitan di Indonesia membuat penduduknya memiliki gaya hidup yang serba cepat dan instan. Pemahaman masyarakat akan pentingnya pola makan sehat menjadi salah satu hal yang terlupakan. Pola makan yang tidak sehat menimbulkan permasalahan perkotaan dengan tingkat kematian yang semakin tahun semakin tinggi pada usia 45-50 tahun. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan konsep perancangan sebuah third place yang selain dapat menjadi wadah interaksi, dan edukasi tentang pola makan sehat juga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian melalui penguatan komunitas dalam pertanian perkotaan bagi masyarakat di kelurahan Rawa Bunga dan sekitarnya. Perancangan proyek third place ini menggunakan metode disprogramming dari Bernard Tchumi, dengan menggabungkan dua konfigurasi program yang berbeda yaitu: program edutani sebagai bagian dari program komunitas dengan program komersial. Metode disprogramming ini kemudian menjadi landasan dalam menyusun gubahan masa, yang menghasilkan rancangan bangunan yang dapat memenuhi karakter-karakter third place dan open architecture; yaitu playful, conversation, neutral, leveler, accessibility and accommodation, a low profile and regulars.

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