sediment core
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Maja Nipen ◽  
Rolf David Vogt ◽  
Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto ◽  
Katrine Borgå ◽  
Eliezer Brown Mwakalapa ◽  

Temporal trends of industrial organic contaminants can show how environmental burdens respond to changes in production, regulation, and other anthropogenic and environmental factors. Numerous studies have documented such trends from the Northern Hemisphere, while there is very limited data in the literature from sub-Saharan Africa. We hypothesized that the temporal trends of legacy and contemporary industrial contaminants in sub-Saharan Africa could greatly differ from the regions in which many of these chemicals were initially produced and more extensively used. For this purpose, a dated sediment core covering six decades from a floodplain system in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, was analysed. The samples were analysed for selected legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs) [polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs)] and chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) [alternative brominated flame retardants (aBFRs), chlorinated paraffins (CPs), and dechloranes]. All groups of chemicals showed a steep increase in concentrations towards the uppermost sediment layers reflecting the more recent years. Concentrations of the individual compound groups in surface sediment were found in the order CPs >> aBFRs ∼ ∑25PBDEs > dechloranes ∼ ∑32PCBs. Time trends for the individual compounds and compound groups differed, with ∑32PCBs showing presence in sediments since at least the early 1960s, while some CECs first occurred in sediments corresponding to the last decade. Investigations into potential drivers for the observed trends showed that socioeconomic factors related to growth in population, economy, and waste generation have contributed to increasing concentrations of PBDEs, aBFRs, CPs, and Dechlorane Plus. Further monitoring of temporal trends of industrial organic contaminants in urban areas in the Global South is recommended.

2022 ◽  
Vol 276 ◽  
pp. 107300
Afeng Chen ◽  
Lianjiao Yang ◽  
Hui Kang ◽  
Yuesong Gao ◽  
Zhouqing Xie

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1397
Francisco Ruiz ◽  
Manuel Pozo ◽  
María Luz González-Regalado ◽  
Joaquín Rodríguez Rodríguez Vidal ◽  
Luis Miguel Cáceres ◽  

This paper presents the easternmost mineralogical and geochemical evidence of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami found in the Western Mediterranean. This multidisciplinary analysis of a sediment core obtained in Gibraltar (southern Iberian Peninsula) has allowed us to differentiate a tsunamiite from an old lagoon (The Inundation). This tsunamigenic layer has increased levels of calcite and aragonite and higher concentrations of Ba and ferromagnesian elements in comparison with the underlying lagoonal sediments of this core. This layer is also differentiated by its paleontological record, with the introduction of marine species within this lagoon. The uppermost part of the core includes a transition from swampy/marsh paleoenvironments to terrestrial scenarios, with a final anthropogenic filling occurring during the last century.

2021 ◽  
Gregor Pfalz ◽  
Bernhard Diekmann ◽  
Johann-Christoph Freytag ◽  
Liudmila Sryrkh ◽  
Dmitry A. Subetto ◽  

Abstract. Age-depth correlations are the key elements in paleoenvironmental studies to place proxy measurements into a temporal context. However, potential influencing factors of the available radiocarbon data and the associated modeling process can cause serious divergences of age-depth correlations from true chronologies, which is particularly challenging for paleolimnological studies in Arctic regions. This paper provides geoscientists with a tool-assisted approach to compare outputs from age-depth modeling systems and to strengthen the robustness of age-depth correlations. We primarily focused in the development on age determination data from a data collection of high latitude lake systems (50° N to 90° N, 62 sediment cores, and a total of 661 dating points). Our approach used five age-depth modeling systems (Bacon, Bchron, clam, hamstr, Undatable) that we linked through a multi-language Jupyter Notebook called LANDO (“Linked age and depth modeling”). Within LANDO we have implemented a pipeline from data integration to model comparison to allow users to investigate the outputs of the modeling systems. In this paper, we focused on highlighting three different case studies: comparing multiple modeling systems for one sediment core with a continuous, undisturbed succession of dating points (CS1 - “Undisturbed sequence”), for one sediment core with scattered dating points (CS2 - “Inconsistent sequence”), and for multiple sediment cores (CS3 - “Multiple cores”). For the first case study (CS1), we showed how we facilitate the output data from all modeling systems to create an ensemble age-depth model. In the special case of scattered dating points (CS2), we introduced an adapted method that uses independent proxy data to assess the performance of each modeling system in representing lithological changes. Based on this evaluation, we reproduced the characteristics of an existing age-depth model (Lake Ilirney, EN18208) without removing age determination data. For the multiple sediment core (CS3) we found that when considering the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the main regime changes in sedimentation rates do not occur synchronously for all lakes. We linked this behavior to the uncertainty within the modeling process as well as the local variability of the sediment cores within the collection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 584 ◽  
pp. 110678
Keshao Liu ◽  
Yongqin Liu ◽  
Anyi Hu ◽  
Feng Wang ◽  
Jie Liang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Yukihisa Sanada ◽  
Yoshimi Urabe ◽  
Toshiharu Misonou ◽  
Takehiko Shiribiki ◽  
Takahiro Nakanishi ◽  

AbstractLarge quantities of volatile radionuclides were released into the atmosphere and the hydrosphere following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident on March, 2011. Monitoring of radiocesium in sediment is important for evaluating the behavior of radiocesium in the environment and its effect on aquatic organisms. In this study, the radiocesium distribution in the surface sediment around the FDNPP was visualized as a radiocesium concentration map using periodical survey data from a towed gamma-ray detection system. The uncertainty of the radiocesium map was evaluated via comparison with a large amount of sediment core sample data. The characteristics of the radiocesium distribution were examined considering the seafloor topography and a geological map, which were obtained via acoustic wave survey. The characteristics of the formation of 137Cs anomaly at the estuaries were analyzed using a contour map of 137Cs concentration combined with water depth. Validation of the created map showed that it was comparable with actual sediment core samples. The map generated using the towed radiation survey depicted the 137Cs concentration distribution as the position resolution of a 1 km mesh. Finally, the 137Cs concentration decreased with time in consideration of such uncertainty.

Marlene M. Lenz ◽  
Andrei Andreev ◽  
Larisa Nazarova ◽  
Liudmila S. Syrykh ◽  
Stephanie Scheidt ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1481-1503
Carolin Kiefer ◽  
Patrick Oswald ◽  
Jasper Moernaut ◽  
Stefano Claudio Fabbri ◽  
Christoph Mayr ◽  

Abstract. The frequency of debris flows is hypothesized to have increased in recent decades with enhanced rainstorm activity. Geological evidence to test the relationship between climate and debris flow activity for prehistoric times is scarce due to incomplete sediment records, complex stratigraphy, and insufficient age control, especially in Alpine environments. In lacustrine archives, the link between onshore debris flow processes and the sedimentary record in lakes is poorly investigated. We present an amphibious characterization of alluvial fan deltas and a continuous 4000-year debris flow record from Plansee (Tyrol, Austria), combining light detection and ranging (lidar) data, swath bathymetry, and sediment core analyses. The geomorphic investigation of two fan deltas in different developmental stages revealed an evolutionary pattern of backfilling and new channel formation onshore, together with active subaqueous progradation on a juvenile fan delta, major onshore sediment deposition, and only few, but larger, subaqueous deposits on a mature fan delta. Geomorphic evidence for stacked and braided debris flow lobes, subaquatic landslide deposits, and different types of turbidites in sediment cores facilitated a process-based event identification, i.e. distinguishing between debris-flow-induced or earthquake-induced turbidites throughout the 4000-year sedimentary record. We directly correlate subaqueous lobe-shaped deposits with high backscatter signals to terrestrial debris flow activity of the last century. Moreover, turbidite thickness distribution along a transect of four cores allows us to pinpoint numerous events as being related to debris flow activity on a juvenile fan delta. In the sediment core, debris-flow-induced turbidites feature a more gradual fining upward grain size trend and higher TOC (total organic carbon) and δ13C values compared to earthquake-induced turbidites. The 4000-year event record contains 138 debris-flow-induced turbidites separated into four phases of similar debris flow activity (df phases). df phase 1 (∼2120 to ∼2040 before the common era – BCE) reflects the second-highest observed event frequencies and is interpreted as being a postseismic landscape response. After a long period of long recurrence intervals without any outstanding increases in debris flow activity during df phase 2 (∼2040 BCE to ∼1520 common era – CE), there are slightly increased event frequencies in df phase 3 (∼1520 to ∼1920 CE). df phase 4 (∼1920 to 2018 CE) exhibits a drastic increase in debris flow activity, followed by the overall highest debris flow frequency of the whole record, which is about 7 times higher than during df phase 3. We show that the frequency increase in the debris-flow-induced turbidite record matches a previously postulated increase in debris flow events derived from aerial photography at Plansee in the last century. The triggering of debris flows is more controlled by short, intense precipitation than any other mass movement process, and we demonstrate that lacustrine debris flow records provide a unique inventory of hazard-relevant rainstorm frequencies over decades, centuries, and millennia. The presented increase in debris flow frequency since the start of the 20th century coincides with a twofold enhanced rainstorm activity in the Northern European Alps and, therefore, provides a novel technique for the systematic understanding of non-stationary debris flow frequencies in a changing climate.

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